Monday, December 28, 2015

1st Fantagraphics free booklet - Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax-Crepax collection

Valentina by Guido Crepax

Organizing the 1st Fantagraphics free booklet with tributes done to the 50th anniversary of Valentina by Guido Crepax by international artists was extremely difficult for us to choose over the quality of all the artworks and feedback received by all of them.

This 1st booklet will include 24 tributes that will be available to order at Fantagraphics store that will go along Fantagraphics 1st Crepax book, since we loved all of them with the artists awesome skills, artwork and visions of this iconic character.

The artists that will have their Valentina by Guido Crepax vision on the 1st free booklet are:

Argentina - ED ED
Brazil - Alex Korolkovas and Eduardo Filipe Sama
Croatia - Danijel Zezelj
Italy - Sergio Ponchione
Japan - John Kurokawa
Mexico - Tony Sandoval
New Zealand - Dylan Horrocks
Portugal - Ricardo Drumond
Spain - Felipe H. Navarro, Pedro Espinosa, Sandra Hernández and Santiago Sequeiros
UK - David Lloyd
USA - Bill Sienkiewicz, Bob Burden, Ethan Persoff, George Pratt, Gilbert Hernandez, Mark Wheatley, Noah Van Sciver, Olivia De Berardinis, Peter Kuper and Richard Sala

This free booklet will also contain a tribute short story to Valentina drawn by Argentine artist ED that is set in Barcelona.

We're already preparing the second free booklet with other excellent artists that made a tribute to Valentina by Guido Crepax to follow the 2nd Crepax book from Fantagraphics of a collection of 10 books that will includes 24 tributes each to Valentina by Guido Crepax by international artists.

Please do remember that this is a free booklet that comes with the Crepax book collection and that it's exclusive of Fantagraphics store or webstore, so in order for you to have these excellent free booklets, you must order them directly at Fantagraphics along with Crepax 1st book and following nine Crepax book collection.
1st Fantagraphics Crepax book cover of a collection of 10

Many thanks to all the excellent international artists that made excellent artwork over an iconic character such as Valentina by Guido Crepax on her 50th Anniversary and to Caterina Crepax and Gary Groth for their support.
 Special thanks to my wife and princess Paula Fonseca and to my muse kitty Ilvie.
Due to the visit of Caterina Crepax to Porto, I've asked Spanish artists Pedro Espinosa and Fidel Martiñez Nadal and Argentine artist Ed to pay a tribute to Valentina by Guido Crepax in the city of Porto as a souvenir to his daughter.

 Special thanks to them aswell.

Tribute to Valentina by Crepax in Porto by Spanish artist - Pedro Espinosa

Tribute to Valentina by Crepax in Porto by Argentine artist - Ed 

Tribute to Valentina by Crepax in Porto by Spanish artist - Fidel Martiñez Nadal

Caterina Crepax holding ED's tribute to Valentina by Guido Crepax in Porto

Caterina Crepax holding Fidel Martiñez Nadal tribute to Valentina by Guido Crepax with my wife and princess Paula Fonseca in Porto

A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...