Thursday, January 30, 2020

A love poem to Mascara that's a woman that I love.


- Day after day...
- I'm with you feeling at bay...
- Man, you know that I love you...
- This is true...
- I know that you're not a statue...
- I know your virtue...
- There's an ice cream at the red square with you and me...
- You know that they're the best in the world and that we'll both observe together the sea for free...
I don't know what to answer you because being in love for you is true...
- Day after day, Man...
- You always bring me something new...
- There's our cat that isn't a bat...
- I love your coat when it's cold inside our own love boat...
- We're tailors not sailors...
- Love when my lips touch your hips...
- Love you body and soul, because with you, I'll never grow old...
Your golden hair was in my face inside a love embrace...
I say this to you...
- We aren't at some race...
- We aren't in a speed or slow pace...
- Our love is a bound that we found...
You vision my mind either be it kind or unkind...
You say this to me:
- I run into your heart to be near you...
- I walk in your eyes because they tell no lies...
I observe candy at handy when your soft hands lay by my side with pride inside our ride...
You say this to me:
- Japanese cuisine...
- I love to observe you when your tongue scream...
- Your legs are something bold when you walk with me in the cold...
- Our love nest always is our chest...
- Will you kiss me forever and ever while being with me where we'll always be?
You ask me this inside the warmest kiss...
I look into your eyes and body in movement thinking this to myself:
- You're my book shelf...
- I know that we only fill our heart with love without any glove...
You say this to me:
- Hours with you are always something new...
- There's snow...
- There's a blow...
- There's Moscow...
- Whenever I'm alone with you...
- You make disappear the colour blue...
- There's my red dress near your jeans while our bodies play chess...
- There's my weigh in movement with you every single day...
- You fly me to the moon while being us together on our room...
- I'm your fork and spoon...
- You know how I am...
- Just love you as my man...

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

More info about book project - Daria Inside An Aria - International artists

When I'm writing inside book project Daria Inside An Aria, I only know that we both clearly watch the same motion pictures, books or listening to the same sounds as is shown in this post with pics of her, me and artworks based on her and me by Italian Artist Bernardino Constantino and French Artist Isabel Pessoa


Daria is pretty and sweet when we both meet...
Finishing her book project real soon...
Many thanks to all international artists that created artworks based on her for this book project (and that can be read in previous posts in this same blogue) such as:
Pablo Burman and Martin Arrizabalaga from Argentina 
John Kurokawa from Japan
Isabel Pessoa from France 
Stan Wany from Canada 
Sergio Abrega from Bolivia 
Branko Djukic from Serbia 
Rolando Cicatelli, Stefano Zattera and Bernardino Constantino from Italy 
Rikki Romero from U.S.A 
Special thanks to Daria Kovalenka 







A love poem to my love Elena - True Love


- Love you inside a kiss...
- You're my morning bliss...
- Love you while we're both eating cheese...
- You're my miss...
I say this to you while you're handing me an hotdog telling me something about God...
- You're always like this...
- How can I forget every single night with you at plain sight?
 You say this to me... 
 I think about starpower knowing that you do know how to make love with me because you're always my flower... 
 You always tell me something about our hot bath after our path... 
 There's your golden dress...
 There's your beautiful hands while we're playing chess...
 There's your golden hair that covers both our faces while we toy with our laces...
- Baby, love you so...
- You're more than a simple glow...
- You've no small talk...
- When we're on our own walk...
- Smoke and flames, babe...
- We're always shaved...
- You know me...
- I was born in Russia and I live with thee...
- I know that you put birds singing...
- But in the end, it's only me who opens our door asking for love in our nest...
- You always open to me your chest...
- Your heart's mine and I know that it's kind...
 You say this to me... 
 Our green light is our sight burning bright...
 We walk on the kitchen floor and cook food for both of us forever more...
- Man, I know how you are...
- Don't drive me so far...
- You know that my heart is yours to take...
- Don't come home always so late...
- Your poetry and photoshoot...
- Makes my heart and soul reboot...
- You want my legs around your neck?
 You say this to me...
 There's my coat on our house hall...
 I listen to nature's call...
- Come on my Man, let's drink...
- Let's paint our faces with ink...
- There's out street...
- Where we meet...
- I can enjoy a wish...
- I love you more than the best salty codfish... 
 You say this to me... 
 I reply to you:
- You're my goldfish...
- We don't need a wish...
- We don't need to kiss and tell...
- You know that I'm under your spell...
- You're my belle...
- Love you babe..
- You know that I'm your love slave...
 You say this to me:
- Come on my Man, let's observe the sea for free..
- Just you and me...
- Love thee...


short fable to my lover Sue McEnnis in between book projects


- Man...
- I surf a Super Nova...
You say this to me.
I was a bit afraid of what to answer you...
You were wearing an orange dress observing me playing chess...
- Man, what the fuck is going on with you?
- I need you here right now...
- Surf...
- It's a Nova...
- Don't confuse me...
- Don't plant a bad seed on me...
- My legs are tired of thee...
- Don't kiss my lips...
- Shake my hips...

When you said this to me all that I could actually see was a mystery...
- Nathan Adler, Man...
- You and your fucking words...
- You drive me mad...
- I google your pen and love you as a Man...

Rebel, Rebel 

I pray to the Gods above and below while saying this to you:
- Hey babe, I'm a rebel rebel...
- I'm never lost in Babel...
- Hey honey, what can I do?
- You know me and I know you...

You scream at me;
- I'M LIKE Edward Stapleton AND Karene Stapleton...

I don't know what to answer you because Dasha Intoxica is staring at me cutting an apple slice with a knife...
I do get scared when Mascara Bass-Girl shows me a bomb in Moscow's red square...
- I don't give a damn to what you say...
- You used my body and now you're my prey...
- Surf...
- Mystery...
- History...
- Pagan...
- Do whatever you can...
- You must give me your hand
You say this to me.

Artwork by Italian artists Sabrina Pasquini, Rolando Cicatelli (based on Bowie), American artist Caitlyn McCarthy and a pic of Sue 

- Fuck you, Man...
- Insert me your pen...
- But hey...
- Condoms loose...
- I want a child from you out of the blue...
I don't  what to say to you when all people that are around us, tell us that we need a parking solo bus...
- Man, I couldn't care less...
- I want a baby and not a mess...
- Anarchy is my love...
- You know that I'm not a dove...
With you wearing your orange dress, what can I do?
I strip myself for you...
There's my naked body with an heart and soul...
- Couldn't care less Man...
- I surf a Nova...
- Want our child...
- Let her be wild...
I shout my mouth and not thinking at all, I answer you this:
- Love you doll...

A simple guy born in the prettiest city in the world 

Monday, January 27, 2020

A short fable to my love Elena - True love


There was you without any kind of blue...
 You were at your bed at the Red Square...
 It'll be christmas time soon and snow is a major blow with its inner glow...
 There was an invisible badge while we were living on the edge...
 You told me this:
- Hey Man...
- Minsk...
- Kiev...
- Drive your pen...
- I need you by my side inside a shaman's ride...
 I was observing your blonde hair on the atmosphere...
 The way that you walked or smiled was what we were... 


 Pagan poetry was our inner sphere... 

 Told you this:
- Love...
- Teach...
- No dove...
- Reach... 
 Your lipstick was inside my coat and your dress wasn't a game chess...
- Outside...
- Let's drive...
- Rudolf's reindeer is not far...
- It knows who we're...
I was thinking on the beauty of your eyes... 
 I knew that they do not carry lies...
- There's you and me...
- We always roam the sea for free...
- We are whatever the fuck that we want to be...


 Told you this.
- This isn't our song...
- Neither is a bomb...
 You said this to me with a rubber tiger that had fiber....
- There's truth on our youth...
- One...
- Two...
- Three...
- Let's riot for free...
 We had a drink...
 We merged our own ink...
 You were my melting pot...
 You were telling me that a gift is not a drift...
- Yoga...
- Fashion...
- Passion...
- Leisure...
- Pleasure...
- We love each other inside a piece of land where both of us put our left hand.
 You told me this while you were  observing a book with our own look...


A short fable to Lana - A simple love story - Part two


- Germany is inside thee...
- You Roman streets near the sea...
 You tell me this...
 I don't know how to double dare what's in the air...
- Man, you're always like this...
- Mind always was a mask...
- We've our own task...
Your voice echoes in my soul (even if it's cold)...
- There's butterflies caught...
- There're no lies...
' Maybe not...
- There's a mystery inside a riddle...
- There's a secret without a needle...
- There's my ring...
- You know that I love Spring...
- There's you and me out of time inside a rhyme...
- There's a tape...
- There's a lake...
- There's nothing at stake...
- There's my black dress...
- There's my hair playing chess...
- There's Leipzig...
- There's a wish...
- There's you...
- There's me...
- There's the verb "to be'...
- There's joy with a toy...
- There's a young man who's a boy...
- There's graphic tales...
- There're snails...
- Can you dance inside my pocket?
 You ask me this...
 I stare at the beauty of you and tell you about a rocket...
- Wang...
- Bang...
- Shoot you Man...
- Ick kann mit dir in traümen treffen...
- Ick kann deinen worten lesen...
- Ich bin da...
- It's twenty - twenty...
- I don't feel empty...
- My body is strong as steel as a mountain hill...
- Volcano Man...
- With or without you riding your pen...
- There's a masquerade...
- There's a charade...
- There's a book to cook...
- Be with me...
- I know that you desire PI...
- Number...
- Letter...
- Slumber...
- Better...
- Can you feel me when German is talked during a simple walk?
 I stare at you, not telling you something new...
 While saying this:
- I can't never say "no" to you...
- Your image haunts me for free...
- Your figure is a shake and shiver...
- A drink doesn't have ink...
- There's your eyes...
- No pretty little lies... I say this to you while your arms are holding the sun having them fun...
- There's me you know?
- There's not a faerie that in the dark glow... You observe me while the green grass treats us with class...


A short fable to Sabrina - Love story


- Hey Man, there's me and you...

- What's going on?
- Are we going to have some fun?
- Lock, stock and barrel inside your pen...
- Basketball's a pretty game...
- Come on, play it with me without anyone to blame...
I suddenly don't know what to answer you because your hair is all over our inner atmosphere...
- Come on...
- Swing on...
- I'll drible and pass you the ball...
- I'll paint you in a portrait red without any square...
- Don't lurk there...
- Be with me in thick air...
 I look at your pretty eyes...
 I observe them getting closer to me...
 There's no sea...
 It's just you and me...
 I say this to you:
- There's no storm among the newborn...
- There's a hidden map inside the heart of a dove...
- There's a cat shouting "ALL IS LOVE"...
- Love you girl...
- Pass me the ball and we'll build a wall... 
 You stare at me and music is inside our playlist where a kiss is pure bliss...
- There're t-shirts, Man...
- You told me about a fountain...
- You told me about a mountain...
- There's your pen...
- No fear to dare...
- No tears in thin air...
- I remember you telling me this...
- It was during the day...
- Where psyche was our pay...
- Bread...
- Spare...
- Inside...
- Outside...
- Society has no identity...
- I know that we're both an entity...
- We'll rule the world without any peakaboo...
- You know that I trust you...
 I was gazing at a "smile" on your t-shirt for a while...
 I was observing a "stop" in your chest while we both were observing a bird's nest...
 Your hands were a joy while playing a toy...  I've told you this:
- There's wood...
- There's a mood...
- There's a movie...
- There's a number...
- Twenty twenty ain't slumber...
- Love you...
- You know that this is true...


A short fable to Lana - A simple love story


There're one hundred years...
A thousand fears...
While you say this to me:
- Cheers...
There's a bike...
There's an hike...
There's a forest...
There's even a tree...
For free...
There's dark hair...
There's a short term effect...
Inside a single act...
You ask me this:
- Is this a fact?
 I listen to music in a play list while answering you:
- Being me isn't being you...
- Do you love the color blue?
 You stare at me...
 There's no sea...
 You answer me this:
- Don't know what to do...
- Don't know what's new...
I look at a garden that's hanging loose on the moon searching for a muse...
You tell me something about a looking glass...
You tell me something about a class...
- Gym...
- Love to swim...
- You know what I mean...
You whisper this to me while I'm staring at a fruit tree...
- Hey you...
- There're branches everywhere...
- There's a lovely atmosphere...
- There's pure oxygen to breathe...
- There's a storm cold in days of old...
I answer this to you...
- Is it always like this?
 You ask me this with a smile full of bliss...
- Flesh and blood aren't a flood...
 Words pop in into my mind inside a rhyme without time...
- There's a morning that lurks in my soul...
- There's a treasure that's never cold...
- You never talk...
- You never smile...
- Not even for a short while...
- You never walk...
You say this to me:
- There's the Green Deep Sea...
- There's Burn...
- There's my turn...
- Hey you...
- What's new?
 You ask me this through a looking mirror... I don't know what to say to you with written words lost in a map inside a chit chat...
 I think this to myself:
- Maybe it's Push...
- Maybe it's Lush...
- Maybe it's a Cure...
- Maybe it's endure...
- Maybe it's a triangle...
- Maybe it's a short angle...
- Maybe it's a spell...
- Maybe it's a trick inside a well...
- Maybe it's a rose...
- Maybe it's Rudolf's nose...
- Maybe it's a play...
- Maybe we're in May...
- Maybe the devil will pay...
- Maybe it's an hurricane...
- Maybe it's a chess game...
 You ask me this:
- Will this planet be a dream knowing ourselves that the earth does scream?
 I don't know what to answer you for true.

Uma fábula curta para a Hélia - Amor verdadeiro

Eu e a Hélia

- Animais, rapaz..
- És audaz...
- És um homem com o coração na mão...
- Queres dançar comigo desde o nascer até anoitecer?

Perguntas-me isto num ciclo sem fim.
Um cachecol acaba por ser um farol...
Um marinheiro lança-se ao mar sabendo que ao nadar tem que respirar...

Com alguns dos meus sobrinhos

Perguntas-me isto:
- Que dizes tu?
- Não te entendo, pois a música está em crescendo...

Vais-me fitando com olhos nada perdidos em tempos nada esquecidos...
Eu fico somente a pensar num gatinho bébé com frio que mal sabe comunicar com o olhar...

Com a Sissy e a Letícia

Penso para mim mesmo:
- É uma dádiva da natureza...
- É a certeza dum planeta cheio de beleza...

Com a Sissy 

Os teus cabelos soltos ao vento falam do tempo...
Falam da chuva e inclusive da uva...
Falam do sol que irradia num dia com energia...
Falam de ramos e galhos sem atalhos...
Tu dizes-me isto:
- A tua mente é um muro com um pequeno furo...
- O teu espírito é solto e nada revolto..
Observo as árvores e folhas que acabam por cair num constante devir...
Tu voltas a entrar na minha mente presente que nunca está ausente enquanto me perguntas:
- Será um ninho de pardais que faz com que não sejamos iguais?
Eu sem saber o que te responder, limito-me a observar um simples movimento no teu lazer...

Com uma sereia 

A short fable to Didi Wray - book project


- Man, you're going to have an award for the person that says less without any mess...
- Love you...
- You know that this isn't new...
- Trap my body in May...
- The devil will pay...
- Grab my spirit every single day...
- The devil will pay...
- Come on man...
- Let me ride your pen...
- Be my man...
- I want to hum and yell inside our spell...
- My legs are around you...
- You know that this is true...
- Yellow shirt...
- Our phone's alone...
- Mate...
- Chocolate...
- There's our wine...
- We're fine...
- Five in a row ain't worth a dime...
- Serpent's at the lake...
- We don't need a break...
- Let's be Francis Drake...
- Hey Man...
- I'm you...
- You're me...
- Let's be whatever the fuck that we want to be...
- Feel my body trembling with you...
- This isn't feeling blue...
- It takes two to Tango...
- There's juice mango...
- I'm Wray and love you every single day...
- Come what May...
- Let the devil play...
- We've our bay...
- Come deep...
- No trick or treat...
- There's an orgasm act...
- You know that this is a fact...
- There's your coat being our bed while I feel myself a bit mad...
- I promise that I'm you being something new...
- Come on Man...
- Don't be lazy...
- My name ain't Daisy...
- Love you...
- You know that this is true... 
You tell me all this inside a kiss while a serpent hiss...

Uma pequena fábula para a Hélia - Amor verdadeiro


- Estamos com um qualquer dezassete a 1 de Fevereiro...
 Afirmas tu...
- O mundo não irá acabar em Janeiro...
Respondo-te eu...


- Bateria...
- Energia...
- Magia...
- Num só dia...


Dizes-me tu isto com um sorriso... 
 Eu em nada penso, pois pensar na minha opinião só tem lógica no verbo "amar". Encostado a uma árvore e sem nada fazer, sei que com o meu leve peso a farei tremer... Faço-te duas perguntas numa:


- Será um erro encostar-me á árvore ou será que na vida temos sempre que remar e remar?

  Tu nada me contestas... 


 O teu cabelo dourado, faz com que estejamos num mero prado a falar com felinos genuínos...
- O coração dói num momento no tempo...
- Não é uma resposta a duas perguntas, acaba por ser um facto num acto...
 Dizes-me isto...
 Eu fico sem saber o que fazer e carrego o teu corpo nos meus braços com lazer...
- Memórias rapaz...
- Partilhar...
- Dar...
- Amar... 
 Penso numa sereia enquanto os teus olhos me acabam por dar boleia...
 Penso que penso sem pensar pois saber estar é sentir o perfume inebriante do mar...
- Uma cadeira...
- Jogas cartas comigo junto á lareira?


Eu observo a tua silhueta numa ampulheta... Pequena como a sardinha... 
Dura como uma pinha...
 Sem água para beber, sonho com a palavra lazer... Dizes-me isto:
- 1 de Fevereiro estou...
- 19 de Janeiro sou...
A mnha resposta á tua pergunta acaba por ser nada profunda...


- Sensação...
- Emoção...
- Paixão...
- Eu sei do que és capaz...
- Sê forte, tenaz e audaz...


Digo-te isto de peito aberto sem sequer reparar que os teus cabelos deixam o meu olhar para o céu encoberto...

Fotos que ilustram esta história de Amor 
A Hélia.
As minhas sobrinhas Leticía, Bea, Sissy, Isaura e a minha priminha Evinha

Trabalhos artisticos imprimidos para livros e exposições dedicados a uma mulher de papel organizados por mim com a ajuda de mais de 150 artistas internacionais com livros publicados em to do o mundo como o caso does impressos nas fotos pelos artistas argentinos MR ED, Santiago Caruso, Bou Santiago, o Brasileiro Gelson Mallorca, a Polaca Magdalena Minko, o japonês John Kurokawa e um trabalho artístico baseado em mim para um projecto em desenvolvimento que é a minha autobiografia com a ajuda de mais de 80 artistas internacionais.

- O Amor verdadeiro é o quê?
 Por vezes pergunto isto a mim mesmo e as minhas sobrinhas e primas dão-me sempre as melhoras respostas a esta simples pergunta...

Uma fábula curta para a Sabrina - estórias de armor


Estavamos algures num dia cheio de energia...
Existia uma mala para homem num sinónimo no qual o objecto era um facto num acto.
 Tu dizias-me isto:
- Não quero realismo, mas sim magia...
- Não quero viver numa ilusão num só dia...
- Quero um abraço com um laço...
- Quero um beijo e um gracejo...
 Eu não sabia o que te responder, pois a pintura duma indígena estava na minha cabeça com toda a sua beleza...
- Sou paixão...
- Não sou ilusão...
- Sou emoção...
- Pinto o teu rosto com a minha mão...
Eu fico a pensar no teu rosto latino onde ilhas que eram portuguesas são repletas de certezas...
 Não penso em Fernão de Magalhães... Penso em todas as mulheres que são mães... Tu dizes-me isto:
- Camisolas...
- Feitas á mão com emoção...
- A arte é o que faz a nossa mente ser audaz...
- Um marinheiro nunca está somente encostado a um pinheiro...
- Porque é que vives em 2020 fábulas enquanto buscas a soma do número 4 + 6?
- Sentes a minha sombra quando um pardal voa sobre ti e sobre num prazer sem igual?
 Eu fico a pensar nas tuas perguntas, enquanto noto que já não tenho um cigarro, mas sim o teu afago...
 Penso para mim mesmo:
- Essência italiana nunca perdida numa diana...
- O teu cabelo negro acaba por ser a essência e a certeza da tua beleza...
 Um gato diz-me isto:
- Olha ao teu redor...
- O mundo está cheio de amor...
Um pardal fala comigo sobre coisas com sentido...
 Tu observas a minha figura com a tua nobre doçura...
- Sei quem tu és...
- Sei que navegas até 2020 pés...
- Sei que sou a tua pirata...
- Sei que sou o café na tua nata...
- Sei que sou uma espada num conto de fada...
- Sei que gosto de ti...
- Sei que gostas de mim...
- Sei que o mundo não tem fim...
- Sei que uma bola é redonda...
- Sei que o planeta é azul cheio de mar...
- Sei o significado do verbo "amar"...
- Sei o que é remar...
Eu observo a tua alegria quando colocas uma bola num cesto com magia... Meticulosamente acabo por saber que a tua filha irá ser mais que magia num só dia...
- Realismo não é um eufemismo...
 Dizes-me isto com toda a certeza enquanto eu somente observo a tua arte e a tua beleza...


Uma fábula para a Hélia - Amor verdadeiro


- Normal é aborrecido...

Dizes-me isto num tom contido...
 Eu não sei o que fazer ou escrever quando um olho teu vislumbra a minha silhueta como grâos de areia a cairem numa ampulheta... Penso que penso numa frase que me mencionas com tristeza apesar da tua beleza:
- Pessoas ainda querem pessoas... 
 Desço uma avenida e sem sequer pensar numa partida, noto num letreiro  esta frase escrito com o idioma português.
"Coloque em práctica tudo o que o mundo lhe oferece"...
 Penso para mim e para ti que é somente uma fase...
- 1...
- 2...
- 3...
- Não quero jogar xadrez...
- Quero um abraço teu num laço...
Notamos ambos esta frase escrita numa terra sem guerra "Nâo me digas que o céu é o limite quando existem pegadas na lua.." numa folha de papel com sabor a mel... Respondo-te:
- O céu é o nosso véu e não um chapéu...
- A lua tem pegadas minhas e tuas na nossa rua...
 Ficas a observar o meu corpo enquanto o teu cabelo cai sobre o meu rosto como um posto...
 Noto o meu coração a sangrar na tua mâo com emoção...
- 4...
- 5...
- 6...
- Sou a tua Deusa Medusa nada confusa...
- Dizes-me sempre que sou a tua musa...
 Fico a observar o nosso movimento num tempo em crescendo...
Digo-te isto:
- Sei quem tu és...
- A tua essência não está no mar numa profundidade de mil pés...
- Sei quem somos...
- A razâo da emoçâo é a nossa pura sensação...
- 7...
- 8...
- 9...
- Sabes que detesto quando chove...
- Realismo...
- Expressionismo...
- Paganismo...
- Impressionismo...
- Tu és mais que o meu maneirismo... Fico sem saber o que te dizer quando me dizes que o nosso lazer é prazer no interior do nosso ser...
- Café...
- Coloca-te de pé...
- Açucar espalhado...
- Mar lavrado...
- Dizes-me que o meu cabelo doirado é mais importante que 2020 museus como o Prado...
Gritas isto para mim enquanto ambos pensamos em algo escrito para nós a viva voz:
- Na claridão nós os dois somos pintados de cor com amor...

A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...