There's a day...
Storm cold...
A kiss at bay...
There's our together soul...
Your voice...
My choice...
There's a bright heart...
Your own bump into the night...
While we're loving each other, three cats pass through us...
Being kind...
Not inside any bus...
With their mind...
The first cat tell us this:
- He loves you and you know...
- You love him and it ain't a show...
- To love is to be...
- The two of you are one...
- In a tiny village by the sea...
- Love is to take and run...
The second cat stares at a fish...
Not thinking on any dish...
Tells us this:
- You're her man...
- She's your miss...
- Quietly you both stand...
- Near a garden where you join hands...
The third cat's observing its own shade...
Mirroring an ace of spade...
He whisper this to us:
- There's the snow...
- Wherever he goes, you go...
- Think with your soul...
- You together will never grow old...
We're both thinking on the three cats tale...
Not mirroring a snail...
Entered our home...
We're alone...
Your body's shaking...
My hands are you waking...
Suddenly you jump while smiling into my back...
We're listening to a tune in our hidden track...
Our hearts collide...
Not inside a ride...
While you're smiling at me...
Our inner beauty is us being together free...
You lure me as my queen...
I'm being your king dream...
Inside our home we listen to a joyful tune sang by simple birds...
Cold is not us because we wore coat furs...
Their song's this one:
- Beautiful you both are...
- While having fun...
- Observing a planet and a star...
- The two of us being one...
You tell me nothing at all...
Can't understand our urge call...
While staring at a wall...
You kiss me by all means...
While wearing my blue jeans...
You catch my words in the air...
They were this:
- Our biosphere...
- Being your miss...
- Surely love you...
- My feelings for you are true...
Picture your soft voice in my brain...
Trust you with nothing to gain...
No shame...
Without any game...
Nobody to blame...
We both love each other, being bright, not lame...
There's our lake...
No bait...
Arrow and bow...
Us front row...
You tell me this:
- All my love to you...
- Want to feel you red, not blue...
- Deep inside me...
- Our vast sea...
- Mind's awake, body's asleep...
- Our ocean is deep...
- What to do?
- Orgasm is me and you...
- What to tell?
- I'm your belle..
- Love our spell...
- We're alive and not a seashell...
- Grabbing you..
- Just me being true..
- I feel you...
- Dreaming with something new...
- Sliced bread...
- Nothing to spare...
- When you do say that you love me...
- Know that I'm free...
- My voice for you...
- Out of the blue...
- My heart does tremble itself...
- Observing how we are on a top book shelf...
- Moving pages...
- Body never ages...
- Once again...
- Not in pain...
- You strip my soul...
- Not being cold...
- There's the table...
- Us being able...
- Atractive you're...
- Like born from a raw star...
- knowing that you're mine...
- We've time...
- There're moving fingers...
- Everything lingers...
- In our bed...
- Bodies move not being scared...
- You're here...
- Not there...
- I'm yours...
- No flaws...
- Secrets to maintain...
- Our quick lane...
- We move ourselves together...
- Heart and soul forever...
- Be my seed...
- Do need...
- Flowers be...
- Rose petals in our shower sea...
- There's choice...
- Love your voice...
- Dancing barefoot...
- Wherever we look...
- My eyes you know...
- How I stare at you with no show...
- Whenever the wind blow...
- Jumping to you...
- Quickly knew...
- That our universe is blue...
- Thy shadow in me...
- Our spirits together free...
- My dark hair...
- In our faces atmosphere...
- Everything that we reach...
- Breathing morning's breeze...
- Your valentine I am...
- Lured by you being my man...
- Doing what I can...
- Never lie...
- I'm shy...
- Wearing your jeans...
- By all means...
- Zip zap...
- Without a nap...
- Us outside a trap...
- Observing a stray cat...
- Rain's spiral scene...
- Germany history...
- Reality. not a dream...
- We both climb a tree...
- Do hum...
- No chewing gum...
- After love making...
- Having fun...
- Not shaking...
- Wide awake...
- Intelligent you're...
- A simple baked cake...
- Not driving any car...
- Painting...
- Never aching...
- Outside a theater play...
- Don't care what people say...
- Loving each other...
- Why bother?
- Yin and yang...
- Bread, butter and ham...
- My shirt on the floor...
- Us forever more...
- Scissor theme...
- Our calling scheme...
- Kiss you on your lips...
- River shore...
- Moving my hips...
- Forever more...
- Spiritual orgasm bang...
- A lost tin can...
- Your hands me embrace...
- Inside our human race...
- Ask me anything..
- I'll give you more than a dream..
- Never do I scream...
- Popping in and out...
- No shout...
- Our flesh love..
- Not inside a simple dove..
- Whatever we're..
- I know that we're more than a chocolate bar..
It's tea time...
Outside a rhyme...
Coffee table being able...
- Together we come...
- Forever we've fun...
You tell me...
We're both free...
You are wearing your black dress...
No mess...
Kissing me with your lips...
Moving your own hips...
My hands were on your breast...
Not a test...
Your hands unzipping my jeans...
By all means...
Wearing only my chemise while stating to me "please"...
My body moved along yours...
Without a single fuzz...
Weight balanced with me with us being one...
Licking your hard nipples...
No age cripples...
Your hair on my face...
Sweating you're with our embrace...
I'm not hard...
No tantric sex...
A simple bard...
Pure X...
Wet you are...
Our love as a star...
Clitoris shake...
Nothing at stake...
You tell me to not come...
Helding my hands as one...
Us proud...
You humming loud...
Panties shake...
Love make...
You ask me to lick your bottom belly..
While I was bringing you bread and jelly...
My muscled legs...
That never begs...
Your beautiful feet...
No trick or treat...
Pumping in and out...
No shout...
Your hands move...
Into the groove...
Your heart beat...
With our bodies heat...
Erogenous zone...
Home alone...
You bite my neck...
Love it as a fact...
My tongue licking your legs...
No nutmegs...
You told me to wait...
Our orgasm not late...
Inside our head...
Our bed doesn't shed...
Bumping in and out...
No shout...
Being inside me...
Cowgirl for free...
Your body shake...
No break...
Leggings to you I do bring...
You do sing...
Perfect emotional state...
Not being late...
Together we come as one...
In thee several orgasms...
No dead spasms...
Your arms embracing me...
While you tell me:
- My love we're both forever free...
- Im unsere zimmer...
- Fuer immer und immer...
- Die blumen sprechen nicht...
- Wann ich sehe licht...
- Deiner korp...
- Mein korp...
- Immer gerade...
- Ohne frage...
- Das zug schnell nicht ist...
- Sicher sein...
- Weiss ich was du bist...
- Dein herz nicht ein stein...
- Liebe machen...
- Alle tagen...
- Am farbe zu reden...
- Rotte...
- Grau...
- Blau...
- Schwarz...
- Mit unsere herz...
- Deiner hand in mir...
- Meine augen in dir...
- Nicht arbeit...
- Wir haben zeit...
- Nacht kommt...
- Wünsche ich nicht eine kleine moment...
- Aus welt worten geben...
- Das ist unsere leben...
- Mit dich essen...
- Ohne vergessen...
- Deine lächeln...
- Wenn unsere orgasm machen...
- Alles zu haben...
- Mit vielen farben...
![]() |
- Nicht im stadt gehen...
- Dorf mit sterne...
- Wir sind was wir gebe...
- Alles verstehe...
- Unsere idee...
- Wir sind verliebt...
- Wenn die tage sind nicht krieg...
- Ohne unsere stimme allein sind wir..
- Ein katz sagt das du liebst mir...
- Vögel engel sein...
- Machen unsere zusammen leben nicht klein...
Sagst du mich das:
- Ich bin immer mit dir...
- Du bist auch mir...
- Zu liebe verstehen...
- Wann unsere seele aus welt gehen...
- Verliebt bin ich...
- Glaubst du mich nicht?
- Unsere hand zusammen sind...
- Meinen augen beobachten unsere lebe...
- Und im bild wir nicht sterben...
- Küssen sind gut...
- Wann du mit mir tanzst...
- Habe ich keine angst...
- Meine schwarz kleidung deiner ist auch...
- Wir nimmer sind raus...
- Deiner herz in mein hand...
- Wie ein musik band...
- Findest du das ich nicht dir verstehe?
- Woher du bist ich mit dir gehe...
- Meine stimme liebst du...
- Es ist frei feuer..
- Alles ist neuer...
- Manchmal dich höre...
- Dich lieben ist wie das welt sehen...
- Im unsere hause wir essen...
- Alles machen und alles gesehen...
- Nicht vergessen...
- Liebe frei ist...
- Ich küsse dich...
- Wenn ich puppe oder malen machen...
- Weiss ich das du mit mir bleiben...
- Wann ich im bett bin...
- Du mit mir in meinen trauemen treffen...
- Nicht allein war ich...
- Du weiss das ich liebe dich...
- Kommt das schnee...
- Mit unseren idee...
- Was kann ich mehr machen fuer dich?
- Im worten und fantasie...
- Wir sind welt energie...
- Kommt mit mir...
- Du weiss das ich bin auch dir...
- Traüme liebe nicht sprechen...
- Wir sind was uns essen...
- Mit mir schlafen gut ist...
- Du weiss das es ist richtig...
- Sicher sein...
- Ich weiss das du bist mein...
We were here...
Near the sea...
Inside our atmosphere...
Just you and me...
Sharing a kiss...
Feeling younger as ever...
You being my miss...
From thy soft lips you spoken this to me:
- Will you love me forever?
- Us together near the sea...
- Not in the land of never...
- Just you and me...
- We can create words for dolls...
- Inside my eyes...
- Our inner calls...
- No lies...
- How can I lie to you?
- Always my man...
- Being new...
- Love thy pen...
- You with me dance...
- Charming you're...
- Our romance...
- When we love make...
- It's true...
- Nothing's at stake...
- We're something different and new...
- In a small village magic we make...
- Spiritual orgasm bound in flesh...
- Nothing at stake...
- Love you without playing chess...
I stare at you out of the blue.
Thy voice is my choice...
Thy face is more than a human embrace...
Caring for you when you tell me that we're something new...
You held my hand inside a world without end...
And your eyes suddenly says this to me:
- You're sweet...
- Love you outside a trick or treat...
- Cooked you food...
- I'm in the mood...
- Our love never lost in a speech...
- You're what I do reach...
- Sometimes I paint...
- Knowing that our world isn't faint...
- My heart pumps for thee...
- You also know that my body longs for thee...
I hug you tight...
The sky's bright...
There's our inner light...
Suddenly in German I say this to you:
- Really love you...
- Our future is a house...
- Love your green blouse...
- Being here and there...
- Knowing that our love is everywhere...
Once again you kiss my eyes...
And without me knowing what to do.
I tell you this:
- Look at me being you...
Your spirit enters my body and soul...
And I know...
Clearly know...
That our love ain't a show...
Estamos num facto...
Sendo um acto...
Com energia...
Num só dia...
Os teus braços abraçam o meu corpo...
No nosso abrigo porto...
Os teus lábios...
Quando me beijam...
São sábios...
Pois me desejam...
O teu sorriso...
Sempre preciso...
O teu cabelo curto bate nos meus olhos...
Com o teu vestido com mil folhos...
O meu corpo estremece com o teu...
Não estamos nos braços do Deus Morfeu...
Preocupo-me com o teu prazer...
No nosso lazer...
As minhas pernas unem-se ás tuas...
Estando ambas nuas...
Sinto-te molhada...
Com o teu rosto de fada...
Beijo-te lentamente...
No tempo presente...
O teu soutien suporta os teus seios perfeitos...
Sem defeitos...
Com a minha língua lambo os teus mamilos...
Enquanto escutamos lá fora os grilos...
Despes a minha roupa...
Nada louca...
Acaricio o teu sexo...
Com nexo...
Os meus dedos percorrem a tua vulva...
Nada turva...
Sinto-te a tremer...
Horas infindáveis no nosso momento de prazer...
Pedes-me para te possuir...
No nosso devir...
Sinto o teu primeiro orgasmo...
Num espasmo...
Beijo os teus olhos...
Sinto a tua alma dentro de mim...
No nosso mundo sem fim...
Volto a acariciar os teus cabelos...
Assim como os teus tornozelos...
Não falamos de familia...
Mas sim da nossa melodia...
Voltas a abraçar-me quando estamos de pé...
Com fé...
Pedes-me o meu orgasmo contido...
Acaricias a minha mão com sentimento...
Sem um único lamento...
Outro orgasmo teu aparece...
Quando toco o teu clitóris com dois dedos...
Sem segredos ou medos...
Volto a beijar a tua boca...
A tua língua nada louca...
Mil e um idiomas na minha cabeça...
Na certeza da tua beleza...
Beijo o teu umbigo...
Estando contigo...
Voltas a suspirar...
Outro orgasmo deixa-te sem ar...
E enquanto escutas palavras sussurradas por mim ao teu ouvido em português...
Os nossos corpos descansam descansados sem pensar na palavra talvez...
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