Saturday, May 25, 2024

Sequential love story/arts project - Part 85 - International artists


Along Janina 

Along Irina, Yana, Alexandra and an artwork featuring Grant Morrison's The Invisibles by American artist Phil Jimenez 

Along Yana and Janina 

Along Yana and Frank Miller's Sin City pages 

Phenomenal video with Janina and Polina 

Along Yana 

Along Yana 

Along Yana 

Phenomenal video with Yana 

Along Irina, Janina, Alexandra and Yana 

Doll by Russian artist Katie 

Along Ksenia, Janina and Yana featuring Grant Morrison's The Invisibles by American artist Phil Jimenez 

Along Zhu and a Betamax tape of Terminator movie 

Phenomenal video with Alexandra 

Along Janina 

Along Yana and Janina 

Along Ksenia 

Phenomenal video with Janina 

Along Yana and artworks by American artist Bill Sienkiewicz 

Along Janina and Portuguese DVD editions of "Nights of Cabiria" by Italian director Fellini and "As Tears Go By" and "Days Of Being Wild" by Chinese director Wong Kar Wai 

Phenomenal video with Yana - part 02 

Along Yana 

Along Yana and artworks featuring comic book character Elektra by American artists Bill Sienkiewicz and Frank Miller 

Phenomenal video with Janina - part - 02

Along Yana 

Along Amber 

Phenomenal video with Ksenia 

Along Alexandra and Yana 

Along Yana 

Phenomenal video with Janina - part - 03 

Along Yana 

Along Janina, Frank Miller's Sin City pages and Elektra comic book character artworks by American artists Frank Miller and Bill Sienkiewicz 

Phenomenal video with Yana - part 03

Along Yana and Helena featuring Grant Morrison's The Invisibles by American artist Jill Thompson 

Along Yana and Yana Ruppel along a page of Charles Burns Black Hole, a page of Alack Sinner by Argentine artist José Muñoz and an artwork based on comic book character Elektra by American artist Bill Sienkiewicz 

Phenomenal video with Janina - part - 04

Along Irina and a poster of movie "Oldboy" directed by Korean director Park Chan Wook

Artworks by American artists Charles Burns and Bill Sienkiewicz 

Along Janina, an arcade game featuring Twin Peaks TV series and a comic book page for Neil Gaiman's Sandman saga created by American artist Jon J. Muth 

Along Yana Ruppel and artworks by American artists Frank Miller and Charles Burns 

Along Janina, Ksenia and Soraia and an artwork featuring comic book character Wolverine by American artist Jeffrey Alan Love 

Along Yana and artworks by American artists Dave Mazzucheli and Charles Burns 

Along Janina, Alexandra and Laura 

Along Yana and Frank Miller's Sin City pages 

Phenomenal video with Janina and Polina - part - 02 

Along Janina and Yana 

Phenomenal video with Anna 

Along Janina 

Along Daria and Alack Sinner pages by Argentine artist José Muñoz 

Phenomenal video with Janina - Part 05 

Along Yana 

Along Yana 

Phenomenal video with Janina part - 06  

Along Yana Ruppel and an artwork by American artist Charles Burns 

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A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...