Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Info and narrative about Upcoming Zombierella's project - International Artists

It's hard to be able to write or create movement in this static world where we live in with a narrative with social networks giving us some sort of marketing image that turns sometimes human brains and souls in living cells that can't capture life itself and what's going on in it.
 I remember a static framed picture of Svetlana Zombierella Nagaeva in the most beautiful city in the whole world and a project began to grow itself in my mind, heart and soul.

A mui nobre, sempre leal e invicta

 Svetlana's a noble and humble soul. Zombierella's her alter ego telling herself that she can rule the world with her image, her songs, her art while being a 21st Century woman that doesn't forget her past moments by living in present time with all gothic phenomena and its icons or ghoulish figures that were/are in her life in past or present time.
 Being born in the same city where Russian writer Dostoiesvki was born makes Svetlana a citizen of the world with her work.

Svetlana as a 21st century woman

 To be a woman or an artist in the 21st century always with her image in movement, she must spell her inner or hidden demons to the world while thinking that having a fan base in social networks such as facebook or instagram sometimes means a lot, others aren't worth a dime because in life what really counts is what you do in it and not in some buttons in a pc or cellphone to press "like" or to write a comment in random images.

Zombierella in Invicta with artworks based on her by Italian artist Stefano Zattera, Spanish Artists Jon Ander Azaola, Ruben Pellejero and Catalan Artist Toni Benages Galard

Zombierella in invicta with artworks based on her by Belgium Artist Christoph Swijsen, Japanese Artist John Kurokawa, Polish Artist Bartosz Jekiel and French artist Isabel Pessoa

Zombierella in invicta with artworks based on her by Jordanian Artist Mike V. Derderian, Japanese Artist John Kurokawa, Polish Artist Bartosz Jekiel and Danish artist Henrik Kim Rehr

 Svetlana's is a simple woman.
 Zombierella's an awesome character.
 Svetlana's pretty.
 Zombierella's sexy.
 Both on them live inside a human female body with a heart, soul and mind.

Zombierella's playing bass

 So, sometimes I really don't know if I'm having a coffee with Zombierella while communicating with Svetlana.

Artwork by Polish Artist Bartosz Jekiel based on Zombierella having a coffee with me.

Artwork by Turkish Artist Ayse Maktas based on Zombierella having a coffee with me.

A simple guy born in Porto

 I know that I work with both of them with help by several international artists that were or are part of some exhibitions/projects that I've organized or will organize in the future as can be read in this same blogue and that I consider them to be my friends.
 Svetlana's (or was it Zombierella?) brought also into this "weird" cocktail some excellent international artists that I didn't communicate with.

Zombierella seen by Indonesian artist Rico Irdam Ardiansyah - 01

Zombierella seen by Indonesian artist Rico Irdam Ardiansyah - 02

 I know that I'm working with a Russian living woman with help by international artists to be able to exhibit not only Zombierella's character (that runs amok and randomly in this life all over the world) but also exhibiting some excellent  artworks by some of the best international artists that I know of and that entered in this project with their heart and soul in it, because artists are like this, they enter in people's lives and turn them into something else by being honest and humble souls that go straight to the point by biting us in our necks or grabbing a bit of our souls (like the real vampires and ghoulish creatures that they are and that Svetlana and myself simply adore) with their pens, pencils or erasers.

Svetlana Zombierella drying her hair

 Don't ask me or Svetlana's or Zombierella's what we will do in the future because what we know is that an exhibition will be held and maybe a published book with words and artworks by some of the best international artists ever.

Zombierella and a huge gorilla

 Are international artists going to bite Svetlana, Zombierella or even myself?
 I'm sure that they will and I'll love this because I'm also a ghoulish creature and I'm sure that Zombierella will be at first a bit afraid of them but in the end of this project, I'm sure that she'll see them as her own friends just like I do.
 Here's a list with international artists organized by countries that are in this project and that sometimes bite a bit of Zombierella's soul and also mine either in Saint Petersburg or in Porto.

 Dario Mekler 
 Martin Arrizabalaga
 Mukor Bazan 
 Pablo Burman 
 Teke Teke 
 Christophe Swijsen
 Douglas P. Lobo
 Ruben Pellejero
 Toni Benages Gallard 
 Henrik Kim Rehr
 Terhi Ekebom
 Isabel Pessoa
 Rico Irdam Ardiansyah
 Rolando Cicatelli 
 Stefano Zattera
 John Kurokawa
 Garbage which burns 
 Mike v.derderian 
 Gaston Ortiz 
 Bartosz Jekiel 
 Ead Weird 
 Sasha Larenkov
 Jon Ander Azaola 
 José Luis Ágreda 
 Lars Erik Sjunesson 
 Ayse Maktas
 Bill Koeb
 Jon Kutzer

Lost in myself at Invicta

Being myself only a simple guy that was born in Porto while having
 myself an alter ego that is lost somewhere in Helsinki - Finland writing a script and that organized an exhibition/project/narrative  with myself as a character in it with help by some of the best international artists ever (like is mentioned in some posts in this same blogue) and that were born in the countries listed below such as:
Teke Teke, Fernando Sawa, Mr Ed, Pablo Burman, Martin Arrizabalaga, Mukor Bazan, Carlos Dearmas, German Genga, Roda Rodrigo.
Nicolas Mahler
Christophe Swijsen
Dominique Goblet
Douglas P. Lobo
Danijel Zezelj 
Henrik Kim Rehr
Terhi  Ekebom 
Rolando Cicattelli
Stefano Zattera
John Kurokawa
Bartosz Jekiel
Nikodem Caballa
Magdalena Minko
Paulo Pinto
João Sequeira 
Ana Biscaia
Leticia (that actually is my youngest niece)
Danilo Milosev Wostok
Pedro Espinosa 
José Luis Ágreda
Jon Ander Azaola
Pedro Rodriguez
Daniel Esteve
Eduardo Alvarado Sanchez Cortez
Joaquin Aldeguer
Knut Larsson
Max Andersson
Nicolas Krizan
Bill Koeb 

Sometimes I tell international artists that I've never minded being bitten in my life before or even now, so below are some artworks about how some of the best international artists that I know "see" me.

Artworks based on myself by Brazilian artist Douglas P. Lobo, Spanish Artist José Luis Ágreda, Belgium Artist Dominique Goblet and Swedish Artist Max Andersson

Artworks based on myself by Swedish Artist  artist Knut Larsson, Polish Artist Bartosz Henkel, Portuguese Artist Ana Biscaia and Spanish artist Eduardo Alvarado Sanchez Cortez 

Artworks based on myself by Finnish Artist Terhi Ekebom,Polish artists Magdalena Minko and Bartosz Jekiel, Argentine Artist Mr Ed, Spanish artists Daniel Esteve and Jon Ander Azaola, Italian Artist Stefano Zattera and Brazilian artist Eder.

Artworks based on myself by Spanish Artist Joaquin Aldeguer, Argentine Artist German Genga, Italian artist Rolando Cicatelli, Swedish artist Nicolas Krizan, American artist Bill Koeb, French artist Isabel Pessoa, Serbian artist Danilo Milosev Wostok and Japanese artist John Kurokawa

Artworks based on myself by Argentine artists Carlos Dearmas, Mukor Bazan, Fernando Sawa and Croatian artist Danijel Zezelj 

Artworks based on myself by Danish artist Henrik Kim Rehr, Argentine artist Martin Arrizabalaga, Spanish artists Ruben Pellejero, Pedro Rodriguez, José Luis Agreda and Portuguese artist João Sequeira. 

Artworks based on myself by Argentine artists Teke Teke, Roda Rodrigo and Pablo Burman, Polish artist Nikodem Cabala, Austrian artist Nicolas Mahler, Portuguese artist and my youngest niece Leticia, Belgium artist Christophe Swijsen and French artist Isabel Pessoa.

  • I must say thanks from the bottom of my heart and soul to all international artists who work with me as a team since 2016 in several projects and ideas that are gathered somewhere in my brain and soul without a previous written script.

Special thanks to my youngest niece Leticia and to Svetlana Nagaeva (or is she Zombierella in this present moment when I'm finishing these words?)
17th April 2018
Manuel Espirito Santo 

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