Argentine Artist Mister ED made an excellent poster for this exhibition based in a photo of my kitty Ilvie that I've sent him and he's always a maestro.
It's almost christmas time and who of all of us, don't wonder what our cats are thinking in this season of the year or what they were doing If they still were with us in our company, yet?
The feedback from all the artists was excellent as usual and some of them even shared with me their memories with the cats that they had as pets, so who I'll see what I can do after this exhibition regarding my memories with my kittens (particularly Ilvie who was the last one that I've lost from my sight and that's still alive) and if some artists want to share the love that they have or have had with cats as pets, it would be awesome to do something with them, since excellent memories is what we must share to the world.
I know that my memories with my kitties were excellent and I don't remember a bad thing with them, animals have feelings and surely are better than human beings in my opinion, people come and go, but our pets are or were always with us in our lives, through bad and good times in it.
I know that lots of people love cats and they were the ones who saved us from the black plague in world History in Europe and they were also source of inspiration of several artists all over world History aswell (we can see it in books everywhere and in several languages).
I've also thought on doing a special homage to cats with a video with all artists amazing artworks and with extracts of songs by swiss band Young Gods "Moon Revolutions" with british musicians Thom Yorke with the song "Analyze" and The Cure with "Lovecats" (all songs are copyright by them). I was guided by their words when thinking in this exhibition with several feelings within myself that were constantly changing (like the words and moments shown in the video) due to the memories that I've with my kittens, so I thought in doing the video to show a bit of this creative process, where these bands were guiding my thoughts and also that we can live in a world filled with words and memories and not only with images.
Here's the video that will be shown in the exhibition
And the words that helped me guiding this creative process by the musicians mentioned above
The Young Gods - Moon Revolutions
the men started dancing
the women are gently swaying
what are the children singing?
oh little wind, we have no place to hide
outside, outside
dance little wind, show us the world around
oh little wind, show us the way to kiss the ground
what side, outside
56 seconds
Thom Yorke - Analyze
A self-fulfilling prophecy of endless possibility
In rolling reams across a screen
In algebra, in algebra
The fences that you cannot climb
The sentences that do not rhyme
In all that you can ever change
I'm the one you're looking for
It gets you down
It gets you down
There's no spark
You've no light in the dark
It gets you down
It gets you down
You traveled far
What have you found
That there's no time
There's no time
To analyse
2:32 minutes
The Young Gods - Moon Revolutions
pas fermer les cieux ce soir
pas fermer les cieux
what side, outside
2:46 minutes
The Cure - Lovecats
We move like cagey tigers
We couldn't get closer than this
The way we walk
The way we talk
The way we stalk
The way we kiss
We slip through the streets
While everyone sleeps
Getting bigger and sleeker
And wider and brighter
We bite and scratch and scream all night
Let's go and
Throw all the songs we know
Into the sea
You and me
All these years and no one heard
I'll show you in spring
It's a treacherous thing
We missed you hissed the lovecats
3:21 minutes
The Young Gods - Moon Revolutions
i'm the arrow now
i'm piercing up the sky
i'm looking for a heart
looking for my eagle heart
3:37 minutes
Thom Yorke - Analyze
To think things through
To make sense
Like candles in the city, they never looked so pretty
By power cuts and blackouts
Sleeping like babies
It gets you down
It gets you down
You're just playing a part
You're just playing a part
You're playing a part
Playing a part
And there's no time
There's no time
To analyse
5:01 Minutes
The Cure - Lovecats
We're so wonderfully wonderfully
Wonderfully pretty
Oh you know that I'd do anything for you
We should have each other to tea huh?
We should have each other with cream
Then curl up by the fire
And sleep for awhile
It's the grooviest thing
It's the perfect dream
Into the sea
You and me
Years no one heard
I'll show you in spring
It's a dangerous thing
The lovecats
5:35 minutes
The Young Gods - Moon Revolutions
i'm calling the moon
calling the moon revolutions
5:48 minutes
Thom Yorke - Analyze
No words
6:01 minutes
The Cure - Lovecats
We're so wonderfully wonderfully
Wonderfully pretty
Oh you know that I'd do anything for you
We should have each other to tea huh?
We should have each other with cream
Then curl up by the fire
And sleep for awhile
It's the grooviest thing
It's the perfect dream
Into the sea
You and me
Years no one heard
I'll show you in spring
It's a dangerous thing
The lovecats
Hand in hand
Is the only way to land
And always the right way round
Not broken in pieces
Like hated little meeces
How could we miss
Someone as dumb as this
6:37 minutes
The Young Gods - Moon Revolutions
calling the moon revolutions
6:41 minutes
The Cure - Lovecats
I love you ... let's go
6:43 minutes
The Young Gods - Moon Revolutions
calling the moon revolutions
7:14 minutes
Thom Yorke - Analyze
No words
7:35 minutes
Here's the list of all international artists and their works in alphabetical order and organized by country, you're all awesome artists and I do apreciate your work a lot.
Some of you, I've read your books or comic books while others were a nice surprise to my mind's eye.
Frase en español de Alejandra Sanguinetti - "nunca tuve un gato, les tenía miedo, me asustaban. Hará unos tres años empecé a dibujarlos, como para acercarme, y a medida que lo iba haciendo empecé a relacionarme con ellos."
About me: Argentinean, born 1961. "I live, drawing and painting in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since 1989, I have shown my works in groupal and solo exhibitions in Argentina, México Uruguay, Brazil, USA, Italy, Bélgium, France, Germany, Poland.That´s all"
Camila Rapetti Ilustradora argentina, nacida en Buenos Aires. Estudio dibujo desde chica y egreso de la escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes P. Pueyrredon en 2004 como profesora de escultura. Trabaja actualmente como ilustradora, docente y escultora. Es fanática del chocolate y le gusta ver dibujitos los sábados a la mañana.
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Carlos Dearmas |
Argentine artist Carlos Dearmas that's an autodidact making caricatures of people on open spaces at Argentina and now at Colombia where he lives and shares his passion of art with Columbian common people.
Frase en español de Colorada Majox - "Todo historietista que se precie, debería tener un gatito que vuelque la tinta china sobre el trabajo que tiene que entregar ese mismo día"
Testimonio en español de Colorada Majox - "mi gatita ludmila estaba a punto de morir, tenia una pata infectada por que le había pisado un auto y nadie la ayudaba. La lleve al vet y la operaron, ahora es una gatita de 3 patitas pero feliz y duerme en una cama!"
Majox (Maria José Gonzalez) nació en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, en 1984. Participó en varias publicaciones independientes de su país, y publicó junto al guionista Abel Alves y la colorista Lara Lee su primer novela gráfica "Aram el armenio" publicada en Uruguay y en España.
Actualmente trabaja realizando ilustraciones para la revista femenina "Ohlala" (Argentina) y la historieta "Joy" para la revista holandasa Penny Magazine.
Fernando Calvi, Córdoba1973.
Did illustrations and comic book stories in magazines and newspapers such as: Clarin, La Nacion, Cazador Comix, Cybersix, Rolling Stone, Ñ revista de cultura, Caras & Caretas, Barcelona, Mongolia (España), La Nación de los Chicos, Genios, Zigzag (Página 12), PIN, Tinta Libre (España), Viva, Expansión (México), among others.
Illustrated more than 50 books for children (Editorial Atlántida, Edelvives, Colihue, Abran Cancha, Santillana, Mandioca, Norma) He has published work in Spain, Italy, France, Norway and U.S.A .
Teacher of comic book stories in Cordoba University, Did workshops in Buenos Aires book fair and Tecnópolis.
Since 2007 publishes his Works in FIERRO and Chica magazines and !Zap! from Tótem comics.
Phrase in English by Fernando Beltran - "Wild , sophisticated and small , but have a grandeur and dignity hardly be compared , and love us, but some ignorant people say otherwise.
If love got a form, I'm sure it is theirs.
Love has tail and meows.
I have peace with my cat when sleep in my bed .
If love has a form, I'm sure it is theirs ..."
Historietista y dibujante nacido en 1983 en Vicente López, Buenos Aires, Argentina, en donde aún reside. La mayoría de sus trabajos han sido publicados en forma independiente, como fanzine, o en antologías de diversos colectivos latinoamericanos. Posee una amplia trayectoria en festivales y otras actividades del ámbito del cómic independiente y la autopublicación en su país de origen, en donde expuso su trabajo y participó de jornadas de dibujo en vivo y murales colectivos, tales y como el Festival Viñetas Sueltas, el Festival Increible, o Fuga Gráfica en la fundación Gutenberg de Buenos Aires. Tras un breve paso por el colectivo de historietistas NK (Loris Z, Berliac, y otros), fundó el proyecto editorial Ediciones Betamax, pequeña editorial de fanzines en donde publica tanto material propio como de otros artistas latinoamericanos, que a su vez funciona como red de distribución y de intercambio de archivos digitales para su impresión en diversos países. Sus historietas oscilan entre los géneros clásicos, como la ciencia ficción de un estilo a veces cercano al manga, y la poesía visual, con técnicas como el collage, el cutup, o el monotipo. Su obra más extensa hasta la fecha es el fanzine experimental “Brrzip!”, con 9 números publicados hasta la fecha. Sus trabajos más recientes se publican de forma regular en el blog de comic experimental “Películas Gayer”, que difunde el trabajo de más de 30 historietistas underground de diversos paises.
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Mister ED |
"Mr.ED: Argentine artist that lives in Barcelona. Works on newspapers, magazines and publicity in Europe and Latin America. Creates also children comics with several published and does comics (for France and Spain).
With was one of the creators of children comics Mamut and it's member of indie publisher Illu.station, was also published by Fantagraphics Books Inc. with the book 'BEAST BOOK 2' "
Frase en español de Quique Alcatena - "Ellos han estado conmigo siempre, entrando y saliendo de mi vida, permitiéndome compartir un rato la suya. Genios tutelares de la casa, vagabundos nocturnos, bellos, secretos, sutiles compañeros silenciosos."
Enrique Quique Alcatena (Buenos Aires, 1957) es un historietista argentino. Su producción abarca un extenso repertorio que va desde el cómic norteamericano de superhéroes (Batman, Superman, Los 4 Fantásticos, etc.) y de fantasía épica (Conan el Bárbaro), a la historieta argentina de fuerte influencia literaria (Travesía por el laberinto, Kairak, El mago, etc.).
Frase de Patricia Breccia en español - "Uno mas gato: yo."
Breccia comienza su carrera a finales de la década del 70, colaborando para diversas
e importantes editoriales del país, publicando en las revistas, “Humor
Registrado”, “Superhumor/ Fierro”, ( las historietas “Sol de Noche”, “Museo , “Sin
Novedad en el frente”)”Sexhumor”, “Humi”,
(Cuidavidas”) y en las ediciones de
Ciencia Ficción, “Minotauro” y “El Pendulo)”todas ellas, de Edit, La Urraca”.
en las revistas, “Sancho”,” Mediasuela “y Mengano”. Para seguir con
publicaciones como “Siete Dias,”(“Siete vidas”) “Caras y Caretas”, “Primer Plana”,(donde
publica “los Solari” con guión de Juan Sasturain)”Intervalo”, Edit Columba,(la
Gorda” Breccia/.Ferrari)” Feriado Nacional”,(“Cicatrices”, con guiónes de su
autoria) “Brigitte”, “Eroticón”,(de Oscar Blotta) en las revistas masculinas, “Don
Juan”, y “The Snack”, colaborando,
además, junto al guionísta y dibujante,Jorge
Meijide (Meiji) para los diarios “La Voz”
y “la Nación infantil” con el personaje
“Ex.mog”. En agosto del 99, editorial Colihue publica en su colección Naranja, (narrativa
dibujada) “Sin Novedad en el Frente”, serie de su autoría, que fue publicada
por la revista Fierro, en los años 80.
Ha trabajado también en la realización de
Story boards de publicidades y largometrajes de animación, para productoras de
Cine y TV, y en campañas publicitarias
para el Consejo Nac de la Mujer, y para el Centro Cultural de la Memoria “Haroldo
Conti” (Ex.Esma.)
De la mano de
Ricardo Barreiro comienza a publicar en
Italia(1990) para la edit. Eura Editoriale, la miniserie “Alicia a través del desván”,
para las publicaciones “Lancio Story” Y Skorpio” . Y en dupla con el guionísta
Ricardo Ferrari realiza la miniserie “la
Gorda”juntamente con episodios unitarios)) Ilustra para Edit, Colihue,”Los
cuentos de amor,de locura y de muerte, de H.Quiroga, y “Chicos de terror”.
“AZARIEL”en colaboración con los guionistas.Barreiro y Ferrúa. Para
Italia. Aurea Editoriale.
Con la vuelta
de Fierro, y con guión de M.Buscaglia, realiza las series “Museo” y “Manoblanca.”.Y
de su autoría, la serie “El Horóscopo”
En el año 2012,
la Editorial Patagónica “La Duendes”, publica en libro la historieta “Sol de
Noche” , que fue realizada en la década del ochenta, con guiónes de Guillermo
Es invitada a los
festivales de cómics y animación, “Raptus
99 (Tegnenseriefestival) (Noruega,) Amadora 2004 (Lisboa, Portugal) Riocomicón
2010 (Rio de Janeiro) y Ayácc 2011, (Guiyang)
(Colabora con
la ong org“CHAP” (curar haciendo ARTE con pequeños) Hspital de niños Pedro
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Rodrigo Lujan |
Frase en español de Rodrigo Lujan - "Soy una persona que prefiere a los perros por sobre los gatos, pero creo que las cosas que más me gustan de Pipo, mi amado perro, puede que sean cosas de definirían a un gato. No ladra, se hace una bola en el sillón, duerme a mis pies mientras dibujo. Así que no estoy tan seguro de mi primera afirmación."
Santiago Caruso (1982, Quilmes, Argentina) is a symbolist artist of an avant-garde concept but rooted in the nineteenth century´s decadentism. Dedicated to the fantastique, metaphysical horror and poetry, he had illustrated books for Folio Society, Libros del Zorro Rojo, Dark Regions Press, La caja de Cerillos, Tordesilhas, Ex Occidente Press, Planeta and Penguin. He also does covers for magazines, books and musical albums from all the world.
His work stands out both for the vigor of its poetry as well as for its technique. Member of the Beinart Surreal Art Collective since 2010, the artwork of Caruso is well represented in galleries and museums of Buenos Aires, United States, United Kingdom, Mexico and Spain.
Born in 1969 in São Paulo (Brazil),
Korolkovas graduated with a degree in advertising at the Methodist University of São Paulo. In 1992, at the beginning of his career as a photographer, he went to California where he studied at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, and developed his craft assisting several world renowned image-makers including erotic photographer Earl Miller.
When he returned to Brazil he shot several advertising campaigns for TVA, OESP, Nazca, Alumni, Harley-Davidson fashion and Suzuki. In 2004, he ranked “Top 10 New Fashion Photographers” on “Casa dos Criadores” fashion project. And in 2006, he was nominated for “Editora Abril” photography awards with a photo essay for VIP Magazine.
His fashion clients are some of the elite designers at São Paulo Fashion Week, including Reinaldo Lourenço, Gloria Coelho, Pedro Lourenço, Cecilia Echenique, CAVALERA, Acqua Studio, Douglas Harris and Bridal Couture’s top designer Lucas Anderi.
He currently spends time between São Paulo and Miami and collaborates with the magazines Bridestyle, Trip, My Lifestyle Magazine (US), Vip, Inked, Mixmag, Maxim, Sexy, Sax, and Vogue as well as international publications such as Stern (Germany), Nerve (NY), and DP Photographer (Portugal)
Frase en portugues de Brao - "Lembro me de quando uma gata de rua teve uma cria em nossa casa, eu devia ter uns 12 anos. Ela teve 4 ou 5 filhotes. Uma noite, o pai da cria entrou em casa e comeu todos os filhotes. A mãe, voltava toda noite para miar de baixo da janela por onde ela entrava e saia."
BRÄO was born Abraham, in rainy São Paulo, Brazil and I grew up as an aspiring comic book artist. I ended up working with animation and after a long time away from the drawing board, I got back to creating and drawing comics. During the endless nights without inspiration, staring at the empty pages of my sketchbooks, the influences from artists, such as Manara, Serpieri and Crepax (which I discovered much earlier than I should have as I went through my father’s secret comic book collection), started to surface. Reckelessly, I let it hapen and today, after filling out dozens of sketchbooks, drawing the female form to me became more than filling out blank pages. Today, I illustrate women for a living and I am also a drawing and painting professor at Quanta Academia in São Paulo.
Frase en português de Carlos Ferreira - "Desde que me foi convidado a conviver com os gatos, eu desenho."
Frase em português de Tainan Rocha - “O pouco que sei a respeito dos gatos: são autossuficientes e trepam alto pelas telhados.
O que eu gostaria muito de saber: porque nós ainda não passamos a viver da mesma forma?”
O que eu gostaria muito de saber: porque nós ainda não passamos a viver da mesma forma?”
Tainan Rocha um dia foi um estudante da rede pública que enchia as folhas de seu fichário com mais desenhos do que lições. Justamente por conta disso, tornou-se desenhista e quadrinhista através da Quanta, onde trabalha e aprendeu (entre outras coisas) à desenhar e publicar obras como "Imagine Zumbis na Copa", "Que Deus Te Abandone", "Crônicas da Terra da Garoa" e "Savana de Pedra".
Phrase in English by Danijel Zezelj - "My karma ran over my dogma. But cat survived."
Danijel Žeželj is a Croatian comic book artist, painter and illustrator and author of a number of graphic novels.
His comics and illustrations have been published by DC Comics/Vertigo, Marvel Comics, The New York Times Book Review, Harper's Magazine, San Francisco Guardian, Editori del Grifo, Edizioni Charta and others.
Danijel Žeželj is a Croatian comic book artist, painter and illustrator and author of a number of graphic novels.
His comics and illustrations have been published by DC Comics/Vertigo, Marvel Comics, The New York Times Book Review, Harper's Magazine, San Francisco Guardian, Editori del Grifo, Edizioni Charta and others.
Phrase in English by Con Chrisoulis - "Here's the original text from a Morrissey interview (which I totally agree with):
Morrissey: The basic fascination I have with cats is nothing unusual. I find them very intelligent and very superior. And I feel entranced by them. If I see one in the street I feel immediately drawn to the cat. I have a friend, Chrissie Hynde [the singer with The Pretenders], she’s exactly the same. You can be walking with her along the street, she sees a cat, she walks away. You continue to walk on, talking to no one. You look around and she’s crouched down with a cat in a hedge. I’m exactly the same way. I’m fascinated by them.
Daily Telegraph: Do you have any cats at the moment?
Morrissey: I don’t. I’ve had many cats but they’ve died of old age and cancer and kidney trouble etc. So at the moment I’m flea-free. But I will be getting many, many more.
Daily Telegraph: Do you prefer the company of cats to the company of people?
Morrissey: Well, I don’t have much choice. People don’t like me."
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Guido Crepax |
Guido Crepas (15 July 1933 in Milan – 31 July 2003 in Milan), better known by his nom de plume Guido Crepax, was an Italian comics artist. He is most famous for his character Valentina, created in 1965 and very representative of the spirit of the 1960s. The Valentina series of books and strips became noted for Crepax's sophisticated drawing, and for the psychedelic, dreamlike storylines, generally involving a strong dose of erotism. A film based on his work called Baba Yaga, featuring the character Valentina, was made in 1973.
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Derradé |
Derradé: (1971 - ...) Alverca - Portugal
facebook page:
Prefered music band: The Clash.
Started doing comics in "The BadSummerboys Fanzine" (1993). Haven't stopped since.
I mainly do comic strips or short stories in a black and white DYI adult humorous vein.
My main influencies are the brazilian authors Angeli, Laerte, Glauco and Adão.
My book “Há Piores !” (the title is a joke conserning it's literal meaning: "There is worse!" and the phonetic sound in English :"Up Yours!") won
the Central Comics 2012 Award for Best Humor publication, by public vote, against contenders like Zits and Baby Blues.
Books edited (all in Portugal):
By Polvo: “Fúria”(1999), “Fava!”(2000),”Pai Natal – um estudo morfológico”(2001) e “A 25, sempre a Abril!”(2002), “Há Piores !” (2011) ; “Há Piores ! 2” (2012) and “Há Piores ! 3” (2014) .
By Calçada das Letras: "BESTOF" (2013)
By Escorpião Azul: "Segunda Oportunidade" (2014), "Edição Extra" (2015)
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Osvaldo Medina |
Born in November of 1973 in Luanda, Angola. Arrived in Portugal in the summer of 1975. Soon, before first grade, discovers pens and pencils and started doodling on every paper that he could find. Works in comics, animation, storyboard, etc.
Frase em português de Paulo Pinto - "Quem sabe dessas tretas é a Alice."
Born at Porto in the 19th Century somewhere near Douro river. Loves to draw his TOWN as much as he can putting his characters there. Drew for portuguese, french, swiss, spanish and german fanzines, also to portuguese newspapers such as Expresso and Público.
Went to several comic events as Porto Cartoon and others. Continues drawing for portuguese newspaper 'A voz de Ermesinde' while trying to figure how to draw for more than ten years. He's trying to publish his own book since the beginning of the 20th Century.
My name is Joanna Karpowicz. I was born in 1976. I’m a painter, illustrator and comics artist from Cracow, Poland. I studied painting at the The Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, the oldest artistic university in Poland. I finished my studies in 2001, with a master’s degree.
Emotionally, I’m close to Hopper’s voyeurism and the works of other charming men of character: Beckmann, Buffet or Hockney. When painting, I “summon ghosts” – memories of people I’ve met, places I’ve seen and the emotions generated by those encounters. Things that are or have been I place in an imaginary frame as realism is of secondary concern to me, more important is mood of a particular moment. I often reference films, literature, music. There’s a big influence of illustration in my paintings – and the other way around.
I like night scenes, light painted from the point of view of darkness and the false sense of security that artificial light brings. I want to bring these impressions to the canvas. I’m inspired by travel, the lethargic mood of the night shift – small towns, road side bars, motels, empty hotel lobbies. Persistently return leitmotifs: falling snow, a burning cigarette, cars, palm trees, city neon lights. The interpretation of the scenes I leave to the viewer, in the hope that this will create a separate, new and individual story.
As for now I published three comic albums: “Szminka” (2003), “Jutro będzie futro” (2004) and “Postcards from Bialystok (2012). You can also find my comic works in various anthologies and comic magazines.
Freelance illustrator, cocnept artist and set designer living and working in Poland. She has studied art history at the University of Warsaw and graduated from Warsaw Fine Arts Academy from the faculty of Scenography. She has collaborate as a designer with cultural and artistic institutions in Poland (as Polish Television and Academy of Music in Gdansk), with a special focus on opera, film and events. From 2009 worked as illustrator with QFANT Magazine - e-zin created by a group of friends, geeks and writers.
She is interesting in Game Development, the history of Japanese Cinematography and American 'New Wave' Cinema.
Always has a sketchbook close at hand to draw as much as she can - studynig and retelling reality through images.
gallery :
Phrase in English by Nikodem Cabala - "I'm not a big fan of cats, but the only one i really love is Garfield.
He is lazy, very bossy and self-confident, he likes to sleep all day and eat a lot - so all in all: that's the essence of being a cat. "
Nikodem Cabała
Born in 1980.
Comic book artist, illustrator, colorist, portraitist, cartoonist.
He began to publish in small fanzines such as: “AQQ’’, ’’KKK”.
His work appeared in a comic magazine ”Świat Komiksu”
and many anthologies, just to mention:
”Piekielne Wizje, Graham Masterton” (publisher Mandragora),
”Człowiek w próbówce” (publisher Egmont).
He drew a few comic book albums such as: "Pomidorowa"
and "Mrok"; in 2011 he finished a science fiction mini-series
BiOCOSMOSIS (5 albums and 3 anthologies in total).
The first two ones have been published in HEAVY METAL magazine
(March 2009, November 2010).
Since 2004 he's regularly illustrated short stories for
the science fiction magazine "Nowa Fantastyka".
As a colorist, he worked on the comics such as
"The Witcher, Rachunek Sumienia", (art: Arek Klimek),
and "Holy Chaos" (art: Marek Oleksicki).
In an addition, he sometimes draws storyboards,
commercial illustrations and portraits.
Web gallery:
South Korea
Sid Seokhan Jung is a cartoonist / illustrator, who is passionate about storytelling. So he travels around the world, meeting people to collect great stories of their life. He believes that even a short single sentence of a story can completely change someone’s life.
Illustrator with a degree at Fine Arts by Barcelona University.
Born in Zaragoza, Spain, grew up and started his work as profissional Illustrator in Barcelona, being a teacher at Barcelona University while being also a creative Freelancer.
Currently lives in Santiago de Chile.
Texto en español de Dulce Escribano - "LOS GATOS, MI MADRE Y YO
-No puedes tener alergia a los gatos, la tienes al polvo de interior. Madre dixit.
Mi primer minino, pensábamos que tenía bronquitis, porque nunca habíamos escuchado un ronroneo. Comía espárragos y adoraba que mi padre lo lanzase por el pasillo de nuestra casa infantil, que tenía 12 metros.
la odiaba y amaba a la vez.
Usurpaba el amor de mi madre.
La llamaba cariñosamente mi otra hijita.
Así empieza mi historia. Y mi alergia. Amor/odio.
Acariciando a Androbia a escondidas, que para mi madre era Canelita.
Pff, era ridículo.
Luego vinieron tres más, y yo seguía tomando medicación, y pinchándome vacunas para el polvo, pero mis ojos seguían picando, y mi nariz ardía por dentro.
Los seguía queriendo a escondidas, porque mi madre seguía engañándome con ellos.
Esta vez, ellos tenían los nombres de mis hermanos y el mío.
UN gato gigante, negro llamado Flavio, otra rara, color naranja llamada Dulce…y su pequeña y linda Rosa.
Dulce y su pelo naranja, en un ronroneo, se pegó a mi cara….y estuve a punto de perder el ojo derecho…..La alergia me inflamó tanto el ojo, que me salió una ampolla en el blanco. Me había echado las gotas de la nariz, en vez del colirio. La culpa, mía…por confundirme, pobre gatita...ñi ñi ñi ….
Mis padres se divorciaron….no sabía yo que podían durar tantos años.
Ni mis padres casados, ni los gatos viviendo.
Salí de casa…y dejé de ser alérgica.
Mi madre por un lado, yo por otro y también mis hermanos.
Ella, con los gatos, que son sus hijos, que han crecido….sus gatos. Sus hijos…su nuevo marido. También, amante de los gatos. Y mi hermana, y mi hermano, y mi tía y todos mis amigos tienen gatos….hasta mi compañero es de gatos…Me enamoré de un cuadro precioso, en la carrera…..eran gatos. Gatos y cuerdas, cuerdas y gatos.
Mi hermana dice,
-No los odias, es mamá….porque tú eres un gato. Y yo, también. Soy Catwoman…..y se rie de mí, mientras me abraza fuerte y yo…salto y le bufo. Eres un gato, eres un gato….un gato panza arriba. Dice…muerta de risa.
-YO, soy un pájaro…un pez, un pájaro del mar….Nunca tendré un gato, nunca, nunca, nunca….déjame en paz.
Luego el Mauss…….
Amor/odio…gatos nazis….roedores judíos..
Tras la caída de las torres gemelas. Vivía en un ático. Había decidido estar sola un tiempo. Mi casera era una de mis mejores amigas de la infancia, cómo no, ojazos redondos, azul imposible…de gata…..como no.
No podía ser…de lejos escuché un maullido anémico. Casi ronco, a lo lejos….-
-Joder…no será un gato María.
María tiene los ojos de gato bueno, enormes, y en ese momento, me miró, cara de ….este pequeño ser rechazado por su madre te va a conquistar y te va a curar todos tus males y no lo vas a poder evitar.
Ahí estaba el gato, que me haría perdonar a todas las alergias, traumas, ojos y dolores.
En mi vida me levanté a las 6,30 a.m. para dar un biberón a un bicho. Refunfuñando…Canijo…que así le pusimos, porque estaba cojo y era una vaca de la India…tísica, pero sagrada, se convirtió en el sagrado santo gato de la expiración. MIII, miii, miiiaaa, mmmiii, grrrrrrrr. Biberón en mano, me abrazaba con el atisbo de unas mini garras, y yo….babeando.
Yo, alergia. Pero no importaba.
Luego de nuevo el Mauss…….amor/odio…premio a mejor novela gráfica.
Ahora, Canijo es Bola, una gata enorme, que parece una vaca de Asturias, y se trasladó a vivir a Sevilla, porque el anterior minino, se había tirado del sexto piso.
Síndrome del Paracaidista.
Ahora es una reina. Mala, pero reina. Ya no se acuerda de los biberones….y tengo que compartir cama con ella, cuando voy de visita.
Hoy, sale en mi foto un gato, territorial, como yo, escarpiado….
Le llamamos El rey de la Obra.
Cuidaba de una casa en construcción en Valencia…una obra abandonada. Nos hizo el tour fotográfico.
Concluyo …
Hace dos años, antes de una sesión de fotos.
-Te mueves como un gato, laxa como un gato, sin ruido llegas, asustas…dijo
-Pájaro…le contesté. FFFFFF. Pájaro. Y pez. Por eso no me oyes. Asentí.
-Pájaro pues, ya que yo soy el gato…..
y me miró con los ojos transparentes de amarillo verdoso, imposible de creer…y comenzó a disparar……
P.D ,Al final, va a ser que las madres siempre tienen razón.
Ella, tiene ocho, por cierto.
Me sigue haciendo los cuernos con ellos……."
Texto e Imagen, Dulce Escribano
Phrase in english de Eduardo Alvarado Sanchez-Cortes - "I spent with my black cat more than 20 years. He was a saint, so sweet and loyal. His magic lasted even after he passed away, because for a few days later I heard, that he was still much older than I thought, and that he might be around 22 or 23 years. There is no one day I do not miss him."
Javier Olivares, Madrid 1964.
Cartoonist and illustrator.
As an author he has published several albums, highlighting among them Estados Carenciales, La Caja Negra, Cuentos de La Estrella Legumbre and Las Crónicas de Ono y Hop.
He has published, along with the scriptwriter Santiago García, a comic strip adaptation of the classic The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde for the publishing house SM. He has collaborated with Fernando Marías in the books El Silencio se Mueve and Prisioneros de Zenda, both published by SM.
He has illustrated a great number of books for children and adults and his press illustrations have featured in newspapers such as El País or Público and currently can also be seen in El Mundo and El País Semanal.
He has imparted illustration workshops in Spain and in Latin America, and has recently published the novel Las Meninas, published by ASTIBERRI and with script by Santiago García, which latest edition in France has been published by Futurópolis.
Frase en español de Joaquin Aldeguer - "Son dioses egipcios y eternos cazadores. Sorpresas, sustos, ojos en la oscuridad... ¿Cómo no amarlos? :3 "
Joaquín Aldeguer is an Spanish freelance illustrator and caricaturist who was born in 1980. He has a dregree in Fine Arts. He's a member of FECO Spain. He has published in some fanzines like Marrón (Autsaider) Mortland (Ultrarradio), Andergraün, Fetiche ¡Qué Suerte!, Ojodepez and Adobo. He has published too in some magazines like Léptica, MAN, Standdart, Primera Línea, El Jueves and the newspapers Público and ABC.
Joaquín Aldeguer is an Spanish freelance illustrator and caricaturist who was born in 1980. He has a dregree in Fine Arts. He's a member of FECO Spain. He has published in some fanzines like Marrón (Autsaider) Mortland (Ultrarradio), Andergraün, Fetiche ¡Qué Suerte!, Ojodepez and Adobo. He has published too in some magazines like Léptica, MAN, Standdart, Primera Línea, El Jueves and the newspapers Público and ABC.
Frase en español de José Luís Ágreda - "Hay una expresión en España que dice “más raro que un perro verde”, de ahí el título del Asunto."
José Luis Ágreda is a freelance illustrator and cartoonist since 1998. His work frequently appears in newspapers and magazines (El Pais, El Jueves, Fotogramas, Orgullo y Satisfacción...), and in the main spanish book publishers (Planeta, Norma, Santillana, Pearson, Espasa...). His other credits include projects in advertising (Ogilvy, Draft...), and character design for animation (Disney TV, Siriol Productions, Neptuno Films...)
In 2008 he started a series of fifteen children books with his character CARLA (Timun Mas).
He created the graphic novel, “Pink Harvest” (Undercomic), in 2001 and the book received the “Best Spanish Comic” award in both the Barcelona and the Madrid comic conventions.
He has done illustrations and comics to magazines, newspapers and public institutions.
His work has been shown in numerous exhibitions, festivals and biennals in places like Spain, Italy, Colombia , Finland or Croatia .
Teaches workshops on graphic narrative.
Frase en español de Miguel Almagro - "Como cada noche en las últimas semanas llego a casa realmente cansado , cabreado con mi físico, que no está preparado para el tipo de vida que he elegido.
todos duermen, entro en la cocina a prepararme algo caliente y enseguida noto su cuerpo rozando mis piernas, me mira, me saluda...
Me siento en la butaca y sin esfuerzo, con su habitual elegancia salta sobre mi regazo, choca su cabeza contra mi pecho y me mira fijamente, lo acaricio y se acurruca ronroneando sobre mis piernas.
Ya tengo todo el consuelo que necesito, mañana será otro día."
I was born in 1967 and at 6 years old, my big brother brung me the Fantastic 4 by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, with a number where appears a silver star telling over the arrival of Galactus, since this moment I started to read comics and trying to copy the "King" drawings.
Later my family went to Barcelona and on a library, I've discovered the adventures of Tintín and later Richard Corben, Robert Crumb and many others.
Since then never forgot the fondness that I've had over comics and illustration.
Frase en español de Pedro Espinosa - "Hay gente que ama a los gatos. Y los comprendo. A los gatos, claro."
KMM, Bassat en fets reals. : Novel Gráfica.
SALGARIANA. Álbum colectivo sobre la vida de Emilio Salgari :
Frase en español de Sandra Hernandez - "prefiero los gatos a los perros, porque no hay gatos policía."
Sandra Hernandez was born in Barcelona in 1977. Since childhood she spends her free time scratching all papers she finds, until her mother, sick of drawings on the blank pages of all her novels, decides to enroll her to a municipal school of drawing hoping to save for their classes her drawing cravings... but without much success. At thirteen she enrolled in the municipal school of comic of El Prat de Llobregat, where she has her first contact with the adult comic. In 1993, at sixteen, she entered the Escola Massana where she made the specialty of Drawing, graduating after three years of joy and dissipation. After participating in several group exhibitions and develop a passion for the visual arts, she becomes the curator of the exhibition hall of the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de el Prat until she goes to live in Barcelona where a black hole swallows her passing several years between doctors' offices and waiting rooms in hospitals. More restored in 2010, she decides to redraw. In 2013 she returned to study at the Massana, this time illustration. In 2014 she works as an illustrator in the children's program of the Catalan regional television, illustrating five of the ten programs that make up the season. Today, she divides her time between hugs for her cat and her desk.
Frase en español de Ruben Pellejero - "No sé si será cierta la atribución de esta cita a Jean Cocteau pero, en cualquier caso, la encuentro muy, muy cercana a mi pensamiento; -Prefiero los gatos a los perros, porque no hay gatos policía."
Ruben Pellejero began his artistic career in 1970, but it wasn't until 1983 that he made his debut in comics. That year, he started a historical series about Barcelona for the magazine Cimoc ('Historias de Barcelona'). His creative production really took flight when he started collaborating with the Argentine writer Jorge Zentner. Their collaboration started out with 'Las Memorias de Monsieur Griffaton' in 1983, which was followed by 'FM' in 1984 and the series 'Dieter Lumpen'. Pellejero then began working for the French market, and joined the publishing house Casterman and the magazines À Suivre and Corto. In addition, he did comic adaptations for Je Bouquine and Fripounet. In 1989, he illustrated 'De Aap is Los' for the Dutch Donald Duck weekly (script by Frans Hasselaar).
Pellejero and Zentner made the award-winning 'Le Silence de Malka' in 1995. This impressive work relates the story of the Jewish community in Argentina, that fled from the pogroms in Russia after the death of Alexander II. Casterman then published the anthologies 'Blues' and 'Tabous', both written by Zentner. Ruben Pellejero has participated in the Frank Giroud comic projects 'Secrets' (the story ' L'écorché' in 2006-07) and 'Destins' (2011).
Since 2000, Pellejero has created several graphic novels for the Aire Libre collection of the publishing house Dupuis. The first one was 'Un Peu de Fumée Bleue' with text by Denis Lapière (2000), and it was followed by 'Tour de Valse' (2004) and the diptych 'L'Impertinence d'un été' (2009-10), another collaboration with Lapière.
It never rains but it pours. Hot on the heels of the news that IDW will be publishing the whole of Hugo Pratt's Corto Maltese in English for the first time, publishers Casterman have announced that Blacksad writer Juan Diaz Canales and Spanish artist Ruben Pellejero have been tapped to author a new, original Corto Maltese story. Due for release in October 2015, the book will be simultaneously released in French, Dutch, Italian, and Spanish, although there is no news yet of a potential English edition from IDW or anyone else.
Frase de Toni Benages Gallard - "Mi gata Antonia y mi perro Kraken, una muy perro y el otro muy gata, el mudo gira y gira"
Toni Benages i Gallard (Badalona 1970). Director del Crypshow Festival, artist and ilustrator...
Made the books "Les extraordinàries aventures de Francesc Pujols" (Males Herbes, 2015), "Total Wars" (Scifiworld Comics, 2011) y "Las manos en los bolsillos" (Edicions de Ponent, 2006). Draws in "Scifiworld Magazine" and "Revista Xiulit".
Promotor of "La Cripa" magazine (2012), inker In Rubén Pellejero and Christoper book "The Long and Winding Road" (Kennes editions, 2016) works also with David González In the show
"This is not another freaky TV show".
Phrase in English by Emil Gunnar Máxen - "Cats have to be aliens, sent here to monitor human activity..."
I'm a freelance illustrator, comic- and storyboard artist. I was born in 1989. I have studied graphics for the games- and entertainment industry and I work with all kinds of commissions. My debuting graphic novel 'Stor-Jobal från Krokjala' will be published next fall.
English phrase by Nicolas Krizan - "Cat characteristics: carefree, cute, cuddly, clever – and cruel!"
Nicolas Krizan (born 1963) is a swedish art director, illustrator and
sometimes comic creator. Started contributing to fanzines in the late
seventies and has been with both commercial and alternative projects
ever since. Will hopefully continue doing so!
Phrase in English by James Harvey - "The ancient Egyptians worshipped cats because they were regal and stately. Our generation worships them because we're narcissists. The reality is that cats are as mysterious as existence itself. Any meaning or narrative we project onto these unknowable lil' lunatics is a reflection of ourselves, first and foremost"
James Harvey is a comic artist currently based in Stafford, England. In addition to being the editor of the world famous Bartkira project, James helped design Duke Thomas (the first black Robin) for DC Comics. His work was featured in the multi-Eisner Award-winning anthology Little Nemo: Dream Another Dream, but he's most proud of his short story Masterplasty which was a finalist in Japan's GAIMAN awards in 2014. In 2015 he art directed a music video for hip-hop violinist Lindsey Sterling.
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Bill Koeb |
American painter, illustrator, and sequential artist whose work includes illustrations for Washington City Paper, The Village Voice, and Bill Graham Presents. His paintings have been exhibited in shows in New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. He has illustrated stories for the Marvel Comics' series Clive Barker's Hellraiser, the Vertigo miniseries Faultlines and Allen Moore's song, "Hair of the Snake That Bit Me". He created the artwork for the character Sarah in the film The Crow: City of Angels (1996).
Brian was born in Arkansas in 1968, moved to Texas in 1979, fled to New York City in 1987 to attend Parsons School of Design, lived in Paris France for a few years, ran away to San Francisco in 1993, and since 1999 he has lived in Philadelphia. He works in an old garage and writes about himself in the third person.
He has worked as an art director and graphic designer, animator for interactivity and multimedia projects, teacher, writer, and illustrator. He has written and drawn comics and graphic novels, designed publications, and illustrated for many many magazines and newspapers. He illustrates children's books; for magazines, newspapers, and advertising; posters, toys and puzzles. He also works with animation, music, and various other media. Examples of all this stuff can be found on this site.
Some notable clients include The Museum of Modern Art NY, The New York Times, HarperCollins, Random House/Knopf, Simon & Schuster, Hyperion/Disney, Penn Gazette, Bell Sports, and Galison/Mudpuppy.
find Brian here on the internets as well:
my store on Etsy
my photos on Flickr
my videos on Vimeo
twitter: @mrbiggsdotcom.
Be a fan on the Facebook.
my beepity music site
George Pratt (b. October 13, 1960, in Beaumont, Texas) is an American painter and illustrator known for his work in the comic book field.
Pratt's first published comics work was for Marvel Comics' Epic Illustrated #20 (1983). Since then, his work has appeared in Heavy Metal, Eagle, and many other publications. He has also inked other artists' work and created painted covers for DC Comics.
In 1990, DC published Pratt's first graphic novel, Enemy Ace: War Idyll, which was nominated for both the Eisner Award and the Harvey Award. Enemy Ace: War Idyll has been translated into nine languages and at one point was on the required reading list at West Point. The book won the France Info Award for Best Foreign Language Graphic Novel, and the British Speakeasy Award for Best Foreign Language Graphic Novel.
Pratt's painted graphic novel Batman: Harvest Breed (DC) was nominated for two Eisner Awards.
The Wolverine: Netsuke limited series for Marvel won Pratt the 2003 Eisner Award for Best Painter/Multimedia Artist.
As of the late 2000s, Pratt is working on the book See You in Hell, Blind Boy: A Tales of the Blues, based on his research of the Mississippi Delta. With Steven Budlong and James McGillion, Pratt made a documentary film about his Mississippi travels, also called See You in Hell, Blind Boy. The film won Best Feature Documentary at the 1999 New York International Independent Film & Video Festival.
Pratt's cover for Legends of the Dark Knight #2 (DC, Dec. 1989).
Pratt's first published comics work was for Marvel Comics' Epic Illustrated #20 (1983). Since then, his work has appeared in Heavy Metal, Eagle, and many other publications. He has also inked other artists' work and created painted covers for DC Comics.
In 1990, DC published Pratt's first graphic novel, Enemy Ace: War Idyll, which was nominated for both the Eisner Award and the Harvey Award. Enemy Ace: War Idyll has been translated into nine languages and at one point was on the required reading list at West Point. The book won the France Info Award for Best Foreign Language Graphic Novel, and the British Speakeasy Award for Best Foreign Language Graphic Novel.
Pratt's painted graphic novel Batman: Harvest Breed (DC) was nominated for two Eisner Awards.
The Wolverine: Netsuke limited series for Marvel won Pratt the 2003 Eisner Award for Best Painter/Multimedia Artist.
As of the late 2000s, Pratt is working on the book See You in Hell, Blind Boy: A Tales of the Blues, based on his research of the Mississippi Delta. With Steven Budlong and James McGillion, Pratt made a documentary film about his Mississippi travels, also called See You in Hell, Blind Boy. The film won Best Feature Documentary at the 1999 New York International Independent Film & Video Festival.
Special thanks to Duarte Aguiar for vídeo and sound editing and to Daniel Castro for his support regarding another exhibition in his awesome coffee shop in my hometown Porto.