Sunday, May 25, 2014

Exhibition Guido Crepax at X international Beja comics festival of 2014

Tribute to Guido Crepax works  Invicta Indie Arts
In July 2011 I remember reading about an exhibition of Guido Crepax works at “Viñetas del Atlantico” at Vigo (I even thought in going there with my wife Paula Fonseca with another couple) in October on Brasil at Rio Comic Con and I had the feeling that these exhibitions were a valuable one to these cons.

I thought on making something like this on Portugal dedicated to one of the all time masters and due to personal issues and the making of a comics multimedia festival at Porto called Mab organized by me and my wife Paula Fonseca and made on March 2012 (I thought on trying to contact Crepax family for this con, but after the conditions that were imposed to me at the time, I had to forget over it), took two years trying to make an exhibition of this artist in Portugal. So, I’ve contacted Crepax family that were always pleased with this idea, after I contacted my friend Paulo Monteiro to see if this exhibition could be made at the X Beja international comics con this year.

When these two answers were positive, I thought with the collaboration of Beja Comics com, making a beautiful exhibition over the works of this artist.

So, we can see at Beja an exhibition with the following originals:

• 10 with his creation Valentina
• 2 with his creation Anita
• 1 with his creation Bianca
• 1 Dracula (literary adaptation of the work by Bram Stoker)
• 1 with his creation Belinda

I thought also on showing to the public almost all his literary adaptations:

• Casanova - Andrew Miller
• Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson

Oficial poster for X Beja Comics Con
Dracula- Bram Stoker
Emmanuelle - Emmanuelle Arsan
Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
Justine - Marquis De Sade
Murders in Rue Morgue  - Edgar Allan Poe
Story of O - Pauline Reage
Story of the Eye- Georges Bataille
The Immortal Story - Karen Blixen
The Process - Kafka
The Turn of the Screw - Henry James
Venus in Furs - Sacher Masoch

On this exhibition we could see also a photo of the artist with her daughter and another one with his friend Hugo Pratt (the creator of the character “Corto Maltese”)

Valentina and Corto Maltese
Paul Gravett
I’ve tried to contact several experts over comics from my country to a possible talk about Crepax and his works and since they were unavailable, I’ve contacted the biggest expert, journalist and promoter on the world over this art form to come to this comics con (always with the collaboration of Paulo Monteiro and Beja) he was really nice and he was delighted to come to Portugal to talk about Guido Crepax works with the presence of his son and daughter: Antonio and Caterina Crepax, the Brazilian artist Sama and myself at 31st over the rebirth of Caliber Comics, which was the publisher behind the biggest names on comics now, names like: Brian Michael Bendis, David Mack, Phil Hester, Guy Davis, Vince Locke, J’O. Barr, John Bergin, Greg Ruth, Michael Lark among many others, at the same May at 22h30 at Beja and place and on the 1st June 12h30 with Brazilian artist Sama and myself again.

Negative Burn
The Crow
Paul Gravett was always available to these talks and he’ll bring here his latest book “Comics Unmasked”, which was made over a movement about the influence of comics at Great Britain throughout history. For those who don’t know his importance at this art form, I can add that he was the person behind Escape magazine that appeared on 1983 that ran through 19 numbers and that was the first publisher of artists like: Eddie Campbell, Neil Gaiman, Dave Mckean, Hunt Emerson, Paul Grist, Rian Hughes, Shaky Kane, Woodrow Phoenix, Warren Pleece, Savage Pencil, Carol Swain, its last number appeared on 1989. Since then he dedicated his life to promote comic books all over the world on events, newspapers, cons and started to publish several books with all genre and themes on this art.

In 2004 publishes "MANGA-Sixty Years Of Japanese Comics" which tells us over the difference between Manga and American comic books and graphic novels; the life and career of Osamu Tezuka, creator of “Astro Boy” and the father of Manga. In this book, he also writes over Manga made for boys since the 60’s to our days, its genre and themes approached like: psychological terror and apocalyptic visions and the censorship and protest with Manga as a product of exportation to other countries and its influence in the world.

In 2005 publishes Graphic Novels: Everything You Need to Know:

In this book, he writes about the specific language on comics, its industry, its history and its pioneers until the recent masterpieces from Art Spiegelman's "Maus" to Chris Ware's "Jimmy Corrigan", the impact of Japanese Manga and the European graphic novels translated into English and the way that comic book artists dealt with the prejudice on our society towards this art by approaching themes like: the role of comics on childhood, war, politics, the future, sexuality and supernatural.

In 2006 publishes "Great British Comics" that give us his vision of the british artists that started to be succeeded on the american, giving us also his vision of how this art was seen in society from the 20’s till the 90’s with input on creations such as: Dennis the menace, Dan Dare, Judge Dredd and the british magazine 2000AD.

In 2007 publishes "CULT FICTION: Art & Comics" where he explores autobiography on comics among cult pieces with artists like: Julie Doucet, Posy Simmonds¸ Debbie Drechsler, Robert Crumb, Daniel Clowes, Alan Moore among others.

On 2008 publishes "The Mammoth Book of Best Crime Comics" with artists like: Alan Moore Dashiell Hammett, Mickey Spillane, Will Eisner, Jack Cole, Jack Kirby, Jacques Tardi, Muñoz & Sampayo, Neil Gaiman in which he approaches the American “noir” genre and crime comics.

In 2009 publishes "Ctrl.Alt.Shift Unmasks Corruption" that gives an idea of how politics are seen on comics with artists like: Woodrow Phoenix (UK), Aleksandar Zograf (Serbia), WarrenPleece (UK), Bryan Talbot (UK), Dave Mckean (UK), Dylan Horrocks (New Zealand ) among others.

In 2011 publishes by Taschen: "1001 Comics You Must Read Before You Die" (a book that was translated into several languages) with the collaboration of other experts from all over the world on comics that give us their opinion on the best masterpieces on comics in the world.

In 2013 publishes "Comics Art:The 21st Century Medium" on which he aproaches comics as a true art, showing us its influence on the other arts, from cinema, design, literature with an acurate writing, filled with substance for us to understand the importance of comics and that gave birth to an exhibition at Tate Gallery in London.

And In 2014 publishes “Comics Unmasked” showing us a movement that it’s happening in England, where we can read over all the comics that existo n the british library and all its history on this country with works by artists like: Neil Gaiman, Grant Morrison, Dave Gibbons and Mark Millar. In this book and the exhibition, it’s explained that perhaps the first comic book was made in England on 1825 with “Glasgow Looking Glass” from William Heath. The author Paul Gravett will bring this book and others to the X festival internacional de Beja de 2014 for signings and autographs.

To make this exhibition a bit more relevant, with the collaboration of Guido Crepax daughter: Caterina Crepax and myself, we thought on making a tribute/homage to her father with Portuguese and foreign artists. Here’s the list of all the artists that were contacted and were willing to pay their tribute/homage to Guido Crepax and their works.

On the XVI Century and when people started talking over Lycantropy, I’ve found this artista lost among the wolves, some years later I’ve found him again at mui nobre e invicta cidade do Porto and since that time, we still talk over comics – Works by the artist Metamorfis (2011), Prosjektet Ragnarok (2012), Morkness (2014)

Tribute to Valentina by Tiago Araújo
Tribute to Valentina by Tiago Araújo

Projektet Ragnarok
Flower Flesh Chronicles

Artist that I’ve found on a trip to old Greece that told me over the possibilities of comics on the X Century and that I’ve found again on the XXI century at nobre e invicta cidade do Porto – Works by the artist - "A Formula da Felicidade volume 1" com Nuno Duarte (2009), - "A Formula da Felicidade volume 2" com Nuno Duarte(2010), "Mucha" com David Soares (2009), "Hawk" com André Oliveira (2014)

Tribute to Valentina by Osvaldo Medina
Tribute to Valentina by Osvaldo Medina
Volume 01

On 1492 I’ve found this artist on the boat “niña de Cristovão Colombo and he also told me that he would find a new continent  and tlk over the various ways of doing comic books – Books by the artist: “Fúria” (1999); “Fava !…! (2000); “Pai Natal – um estudo morfológico” (2001), A 25,Sempre a Abril! (2002), "Há piores" (2011), "Há piores 2" (2012), "Bestof : Tirado das Prateleiras" (2013), "Segunda oportunidade" (2014) e "Há piores 3" (2014) (To be released at Beja)

Tribute to  Valentina by Derradé

On 1192 I've found this artist on a trip that I've made to Japan and we immediately started talking over comics; his work back then was oficial “head chopper” of the Shogun, with this blood work, he started being called merely as: Sama, and since those old times, we continue to meet each other at muy nobre e invicta cidade do Porto, while talking of new forms of making comic books - Books by the artist: "A balada de Johnny Furacão" (2010), "Cadernos de Sama" (2013), Created of the animated series Motel Sama that's being broadcasted at Canal Brasil (2014) and "A song for Johnny Hurricane" (translation of his masterpiece)  to be released also at Beja this year.
Tribute to Valentina by Sama
Tribute to Valentina by Sama
First edition of "A balada de Johnny
Furacão" by Sama
Os cadernos de Sama - Volume I
Poster of animation short series Motel Sama

Tribute to Valentina by Sergio Toppi

Master of italian comic books that work for the following magazines:  Linus, Srgt Kirk, Corto Maltese, AlterLinus, L'eternauta, l’uomo del Nilo and his book: "Sharaz-de - Tales from the arabian nights" published by the french publisher  Mosquito on 2000 and on 2013 by the american Archaia.
Sharaz-De published
by Archaia

Tribute to Valentina by Drumond

On 1721 I've met this artist at the russian empire, back then, he was always telling me over what happened to the CZARS and all their artistic treasures. From time to time, I see him at nobre e invicta cidade do Porto and ask him for a drawing and give him some words.  –Work:  Ilustrator, graphic designer and storyteller

Game of Thrones - Stark Family

Homenagem a Valentina por Diogo Carvalho

On 286 I've found this artist on a lost battle, wounded in battle by the romans and while in transe started talking with me over comic books and since then, I believe on almost everything that he says to me. Books by him. - "Obscurum Nocturnus" (2014) - also to released at Beja this year.

Diogo CarvalhoObscurum Nocturnus

Tribute to Valentina by Corrado Mastantuono

Tribute by the great CORRADO MASTANTUONO to Guido Crepax: Valentina - One of the many excellent artists from um dos vários colaboradores da editora Bonelli, conhecido pelo seu trabalho para as revistas: L'Eternauta, Nick Raider e Mágico Vento.

Tribute to Valentina by Pasquale Frisenda

Homage by PASQUALE FRISENDA  to Guido CrepaxValentina, another one of the excellent artists by Bonelli, konwn by his work for the following magazines –– Ken Parker Magazine, Tex e Dylan DogSergio Bonelli.

Tribute to Valentina by Sérgio Rocha

When animals talked and Eve spoke to a  serpent condemning all mankind forever, the first person that I've talked to was this audio/visual composer  ; that designed an exclusive poster and flyers based on Crepax: Valentina. He'll also be the person that will make the soundtrack for the exhibition to be held at Beja 2014 and will release there a limited edition CD of it. 

Flyer (verso) por Sérgio Rocha



I've contacted this company to pay tribute to Guido Crepax's Valentina: LAMA by Lara Mendes and Marco Fernandes - Against Mass Production that's a graphic office that has the main target to create exclusive and personalized products. Its products are against mass production with several handmade techniques like painting e ilustration, aplyed on different patterns like wood cuts, t-shirts, skateboards.

Each piece's unique and it won't be reproduced again. We belive on personalization of objects, if you've an idea that which to be made contact LAMA. They'll contribute with a hand painted wood plate with a character from "venus in furs" by Guido Crepax.
For info, prices and orders, please contact us at:

Tribute to Valentina by brazilian artist Cayman Moreira

Tribute to  Valentina's Guido Crepax by Lama with an hand painted T-shirt

I believe that all this artists will bring prints with their homages/tributes made to Valentina by Guido Crepax.

 Valentina ID by Guido Crepax  

It'll also exist at Beja for sale prints of the originals by Guido Crepax and italian graphic novels from Magazzini Salani publisher with the stories with Valentina that also have as extras stories by Antonio, Caterina and Giacomo Crepax written facts and tales by Guido Crepax wife Luisa Crepax that was his main inspiration to create this character with the actress Louise Brooks as well. His daughter Caterina Crepax will be doing signings and autographs on books and prints.

The X Comics Beja festival of 2014 besides this event will have excellent artists and exhibitions present there like David Lloyd co-creator of the graphic novel "V for Vendetta" with writer Alan Moore,Tony Sandoval, André Diniz and of course brazilian artist of "Piratas do Tietê" fame among others Laerte.
Hoping to see you there.

A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...