Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Short text for Zombierella's art project


Me and Svetlana Zombierella Nagaeva go way back...

Below is a short text that I wrote for an  arts project that me and her worked and are working together in present time while developing it with help by more than 60 international artists (with some delay  due to COVID pandemic period and the current state of the world right now with a bloody war that we both don't agree with).

Many thanks to all international artists who support several of my art projects.

Special thanks to Svettie.

This is me...

Maybe this is me and you...

This is for fact you...

I'm sure that this isn't me for true...

Maybe this is a bang...

This isn't a means to an end...

Maybe this is you when your child cries...

You tell me that this is a raven that does flies...

Maybe this continues being you for truth...

This isn't us both when sleeping dogs lie...

Maybe this is me when our together shadow hide...

This is clearly a word sent towards a garden...

Maybe this where a dream does happen...

This is me, you and a child...

Maybe this is just something inside you that's wild...

This is our world...

Maybe we're worth more than a single soul...

This is a circle that to us is told...

Maybe these are my eyes...

This is where our together figure lies...

Maybe this is our heart...

This is where we never fall apart...

Maybe this is a flower...

This is when you are with me and we don't observe the hour...

Am I positive that this is you running free?

Maybe this is the place where we stand near the sea...

Sunday, March 27, 2022

A direct speech from Janina Barabas to my right ear


- Man...

- Not Can-Can...

- Cohen's mood...

- If only we could...

- Let's do it like this...

- Burlesque's melodycal kiss...

- Both throwing our arms...

- Around the world...

- Gathering our charms...

- Not feeling small...

- Know that reality's a dream...

- During a hot scene...

- Together we must dance...

- Like being inside a trance...

- 3...

- 7...

- 8...

- 9...

- Delightful's velvet goldmine...

- At Transylvania's castle think I...

- No lie...

- There's our theater play...

- Inside a say...

- During night...

- With a prestigious insight...

- Let's watch Only Lovers Left Alive...

- Just to me say...

- That an heartbeat ain't a simple sigh...

- Wear I my red dress...

- Don't you dare play chess...

- Way more than Venus in Furs...

- Till the fat lady purs...

- Not in a bizarre way...

- We're in March, not May...

- Use my voice...

- Thy choice...

- Like a mime...

- Being totally fine...

- Hair that blonde is...

- Only you calls me number 6...

- Like when Agent 99...

- "Get Smart" was TV prime...

- Let's go back...

- Inside a 80's track...

- During Cocteau Twins' spell...

Liz Fraser was a belle...

Robin tremolo was then...

- Didn't knew how to hold a pen...

- Pick Wenders' "Wings of Desire"...

- Like a flame's sacred pyre...

- Stream Babylon Berlin...

- With Tom Waits' track "such a scream"...

- Download Peaky Blinders last episode...

- All over the globe...

- Taboo was left behind...

- Don't care...

- Not something kind...

- It's our atmosphere...

- Read me a book...

- Pose a stylish look...

- Give me a flower...

- It's spring's hour...

- We will do...

- Something new...

- Not an arts show...

- Tricky's back for another show...

- Notes From The Underground...

- Must be something that we've found...

- Book of disquiet is...

- Surely a bliss...

- Old saying Portuguese:

"Humble's to say please" 

- You know how I am...

- Gal with glam...

- Your soul's Man...

- Give me the sweetest candy box...

- Siouxsie Sioux was a total fox...

- XXIst Century...

- Being us together near the sea...

- Just tell me once again...

- Will we dance together inside a train?

Friday, March 25, 2022

A direct love speech from my bombshell Mascara to our together beating heart

- My love, My Man...

- Every single day I can...

- Nurture your pen...

- Tell me that I'll always be the one that you adore...

- While we dance by the floor...

- Don't care about what we do...

- It's between me and you...

- No mystery...

- Will love you till eternity...

- And when you this to me say:

"Love, love you every single day"

- Play our favourite Nick Cave's song...

- Melody doesn't burn...

- Bass' by the furniture...

- We're each other's cure...

- Marry me, you must...

- It's totally just...

- My blonde hair...

- Covering thy face...

- Our beloved atmosphere...

- Brought you spade's ace...

- Perfect like I say...

- Outside any pray...

- Don't talk...

- Want with thee outside walk...

- Kiss me...

- Don't act like Jerry...

- Make me merry...

- I am thy beloved sea...

- Don't act like Tom...

- We're more than a song...

- Barbarella as a fact...

- Us inside our love's act...

- Kicking Eros and Psyche...

- Not parking our bikey...

- Jump I into thy arms...

- Gathering all your charms...

- Climbing our house stairs...

- Not caring about any cuddly bears...

- Light does come...

- Our treaty zone...

- Kitty's by the phone...

- Life's Pub...

- Ain't no cub...

- Bought us mars bars...

- They're inside flowers jars...

- Piece's astronomy...

- Our solid anatomy...

- Do not care...

- To dare...

- Estafeta did me told...

- That she's a bit cold...

- Sushi to eat...

- Morning's sweet...

- Press again play...

- Madrugada do say...

- That Young Gods don't pray...

- Move animation process...

- No mess...

- Sister is sad...

- Playing chess...

- A bit mad...

- James Bond DVD...

- For me...

- You're better than him...

- Totally slim...

- Action packed scene...

- Castle not inside a dream...

- Rain does pour...

- By you want I even more...

- Not tired feel I...

- Being thy shoulders sigh...

- Delighted, do I try...

- To move with you...

- No pry...

- Something new...

- Hate fatigue...

- Or intrigue...

- Let's not forget to buy champagne...

- TV series is more than a quick game...

- Moving our together legs...

- Not mirroring the one who begs...

- By the house...

- Ice-creamish' blouse...

- You always do this to me...

- Harmony is wasting human energy...

- We're two being one...

- Heart, soul and body's fun...

- Not some theatre noirish mystery play...

- Love you even more when you to me say:

"Sweetie, let's forget night and the entire day outside any kind of pray"

A direct love speech from Svetlana Zombierella Nagaeva to our shared heart

- My Man, do know...

- Always first row...

- Do Kiss and tell...

- Being your belle...

- Not inside a Buñuel's movie dream...

- Our beloved scene...

- When you and me both scream...

- Kryptonite's out...

- More than a shout...

- Love me like you always do...

- Softly and always new...

- Just me and you...

- Don't tell me about any love song...

- I'm thy atom bomb...

- From Saint Petersburg to Moscow...

- Not caring for the snow...

- Coat in me...

- Senseless energy...

- Feeling our inner being...

- Outside any dream...

- Window's move a bit...

- Just to me be way sweet...

- More than a cartoon...

- Real deep...

- Want to feel the moon...

- More than a strip page...

- During stone age...

- Me embrace...

- While I vision your shoe lace...

- It's our unique pace...

- In the prettiest city in the world...

- Met you inside a call...

- Being you my wonderwall...

- Always big...

- Never small...

- In my lips thy unique fig...

- Teeth on thy neck...

- Don't care if you blow me back...

- Strip my chemise...

- Let's do what we please...

- While eating cheese...

- Put the melody at play...

- It's again our day...

- Want a child by you...

- True...

- Without you, I'll...

- Forget how to feel...

- Fill the page blank...

- Inside our rank...

- My energy...

- When I'm thee...

- International artists drew me...

- Also thee...

- More than a marriage at some sea...

- Of course that sometimes I can't thee understand...

- You enter Yin and exit Yang...

- Listening to Bauhaus...

- Inside our house...

- Watching Peaks Twin...

- Our beloved scene...

- There's the Earth core...

- When I ask you for more...

- In the bar...

- Stared we together at a star...

- Pumpkin was being  smashed...

- What a trip...

- To it catch...

- Sugary hip...

- Our only batch...

- Kiss me one more time...

- Love you just fine...

- Zombie to other people I am...

- With you being my Superman...

- Strike x-ray...

- During night and also day...

- Our unique's say...

- Open we our door...

- Love's nest by the floor...

- Gathering my jealousy...

- Towards thee...

- It's life's pub...

- No bug...

- By the room...

- Morning won't come too soon...

- Deliver me the moon...

- Hands that crawl...

- Like a common bawl..

- Moving legs...

- I'm the one that begs...

- Peanut's spleen...

- Want it with cream...

- No secret to be told...

- Our bodies are hot...

- Not cold...

- Double shot...

- Let's create a tape...

- With our together human shape...

- Zombierella does stand...

- A girl being more than a common band...

- Super speed...

- Feel again myself in need...

- Do me feed...

- Thy bad seed...

- World does spin and spin...

- Our love's machine...

- Tuning in...

- Again let's create...

- Song about love, not hate...

- Let me count...

- Bela Lugosi's in a pond...

- Antonin Artaud did us tell...

- That I'm thy only bell...

- Volcano in me...

- No fantasy...

- Entering an ocean (not a sea)...

- By the chapel we do preach...

- Sand's by the beach...

- Our kitties at reach...

- Cookies and milk...

- Soft as silk...

- Elizabeth Báthori did me call...

- Was staring at our house's hall...

- Later did fell...

- Well...

- Our together spell...

- Then to bed again...

- Forging endless love without shame...

- Sharing thy name...

- Outside any human's game...

- With you never feel I lame...

- Also no shame...

- Garden's to blame...

- Silence does make me a bit tame...

- Mirroring our paper plane...

- To love and be loved not in vain...

- While listening to our morning train...

- Thy Svettie I am...

- Not sharing to anyone our together glam...

A direct speech from Anna Nedashkivska to me


- Man, don't be to me bad...

- Art's shady and mad...

- Sowing season is coming soon...

- Can't feel myself on the moon...

- Inside my heart...

- Memories as pure art...

- Ukraine ain't to blame...

- No human game...

- Childhood memories...

- From mother to daughter...

- Moving further...

- Of course that I don't know...

- Soviet Union wasn't a show...

- But loved to feel the wind that did blow...

- Now, I do know...

- We're front row...

- Light that does glow...

- Don't you dare...

- Thinking that you're elsewhere...

- After the bloody war...

- Want to vision Atlantic's sea shore...

- Shouting and counting till number 4...

- Being stuck here...

- Quickly forgot...

- There's the atmosphere....

- Like a sailor's knot...

- Being everywhere...

- Pen's loose...

- Forgot the booze...

- You must choose...

- Heaven does say...

- That pictures gather in may...

- Clearly stay...

- Emotions that inside us creep...

- Merging inside our hearts deep...

- Let's study for a while...

- Inside a glorious smile...

- There's us...

- At planet's bus...

- Butterflies are popping into spring...

- Time's what will bring...

- Not feeling lost...

- But just...

- Man, once again...

- We're cool...

- Real tame...

- Listening to Tool...

- Knowing that to fight...

- Ain't a delightful's sight...

- Sometimes feel I blue...

- Want to feel true...

- Country's blast...

- Not in the past...

- Stared at you...

- Paper was indeed new...

- Being myself inside a play...

- During night and day...

- Remembered that when child I was...

- Pictured Europe as a huge bus...

- With my own lens...

- Make I my own amends...

- Nurturing time that do bends...

- Put my left hand on my hair...

- Felt solstice's as a sphere...

- Eating butter and bread...

- Do know that life ain't red...

- That's why sometimes I'm mad...

- Positive am I...

- No lie...

- Without any sigh...

- In my family's place...

- Cherish I an essential brace...

- Kiev as a beauty...

- Fruitfully...

- Was thinking on something...

- Inside a movie's scene...

- Words were battling themselves...

- Books at their shelves...

- Moving they're...

- Colliding into a bright star...

- Do know that Sandman ain't far...

- Bacchus god did you tell...

- That you must always be inside a spell...

- Lurking at your belle...

- People do say...

- World's history doesn't pay...

- Lame war...

- Do know who we're...

- Want again to forget...

- Stare I at my cat wearing an hat...

- Delightful feel I...

- Again do I try...

- Walking in the street...

- Feeling a bit sweet...

- No sugary's hip...

- Inside my left ear again the song...

- Just like a gong...

- Landscape's time zone...

- Ukrainians don't feel alone...

- Know that you were born Portuguese...

- Loving cheese...

- Never thinking at ease...

- Or staring at the geese...

- Inside the prettiest city in the world...

- Feel you not so small...

- Don't think at all...

- Brush strokes at the wall...

- Outside nature's call...

- Eye staring at some glass...

- Poetry as human mass...

- With or without class...

- Just tell me...

- When land becomes sea...

- Mightiest energy...

- No telepathy...

- Friendship's entry...

- Into the book...

- Our together look...

- Must think on something to cook...

- And life is always life...

- Not a simple cookie's slice...

- Inside me again...

- No disdain for pain...

- Walking at left lane...

- Reasons are real...

- Huge deal...

- By hill mountain top...

- Listening to music pop...

- When rain does drop...

- Grey matter do form...

- As some kind of storm...

- Colours mix I...

- Not only a try...

- Billy whispers something...

- Not a scream...

- Like a coil...

- That does boil...

- Another birth...

- Near Perth...

- Where oceans dwell...

- By a pirate's shell...

- Lobster's hell...

- Then TV series does start...

- Forget about my art...

- Put some salt in the food...

- My own peculiar mood...

- If only I could...

- Trip the wood...

- Did not forget...

- About the bat...

- Not being a pet...

- Want to Joker forget...

- Harley's an easy jet...

- Baseball pack...

- Jamming back...

- Listening to a tear...

- Without any kind of fear...

- Grabbed my seat...

- Thought on an art's treat...

- Cats were staring at me...

- Felt myself free...

- Behaving as a simple honey bee...

- Electricity's in a dish...

- Not my wish...

- From train to train...

- Nurtured my brain...

- Also did know...

- That we indeed are what we sow...

- Must think on something different...

- Wind's lament...

- Tempest as a vent...

- Do tell me, Man...

- Know that a piece of the world is inside your pen...

- What must mankind do? 

- In order to forget colour blue? 

- My own identity...

- Tells me about an entity...

- Do picture I an ant...

- Inside a plant...

- A sheet of paper by my side...

- Do know that I'll create art with pride...

- Feeling my own heart inside a ride...

- Bees will bumble...

- No royal rumble...

- Do know that we shouldn't stumble...

- Today must we be able to...

- Visioning every single thing as something pure and new...

- Heaven can't take...

- Another shape...

- By the lake...

- Must I chew a grape...

- Future be told...

- Do know that some humans are worth gold...

- Mother always said:

"To be humble's to be bold...

- Breathing in and out...

- Skin that does shed...

- Without a single... shout...

A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...