Friday, June 28, 2019

Daria inside an Aria being Bela - International artists - Part 02 (with a bit of an autobiography) - poems

Writing poems with pen and pencil is tricky because sometimes people tell me this:
- You're at Saint Petersburg...
- You're at Moscow...
- You're at Helsinki
- You're at Firenze...
- You're at Osaka...
- You're at Seoul...
- You're at Invicta...
- You're Corto Maltese...
- You've a personality...
- You've a strong character...
- I want to meet you...
I usually don't listen to what people tell me but I listen to what sweet Dasha whispers to me and that's this:
- Just be yourself for true and I'll aways smile back to you...

Me and Dasha - 01 

Me and Dasha - 02 

I remember reading the most amazing books ever created while organizing some of them.
My nieces were by my side, Dasha later gave me a ride...

Corto Maltese character, Dasha, my nieces, myself and books 

British band Bauhaus takes me back to my teenage days when I was listening to their album "mask" and I suddenly remember that its vocalist Peter Murphy paid me a coffee at Invicta in 1995, we talked about comic books and he asked me if I knew Alan Moore that worked with Bauhaus band since it's early days because David J. and Kevin Haskins were his neighbours in Northampton - England. 
 I also remember that in an arts festival named MAB that I've organized in 2012 in Porto and that had as one of its guests Melinda Gebbie (that's Alan Moore's wife) and that confirmed me this fact and that her husband was writing then under the pseudonym Bilburn Logue.
 Melinda drew a label for Niepoort wine company in Douro's region and she was talking in the phone with Alan about me and how she was loving Douro and everything.
She received bottles of Portuguese wine and Alan Moore (that's one of the best writers ever) loved it. 
 Don't ask me why Alan Moore didn't wrote for Niepport catalogue because people who work there must be either weird, ignorant or stupid.
 I also checked about this info with British artist David Lloyd in 2017 (when I was working with him in a book). David's a nice chap and creator along Alan of "V for Vendetta" book that it was the source for a movement named anonymous and even a major motion picture starring Natalie Portman, John Hurt and Hugo Weaving. 
 David gave me an original drawing with "V and Evey" that I proudly wear in a personalized t-shirt among several others that I've by the best international artists that I know of.
 He also confirmed me that Alan wrote several stuff for Bauhaus and that the original "V for vendetta" soundtrack was created by musician David J. (That was an oficial Bauhaus member).
 The only thing that I do know is that I've also made two exclusive interviews to Melinda Gebbie live (that can be watched here or at youtube) and to David Lloyd in previous posts in this same blogue.
 Heilung's one of the best bands that I'm listening to in 2019 (they're visceral), maybe I'll make them an exclusive interview to this blogue in some days.

Dasha, Bauhaus "Mask" album and Norwegian band Heilung 

Dasha, Bauhaus album "Mask", an artwork by Argentine artist Vanesa Carosia and Danish band Heilung 

Dasha, Exhibitions that I worked with lots of international artists, Mourinho by Argentine artist Mr Ed, some of my favorite books.

Dasha and Me, Mascara Girl, some of my favorite books and Fellini's "8 and an half" masterpiece movie.

I know that I've organized a real good book collection by Argentine maestro José Munoz,  I even talked and wrote to him and tried to be with him in Barcelona in 2017 (but I couldn't attend the convention at that time). 
 I wasn't talking either with Mascara Girl or Dasha then.
My nieces were by my side.

Dasha and me, my nieces, Dasha as seen through the eyes of American artist Rikki Romero, a quote that I love, a book collection by Argentine maestro José Munoz that I've organized, My nieces, Mascara Girl 

Dasha's a Scorpio and I'm a Capricorn.
Dasha loves Twin Peaks, so maybe I'm Philip Jeffries and she's Audrey Horne.

Dasha is Scorpio 

I'm Capricorn

Interlude (a song named "Ghost in the circuit" by American band Velvet Acid Christ from their 2006's album "lust for blood" with images/dialogues by Chinese director Wong Kar Wai's Fallen Angels 1995 masterpiece movie starring actress Michelle Reis (that has Portuguese origins due to her father and Chinese origins due to her mother)) to Dasha

Poems to Dasha written by me in minutes.

Dasha asked me this today:
- Hey man, where are you?
- Will you make words pop in out of the blue?
 I didn't knew what to answer her because we were near a cabaret (or was it a ballet?).
 I know that some noise was far and that I was sharing shots of whiskey with her.
 Dasha continued telling me this:
- I'll sing a song for you.
And with her tiny lips, a movement was made and words appear in the air:
- I'll be a nightingale flying high inside a sigh... Where lost sailors were tailors, I know that my dress will never be a mess...
 I was observing Dasha's hair and I started to notice how it was wet with no sweat...
 I was having a coffee without cigarettes and Dasha told me:
- I'll bring you sugar or honey if you call me beauty cutie in this room without a broom...
 I know that at this time (and having us both no cigarettes), all that I could do was seeing how Dasha was singing to me with her fishnets and how sugar was put in my coffee by Dasha's hands without broken amends ...
 I started to wonder to myself:
- I'll take a shot of us together near a looking glass with class...
- I'll form images of light inside a sun that's bright...
 Dasha continued telling me this:
- Hey man, don't be in a short spam, let the world itself come down when we're having fun deep inside a pun...
 Dasha's eyes were enlightened by a sea storm when we were searching for oysters inside a pirate's boat that usually float near a river where our memories lie deep inside a simple sugar pie that we both ate when we were little kids by the lake...
 Dasha picked up a guitar and with a sudden movement of her fingers sent me a kiss while performing a private song for me for free where we used to be...
 I was writing a book to her at this time based on her looks when we were both cooks...
 I paused a bit and while watching Dasha's movements near a mirror on the wall, I've told her this:
- There's a star flying high where you and me both lie and we know that inside our sigh, we'll actually be a song in a coffee shop where we both stand without a free book end...

Me and Dasha 


 To Dasha when she's having a coffee with me.
 I was listening to The Pixies band (or was it The Smiths?) when suddenly Dasha appeared to have a delightful coffee with me filled with cream sugar... 
 I didn't knew what to say to her because the music was real loud...
 She was wearing a red dress and a curious serpent necklace...
 I was observing her when she told me this:
- Hey, man.
- Do you want me to sing to you a song in German of old while you're there in the cold?
 I was out of words, because Dasha is hot and I know that she isn't a rock...
 She showed me her fangs and it was when I saw them that I was double daring fear inside me in a scream... 
 I was actually in a state of shock...
 She showed me her long black hair and even her tatoos without any taboos...
 She was singing this phrase over and over:
- Ich habe ein weg...
 I wasn't understanding why her voice was in a constant loop...
 Her dress moved with the movement of her body and it was spread at the wind in a curious spin...
 She held in her left hand a knife and she told me this: 
- Hey man, I'm going to cut a slice of your life...
 I was in a frenzy state while looking for some words as bait...
 Her soft voice continued whispering the same phrase all over and over again (I knew that it could be heard in the deepest ocean or even in the tallest mountain inside a fountain). 
The loop was continuously in my head...
 I knew that she stopped a bit and put her fangs inside her mouth and I didn't heard any shout...
 Her dress moved her into the coffee register cash machine and I wasn't understanding a thing...
 She paid for my coffee and even bought me a chocolate mars bar...
 I was astonished about how she reacted with her act...
 She looked at me and told me this:
- Hey man, I'll go to the studio to record a new tape, do you wanna come there with me?
 I promise you that after it, we'll watch the sea... 
 ...We'll even see how salty water melts at our feet even if we're inside a fleet ship...
 I've followed Dasha because I know that she's always an act of class through any looking glass...

Dasha with me 

To Dasha  
Dasha's one of the finest women that I've met...
Sometimes she asks me this:
- Hey man, don't forget that I'm scorpio and you're capricorn, does this means that you're Philip Jeffries and I'm Audrey Horne
 She continues telling me this: 
- I'll give you a ride... I know that you're funny and that you're always by my side...
 Dasha loves to prepare dinner and ask me for my help...
 I really don't know what to do when Dasha is with a fork and knife cutting a slice of meat for our treat...
 I observe her and tell her this:
- Sweet Dasha, can I put our favorite Sonic Youth's song as a soundtrack for our dinner?
- I know that it will be marvellous...
 Dasha looks me into my eyes and yells this:
 I know that I can have an "accident" if I don't play Dasha's rules, so I answer her this:
- Cutie beauty... Whatever you say makes my day...
 She tells me about blood and vampires and while she's seeing me skin and bones, she puts more food on the table for me to eat as a treat...
 Dasha observes every move that I make on her kitchen table...
 She looks even prettier today...
 Sonic Youth's theme "never mind, what was it anyway?" is all over the house and while noticing that Dasha has a t-shirt, I ask her to wear a green blouse...
 Dasha tells me this while having a fork on her left hand:
- I'll search for it because I'm a bit cold, but tonight after the movies, I must be hotter than a chimney, do you think that you can provide this at dusk bliss?
 I never say anything wrong to Dasha because I know that in her eyes beauty lies...
 She's still with the fork on her right hand...
 The dinner is perfect with roasted chicken, potatoes and even tomatoes...
 We both look into the mirror and Dasha says:
- Man, let's have shots until we both pray during the day...

Dasha giving me a ride and two illustrations 

More than one hundred international artists and me work together for almost three years.
Argentine artist Martin Arrizabalaga drew Dasha in a single day.
 I'm sure that all the artists that will create artworks based on her will make her real pretty...
I only know that from time to time, I call her : cutie beauty...

Artwork based on Dasha by Argentine artist Martin Arrizabalaga 

Second interlude (a song named "All I want" to Dasha by British band The Cure from their 1987 album "Kiss me, Kiss me, Kiss me") 

And then there's Dasha and me in a wild ride in some slide...

Me and Dasha - 02 



Final song to Dasha by French band The Married Monk named "tell her, tell her" from their album "The Jim side" from 1996 and that was part of the soundtrack of 2000's "Vertical ray of the sun" masterpiece by Vietnamese director Trah Ahn Hung, starring Vietnamese actress Tran Nu Yen Khe

Images and words credits that illustrated this post:
 Pics of me and Dasha
 Pic of Invicta 
 Pic of a pen with Portuguese tiles
 Pic of a pencil with the artwork "The Kiss" from 1907 by Austrian artist Gustav Klimt
 Pic of a pencil with "La dolce vita" movie from 1960 by Italian director Federico Fellini (starring Italian actor Marcello Mastroianni and Swedish actress Anita Ekberg)
 Pictures with artworks by International artists in an exhibition organized and curated by me in Porto at Boémia caffe with the name "cats as pets" in December 2016 dedicated to my kitty Ilvie that was stolen by me due to a divorce.
 These are some of the artists that made part of it and that can be read in this same blogue in previous posts:
 Santiago Caruso, MR Ed, Patricia Breccia, Erica Villar, Quique Alcatena and Colorada Majox from Argentina.
 Joanna Joka Karpowicz from Poland
 Danjiel Zezelj from Croatia.
 Sid Jung from North Korea
 Daniel Esteve from Spain 
 Alex Korolkovas and Tainan Rocha from Brazil.
Pictures by Japanese artist Junya Watanabe aka as Jungraphy 
 Italian maestro Hugo Pratt and his character Corto Maltese with this quote in French:
"Dans le jardin d'eden il y avait de tout: foie de volaille, petits rognons, viande de hachée, petits poissons rouges et bols de lait mais il avait une chose immangeable : l'arête de poisson interdite que poussait" 
Argentine maestro José Munoz and a dialogue in French
"Me voici monsieur comme vous le voulez, j'me suis pas fait attendre" 
- "Pardon monsieur mais je ne vous connais pas", 
- " Vous me connaissez trés bien! Je suis le mari de Lucia!!"
- "Vous voulez parler de la senorita Negrita?
Italian director Federico Fellini's 1963's "Eight and a half" movie poster starring Italian actor Marcello Mastroianni.
 Pic of Russian musician Mascara Girl 
 Sandman comic book issue 74 published by Vertigo in 1996 created by British writer Neil Gaiman with artwork by American artist Jon J. Muth.
 From Hell volume six published in 1994 and ten in 1996 book covers published by Kitchen Sink Press and that were created by British artists Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell 
 Alack sinner character created by Argentine Artist José Munoz in 1975 while Sinner is singing American musician Lou Reed's song "take a walk in the wild side" from his album "Transformer" from 1972 that was produced by British musician David Bowie. 
 Picture of "Bauhaus undead" book by the band'drummer Kevin Haskins published in 2018 by Cleopatra Records.
 Artwork by Canadian artist Justin Stewart aka Very Real Fantasy.
 Sleeve vynil cover with Brilburn Logue words aka as Alan Moore in Bauhaus "Mask" album released in 1981 by Beggars Banquet.
 Omnibus CD version of "Mask"  from 2009 with the above mentioned credits
 Bauhaus "Mask" vynil cover with an artwork by their guitar player Daniel Ash 
 A Bauhaus ticket from 1983 to a concert in Paris - France at Le Palace 
 Promotional poster for Bauhaus song "Bela Lugosi is dead" from 1979 
 Pictures of Danish band Heilung's and a concert of their first album "ofnir" released by season of mists in 2015 with these translated sentences on them "The "yew" is a tree with rough bark", "and is tossed about... It is whirled from the vault of heaven", " Ice is very cold...", "The ocean seems interminable to men, if they venture", " trouble is oppressive to heart" 
 Corto Maltese in Angoulême - France by a friend scupltor named Livio Benedetti that was a friend from the character's creator Hugo Pratt.
 Corto Maltese at Lyon - France.
 Corto Maltese and a dialogue in Italian with female comic book character Boca Dourada:
"Sarebbe bello vivere una favola..."
"Tu vivi continuamente nelle favole solamente non te ne acorgi piú quando un adulto entra nel mondo delle fiabe non riesce piu ad uscirne... Non lo sapevi?" 
 A quote that I love:
"You never know how strong you are... Until being strong is the ONLY choice that you have."
 Quotes about Alack Sinner masterpiece by Argentine artist José Munoz published by Spanish publisher Salamandra ediciones in 2017 by several artists and conoisseurs that I've worked with three years ago.
 Spanish artist Antonio Altarriba 
 "En ninguna otra serie policiaca se mata tan mal y se muere tan bien" 
 By Spanish conoisseur Angel de la calle:
"Hasta hoy, el comic se divide en dos metades, todo lo demás y Alack Sinner
 By Spanish maestro Santiago Sequeiros
"Sin duda, Alack Sinner es el tebeo mas importante de toda mi vida"
 By Spanish artist Bartolomé Segui:
"Uno de los génios indiscutibles que esta arte ha dado"
By Spanish maestro Javier Olivares
"Sus palabras parecen haber sido destiladas y el blanco y negro es preciso y elemental. Bang.
 A tribute to Alack Sinner by Spanish maestro Santiago Sequeiros.
 Corto Maltese statue at Grandvaux -  Swiss 

.where Pratt lived from 1984 to his death in 


  Me and my youngest niece Letícia.

  Me and my youngest niece best friend Sissi

  Me and my other nieces Luzia and Isaura

  My brother Pedro

 Me and my youngest nephew Emídio 

 John Constantine comic book character 

created by British writer Alan Moore in 1985 

and drawn by British artist Simon Bisley that 

was invited to the before mentioned art

Festival that I've organized in 2012 named 

Mab in Porto.

Artworks based on me created by my 

youngest niece Letícia.

A still of American director Jonathan Nolan's

 Tv series Westworld with a monologue by 

character Dolores Abernathy to Teddy:

"Do you know who loves staring at their own 

reflection? Everybody."

Artwork based on Dasha by American

Artist Rikki Romero.

 An artwork given to me on 2010 by American Artist Vince Locke, that's one of the artists that worked in Neil Gaiman's saga The Sandman published by Vertigo (mainly my favorite story arc of it named "brief lives")
 Invicta indie arts hand writen letters created by Argentine artist Mr Ed.
Artwork by Argentine artist Vanesa Carosia

Narrative to be continued on more posts in this same blogue 

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