Thursday, November 22, 2018

Short narrative about Zombierella or Miss Z for upcoming book project with help by international Artists

I was in the middle of a snowstorm somewhere in Reykiavík - Iceland listening to a band named Sólstafir or maybe I wasn't in Iceland but in Syberia while my brain was a bit derranged with white noise while a pack of wolves were running after me and I was hiding in some trees afraid of some storm and powerful lightning strikes.
I can't remember every single detail then because wolves fangs were being pointed at my jugular and I was scared.

A simple John Doe

Out of nowhere, my phone started buzzing and I was trying to see who it was when a lightning struck the cabin where I was standing.
I only saw a picture of Svetlana that was smiling at me while saying this:
- You're too old to be in the cold.
- I'll give you some kind of smile for a while.

Svetlana smiling 

She continued saying this to me:
- You'll die with a bang on a can.
I wasn't understanding what was happening to me and I looked at a picture of her and it indeed had a bang.

A bang 

Zombierella wasn't cold because she was being protected in some mansion that held a nation while she was on the top of a car.


I was a bit frightened when she told me a story about Zombo, the clown.
I don't know why or when I started develloping some sort of phobia regarding painted people that tried to put smiles in children's faces.
She told me this:
- He's my friend, come on and shake his hand.

Zombo - The clown 

Svetlana was near some Joshua Tree and all I wanted to see was a swimming sea.
She was telling me this:
- It's a national park where people meet and the horizon is a desert's deep.
I was thinking that she was right, my phone wasn't buzzing anymore.


Out of a sudden another lightning stroke my phone and all I could see in it was static eletricity.
I was imagining Zombierella in some David Lynch's movie in a corridor carrying a bag and I was thinking this to myself:
- Does she carry inside it a gun for fun? 


My phone suddenly was alive again and I was actually watching a concert with Zombierella in the band where she plays.
I was still inside the cabin listening to the wolves howling to the storm or was it at me?


Svetlana was awaking from a dream in some couch and she was shouting at me:
- Where's my phone?
- Give it to me or I'll kill thee.
Right now, I really knew that I should be really scared with wolves circling me and lightning strikes in some old cabin, how could I escape from another wrath that was a XXIST century woman screaming to me? 
All I knew was that I was in Reykiavík or was it Syberia?


I needed to ask for help even if my phone was framed in time.
I saw a picture on my bag by my friend and extraordinary artist Daniel Esteve, it was a sketch based on Zombierella and I prayed to God above for some phone that was working inside the cabin.
I've tried once and twice and Daniel answered me.

Zombierella's sketch by Spanish Artist Daniel Esteve

He told me this when he was picking up the phone in Santiago do Chile: 
- Man, you have a finished artwork based on Zombierella with a written sentence in your personalized notebook with pics of your youngest niece, international artworks based on you and your kitty Ilvie that somebody stoled from you.

Zombierella's final artwork by Spanish Artist Daniel Esteve

I've thought this towards myself:
- Maybe Svetlana found her phone and I'm safe and secure.
Oh my golly, I was totally wrong and when I hang up Daniel's call, the phone started ringing and I was shaking. It was Zombierella on the other side of the line telling me this:
- I'm calling you from a phonebooth.
At this time by the sound of her voice, I really knew that I was in trouble.
I was seeing Svetlana's mad and Canadian Artist Stanley Wany told me this in a sort of telepatic way:
- I've told you that a woman's fury should be avoided but you don't listen to me.

Finished artwork based on Zombierella by Canadian Artist Stanley Wany printed in a personalized notebook.

Zombierella gathered her Russian tigers that were painted by her side with love and admiration by American Artist Erik Von Erik and started playing bass and singing this:
- Bela Lugosi's dead... Undead...
I knew that I was knocking at death's door.

Zombierella painting with Russian tigers by Erik Von Erik

Words of admiration by American Artist Erik Von Erik to Svetlana

I was searching for my wallet to see if I had some cash to pick the earliest bus, before Zombierella arriving with her Russian tigers at Syberia.
I looked in all my pockets and my wallet was gone and all I found was a Polaroid of Svetlana playing bass.
I thought this to myself while seeing the pic:
- I'll be smashed Russian by tigers and Zombierella is going to sing me a pretty lullaby for sure.


I started to listen to The Pixies and Kim Deal was telling me this:
- Come on, don't be a bad girl.
Maybe this was a sign from heaven because the polaroid turned itself into a painting based on Svetlana by American Artist Robert Kotrola.

Painting based on Zombierella by American Artist Robert Kotrola

I was searching for my bag and I found in it some sort of printed paper with a Svetlana's Polaroid, a Zombierella picture and an artwork the finished painting based on both by American Artist Robert Kotrola, maybe this was a sign and I was saved from the wolves outside (that I wasn't listening to anymore) and by Russian tigers.

Printed paper with a Polaroid, a picture and an artwork

Suddenly the phone rang once again and my bones were literally chilled, from the other line of the line was Svetlana with a sweet voice telling me this:
- I've found my cellphone, it was under my pillow. 
- Be calm and still.
I was a bit more calm because I knew that it was thanksgiving in the U.S.A and my cellphone was also working again and in it I saw a tribute to Zombierella by American Artist Rikki Romero.

Tribute to Svetlana by American Artist Rikki Romero

I was breathing in and out softly because I knew that I already made an interview not only to Svetlana but also to Oleg Guitaracula from Messer Chups and that I had a printed artwork paper created by Japanese Artist Garbagewhichburns.

Messer Chups by Japanese Artist Garbagewhichburns

I've searched deeper inside my bag and I've found another printed paper with Hungarian actor Bela Lugosi along Zombierella and a painting based on Svetlana by American Artist Robert Kotrola.
I was absolutely safe and calm now.



I was thinking on what to do or what to write when out of a sudden, I see two huge Russian tigers breaking the door's cabin and chewing my flesh and bones while Svetlana was looking at me and telling me this:
- You've my phone, you BASTARD.
- I've told that if you can't remember my name you would be in Zombieland.


Zombierella as seen by German Artist Julian Weber - 01

Zombierella as seen by German Artist Julian Weber - 02

Zombierella as seen by French Artist Sammy The Kay - 01

Zombierella as seen by French Artist Sammy The Kay - 02

Many thanks to all international Artists from several countries who support, supported will support some of my projects and also this one in the upcoming future. You're the best.
Special thanks to Svetlana Zombierella Nagaeva 

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