Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Random narrative based on my work inside books, Zombierella, Autobiography and "Lost in a nordic dream" projects with help by international artists

Several times, I clearly don't know where I am after working on book collections for more than four years based on Italian artist Guido Crepax or Argentine artist Alberto Breccia for an well know comic book publisher in U.S.A who stole me my work on these collections that started inside a tiny little corner of my mind and that are being distributed all over the world.
 I'm almost sure that I don't live in Twin Peaks town, that was passed into Tv screens in the early 90's and on 2017 and that was created by the minds of American artists Marc Frost and David Lynch.
 I know that all my nieces give me all the energy in the world, particularly the youngest one named Letícia that is proud of the uncle that she has.

My youngest niece Letícia and myself 

Clearly knowing who I am, I've decided to work in several art projects with help by the best international artists that I know of in worlwide exhibitions curated by me, be it with themes such as my own work while working with paper women that were created by Italian artist Crepax like the examples of Valentina or Belinda that were depicted by more than 100 international artists, Cats as pets, Identity, Autobiography, Alberto Breccia, Zombierella, or Mascara Girl by more than 80 of the best international artists ever and whose artworks can be actually seen in previous posts in this same blogue.
 I know that writing narratives, mixing reality with fiction is an hard subject to deal with, nevertheless, I started working on them with help by international artists/singers/women/21st century women/human beings.
 It was hard joining forces with more than 100 international artists from all over this blue planet called Earth.
 Working with Svetlana Zombierella Nagaeva is quite simple, she borrows me her character while she's playing or touring with Russian band Messer Chups and I do remember making an interview to the band's leader Oleg Guitaracula and Svetlana on previous posts in this same blogue.

Messer Chups poster by Rockin Eugene 

Writing a simple narrative isn't simple at all, so I've asked a friend to start reading a book to me, in order for my mind to be synched or framed inside reality.

A woman reading a book

Random thoughts appear in my mind while I vision artworks that I've organized like the ones below from left to right, based on myself by Serbian artist Branko Djukic, Belinda paper character created by Italian maestro Crepax with artworks based on her by Japanese artist John Kurokawa, Croatian artist Danijel Zezelj, Brazilian artist Alex Korolkovas, Valentina comic book character (also created by Crepax) with artworks based on her by Spanish artist Sonia Pulido or Argentine artist Mr Ed, Russian musician Mascara Girl with artworks based on her by Argentine artist Pablo Burman, Russian musician Polina Aigre with an artwork by Italian artist Rolando Cicatelli, once again with artworks based on Russian musician Mascara Girl with artworks by Mexican artist Gaston Ortiz, Japanese Artist John Kurokawa, American Artist Erik von Erik or last but not least my friend and Russian musician Svetlana Zombierella Nagaeva with artworks by Italian artist Rolando Cicatelli, Spanish artists Jon Ander Azaola or Ruben Pellejero, Italian artist Stefano Zattera or Turkish artist Ayse Maktas.

Artworks by international artists based on paper women created by Italian artist Guido Crepax vs real women like Svetlana Zombierella Nagaeva, Mascara Girl and Polina Aigre

Is it hard working based on real women and it help by international artists?

I believe that it's not simple, but with a simple phone, I actually try to make it more simple than it actually is.

A phone by Swedish artist Lars Erik Sjunesson

I know that on Zombierella's project, I do trust Svetlana and she trusts me while some of the best international artists ever depict her as the beautiful woman that she clearly is and that can be seen in the picture below.


Zombierella seen by Italian artist Bernardino Constantino - 01 

Zombierella seen by Italian artist Bernardino Constantino - 02

Zombierella seen by Italian artist Bernardino Constantino - 03

Zombierella seen by Italian artist Bernardino Constantino - 04

Zombierella seen by Italian artist Le nevralgi costanti 

Zombierella seen by Italian artist Osvaldo Casanova

Zombierella seen by Italian artist Andro Malis

Zombierella seen by Italian artist Bernardino Constantino - 05

Zombierella seen by Italian artist ED Amok

Zombierella seen by French artist Phillipe Gurel - 01

Zombierella seen by Italian artist Alberto Lavadori

Zombierella seen by French artist Phillipe Gurel - 02

I clearly believe in the sentence below my picture.

Just BE yourself 

Working on narratives with women as their main subject, makes me wonder about if "that chewing gum you like is going to come back in style" or not while I actually see Messer Chups members in a bar where Twin Peaks Tv series was shot, Russian musician Polina Aigre lost in Notre Dame - Paris or myself lost or found in the prettiest city in the all world.

Where Twin Peaks Tv series enter and suddenly disappears 

I know that I love books, movies, Tv series, music, to read, watch and listen to them in order to be inspired by them and write my own narratives with a clear purpose on my mind.

A simple guy reading "the invisibles" by Scottish writer Grant Morrison - 01

A simple guy reading "the invisibles" by Scottish writer Grant Morrison - 02

Comic strip by Swedish artist Lars Erik Sjunesson 

Some of the best contemporary international artists also created some magnificient artworks based on my physical appearance and that can be seen in this and previous posts in this same blogue.

Vision of myself by Italian artist Bernardino Constantino - 01

Vision of myself by Italian artist Bernardino Constantino - 02

Sometimes I do think about "What's next?" within my mind.

Thinking on "what's next?"

Other times, I find myself "lost in a nordic dream" with help by Scandinavian artists.

Preliminary sketch based on myself and Finnish artist Terhi Ekebom by Canadian artist Stan Wany

There are times when I'm actually reading while thinking on "The kindly ones".

Reading "The Kindly ones" by English writer Neil Gaiman 

There're times when I'm watching Peaky Blinders Tv series and writing love poems to Svetlana Seferovic.

Drawing based on myself by Serbian artist Svetlana Seferovic 

Serbian artist Svetlana Seferovic 

I know that I'm always thinking on narratives to create without a previous written script like Chinese director Wong Kar Wai's does based on what I see on this life and with help by the best international artists that I know of.

Lost inside a Wong Kar Wai book 

I also know that written words scream inside us all as human beings even we do create images without them and that we can be lost in a labirinthic maze of ideas like we were in a simple theater play named life that tells us to EXIT it several times.

With an original tribute to Zombierella by Italian artist Andro Malis 

Written words that I think upon with a pen and pencil decorated with Portuguese tiles

A theater play and a simple comic book

Maybe we as human beings are always a bit lost in life where sometimes directions are given to us in a conceptual idea where only lovers are real alive.

A simple woman showing me a direction 

An artwork by Serbian artist Branko Djukic based on a woman without a direction

Sometimes people try to relegate ourselves to our own mysery like Reich told us in the magnificient book below.

A simple guy holding a book named "listen little man" by Wilhelm Reich 

I know that I never had in life a clear notion of Vendetta, even if days are being wild or if I feel like Mickey Mouse character.

An original artwork given to me by British artist David Lloyd that created "V for Vendetta" book along English writer Alan Moore

A picture of one of my favorite dialogues ever in movies in Wong kar Wai's masterpiece "Days of being wild"

An artwork based on myself as Mickey Mouse character by Italian artist Andro Malis 

I know that I always loved and will always love to write love stories to simple/common/beautiful women, clearly knowing that the prettiest women in my life will always be my nieces, because I truly believe that in life blood does matter.


A beautiful woman to whom I write love stories

Me and one of my nieces 

Da mui nobre, sempre leal e invicta cidade do Porto 


A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...