Thursday, April 19, 2018

Crepax - Limited booklets - International artists - Fantagraphics

Info about Fantagraphics Crepax book collection organized by me with help by American publisher Gary Groth and Crepax heirs and limited booklets with artworks by some of the best international artists ever and that helped me with their magical art skills since 2016 on this project while working on an iconic comic book character/21st century woman named Valentina and created by Italian maestro Guido Crepax and that is worldwide distributed.
 Below is a list of international artists, organized by each booklet that Fantagrahics publishing company that is based in Seattle - U.S.A published.

1st published and numbered limited Crepax booklet to 250 copies published in April 2016 with artworks by 13 of the best international artists ever.

Alex Korolkovas - Photographer - Brazil 
Noah Van Sciver - Storyteller and illustrator - U.S.A
Beto Hernandez - Storyteller and illustrator - U.S.A
Ricardo Drumond - Illustrator - Portugal
Danijel Zezelj - Storyteller and illustrator - Croatia
Santiago Sequeiros - Storyteller and illustrator - Spain
George Pratt - Storyteller and illustrator - U.S.A
Sandra Hernandez - Storyteller and illustrator - Spain
Richard Sala - Storyteller and illustrator - U.S.A
Bill Sienkiewicz - Storyteller and illustrator - U.S.A
Dylan Horrocks - Storyteller and illustrator - New Zealand
Mark Wheatley - Storyteller and illustrator - U.S.A
Mr Ed - Storyteller and illustrator - Argentina

Limited edition first booklet cover with help by international artists artworks organized by me dedicated to Italian maestro Guido Crepax main character Valentina that was published along first Fantagraphics Crepax book collection that was worldwide distributed, also organized by me, American publisher Gary Groth, Crepax heirs and Fantagraphics team - April 2016

Artworks tributes to Crepax main character Valentina by Brazilian Artist Alex Korolkovas and American Artist Noah Van Sciver - April 2016

Artworks tributes to Crepax main character Valentina by American Artist Beto Hernandez and Portuguese Artist Ricardo Drumond - April 2016

Artworks tributes to Crepax main character Valentina by Croatian Artist Danijel Zezelj and Spanish Artist Santiago Sequeiros - April 2016

Artworks tributes to Crepax main character Valentina by American Artist George Pratt and Spanish Artist Sandra Hernandez - April 2016

Artworks tributes to Crepax main character Valentina by American Artists Richard Sala and Bill Sienkiewicz - April 2016

Artworks tributes to Crepax main character Valentina by New Zealand Artist Dylan Horrocks and American Artist Mark Wheatley - April 2016

Limited edition first booklet texts with help by international artists with their biography organized by me dedicated to Italian maestro Guido Crepax main character Valentina that was published along first Fantagraphics Crepax book collection also organized by me, American publisher Gary Groth, Crepax heirs and Fantagraphics team and that was worldwide distributed - April 2016

Back cover to first limited edition booklet dedicated to Guido Crepax main character Valentina with an Artwork by Argentine Artist Mr Ed - April 2016

2nd published and numbered limited Crepax booklet to 250 copies published in January 2017 with artworks by 13 of the best international artists ever.

Santiago Caruso - Illustrator - Argentina 
Benjamin Marra  - Storyteller and illustrator - U.S.A
Roberta Gregory - Storyteller and illustrator - U.S.A
Peter Kuper - Storyteller and illustrator - U.S.A
Rian Hughes - Storyteller and illustrator - UK
Tony Sandoval - Storyteller and illustrator - Mexico
Brian Bolland  - Storyteller and illustrator - U.K.
David Lloyd  - Storyteller and illustrator -U.K
Sergio Ponchionne  - Storyteller and illustrator - Italy
Walter Minus  - Storyteller and illustrator 
Dylan Horrocks - Storyteller and illustrator - New Zealand
Mark Wheatley - Storyteller and illustrator - U.S.A
Mr Ed - Storyteller and illustrator - Argentina

Limited edition second booklet with help by international artists artworks organized by me dedicated to Italian maestro Guido Crepax main character Valentina that was published along second Fantagraphics Crepax book collection also organized by me, American publisher Gary Groth, Crepax heirs and Fantagraphics team and that was worldwide distributed - January 2017

Artworks tributes to Crepax main character Valentina by Argentine Artist Santiago Caruso and American Artist Benjamin Marra - January - 2017 

Artworks tributes to Crepax main character Valentina by American Artists Roberta Gregory and Peter Kuper - January - 2017 

Artworks tributes to Crepax main character Valentina by British Artist Rian Hughes and Mexican Artist Tony Sandoval - January - 2017 

Artworks tributes to Crepax main character Valentina by British Artists Brian Bolland and David Lloyd  - January - 2017 

Artworks tributes to Crepax main character Valentina by Italian Artist Sergio Ponchionne and French Artist Walter Minus - January - 2017 

Artworks tributes to Crepax main character Valentina by American Artist Bob Burden and Spanish Artist Javier Olivares - January - 2017 

Limited edition second booklet texts with help by international artists with their biography organized by me dedicated to Italian maestro Guido Crepax main character Valentina that was published along first Fantagraphics Crepax book collection also organized by me, American publisher Gary Groth, Crepax heirs and Fantagraphics team - January 2017

Back cover to second limited edition booklet dedicated to Guido Crepax main character Valentina with an Artwork by American Artist Paul Pope - January 2017

3rd published and numbered limited Crepax booklet to 250 copies published in January 2018 with artworks by 13 of the best international artists ever.

Patricia Breccia - Illustrator - Argentina 
Bill Koeb  - Storyteller and illustrator - U.S.A
Jeffrey Alan Love - Storyteller and illustrator - U.S.A
Fidel Martinez Nadal - Storyteller and illustrator - Spain
Pedro Espinosa Storyteller and illustrator - Spain
José Luis Ágreda - Storyteller and illustrator - Spain
Brian Biggs Storyteller and illustrator - U.S.A
Caterina Crepax - Storyteller and illustrator - Italy
David Lasky  - Storyteller and illustrator - U.S.A
John Kurokawa - Storyteller and illustrator - Japan
Olivia Debernardinis Storyteller and illustrator U.S.A
Rodrigo Rosa - Storyteller and illustrator - Brazil
Sam Henderson - Storyteller and illustrator - U.S.A

Limited edition third booklet with help by international artists artworks organized by me dedicated to Italian maestro Guido Crepax main character Valentina that was published along  Third Fantagraphics Crepax book collection also organized by me, American publisher Gary Groth, Crepax heirs and Fantagraphics team - January 2018

Artworks tributes to Crepax main character Valentina by Argentine Artist Patricia Breccia and American Artist Bill Koeb - January - 2018

Artworks tributes to Crepax main character Valentina by American Artist Jeffrey Alan Love and Spanish Artist Fidel Martinez Nadal - January - 2018

Artworks tributes to Crepax main character Valentina by Spanish Artists Pedro Espinosa and José Luis Ágreda - January - 2018

Artworks tributes to Crepax main character Valentina by American Artist Brian Biggs and Italian Artist Caterina Crepax  - January - 2018

Artworks tributes to Crepax main character Valentina by American Artist David Lasky and Japanese Artist John Kurokawa - January - 2018

Artworks tributes to Crepax main character Valentina by American Artist Olivia Debernardinis and Brazilian Artist Rodrigo Rosa - January - 2018

Limited edition third booklet texts with help by international artists with their biography organized by me dedicated to Italian maestro Guido Crepax main character Valentina that was published along third Fantagraphics Crepax book collection also organized by me, American publisher Gary Groth, Crepax heirs and Fantagraphics team - January 2018

Back cover to third limited edition booklet dedicated to Guido Crepax main character Valentina with an Artwork by American Artist Sam Henderson - January 2018

At the prettiest city in the whole world

Presenting first Fantagraphics Crepax book collection organized by me, American publisher Gary Groth, Crepax heirs and Fantagraphics team and that was worldwide distributed - April 2016

Introduction written by me at first Fantagraphics Crepax book collection - April 2016 

Presenting first Fantagraphics Crepax book collection organized by me, Gary Groth, Crepax heirs and Fantagraphics team with a tribute to Italian maestro Guido Crepax main
 character Valentina by Argentine artist Mr Ed, a CD with American director Hal Hartley's "Amateur" movie soundtrack, A Dvd by Italian director Federico Fellini's movie "Amarcord" and another one by German director Robert Wiene's movie "The cabinet of Dr Caligari" - April 2016

Presenting second Fantagraphics Crepax book collection organized by me, American publisher Gary Groth, Crepax heirs and Fantagraphics team and that was worldwide distributed - January 2017

Introduction written by me at Second Fantagraphics Crepax book collection - January 2017 

I'm not a mystery man, so I've decided to illustrate this post with the below image that is a poster to motion picture masterpiece movie "Eyes wide shut" by American director Stanley Kubrick, that is one of the best movies ever made and that is filled with mysteries in it regarding life and who we as human beings are on it.

Polish poster for American Movie "Eyes wide Shut" by American director Stanley Kubrick

Many thanks to all international artists who believe and support this ongoing project started and organized by myself in 2016 with their artworks being exhibited in worldwide exhibitions since 2016 and also in published books based on it because without your excellent art skills and trust this project wouldn't be possible. 
Special thanks to my youngest niece Leticia that gives me all the strength and energy in this world and to Gary Groth that's the president of Fantagraphics books publishing company for more than 40 years and that publishes and distribute hundreds of books created by some of the best international artists all over the world.

Da mui nobre e invicta
19th April 2018
Manuel Espirito Santo

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Upcoming project compilation of interviews to 30 international artists from 2012 to 2018 -

Trying to organize interviews to some of the best international artists ever it's a bit tricky sometimes.
 I've decided to compile all the interviews that I've did since 2012 to some of the best international artists that I know of, be them musicians, photographers, models, comic book artists, painters, animators or illustrators, in this post, because I trust in my work as a professional.

Professional cards with design by Argentine Artist Mr Ed

 I'm thinking on trying to publish some that weren't published anywhere, maybe with help by Gary Groth at The Comics Journal published by American book publishing company Fantagraphics.
 Below are links of these same interviews that I've did to artists like a sort of coffeeshop conversation somewhere in this world in English, Spanish and Portuguese that readers can copy/paste and open in a new window in a web browser if you want to read them.
 They're organized by descending order regarding their date.
 The complete list with interviews by 30 international artists with info of their names, birth country and date of them that I've had/have the pleasure to interview or to work with in life and whose work can be read in this same blogue in English, Spanish, Portuguese were the following ones:
Svetlana Zombierella Nagaeva - Russia - Musician - March 2018

Russian musician Svetlana Zombierella Nagaeva's picture

Jason Lutes - USA - Comic book storyteller and ilustrator - January 2018

Jason Lutes Self-portrait

Max Andersson - Sweden - Comic book storyteller, ilustrator and animation director (In English) - November 2017

Artwork and poster by Swedish Artist Max Andersson

Lars Erik Sjunesson - Sweden - Comic book storyteller and ilustrator (In English) - November 2017

Lars Erik Sjunesson - Self-portrait

Terhi Ekebom - Finland - Comic book storyteller, painter and ilustrator (In English) - October 2017

Finnish artist Terhi Ekebom in her inner world 

Artwork by Finnish artist Terhi Ekebom

Brian Biggs - USA - Comic book storyteller and ilustrator (In English) - September 2017

Dear Julia cover by American Artist Brian Biggs

MR ED - Argentina - Comic book storyteller and ilustrator (In Spanish) - January 2017

Artwork by Argentine Artist MR Ed

Ruben Pellejero - Spain - Comic book storyteller and ilustrator (In Spanish) - December 2016

Ruben Pellejero - Self-portrait

Fidel Martínez Nadal - Spain - Comic book storyteller and ilustrator (In Spanish) - December 2016

Fidel Martinez Nadal - Self-portrait

Santiago Sequeiros - Spain - Comic book storyteller and ilustrator (In Spanish) - December 2016

Santiago Sequeiros - Self-portrait

Quique Alcatena - Argentina - Comic book storyteller and ilustrator (In Spanish) - December 2016

Quique Alcatena - Self-portrait

George Pratt - USA - Comic book storyteller, painter and ilustrator (In English) - December 2016

Tribute to Valentina by Guido Crepax by George Pratt

Cristina Breccia - Argentina - Comic book storyteller and ilustrator (In Spanish) - October 2016

Comic book page by Cristina Breccia

Patricia Breccia - Argentina - Comic book storyteller and ilustrator (In Spanish) - June 2016

Patricia Breccia - Self-portrait

Danijel Zezelj - Croatia - Comic book storyteller and ilustrator (In English) - June 2016 published at Portuguese newspaper Público

Danijel Zezelj - Self-portrait

David Lloyd - UK - Comic book storyteller and ilustrator (In English) - June 2016 published at Portuguese newspaper Público

With a tribute to Valentina by Guido Crepax by David Lloyd

Alex Korolkovas - Brazil - Photographer and director (In English) - April 2015

Alex Korolkovas with his tribute to Valentina to Guido Crepax

Barbara Nogueira - Brazil - Model (In English) - March 2015

Barbara Nogueira as a model for a tribute to Valentina by Guido Crepax

Guido Crepax heirs -- Italy - (In English) - February 2014 - Already published in first Fantagraphics Crepax book collection organized by me with help by Fantagraphics team and Italian maestro Guido Crepax heirs as a team.

With Antonio and Caterina Crepax in an exhibition dedicated to Guido Crepax and curated by me at X Beja comic book festival in 2014

With Caterina Crepax helding a tribute to Valentina by Guido Crepax by Spanish Artist Fidel Martinez Nadal and a woman from my past at Porto

Anke Feuchtenberger - Germany - Comic book storyteller and ilustrator (In English) - January 2014

Anke Feuchtenberger picture

Joe Pruett - USA - Comic book storyteller (In English) - October 2013

Joe Pruett picture

Terry Moore - USA - Comic book storyteller and ilustrator (In English) - September 2013

Terry Moore's picture

Greg Ruth - USA - Comic book storyteller and ilustrator (In English) - September 2013

Sudden Gravity by Greg Ruth

Derradé - Portugal - Comic book storyteller and ilustrator (In English) - September 2013

Derradé - Self - Portrait

Gary Reed - USA - Comic book storyteller and publisher (in English) - August 2013

Gary Reed's Picture

Olivier Deprez - France - Comic book storyteller and ilustrator (In Portuguese) - June 2012

Olivier Deprez with American Artist Melinda Gebbie and me

Dominique Goblet -Belgium - Comic book storyteller and ilustrator (In Portuguese) - June 2012 published in Portuguese newspaper Público

Dominique Goblet's picture

Fabio Civitelli - Italy - Comic book storyteller and ilustrator (In English at a conversation panel in a comic book festival named Mab and organized by me and a small team under Invicta Indie Arts concept) - March 2012

Fabio Civitelli with me and a former partner at Invicta Indie Arts 

Youtube video with a conversation panel in Italian with Fabio Civitelli at Mab comic book festival organized by me and a small team with Invicta Indie Arts concept in march 2012.

Melinda Gebbie -  USA - Comic book storyteller, animator and ilustrator (In English at a conversation panel in a comic book festival named Mab and organized by me and a small team under Invicta Indie Arts concept) - March 2012

Melinda Gebbie in a conversation panel - March 2012

Two Youtube videos with a conversation panel in Italian with Melinda Gebbie at Mab comic book festival organized by me and a small team with Invicta Indie Arts concept in march 2012.

Many thanks to all international artists that are kind and humble souls and that sometimes trust in some of my ideas in this thing called life.

18th April 2018 
Manuel Espirito Santo 

A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...