Sunday, February 21, 2021

A soft speech from Terhi Ekebom to me


- There's shadow and light...

- Helsinki's sight...

- Maybe human beings going to Mars is right...

- The Gals say "hi" to you...

- No lie...

- Out of the blue...

- No sigh...

- Spirit merged in snow...

- Not inside a show...

- Truth be told...

- Our souls are worth gold...

- There's the universe...

- Stating a verse...

- Pytagoras fail...

- Socrates observed a snail...

- There's a planet green...

- Pagan us being...

- That doesn't scream...

- There's also art...

- Where we all end and start...

- Mankind's blind...

- Thinking with their mind...

- Creative we're...

- Not born from a star...

- They state...

- Always late...

- Mute sound...

- Deeply found...

- I know...

- Do know...

- That the wind does blow...

- Trees front row...

- Echoing in winter cold...

- What to do?

- Something completely new...

- Words being true...

- They say that the world must pay...

- For what illuminati made one day...

- Night lure...

- Forever more...

- Earth's lungs Brazil...

- Top of the hill...

- Remember Portuguese...

- The language's based on cheese...

- Finnish being...

- Not sightseeing...

- Shaping into frame...

- Human game...

- I remember that when wide awake we all are...

- Dreams are never far...

- A lake in planet Mars?

- Empty bars?

- What to do there? 

- No biosphere...

- Maybe Mickey Mouse...

- Not inside his house...

- I know that we're both true...

- Always being new...

- Evil men...

- Don't know how to write with a pen...

- What I do know is that you can...

- Mermaids don't lure...

- When you're by the shore...

- Some kind of sailor...

- Weaving words as a tailor...

- Portwine?

- Totally fine...

- No reason nor rhyme...

- Artworks ideas have I...

- Never feeling myself high...

- People look strange wearing masks...

- Doing their tasks...

- The virus is mind spread...

- Maybe the world always was mad...

- Crystal clear to dare...

- Not fighting a bear...

- Tyger mural do stand...

- While listening to a cool musical  band...

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Sequential love story/arts project - Part 96 - International artists

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