Thursday, November 30, 2017

Narrative and info about exhibition - Music and Musicians - Boémia caffe - December 2017

Artwork based on me by Spanish Artist Daniel Esteve with the sentence "Buster or Lynch"

Opening - Music and Musicians exhibition - Boémia caffee 

While trying to write narratives and giving info about exhibitions that I curate all over the world, I get a bit confused while thinking on being a bit like American directors Buster Keaton or David Lynch with a jigsaw puzzle in my mind, organizing them in my mind, trying to put everything in its right place.  
 I try to focus on what the exhibitions and artworks sent to me by international artists and how do I vision them in my spirit  and trying to link them into some sort of story.
This exhibition will be a bit random due to lack of space because all artworks sent to me by international artists don't fit in all boémia caffe walls, while I try to show the magnificient pieces of art by international artists in all its splendour to the public.
 The exhibition will be as follow with artworks from these international artists in the first two weeks of December they will be displayed with these artworks, organized by Artist and its birth country:
Poster for this exhibition based on Radiohead's album "amnesiac" by Belgium Artist Christophe Swijsen and back poster by the same artist with the list of the artists with a design based on David Bowie's character "Thin White Duke". 

American Artist Chad Edwards with an artwork based on a band
Argentine artist Dario Mekler with an artwork based on a fictional musician 
Argentine artist Dario Mekler with two artworks based on a fictional band
Argentine artist Mukor Bazan with an artwork based on a violinist
Argentine artist MR ED with an artwork based on Musician Tom Waits
Argentine artist Teke Teke with an artwork based on the band Pixies 
Belgium Artist Christophe Swijsen with an artwork based on musician David Bowie
Belgium Artist Christophe Swijsen with an artwork based on musician John Coltrane
Belgium Artist Christophe Swijsen with an artwork based on musician Kim Gordon
Brazilian Artist Douglas P. Lobo with an artwork based on musician Chris Cornell
Brazilian Artist Gelson Mallorca with an artwork based on the band Rolling Stones
Croatian Artist Danijel Zezelj with an artwork based on musician John Coltrane
Croatian Artist Danijel Zezelj with an artwork based on musician Ella Fitzgerald
French Artist Isabel Pessoa with an artwork based on musician Serge Gainsbourg
Italian Artist Danilo Dast Strulato with an artwork based on the band Sonic Youth
Italian Artist Stefano Zattera with an artwork based on Musician Tom Waits
Italian Artist Rolando Cicatelli with an artwork based on Musician Tom Waits
Mexican Artist Gaston Ortiz with an artwork based on the band The Doors
Polish Artist Nikodem Cabala with three artworks based on musician Nick Cave
Spanish Artist Daniel Esteve with an artwork based on musician Sonny Rollins
Spanish Artist Javier Olivares with an artwork based on the band The Strokes
Spanish Artist Jon Ander Azaola with an artwork based on musician Nina Simone
Spanish Artist José Luis Ágreda with an artwork based on musician Lil Armstrong
Spanish Artist José Luis Ágreda with an artwork based on the band Messer Chups
Spanish Artist Sonia Pulido with an artwork based on the band Mazzy Star 
Swedish artist Knut Larsson with an artwork based on Musician Tom Waits

I've also thought on displaying some artworks for Permanent exhibition in this same exhibition about Music and Musicians because the two exhibitions that I'm curating at boémia caffe and greentea coffeeshop will be Permanent.

American Artist Bill Koeb with an artwork based on XXI century modern men 
Argentine Artist Catriel Tallarico with a tribute to Chicone and Maradona 
Italian Artist Rolando Cicatelli with an artwork based on a woman

International Artists that will be exhibited in the last two weeks of December at boémia caffe are:

American Artist Bill Koeb with an artwork based on musician Peter Gabriel
American Artist Bill Koeb with an artwork based on musician Pete Townsend
Argentine Artist Pablo Burman with an artwork based on the band Pink Floyd
Brazilian Artist Carlos Ferreira with an artwork based on musician Nick Cave
British Artist Con Chrisoulis with two comic book pages based on the band The Smiths
Finnish Artist Matti Hagelberg with two comic book pages based on German composer Handel
Polish Artist Bartosz Jekiel with an artwork based on musician Frank Mangale
Portuguese Artist Derradé with an artwork based on musician Shane McGowan 
Portuguese Artist Derradé with an artwork based on a fictional band
Portuguese Artist Paulo Pinto with an artwork based on musician Tom Waits
Spanish Artist Joaquin Aldeguer with an artwork based on musician Tom Waits
Spanish Artist Ruben Pellejero with an artwork based on musician Tom Waits
Swedish Artist Lars Erik Sjunesson with 1 artwork based on a narrative with words about music
Swedish Artist Lars Erik Sjunesson with 1 artwork based on a narrative without words about music
Swiss Artist Alex Baladi with two comic book pages based on music 

First picture of exhibition - Music and Musicians - December 2017

Second picture of exhibition - Music and Musicians - December 2017

Third picture of exhibition - Music and Musicians - December 2017

Fourth picture of exhibition - Music and Musicians - December 2017

Fifth picture of exhibition - Music and Musicians - December 2017
The pics aren't that good because they were taken with a simple IPad, but sooner better pictures with better quality will appear in this same blogue in another post.

Curating exhibitions with help by international artists it's hard while I'm also writing narratives like "only lovers left alive" or writing/editing/organizing PDFS with international artists or book collections for American publishing company Fantagraphics, but I truly believe that with work, energy and focus, in the end of all this work, all of it will be a sucess.
 I've used some objects as inspiration for some of my work:
 a booklet with Hugo Pratt's iconic comic book character Corto Maltese, a pen, a pencil, simple sunglasses, an ashtray, a woman, a cigarette box while reading Aldous Huxley book "The doors of perception"  

When I was writing this post with info about exhibitions and some personal projects all over the world with help of talented international artists, I was listening to U2's Zoo Tv Tour ( mainly the song Ultravolet), while listening to the words listed below by Bono's character Macphisto in my head when he was making a phonecall during the show.  


You know who I am.
I know who you're.
I know you believe in your better self.
What a night? 
What a show? 
Zoo vampire It's all over.
So many have turned out to see a side. 
I don't know what to say but "thank you", "thank you", "thank you". 
You know that someone used to come and see us all the time, but he hasn't been around for a while.
We used to be so close.
People think that I've forgotten about him, but I haven't.
I've used to find him so inspiring back then.
He invented me, I was the brightest star in his sky.
Now look at me, a tired popstar in platform shoes.
I've tried to call him all the time, but he wouldn't take my calls.
Now, I get blamed for all the wars, all the famine, all the trouble in the world, I get blamed for it.
Even the evening Hell slices me off.
Who can I get to help me make peace with him? 
Who'll mediate for me?
Should I call the United Nations
Maybe they can help me.
Off with the horns, on with the show...
Macphisto: Hallo, hallo? 
United Nations: "You just called the United Nations.
I'm sorry, we're closed for lunch, but if you are a small federal nation, please leave the name of your country after the beep and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Macphisto singing: 
When I was younger, so much younger than today.
I've never needed anybody to help me on any way.
Now those days are gone, I'm not so self assured.
Now I find that i've changed my mind and opened up the door.
Help me if you can, I'm feeling down.
And I do apreciate to being grounded.
Help me get my feet back of the ground.
Won't you please help me? 

Here's the first live video Ultraviolet on ZooTV of the phone call and the song below.

Macphisto second phone call to George Bush
Macphisto: Maybe I'll be lucky tonight. 
Hello, is this the white house?
 I would like to speak to George please.
White House: Can I help you? 
Macphisto: I would like to speak to George, if I could, please.
White House: George, who? 
Macphisto: George, the President. Mr Bush, excuse me.
White House: The President is not available, you need to call the common office tomorrow.
Macphisto: The President of the United States is not available to me?
Oh Well, I mustn't be as important as I thought I was. Could I leave a Message? 
White House: You can call the common office tomorrow.
Macphisto: I just want you to leave him a Message. You can tell the President to watch more TV.
Thank you.

Below is the second live video Ultraviolet on ZooTV of the phone call and the song below.

A fighter by Spanish Artist Sonia Pulido

Life's a continuous battle in this century, sometimes it seems that we are in an invisible war fighting an invisible oponnent, so I trust in me, my family, my work and all international artists who support some of my ideas, because I believe in arts and its power with words and images, knowing that I'm only a guy that was born in Porto and that loves Portuguese tiles and I know that I need cash to survive, but I never think too much about it or its power.
 Special thanks to my friend Daniel Castro, to my youngest niece Letícia/Moana/Rapunzel and to a special someone in my life.

Da mui nobre, sempre leal e invicta cidade do Porto
Manuel Espírito Santo 

Monday, November 6, 2017

Exhibition Music and Musicians + Permanent exhibition - December 2017

Dear friends, artists and readers of this blogue,
 Sometimes, I really don't have time enough to comunicate with all of you in the best way possible, either because I'm writing narratives/love stories/stories/introductions/organizing collections for books in several languages or I'm physically or online presenting books, making exclusive interviews to international artists, thinking on ideas and trying to make them come true for several projects that I'm involved in while receiving books, pdfs and reading them or simply trying to live life in the company of friends and family.

Organizing everything in my head

 This small text is to say that I'm organizing amazing artworks in these two exhibitions with help by several international artists (to whom I'm always grateful for their support in some of my ideas) with narratives on them, like I've curated several of them in several countries in 2016 and this year also.   Both (Permanent + Music and Musicians exhibitions) will be held in December - 2017 with more than 80 excellent artworks from several international truly gifted artists.
 Many thanks for all the amazing support and feedback on some of my ideas that I receive lots of times and stay tuned to some posts at this same blogue with info about artworks already drawn or others that are being drawn for Music and Musicians exhibition- December 2017.
 Below I'm showing some artworks already drawn for Music and Musicians exhibition and you can see the works that will be held at Permanent exhibition - December 2017 in another post in this same blogue.

Shane Mcgowan by Portuguese artist Derradé

The Clash as cats by Portuguese artist Paulo Pinto

The Doors by Mexican artist Gaston Ortiz

Kim Gordon by Belgium artist Christophe Swijsen

A fictional music band by Portuguese artist Derradé

John Coltrane by Belgium artist Christophe Swijsen

Tom Waits by Italian artist Stefano Zattera

Music as a concept by Swedish artist Lars Erik Sjunesson

Tom Waits by Belgium artist Christophe Swijsen 

Woman playing violin by Argentine artist Mukor Bazan

Pink Floyd's spirit by Argentine artist Pablo Burman  

Tom Waits by Italian Artist Rolando Cicatelli

Ella Fitzgerald by Croatian artist Danijel Zezelj 

Noel Rosa by Brazilian artist Gelson Mallorca 

Mazzy Star by Spanish artist Sonia Pulido

Bowie by Belgium artist Christophe Swijsen 

John Coltrane by Croatian artist Danijel Zezelj 

Peter Gabriel by American artist Bill Koeb

The Strokes by Spanish artist Javier Olivares

Tom Waits by Argentine artist Mr ED

Pixies by Argentine artist Teke Teke

Musicians by American artist Chad Edwards

Pete Townsend by American artist Bill Koeb

Tom Waits by Swedish artist Knut Larsson

Da mui nobre sempre leal e invicta cidade do Porto
Manuel Espírito Santo

Friday, November 3, 2017

Who's this girl?! - A Portuguese love story

Drawing of several drawings inspired in me and José Mourinho as my alter ego by Spanish artist Eduardo Alvarado Sánchez-Cortés 

Writing love stories or narratives about feelings sometimes makes my heart beat faster and pump blood into my body and my bones turn into some sort of machine.

 I'm going to tell you about a girl or maybe I don't want to tell you about a girl because we've in our hearts and souls a bridge that puts us on a way from here to eternity.

 know who this girl is and I know that she's a bit like the snow queen that created the world of eternal winter where the polar wind cools human souls and clearness of lines obscure emotions like mentioned in Danish writer/artist Hans Christian Andersen's tale. 
 She cools my soul and clear the lines of obscure emotions, because there's breathing where there was no breath before.

A sticker

Where've I found her in order to be a sort of muse and source of inspiration?
 I know that she has stickers with her pictures all over the city where I was born along a drawing based on me by a polish artist and soon they'll be all over the world.
 I know that I've seen pictures of her in several international magazines along some written words by me and that I'm with her in my heart and soul and I think that I was physically with her (maybe it was in another tale that I'm writing and I'm confused or maybe not).

A puzzle

I've tried to create a sequential puzzle with who this girl was in my mind, heart and soul and I know that this girl was whispering several words and sentences to me and I was doing the same to her.

I've told her;
- So fucking close...
- I've met you...
She asked me this some months ago:
- Are you happy or sad?
I replied:
She continued talking with me:
- Ok... I'll warn you.. I'll break your heart.. (smiling towards me)
I replied:
Already broken.


She was telling me that she has an eye that spy.
I've asked her:
- Will you dance?
She replied:
- If I'm asked properly. 
I've asked her:
- Can I have this dance with you?
She answered me:
- Sure that you can.

 We simply danced while she was telling me about her niece that had the same name as one of my six  nieces and I was laughing, talking about my youngest niece and that she was queen of all the world, because she was born in New Zealand and she doesn't understand Portuguese ...

 Her niece was singing loudly to a crowd being a bit shy looking at me and at the same time I was trying to get a glimpse of her voice and how the song appeared in my mind, heart and soul like I always do with my nieces when they sang or dance to me ...


She told me:
- I feel you.
I've replied her:
- Sometimes I'm everywhere and nowhere at the same time, will you've a cup of coffee with me? 
I'm freezing to death in this street.


She told me:
- Will you smile for a while?
- You keep me safe.
- Have you seen me?
- Are we a team?
I replied her:
- I've found you and you've found me.


She told me:
- I'm waiting for you, are you waiting for the night to fall?
I've asked her:
- Will you help me?
She replied while asking me this:
- With what?
I've told her:
- With everything.
- We'll help each other.

She asked me about somebody.

I've told her:
- She's in the past.. the past is not my concern...


I've asked her:
- Are you still here?
She replied me:
- I'm here, but maybe I'm not in words...

Puzzle 02

I was creating another sequential puzzle in my mind, heart and soul with a glass of water, a coffee and a cigarette somewhere.


She asked me:
- Who am I?
- Who are you?
I've asked her:
- Have you seen me?
She replied me with the same question and a sentence
- Have you seen me?
- It's part of the deal not to.
I've asked her:
- Since when? 
She replied:
- I don't know, isn't eternity a long time?


I've asked her:
- What are you doing here?
She replied me with a question:
- Do you want to impress me?
I've replied her:
- Yes.
She asked me:
- Am I not the prettiest star that will lie in the sky this evening?

I didn't knew what to answer her, so I've smoked a cigarette looking towards a tree.


She continues telling me:
- Where are you?
- You're being too kind to me.

She told me:
- I'm here, can't you see me?
- Where are you?
- You're all over the place and nobody sees you.
- Can I see you?
I've told her:
- You're my good fortune.
She replied me:
-  Perhaps you're also mine.


While looking at me with a camera, you've told me:
- Look at me.
- Can't you feel the sun turning into winter time?


I was gazing towards you and you were asking me several questions at the same time:
- When will you dance with me?
- Will it be in the moonlight?
- Will it be in winter?
- Do you know who I am?
- Why do you love your kitty so much?
- Do you think that I want a chewing gum?
- Why do you love your nieces and nephews so much?
- Do you want me to give you a ride somewhere?

Sticker - 02

I didn't knew what to answer to all these questions that she was posing me, so I started answering her randomly:
- I know who you're.
- Haven't we met 25 years ago, when I was a rebel with a cause and you were a young child?
- I was basically a straight person.
- I need cigarettes...
- I was lost in some woods...
- I'm getting away with it all.
- I can give you words, acts or magic but without cigarettes, I'm completely lost...
- Do you love mysteries or do you prefer secrets? 

To be continued while looking at some pictures of you ...

A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...