Friday, February 12, 2021

Autobiography inside concerts - Mão Morta

 Sometimes all that it takes in life is to know your roots and what you want in life.

 I do remember being a teenage in a real shitty suburb in Porto.

 All the time I had to change my friends because I couldn't connect with them.

 Most of the times I was listening to lots of music in radio (like Mão Morta first songs in 1987) while reading and writing.

 When I entered adulthood due to a bad family environment, I really knew that I should work while writing and even appear on several recorded or written performances with musicians, artists and writers.

 Those were happy times but due to my own morality and ethics my life suddenly changed in 2004 with my first divorce.

 In this same year I continued to do what I always did till 2007 when once again passed through a split up with a woman that devastated my life.

 Knowing that I always was stuborn, once again lead my life with my instincts and from 2008 till 2016 tried to be happy with another woman that didn't knew what I was, once again my life was on the edge while I was writing and doing performances in a worldwide scale thinking on living my life in a real small village with a woman that I love.

 In my mind's eye and throughout all my life's dreams since being a small child I knew that I was right.

 Being happy in my opinion is always thinking on what you always wished for it in this thing called "life".

 Below are some random songs by the best band that's connected to several of my life's moments since the 80's.

 The band's name is Mão Morta and their leader also passed several misfortunes in life simply because he was a "society weirdo" while showing to my generation with raw power names of writers that weren't know in the country where I was born such as François Villon, Guy Debord and Gilles Deleuze (France), Heiner Mueller (Germany), Lautreamont (Uruguay), Gorki and Maiakovski (Russia), J.G. Ballard (UK) and Harry Crews (U.S.A)

 Knowing that I'll always learn in life and gather different people in it (as weird as me), I do know that my childhood dreams are intact and that I'll always fight in order to live them while living them either in my personal and professional life.

 Many thanks to all international artists that created several artworks based on me, my family and women for worldwide exhibitions (that can be seen as illustrations for written narratives by me to be turned into book form in the upcoming future in previous posts in this same blogue) while I'm crafting my detailed autobiography


Album from May 2014 "pelo meu relógio são horas de matar" with the song "pássaros a esvoaçar

Album from September 2019 "no fim era o frio" with songs "Despertar" and "o mundo não é mais um lugar seguro

Album from 1994 "vénus em chamas" with the song "velocidade escaldante

Albúm de Junho de 2004 "Núswith the song "morgue

Album from May 1997 "Muller no hotel hessischer hofwith the song "Floresta de sonho

Album de Dezembro de 1988 "Mão Mortawith the song "Aum

Album from June 1991 "o.d. rainha do rock & crawlwith the song "primeiro de novembro" (that was the first song that I'ce heard from them in 1988 published in a music antology named "á sombra de Deus")

Album from September 1990 "corações felpudoswith the song "facas em sangue

Album from May 2007 "Maldoror" with the song  "A copúla"

Album from 1998 "há já muito tempo que nesta latrina o ar se tornou irrespiravel" with the song "É um jogo

Album from 2001 "Primavera de destroços" with the song "tu disseste

Album from April 2010 "pesadelo em peluche" with the song "o seio esquerdo de r.p" 

Album from 1992 "mutantes s.21" with the song "istambul

Single from 1996 with the song "Chabala

Album from July 2009 "rituais transfigurados" with short movies by American director Maya Deren

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