Saturday, September 17, 2016

Exhibition tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax to promote Fantagraphics Crepax collection - Boémia Caffé at Porto - Portugal

Due to health and personal problems, I wasn't able to be at Helsinki comic book festival this year, but the organization of it was awesome as shown in the previous post.
 I've decided to do another one in Porto at Boémia Caffé that's one of the best coffee shops in my hometown and it serves a bit as a space to develop my own ideas and projects regarding comic books.
 Being Freelance editor of the Crepax collection being published by Fantagraphics (that i've talked about in previous posts) with so many details to take care of plus promoting it with artists from all over the world isn't an easy task to perform, since it requires focus and organization, writing tribute stories with some artists while being inspired by what I read, listen or watch isn't easy aswell, but my main focus is in promoting Fantagraphics Crepax collection and all of you artists who did tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax are the best and I really apreciate your support.
 As all of you artists can imagine, it isn't easy to find walls to show all your tributes, due to lack of space since Fantagraphics has more than 200 tributes to Valentina by artists from art forms such as: photography, illustration, comic books and animation. 
 In order for me to organize them and exhibit them, be it at Porto, New York, Seattle, Helsinki or another city in the world, I must figure out a way to show all the excellent tributes that you've sent me while also trying to figure out how many we can put in free booklets to go along Fantagraphics Crepax collection.
 So, if any artist has an idea or a space to exhibit feel free to contact me at my personal email or by facebook (I usually reply to all of you).
Many thanks for your excellent feedback and support once again. You're simply the best.
 I love the idea of art being shown in coffees since all people can see it while having a coffee and be impressed by artworks and that's what I love doing at Boémia Caffé.
Here're some photos of the exhibition at this coffee shop that has hundreds of people visiting it, day in, day out tasting the best croissants in the world or having a mere cup of coffee.
The feedback provided by the customers is excellent from what the owner of it Daniel Castro tells me, photos taken by portuguese photographer Ricardo Russo.

Me and Daniel Castro - owner of Boémia caffé

Tributes to Valentina by Crepax to promote Fantagraphics Collection by UK artist Simon Davis, Brazilian artist André Diniz and Spanish artist Javier Olivares.

View of tributes stories of valentina by Guido Crepax to promote Fantagraphics Crepax Collection.

Tributes to Valentina by Crepax to promote Fantagraphics Collection by American artists Jeffrey Allan Love, Bob Burden and Italian artist Sérgio Ponchionne.

And here are some photos of the same exhibition taken only with a mere IPad with low quality

Poster and tribute page by Argentine artist Mister Ed.

Tribute pages to promote Fantagraphics Crepax Collection by Spanish artists Felipe H. Navarro and Fidel Martinez Nadal.

Tribute pages to promote Fantagraphics Crepax Collection by Brazilian artist Brao and Portuguese artist Paulo Pinto.

Tribute pages to promote Fantagraphics Crepax Collection by Spanish artist Sandra Hernandez.

Tribute pages to promote Fantagraphics Crepax Collection by Spanish artist Pedro Espinoza.

Tribute pages to promote Fantagraphics Crepax Collection by Polish artist Magdalena Minko.

Tribute pages to promote Fantagraphics Crepax Collection by Spanish artist Ivila Caballero.

Tribute pages to promote Fantagraphics Crepax Collection by Japanese artist John Kurokawa.

Tribute to promote Fantagraphics Crepax Collection by UK artist Simon Davis.

Tribute to promote Fantagraphics Crepax Collection by Spanish artist Javier Olivares and Brazilian artist Andre Diniz.

Tribute to promote Fantagraphics Crepax Collection by American artist Kelley Jones and Spanish artist Daniel Esteve.

Tribute to promote Fantagraphics Crepax Collection by UK artist Rian Hughes and Spanish artist Chema Garcia.

Tribute to promote Fantagraphics Crepax Collection by American artist Jeffrey Allan Love.

Tribute to promote Fantagraphics Crepax Collection by American artist Bob Burden.

Tribute to promote Fantagraphics Crepax Collection by Italian artist Sergio Ponchionne.

View of the exhibition.

Another view of the exhibition.

Second angle of the exhibition.

Third angle of the exhibition.

Entrance of Boémia caffé where the exhibition is.

Special thanks to Gary Groth, Caterina Crepax, my family, my friends, my ex-wife Paula Fonseca that supported some of my ideas until 10th June 2016, to Daniel Castro who's the owner of this awesome café, to vocalist of swiss band Young Gods : Franz Treichler for the inspiration and support given while I was writing tribute Valentina stories and to my kitty Ilvie that continues to be my muse in my dreams and memories.

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