Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Narrative - Life and Death exhibition - International artists - Paris 2018

While I was organizing this exhibition in my mind to be held in France in April or May this year, I suddenly read on the world wide web that the original model for Death comic book charater of Sandman saga named Cinamon Hadley written by Neil Gaiman died on the 6th January 2018.
 It struck me on my mind that "death" was gone and that we only "get what anyone gets... you get a lifetime" quoting Mr Neil Gaiman.

 Cinamon HADLEY being the model for Neil Gaiman's Death comic book character

Cinamon Hadley

 I know that life's a fleeting moment for any being in this planet, I always prefered life above death, because there's happyness in life with Alpha and Omega in a continuous circle of beings that we meet or that we comunicate with.
 I know that evil people are everywhere, but why fighting when in the end of this life that we've,  we'll all be cosmic dust?
Like I always do in exhibitions that I curate, I've asked for artworks from international artists (since this is my work and this is my life).
 Comunicating with them is easy, either in social networks or by email, sometimes I joke with them and they joke with me, because we all know that this life that we've is not fair, since we've to entertain human beings based on how we "see" the world and sometimes this is not "seen" as a job.
 To be able to entertain people.
 To be able to exhibit your work.
 To be able to show who you're.
 To be able to show where your roots stand.
For hundreds of years, artists were "seen" by society as outcasts, as people without a voice while living, but after they're dead, they suddenly turn into icons and that's not how I see artists or arts.
 This is a puzzle within my heart and soul because I truly believe in the power of women and men that provide life and light in this world that was filled with darkness until the appearance of beings in this planet several millions of years ago, so I've added in this post along with sample artworks by the best artists in the world some pictures of my personal life, Peaky Blinders TV series (that I love a lot) in order  to try to write a sort of narrative that could be emotional and fair for this exhibition.
 It's a known fact that since the beginning of mankind, writers, poets, artists are good vampires that create worlds within worlds based on what they see with images or words and I know that I'm a vampire also.
 Here's a list of some good international "vampires" organized by countries that are helping me in another journey with their awesome artworks (and other international artists are also entering in this boat/journey in the upcoming days):

Pablo Burman 

Mirror looking towards you

Looking towars a mirror

Trapped in a wall 

Teke Teke

Cosmic dust 

Martin Arrizalbaga

Gazing at the stars

Dario Mekler

Pit and the Pendulum

Carlos Dearmas

Time - Alpha and Omega

German Genga

Snake woman 

Christophe Swijsen 


Why war?

A raven

In the trenches?

A pretty woman

A soldier

Douglas P. Lobo

What's man?

Gelson Mallorca

What will become of men?

What will become of women?

Henrik Kim Rehr

Light in a world

Vultures in shadows



A path

A pet's love 

Cosmic dust

Human beings




Where are we?

Isabel Pessoa

Memories of a mother - 01

Memories of a mother - 02

Memories of a mother - 03

Marcel Rujters

Life and death dancing 

An ageless song

Circle  of life

Terhi Ekebom

Where are we?

A cure?


John Kurokawa

Fallen angel

Gianluca Costantini

Barcelona message

China message

Rolando Cicatelli

Women as center of life  

Women as source of life

Stefano Zattera 

Skull Foureyes

Gaston Ortiz

No fear

Nikodem Cabala

Time and choices

Daniel Esteve

A midsummer's night dream donkey playing hamlet

Diego Fermin 

What's an artist?

Who am I?

Enrico Fiori

Love without borders 


Symbol - 01

Symbol - 02




Javier Olivares

A wounded man 

Jon Ander Azaola

Bleeding heart

A circle 

Ruben Pellejero


Life and light

What am I doing here?

Sancho Retáblez

Am I a machine?

Toni Benages Gallard

Are you for real? 

Lars Erik Sjunesson

Heart's beating

Max Andersson


Car boy

Life playing with death 

Nicolas Krizan

Burning sun




Brian Biggs

Dia de los muertos 

Bill Koeb 


Danielle Otraki



Jon Kutzer 

What am I doing?

Mark Wheatley

Where's my mother?

 Being a world wide art exhibitions curator with help by several international artists makes my mind spin and spin and as a simple (human) being in this universe, I love to figure out how to prepare exhibitions with artworks on printed papers and a tiny bit of who I am, so sometimes it seems that I'm dealing cards thinking on how to join all the tiny dots working and living my own personal life at public coffeeshops where "real" life is while trying to communicate  with everybody in the best possible way that I can. 

Samples display - 01

Samples display - 02

Samples display - 03

Samples display - 04

Samples display - 05

Samples display - 06

Samples display - 07

 After the samples artworks gathered I glue all of them with some personal images of my own life in order to create a puzzle within a narrative that should make sense in my mind as the samples that they're for this or any other exhibition that I've curated or will curate in the upcoming future with help by international artists.

Personalized Samples - 01

Personalized Samples - 02

Personalized Samples - 03

Personalized Samples - 04

Personalized Samples - 05

Personalized Samples - 06

Personalized Samples - 07

Personalized Samples - 08

Personalized Samples - 09

Personalized Samples - 10

Personalized Samples - 11

Personalized Samples - 12

Personalized Samples - 13

I truly believe that we as human beings are inspired by what we see or watch in our own professional work.
 I just love Peaky Blinders Tv Series, where love and family is above everything in the world, because in this series, we clearly can watch and see life messages, its beginning and its end in a vicious circle with simple human beings who love what they're and their purpose in life by being mere characters in a Tv show while playing some part in life.


Angel or devil?




The kill

A talk


 I also love to put a bit of my personal life in what I write, because since I was a child until now I was and I am always surrounded by women and they taught and teach me a lot, so I try to teach what I've learnt or I'm learning about what a woman is or what will be to my six nieces and even cousins by trying to put on their essence an artistic feeling and making them believe that they can conquer the world if they want, not living in any doubts or among shadows within shadows since they're light in this world .

My youngest niece Letícia with my coat at night being some sort of little vampire ;)

Of course that she loves me and I'll always love her, since our blood is the same in life 

Portrait of myself by my youngest niece Letícia

Portrait of a kitty that I've used to have also by Letícia 

A true artist like my youngest niece shows her heart and soul

In some sort of a theater play with my cousin that even injured entered on it

With my youngest niece and my little cousin Luna

A little artist giving autographs to ladies - part 01

A little artist giving autographs to ladies - part 02

A little artist giving autographs to ladies - part 03

With Spanish Artist Chris Stygryt and his wife Carmen Villar 

Hoping that this exhibition can be as sucessful as the others that I've curated in the past with help by the best artists in the world.
 I have to thank to all these artists/human beings/friends from all over the world that believe in my skills and that I do treasure in my professional and personal life until the next post about this exhibition.

 Manuel Espírito Santo     

A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...