Wednesday, March 23, 2022

A soft dialogue between my friend and Swedish musician Helena Espvall and me


- Man, here and there...

- Everywhere...

- Time of war...

- Sounds are real far...

- Nevertheless...

- Without us playing chess...

- At Lisbon not creating a mess...

- Thought a bit on thy everlasting city...

- Beautiful and sweety...

- At Chiado by Pessoa's statue was a bit lost...

- There was a paper being just...

- No ticket for the bus...

- Forget the fuzz...

- Bought one for the train...

- Not in vain...

- Brought my violin...

- Pictured you outside a dream...

- Sweetly reality's scene...

- There's a coffee with water glass...

- Given to me by you with a bit of class...

- Human mass...

- You do tell me this: 

"Helena, there's the song"

"Melody ain't thorn"

"Literature ain't no cure"

"Motion picture's a seizure" 

"Cinemateca's cold"

"There's a narrative inside a movie being told" 

"From Porto being bold" 

- Stare I at you...

- Always constant and new...

- Share a candy  with you...

- Feeling a bit blue...

"It's the war"

- You tell me...

- Immediately thought I on all the wars near the sea...

- Not knowing who indeed was the enemy...

- Maybe it was simple vanity...

- Near Gloria do you stand...

- Writing a poem for a non existent band...

- Always funny time...

- Soliloquy's prime...

- Thy earphones...

- Covering thy bones...

- In the land beneath the sea...

- Immediately laid the verb "to be"...

- Pick I a lyrical note...

- Not a quote...

- You give me a rose...

- While mimicking something in prose...

- Tell you about thy ticket again...

- My concert's to blame...

- With open arms...

- Near Alfama's charms...

- Bought the magazine...

- Feel words as a play theme...

- Know that it's you...

- Being true...

- Cocteau Twins' track is on the air...

- Invading everybody's atmosphere...

- Listen I also to Laurie...

- Piper's glory...

- In my mind...

- Carrying a backpack...

- Ideas for a new track...

- Something that does bind...

- Memories of Sweden land...

- Not where the world does bend...

- Through Spotify...

- You tell me something shy...

- Can't understand...

- Melody's at hand...

- Quickly understood...

- World's mood...

- No cheap food...

- People talking about what it's no good...

- Old men wanting power...

- Economy's their golden shower...

- Weapons and arms...

- Their only charms...

- Women and children must migrate...

- Feeling men always a bit late...

- Carrying your coat...

- No free state...

- Like a huge boat...

- Give you thy ticket for my performance...

- A written book by Tonino Guerra not being a romance...

- Stare you at some stairs...

- Not thinking about any cuddly bears...

- Thy t-shirt does say:

"Mankind's always at bay"  

- Later at night...

- Bairro Alto's sight...

- Drinking are you without light...

- Talking like Tom Waits...

- While the world shakes...

- Acting like Nick Cave...

- Without a shave...

- Forgetting thy name...

- Bowie's to blame...

- Suddenly Peter Murphy did sang...

- About Yin and Yang...

- Stuart Staples quickly forgot...

- About Diamanda Galas and her knot...

- Sigur Ros were lost in 2002...

- 20 years ago...

- Inside a show...

- Something real new...

- Radiohead lost their pace...

- While trying to mimick shoegaze...

- Instantly went I back...

- Time was inside a loop...

- My new hidden track...

- Like a strange fruit...

- Train came...

- Arrived to a quiet lane...

- There's the front seat...

- Like a huge ship...

- Ask you for a bit of water...

- Move myself a bit further...

- Into my childhood...

- Did I stood...

- Also into my infancy...

- No jeopardy...

- From land to land...

- Woke did I stand...

Thought this to myself:

"Morpheus always forgets me" 

"No shell"

"Deep Ocean, Vast Sea

- Open I my eyes...

- Tired of lies...

- Open I my bag...

- Eat I a bread that was inside a rag...

- In thy seat...

- Do know...

- There's some treat...

- Something new...

- You're telling me of a TV series to pitch...

- Thy inner breach...

- Holding your hair...

- Elsewhere...

- Telling me this:

"Helena, don't know" 

"World's a Swiss' cheese" 

"People act as gods inside a blow"

"Kids don't want to grow" 

"Women can't handle reality's show" 

You ask me this: 

"Man, can I listen to your earphones?" 

"World zones?" 

"Inside tombstones?"

Reply I to you:

"It's a page blank"

"No rank" 


"Evolving methodically" 

"Don't you forget"

"Cello's tune bat" 

"Or Iva's hat" 

"Back in 1989"

"Just fine"

"Towards 1994"

"By the shore" 

"Marlene Dietrich or Garbo?"

"Twin Peaks or Fargo?"

"Anita Ekberg or Audrey Hepburn?"

"Maybe it's better to have a bit of fun" 

Staring are you at me...

Without battery cells energy...

Do forget I about anarchy...

While suddenly...

You're producing art in poetry...

Telling me: 

"Man, words with glam" 

"Let's make a solid jam"

"Into the spot" 

"That time haven't forgot"

"Vikings blood in me"

"Driving inside our own entropy" 

"Ticket in thy pocket forget not" 

"Amnesiac ain't a solid shot" 

"Computer Ok during the day"

"Kid A

"Forget Mogwai

"We're where we lie" 

"Let's listen to Anna

"As faerie's Morgana"


"To be lost inside a Shakespeare's tale"

"It'll be our major label's spell"

"I'll walk a bit"

"Night's sweet" 

"Later will watch Tilda Swinton's teeth" 

"Only Lovers Left Alive

"Counting till five" 

"By the chapel near the sea"

"Do know that sand belongs to thee" 

"Must perform new songs in a week" 

"Time to feel the world real neat" 

"At North, of course that I do know"

"It's our everlasting show" 

"Where the world does glow"

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