Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Info about Zombierella's project and a book anthology with help by Nordic Artists

Writing a post as complex as this one in my mind about Zombierella's book project with help by more than 50 international artists that created masterpieces based on my friend and excellent musician/character/21st century woman named Svetlana (or to whom sometimes I simply call Zombie) makes me also wonder about another book anthology that I'm trying to edit and publish at Fantagraphics
 named "lost in a nordic dream" with help by Swedish artists Knut Larsson, Max Andersson, Clara Bessijelle Johansson, Nicolas Krizan, Lars Erik Sjunesson, Danish Artist Henrik Kim Rehr, Finnish Artist Terhi Ekebom, Norwegian artist Lars Fiske and Polish artist Bartosz Jekiel with a simple theme named "life and death" that links all short stories by these excellent artists mentioned above.
I dwell in my heart and soul between work and my own life, because I love to put a bit of who I am in my work with help by international artists, my family, my memories, pets or women.

Zombierella's seen through the eyes of Italian artist Marco Polenta 

A kitty that I've used to have among books and Zombierella's seen through the eyes of Swedish artist Nicolas Krizan while a Zombie's is reading a book based on Svetlana Zombierella Nagaeva 

An awesome artwork based on a 20st century woman by American artist George Pratt that was published in April 2016 at Italian Playboy magazine without this artist being paid for his published work and with a curious title in Italian that in english language means "men that love women" for this article with the previous mentioned illustration.

Printed pic of Svetlana Zombierella Nagaeva gazing at a Felix the cat poster while wearing a t-shirt with this same cartoon character in it and two randoms pics of myself as a newborn carried by my aunt Gloria and as a child.

Printed pic of Svetlana Zombierella Nagaeva with a curious selfie and printed pic of myself with one of my youngest cousins in the left kissing me and my youngest niece Letícia showing me where she keeps the simple gifts that I give her.

Printed pics of myself in the company of a 21st century woman and with my youngest niece Letícia (that in some years will become one also).

Printed pic of one of my nieces named Isaurinha with her playing with a kitty that I used to have in my life and with the best friend of my youngest niece Letícia

Printed pic of myself wearing a personalized bag with pics of myself and my youngest niece Letícia

Pic of the city where I was born at dawn 

When I'm involved in some book projects with help by international artists, I do try to search for inspiration on music, movies or TV series like HBO's Westworld one that deals with the complexity of ourselves as human beings and the choices that we've to make.
The second season that ended last Sunday contained thoughts, ideas, references to life and even to the holy bible by gathering and linking its plot with what's real and what's inagination in this virtual world that we live on in the 21st century, so I've thought on sharing on this post some randoms sentences that pop in this TV series without trying to spoil its clear message to readers of this post that haven't watched it yet, while trying to do some sort of narrative in my mind for the projects that I'm involved in right now.

Pic of Westworld season 2 Tv series with a quote that I love 

1st Portuguese subtitles for the season 2 finale of this TV series with translation to English: 
"Freeze all motor functions" 

2nd Portuguese subtitles for the season 2 finale of this TV series with translation to English: 
"Let's try it again" 

3rd Portuguese subtitles for the season 2 finale of this TV series with translation to English: 
"What is real..." 

3rd Portuguese subtitles for the season 2 finale of this TV series with translation to English: 
"It's irreplacable

4th Portuguese subtitles for the season 2 finale of this TV series with translation to English: 
"Nothing stands in our path now"

5th Portuguese subtitles for the season 2 finale of this TV series with translation to English: 
"I can see the end"   

6th Portuguese subtitles for the season 2 finale of this TV series with translation to English: 
"This is the end"  

7th Portuguese subtitles for the season 2 finale of this TV series with translation to English: 
"There's only one question that needs to be answered."  

8th Portuguese subtitles for the season 2 finale of this TV series with translation to English: 
"Will you help me?"  

A quote that I love in Westworld Tv series by Anthony Hopkins that makes sense in life.

Second quote that I love in Westworld Tv series by Ed Harris that searches for some meaning in this magnificient Tv series and in life.

A pic of myself trying to figure out what to do with written narratives and ideas in order for books to become published in English language based on a complex theme such as "life and death", a 21st century woman as a character while wearing a personalized t-shirt by Swedish artist Max Andersson
Many thanks to all artists that support some of my ideas with their artworks and also some of their own ideas.
Special thanks to Svetlana Zombierella Nagaeva who's an excellent character/21st century woman and to my family
Manuel Espírito Santo 

A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...