Monday, May 29, 2017

Exhibition tributes with help by international artists to Alberto Breccia and his works - Boémia caffe - Porto - Portugal.

Poster and text design by the excellent Argentine artist Mister ED with my professional cards also with design by ED on them

Curating and organizing an exhibition with help by international artists with their works as tributes to a genius as Alberto Breccia and his works isn't an easy task to do at one of the best coffeeshops and with thousands of customers/clients in the city of Porto named boémia caffe.

The excellent coffeeshop where the exhibition is held named boémia caffe
The exhibition seen outside - Part 1

The exhibition seen outside - Part 2

The exhibition seen outside
Here's the list of all of them organized by country

Mister ED
Gonzalo Ruggieri
Patricia Breccia
German Genga 
Fer Calvi
Catriel Tallarico
Pato Delpeche
Dario Mekler
Mukor Bazan
Rodrigo Roda

Nicolas Mahler

Rodrigo Rosa
Carlos Ferreira

Danijel Zezelj


Bartosz Jekiel
Nikodem Cabala

João Sequeira
Paulo Pinto
Júlia Barata
Osvaldo Medina

Stefano Zattera
Sérgio Ponchionne

Mike V Derderian

Javier Olivares
Ruben Pellejero
Joaquin Aldeguer
José Luís Ágreda
Jon Ander Azaola
Pau Masip
Javier Gay Llorente
Toni Benages Gallard
Victor Puchalski
Daniel Esteve 

Emil Gunnar Maxén
Nicolas Krizan

Alex Baladi

Danilo Milosev

Mattias Bergara

Bill Koeb

Some photos of the works already displayed
Tributes to Alberto Breccia and his works by Croatian artist Danijel Zezelj, Argentine Artist Quique Alcatena and Brazilian artist Eder that made pieces about Mort Cinder's masterpiece by Alberto Breccia, Brazilian artist Rodrigo Rosa with a piece as homage to the masterpiece "Cthulu myths" that was adapted by Breccia and Norberto Buscaglia, Italian artist Stefano Zattera and Polish artist Nikodem Cabala that drew Alberto Breccia's figure and Argentine artist Delius that has sent me a strip based on Alberto Breccia as a man and human being
Tributes to Alberto Breccia by Portuguese artist João Sequeira, Argentine artist Catriel Tallarico, israeli artist Cadial, Spanish artist Jon Ander Azaola and Daniel Esteve, also by Portuguese artist Julia Barata an amazing tribute of Alberto Breccia's as the son of a butcher, by Belgium artist Christophe Swijsen, Argentine artist Fernando Sawa, Portuguese artist Derradé and Spanish artist Joaquin Aldeguer with pieces based on Breccia's masterpiece"Perramus" , Argentine artist Darío Mekler, Serbian artist Danilo Milosev and Spanish artist Ruben Pellejero with pieces based on Breccia's masterpiece "Mort Cinder", Spanish artist Javier Olivares with a piece based on Breccia's masterpiece "The Eternaut" and Argentine artist Mukor Bazan with a piece based on Breccia's masterpiece "Buscavidas".
Tribute to Alberto Breccia's character Ezra Winston by Spanish artist Javier Olivares, to "Perramus" masterpiece by Argentine artist mister ED and Swedish artist Nicolas Krizan

Tributes to Alberto Breccia by Polish artist Bartosz Jekiel, Argentine artists Roda Rodrigo, Gonzalo Ruggieri, Carlos Dearmas, Patricia Breccia, Portuguese artist Osvaldo Medina, Argentine artist Pato Delpeche and Swedish artist Emil Gunnar Maxén that both drew pieces based on Alberto Breccia's masterpiece "Perramus", Spanish artist José Luis Ágreda and Italian artist Sergio Ponchione that both drew pieces based on Breccia's masterpiece "Mort Cinder", Spanish artist Javier Olivares that drew a piece based on Breccia's masterpiece "The Eternaut", Argentine artist Fer Calvi that drew a piece based on Breccia's masterpiece "cthulhu myths" adaptation with Norberto Buscaglia by H. P. Lovecraft, Austrian artist Nicolas Mahler and Swiss artist Alex Baladi that both drew an homage to Alberto Breccia's masterpiece "Dracul"

This exhibition isn't complete yet (since I must finish it with some more tributes to frame that I still haven't had time to hang on the wall), but they'll surely be on it.
Here are the photos with some works that weren't exhibited due to lack of time, but they'll be exhibited in the next few days:

Excellent tributes to Alberto Breccia and his works by Polish artist Magdalena Minko, Spanish artist Javier Gay Lorente, American artist Bill Koeb, Brazilian artist Carlos Ferreira
Professional card with design by Argentine artist mister ED
Excellent tributes to Alberto Breccia and his works by French artist Beuh and Jordanian Artist Mike V. Derderian based on Breccia's masterpiece "Dracul", Spanish Artist Toni Benages Gallard based on Breccia's masterpiece "Mort Cinder", Argentine artist Mister Ed based on Breccia's masterpiece "Perramus".    
Professional card with design by Argentine artist mister ED
Stay tuned for more info coming soon regarding my work with Alberto Breccia works in this same blogue with help by international artists and comic book experts regarding all the amazing masterpieces that this maestro created. 

As usual with my latest posts, I'm putting some music that reminds me of the work that I'm doing, so being this the case of genius Alberto Breccia, I've decided to put on this posts the following songs that in my own mind do connect with what I'm doing with Alberto Breccia's works and tributes with help by international artists. 

Song by Portuguese band Mão Morta "A poesia" based on the book "Maldoror" by Uruguyan writer Lautreamont  (Because Breccia's was born in Uruguay like Lautreamont and I would love to see some illustration done by him to Lautreamont


Song by Swiss band The Young Gods "Kissing the sun" (because sometimes while doing all this work with the help of several people, sometimes in my mind, I've thought that I was almost kissing the sun like Icarus in Greek mythology)   

Song by Spanish band Migala "Preambulo para dar cuerda a un reloj" based on words by Argentine writer Cortazar (maybe because these Cortazar words are always in my mind, because of the time that sometimes I simply don't have and also because of Cortazar being an excellent argentine writer)   

Song by British band Radiohead "Dollars and cents" (Because sometimes I've felt that the dollars and cents could crack my little soul and they didn't make it like always happened in my life and I'm pretty sure that I'll stay this way)

Special thanks to Daniel Castro for providing his space for another exhibition, to Patricia Breccia for her support from the very beginning on this, to Argentine artist mister ED to the design of a poster for it and to my kitty Ilvie that's in my heart and soul.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Tarjetas profissionales - como agente de las obras de Alberto Breccia y editor consultivo de Fantagraphics

2 tarjetas professionales con design del artista argentino Mr ED baseado en una foto de mi gatita Ilvie y otra en la obra Maestra "Perramus" de Juan Sasturain y Alberto Breccia 

Muchas veces no pienso en la vida que tengo, he tenido o iré a tener en el futuro, otras pienso un poco en el tiempo y como intentar manejarlo en una sociedad donde por veces parece que todo tiene que ser hecho no para algunos dias, semanas o años, mas si para ayer.  
 Creo en mis valores siempre con mucho trabajo y dedicacion al mismo a 100 por ciento.
Por veces, comunico con el alma, otras con la miente y muchas veces con el corazon.
 He venido de trabajar en un proyecto mundial de un ícono de los tebeos de la beleza de la mujer y su igualdad de derechos en relacion al hombre que me ha encantado hasta Marzo de 2017.
 Como editor consultivo de Fantagraphics, muchas veces tengo que me involcrar no a 100 mas a 1000 por ciento en la comunicacion de una forma ética y que yo considere justa para todos que hayan trabajado conmigo en expos que he curado o incluso en libros que hayan sido también publicados (un poco con mi ayuda) y me encanta que muchos artistas que me ayudaran en muchos de mis proyectos professionales o personales hayan tenido nuevamente ganas de seguir a pelear en el mundo de los tebeos y trabajar mucho para intentar conseguir sus objectivos, porque son artistas mui buenos de varios paises.
Me quedo contento quando veo que algunos artistas comunicam ahora con más artistas que han conocido o publican más libros aún y esto es oro sobre azul en mi opinion- que es crear lazos de amistad y comunicacion en un mundo tan dificil como es lo de las artes, como objecto de visiones deste mundo en lo cual milliones de seres vivos viven.
Como muchos artistas internacionales, editores y expertos de los tebeos saben, soy português, amo Porto que es la ciudad donde he nascido y libros.
Me encanta trabajar en esto de los libros como en otros trabajos que he tenido, con ilusion, pasion, dedicacion sabiendo mi papel en lo trabajo, como una simples y cercana persona de un país pequeno como Portugal.
Tambien me encanta mucho el entrenador de futbol português José Mourinho con sus virtudes y defectos, porque es una persona racional y emocional y intenta saber donde esta y mirar su papel en una sociedad donde por veces una palabra vale mas que mil imajes y otras donde una imaje vale mil palabras.

José Mourinho por el artista argentino Mr ED.

Todo esto solo para hablar de una tarjeta profissional debido al trabajo que ire hacer durante años dedicado a un ícono de las artes y la historia a nível mundial como ha sido Alberto Breccia que era una persona con un caracter majestoso como ser humano, que ha sido padre de uma familia, que era dotado de una sensibilidad y honestidad intelectual como mucho pocos lo han sido en este tema de las artes y ha batallado y mucho por sus ideas contra tudo y todo por veces con un estilo de caballero simples.
No sé lo que yo pueda aportar a este ícono mundial llamado Alberto Breccia y sus obras como agente de las mismas, curador de expos en el mundo y trabajando como editor consultivo en la prestigiosa editorial norte americana Fantagraphics, solo sé que voy a tener que trabajar mucho, siendo la misma persona que siempre he sido: humilde, cercano, por veces un poco loco, otras demasiado racional y otras iré  piensar en la confianza que los hijos de Alberto Breccia han puesto en mi, asi como en la editorial Fantagraphics, donde trabajo hace solo 2 o 3 años, por veces me sinto a nível profissional o personal como si estuviera en la fantastica série televisiva Twin Peaks que ha volvido ahora con más fuerza este mês de este año presente en una tercera temporada despues de más de 25 años despues ter terminado la segunda temporada con la mítica frase "nos volveremos a ver en 25 años" dicha por la personaje principal de la série Laura Palmer al agente de FBI Dale Cooper y dirigida por el maestro norte americano del cine mundial llamado David Lynch.

La tercera temporada de Twin Peaks

Intento colocar siempre en un post en este blogue un poco de como miro el trabajo que tengo ahora y ire tener en el futuro atraves de músicas (sus sonidos o sus letras), por esto he colgado estos dos videos en este post con un tema fantastico de la cantante Lhasa de Sela dedicada a algo simples como "Los Peces" y otro de otra cantante tambien increible como es la britânica Lisa Gerrard con una letra que habla de un "juego humano" en este planeta donde vivimos.
 Claro que solo tengo que agradecer a todos los artistas internacionales por su apoyo en las várias expos que he curado con ellos, comunicando en distintos idiomas y en distintos horários de Porto en diversos países en este planeta que han trabajado conmigo y aún siguen lo haciendo en expos o libros a nível mundial.
Agradecimientos especiales a los herederos de Alberto Breccia que son personas fantasticas y magnificos artistas llamados Patricia, Cristina y Enrique Breccia, a Gary Groth, al magnifico artista argentino Mr Ed que mismo siendo Guardiolista siempre ha estado conmigo en todos mis proyectos, siendo yo un Mouriñista convicto (la vida es mismo asi por veces), a mis hermanos Pedro y César, a mis três sobrinos Leandro, Sandro y Emidio, a mis sobrinas Rafaela, Francisca, Lara, Luzia, Isaura y Leticia no me interessa que esteyan lejos o cercanos de mi por una question geografica porque estan siempre conmigo y por ultimo a mi gatita Ilvie que sigue estando siempre en mi corazon y en mis sueños.
Desde Porto en un castellano mesclado con português, porque he nascido en esta pequeña ciudad de Portugal hace 43 años.

Manuel Espírito Santo            

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Upcoming exhibition to Alberto Breccia at Porto in boémia caffe - May -2017

Alberto Breccia's picture given to me by his daughter Patricia Breccia

Writing about Alberto Breccia is writing about World History and Art.
Several readers all over the world know that as an artist he adapted excellent literature masterpieces like American writer Lovecraft masterpiece "Cthulhu myths", short stories by American writer Edgar Allan Poe, tales and stories based on writers such as Ernesto Sabato from Argentina, Gabriel Garcia Marquez from Colombia, Grimm Bros from Germany, José Luis Borges from Argentina or Robert Louis Stevenson from U.S,A among  others with some of his friends that were writers also like Carlos Trillo, Norberto Buscaglia, Guillermo Saccomano or the masterpieces that he created with Argentine writer Hector Oesterheld's Mort Cinder or Perramus with Juan Sasturain or even the stories that he created based on the hystorical character Che that was drawn by him and his son Enrique Breccia or another based on another historical character such as Evita Perón with scripts by Hector Oesterheld. 
 After having curated in this same coffeeshop with the help of excellent international artists pieces of art with published books all over the world written in several languages like the one curated to Italian maestro Crepax comic book character Valentina, that with this character portrayed the role of the modern woman from the XX and XXI century showing in the 60's with this character, the same rights between the male and female species and two more dedicated to the love that all people have with their own pets (with my kitty Ilvie present in my recent memories in her company at the time, due to the sudden loss of her physical presence as my muse) and another one that I've curated with a theme as sinple and complex as "identity" in the society created for every single human being while posing questions such as:
- Who are we?
- Who were we?
- What will we become in the future?    
 and that can be seen in previous posts in this blogue or even watched at youtube videos describing them in this same blogue.   
I've decided to curate another one in this same space - the amazing coffeeshop boémia caffe in Porto's city, because it's a space where commom people go every single day to have a coffee or eat something, dedicated to maestro Alberto Breccia that worked by helping his father as a butcher by cutting the intestines of some animals, being this a sort of liaison with Porto's History that it's know because its inhabitants ate pork intestines in order to give meat to a military expedition to Ceuta, that's a city that belongs to Spain and that it's located in Africa, as ordered by Prince Henry, the navigator in 1415.
 Even today pork intestines are a typical dish of Porto's city and that its inhabitants love to eat it, so it's an amazing coincidence that I'm curating this exhibition since I'm also a simple inhabitant of the beautiful city of Porto.  
 Alberto Breccia was mostly known by his work in arts and how he thought first in the concept of family, freedom of speech while also battling against dictatorship in Argentina at Buenos Aires that had as a victim of it his friend and writer Hector Oesterheld that "conveniently" was arrested and disappeared in 1977 having Oesterheld only 58 years old. 
 Writing about Breccia is writing about words such as humanity, humility, simplicity and fight against social and political opression.
Sometimes I do think that some things happen first at Porto's city in the world (maybe because Porto's one of the oldest cities in the world and never was defeated by any conqueror in World History),
 I'm having as "partners" in this venture some international artists that appear on the bottom of this post with a list organized by their country of birth and that also have published books all over the world and in several languages and to whom, I deeply thank them from the bottom of my heart for their kindness towards this project to maestro Alberto Breccia because without their works this exhibition could not be held.          
Special thanks to the excellent Argentine artist mister ED that it's providing a poster for it, to the excellent artist and human being that is Patricia Breccia (that's one of Alberto Breccia's daughters), to my family, to owner of boémia caffe coffeeshop Daniel Castro for providing the space for it (I know that Alberto Breccia loved common people and life) and to my kitty ilvie that will continue to be forever and ever in my heart and soul.
I've decided to include also music videos on this post because Alberto Breccia lived in Buenos Aires and he loved Astor Piazzolla, just like his daughters Cristina and Patricia Breccia also do and I've thought that it was good to have this music theme in Spanish as company for the ears, eyes and mind for the readers of this blogue also in this project, since in my opinion perhaps it'll be a little bit loony one :), I've also posted another music by a musician born in Porto that in its lyrics in Portuguese talks about our inner ghosts and I'm sure that Breccia had his own inner ghosts also.           
Later when the exhibition is displayed, I'll write another post about it with pictures of it,
Stay tuned for further info in this same blogue.   

Manuel Espírito Santo

International artists that paid tribute to Alberto Breccia and his works

Mister ED
Gonzalo Ruggieri
Patricia Breccia
German Genga 
Fer Calvi
Catriel Tallarico
Pato Delpeche
Dario Mekler
Mukor Bazan
Fernando Sawa

Nicolas Mahler

Rodrigo Rosa
Carlos Ferreira


Christophe Swijsen

Bartosz Jekiel
Nikodem Cabala

João Sequeira
Paulo Pinto
Júlia Barata
Osvaldo Medina

Stefano Zattera
Sérgio Ponchionne


Danijel Zezelj

Javier Olivares
Ruben Pellejero
Joaquin Aldeguer
José Luís Ágreda
Jon Ander Azaola
Pau Masip
Javier Gay Llorente
Toni Benages Gallard
Victor Puchalski
Daniel Esteve 

Mike V Derderian


Emil Gunnar Maxén
Nicolas Krizan

Alex Baladi

Danilo Milosev

Mattias Bergara

Bill Koeb

Astor Piazzolla's song and music video "Balada para un Loco" 

Pedro Abrunhosa's song and music video "fantasmas" 

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

A landmark day - An upcoming collection through Fantagraphics -worker'sday

Professional cards based on a picture of my kitty Ilvie with design by Argentine artist Mister Ed    

Yesterday was the worker's day in my country and I'm sure that will be a day where History in comic books was made.
I can't reveal too much of it (that's why I only put in this post pictures of my professional card with design by the excellent artist mister ED that sometimes seems like my left and right hand on my projects), but I'm working a lot at Fantagraphics on it and once again also with help by international artists finished works and more artists that are still finishing their works.
 Here's the list of the artists organized by the countries where they were born in bold 

Mister ED 
Patricia Breccia 
Fer Calvi 
Gonzalo Ruggieri 
Catriel Talarico 
Dario Mekler 
German Genga 
Pato Delpeche 
Quique Alcatena 
Nicolas Mahler 
Rafael Sanzio 
Rodrigo Rosa 
Carlos Ferreira 
Danijel Zezelj 
Stefano Zattera 
Sérgio Ponchionne 
Mike V. Derderian 
Bartosz Jekiel 
Nikodem cabala 
João Sequeira 
Julia Barata
Osvaldo Medina 
Paulo Pinto 
Dario Duarte 
Danilo Milosev 
Pau Masip 
Toni Benages Gallard
José Luís Ágreda 
Jon Ander Azaola 
Javier Olivares 
Victor Puchalvski 
Ruben Pellejero
Javier Gay Llorente 
Emil Gunnar Maxén 
Nicolas Krizan 
Mattias Bergara 
Bill Koeb 

Many thanks to all international artists involved in this project 
Special thanks to Patricia Breccia, Cristina Breccia, Gary Groth for their trust in me and to my kitty Ilvie that it's still in my dreams as my muse and will always be.

Manuel Espírito Santo 

Tributes to Crepax - limited free 1st, second and third booklet -Fantagraphics Crepax collection

Good afternoon to all readers, collectors and international artists, here's a small text about tributes to Valentina by Crepax.
Selecting and organizing tributes to Valentina by Crepax for limited booklets for Fantagraphics Crepax collection from excellent artists from all over the world isn't an easy task, since we can't publish them all right now, but we'll do it in the near future.
 I've comunicated with more than 100 artists in several languages and the feedback was awesome from all of them with all your awesome support (not only with this character, but also with other exhibitions that I've also curated in Porto based on cats as pets due to the loss of my kitty Ilvie and an identity one that was an huge sucess), my heart felt thanks goes to all of you, who backed me in these exhibitions aswell.
 In order to publish these tributes to Valentina we also had full support of Caterina Crepax and Gary Groth, because without it, these booklets couldn't be published for sure.
 Valentina by Italian maestro Crepax is a strong character based on the role of the independence of women regarding male opression through her dreams and fantasies, while being a married woman with her own children, portraying herself like a 21st century woman and not only an erotica character.
 All the international artists made excellent visions of her that appeared (and will appear) in free limited booklets and also at exhibitions all over the world like the one that I've curated at Beja - Portugal in the  X comic book festival in June's 2014 (with Guido Crepax's originals also), at Helsinki - Finland in comic book festival in September 2016, 2 at Porto - Portugal in boémia caffe in 2016 In May and August and two others also in 2016 at Seattle - U.S.A in Fantagraphics Bookstore & Gallery in April and at New York - U.S.A in Scott Eder's gallery in May also with Guido Crepax's originals (all these exhibitions can be seen in this same blogue in previous posts).

Here's the list of the artists that were already published in 2 limited free booklets (and the third one that's being prepared) by Fantagraphics to go along Fantagraphics Crepax collection.

Published first Fantagraphics Crepax free limited booklet organized by countries where the artists were born in bold 

Mister ED
Alex Korolkovas 
Sandra Hernandez 
Santiago Sequeiros 
New Zealand 
Dylan Horrocks 
Ricardo Drumond 
Bill Sienkiewicz 
George Pratt 
Gilbert Hernandez 
Richard Sala 
Noah Van Sciver 
Mark Wheatley 

Published second Fantagraphics Crepax free limited booklet organized by countries where the artists were born in bold 

Santiago Caruso 
Walter Minus 
Sérgio Ponchionne 
Tony Sandoval 
Javier Olivares 
Brian Bolland 
David Lloyd 
Rian Hughes 
Benjamin Marra
Roberta Gregory 
Peter Kuper 
Bob Burden 
Paul Pope 

Yet to be published third Fantagraphics Crepax free limited booklet organized by countries where the artists were born in bold 

Patricia Breccia 
Rodrigo Rosa 
Danijel Zezelj 
Caterina Crepax 
John Kurokawa 
Fidel Martinez Nadal
Pedro Espinosa 
José Luís Ágreda 
Bill Koeb
Brian Biggs 
David Lasky
Jeffrey Alan Love 
Olivia De Bernardinis 

Many to all international artists for the support in this project
Special thanks to Caterina Crepax, Gary Groth and to my kitty Ilvie that's still my muse and source of inspiration.
Manuel Espírito Santo

A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...