Friday, July 26, 2019

Poems to Daria - narrative - International artists


We're in white nights...
You tell me about your inner fight...
You tell me about the moon in Saint Petersburg...
You tell me how the food is good...
You tell me that you can't sleep...
You tell me about stalker or was it a walker?
You usually don't tell me about your dreams...
 You tell me about candy in handy...
 You tell me that you believe in energy...
 I tell you about Aleister Crowley and his folly...
 You tell me about a different culture...
 You tell me about a vulture...
 I tell you about water...
 I tell you about a strange knight in a fight...
 I tell you that I don't understand you...
 You tell me that I'll see your reflection into action...
 You tell me about scary tales...
 I tell you about simple snails...
 You tell me about a cup...
 I tell you about a fork...
 You tell me about flights and sights...
 I tell you about delights...
 I tell you about a dream...
 You tell me how you like ice-cream...
 I tell you about ice...
 You tell me about rice...
 I tell you something in English...
 You answer me something in Russian.. 
 You tell me to dwell on the shadows for thee...
 I tell you that we can always meet on the sea where we used to be...

Daria - Dostoievsky - 01

Manuel - Dostoievsky - 01

Daria - Dostoievsky - 02

Manuel - Dostoievsky - 03

Daria - Dostoievsky - 03 

Cats as pets - Artworks by Argentine Artists - Santiago Caruso, Mr Ed, Quique Alcatena, Patricia Breccia, Cam Rapetti, Colorada Majox, Polish Artists Joanna Joka Karpowicz, Nikodem Cabala, South Korean Sid Jung, Brazil - Tainan Rocha, Alex Korokolvas, Croatian Artist - Danijel Zezelj 
An artwork by Canadian Artist Very Real Fantasy 
A Sandman page by Jon J. Muth 
A From Hell illustration and cover by Scottish Artist Eddie Campbell
A photo by Dasha and another one by Daria
A photo by Mascara Girl 
An illustration based on Portuguese soccer soach Mourinho by Argentine Artist Mr Ed

We were in the middle of nowhere...
 The sun was hot and our cheeks were red and it was burning our head.
 You told me about Vampira and that she was Finnish.
 I didn't knew what to do because she was from Santa Claus land and I wasn't certain of which movie you were telling me about with a shout...
 I was real scared of not remembering our movie (I do remember that it starred Bela and a girl with an umbrella)...
 A music was on your left ear:
- I can hear the violins...
 I knew that I was searching for our pins...
 Your eyes were staring at them in some plate...
 I know that I arrived late.
 You asked me this:
- Hey man, what were you doing then?
 I usually don't answer questions but to you, I always answer something out of the blue:
- Hey girl, I'm writing our book inside a look...
 You were wearing new snickers (I think that their brand was kickers).
 You asked me this:
 - Let's run for fun near the garden where we were yesterday?
 I've answered you:
 - Maybe another day...
 2046 was on our playlist and I didn't knew what could I do with you while visioning a blank page without age...
 I've reminded myself of a napkins fight...
 You told me that in it there was light...
 You quickly streamed our movie and it sure was groovy...
 You even told me that it was Ed Wood while you were preparing us some food...
 I remember that you even prepared a magnificient orange juice and some chocolate mousse...
 We've felt ourselves good with this kind of food...
 Sun was everywhere and we were in the beach with some kind of preach...
 Casta Diva was playing loud and we really knew that we were not inside a crowd...
 I started taking pictures of you in your blue jeans and your green t-shirt in a kind mood while your hands were grabbing the food...
 Our meal had everything:
 - Fishes...
 - Fruit...
 - Peanuts...
 - Juice...
 - Dessert...
 That was our deal...
 You were telling me about old scary movies from the 20's (I don't remember if they were based on German Expressionism because you prefered Universal classic ones without puns)...
 You told me about a simple number that was "2046" and I reminded myself that we always were "in the mood for love" where our atmosphere was in another hemisphere...
 I was thinking about Jan Svankmajer and Piotr Dumala animation movies and how they were different from all the rest like they were inside a cuckoo's nest...
 You asked me this:
 - Hey Man, can you give me your best shot of my human figure?
 I didn't knew how to shoot you because my photo machine was without engine...
 I caressed your hair with a stare...
 It had a lovely form because the fact was that we weren't in any kind of storm...
 You were preparing coffee for both of us and we were watching images in action with our own reaction.
 You told me about the new Peaky Blinders Tv series episode...
 You told me about Westworld Tv Series and its  metaphors and how everything seemed like Milton's "Paradise Lost".
 I was talking with you about Clementine near the grapevine, Eve and the cards on her sleeve or even Dolores and how she was a bit crazy while being lazy...
 You told me to search for my pencil and pen inside our house in your closet that held in it my favorite blouse that you always wear without any nightmare ...
 I've found a blank page there and without breathing any air, I knew that I was writing words to you while feeling myself new...
 2046 music was in the house...
 Ed Wood's images were all over the place and all that I could see in that moment was your face...
 Siouxsie and the banshees "Hall of mirrors" song was hammering our brains without any pain and you told me this:
- Come eat with me...
- You know that I don't bite thee...

Daria and Dasha 

 I was walking in a street...
 Suddenly Daria was with me where both me and her meet...
 She told me that Natasha was something strange and that I was making a mess inside a complex...
 I put a video on our playlist being something that we both believe in while trying to reach nirvana on our life inside a slice...
 I'm not paying any attention then and she doesn't ask me about my pen...
 I put another song of old in our playlist by Depeche Mode where "I feel you" didn't seemed blue...
 I'm staring at a picture of her... 
 She tells me about a photo of me that she loves when we're identity inside an entity...
 Daria's simply asking me for an Aria...
 I don''t know on what to think when she asks me for something near the kitchen sink...
Smoke comes from her mouth...
 I'm looking into her pretty eyes where acts aren't facts...
 She's also in a sleepy mood because of the food that we ate near a gate...
 Daria's real special in my heart for a start...
 I'm holding her hair on my right hand while we are both listening to a band.
 I'm whispering this to her left ear:
- Let's be me and you for true?
- Maybe love is kind and not blind...
 Daria's staring at me while grabbing fruit from a tree...
 She asks me for my help...
 She suddenly's on my back and we're in a quick nap...
 I'm feeling strong (knowing that with her by my side we will be more than a simple ride)...
 We're playing puzzle games where words and images collide with speeches...
 I really remember that she's the prettiest flower in the garden where we use to stay during the hour...
 Everybody's telling us that we're both fun when we run...
 Everybody's telling us that we're a piece of art guided by heart...
 I'm sure that Daria was more than an Aria...
 I'm sure that Manuel's inside her spell...
 She's more than a simple belle...
 We're both gazing at our reflection when we're eating, sleeping or dreaming inside a reaction...
 Daria and me are all this and more when we know that we always reach the shore...
 We've done the unthinkable...
 We've thought about what was unpredictable...
 Daria's by my side...
 I'm near her when she's my guide...
 She's dressed in black as a fact...
 I'm listening to "higher love" whose sound comes from a dove...
 We're Daria and Manuel...
 She actually's more than an Aria...
 Maybe I'm more than a spell...
 I know that we both feel well inside our presence full of essence...
 She's telling me that I should write a book about us without fuzz...
 I'm telling her that I would do it in a split second while looking at her face that's the prettiest one of the entire human race...
 I'm aching for a cigarette and I'm telling Daria that I couldn't care less about the bloody internet...
 Daria's more than sweet when we both meet...
 These words are on our hearts:
 - In your room...
 - Your burning eyes...
 - Cause flames to arise...
 - I'll always be here...
 Have I ever mentioned that Daria's pretty as a flower, intelligent by the hour and that her mind isn't soured? 
 Daria's moves a bit while we're walking...
 We aren't talking...
 I'm looking at her figure while we both are listening to this: 
- Down from your pedestals, open your mouth and talk right with me because life's such a short thing that we can not comprehend..
 Daria's more than a sweet...
 She isn't sugar...
 She isn't ice...
 She's quite nice...
 We made the unthinkable happen in a single night when the evening's real bright...
 Deep inside a Daria's insight.

Daria's passport, an artwork by British Animation movies director Phil Mulloy, An artwork by American animation directors Bros Quai, a pic of Portuguese writer Fernando Pessoa and British Artist Aleister Crowley with one of his artworks, a dystopian pic by Japanese Artist Jungraphy and two pics of Daria watching the sea waiting to see her sailor in order for her man to be.


Sometimes Dasha tells me that she's Natasha and I feel a bit confused.

 She asks and mentions this to me as a fact:

- Hey Man, are you an artfact?

 - I'm action and joy when you grab my hair in thin air...

 I never know what to answer or to what say to Dasha, but I whisper words in her ears:

- Your hair is black...
- Your wings are a treasure in pleasure...
- Your lips are loose just like your hips...
 Dasha looks me in the eyes while telling me these words:
- Newspaper...
- Kind...
- Mind...
- Not blind...
 I think on a monochrome color when both me and Dasha dance on her kitchen floor asking for more.
 Dasha shouts to me:
- HEY MAN...
- HEY MAN...
- HEY MAN...

 I look at Dasha's eyes and at her kitchen clock and ask her if I can wear my blue jeans and a red t-shirt...
 Dasha shouts at me:
 I begin to be a bit worried since I'm not that fond of dark colours, so I lool at the hours...
 Dasha whispers this to me while I've an ear covered with a phone listening to Mogwai:
- Hey man, I'm your gal in the night and in the light...
- 88 is my number and you know that I don't slumber...
- I'm with you till my eyes suddenly close near my nose...
- I love your magic as something that's active...
- I'll prepare you fish and chip where we both meet...
 I don't have words to use on because she gathers them all in a single frame that ain't lame...
 - Hey Man...
 - Let's roam the world inside your pen...
 - Let us be children of the night at plain sight...
 - You know that I'm like Vampira and I don't bite...
 I look at Daria's door while she's asking me to lift her up of the floor, carrying her on my shoulders forever more.

Dasha and character Audrey Horne from Twin Peaks TV series 

An artwork by British Artist David Lloyd based on comic books character Hellblazer, an artwork by Canadian Artist Stanley Wany based on me, a poster created by Spanish Artist Daniel Esteve, Daria as Audrey Horne and me as Philip Jeffries from Twin Peaks Tv series 

Pics of Daria, me and Invicta along a personalized artwork based on my kitty Ilvie by Argentine Artist Mr Ed, Two artworks based on me by Finnish Artist Terhi Ekebom and Polish Artist Bartosz Jekiel, a comic strip written by me based on a XXIst century woman with artworks by Polish Artist Magdalena Minko (story set in Warsaw - Poland), Argentine Artist Mr Ed (story set in Barcelona - Spain) and Spanish Artist Fidel Martinez Nadal (story set in Le Mans - France)

A movie still by Robert Wiene's German expressionism masterpiece "Das Kabinett des Dr Caligari", a movie still by American actress Louise Brooks in George Pabst masterpiece " Pandora's box", a movie still by czech animation director Jan Svankmajer, a movie still by Tim Burton's masterpiece "Ed Wood" featuring his former wife Lisa Marie as Vampira, a movie still of Russian animation director Piotr Dumala based on Dostoievsky's novel "Crime and Punishment", an artwork by Italian artist Bernardino Constantino (whose artworks ressemble german expressionism), a pic by American actress Peg Entwhistle (who commited suicide near Hollywood's sign and it's now there a popular ghost), a pic of Daria.

Tickets of Depeche Mode "Songs of faith and devotion" tour and a concert by German band Einstuerzende Neubauten at Lisboa in the 90's, a pocket watch based on Sandman comic book character with design by American artist Mike Dringenberg, an illustration by Spanish Artist Sonia Pulido based on American band Mazzy Star and that was given to me by her, a personalized t-shirt with an artwork by Swedish Artist Max Andersson, a personalized artwork given to me by French Artist Loustal and another one by British Artist David Lloyd, two artworks based on Daria by Serbian artist Branko Djukic and Canadian Artist Stan Wany 

Siouxsie and the Banshees, Lisa Marie and Daria

Siouxsie and the banshees, Lisa Marie, Tim Burton, Marie Antoinette and Daria on a manifest 

A poem/love story to Rachel (who's my confessor)

This is only me and one of the prettiest women that I've seen.
 She's real simple... 
 She's real beautiful... 
 She has an astonishing heart and soul... 
 She loves all sorts of animals like I also do...
  She's not a musician or an artist and she doesn't want to be one.. 
 She has her own character and she doesn't need a new one...
  She's Rachel... 
 The only thing that I can say about her is that she loves my poems, my heart and soul and that I'm in love by her and that's all that people need to know.

Me, Rachel and a kitty
 Sometimes Rachel's with me near the sea and she asks me this: 
- Hey Man, I'm by your side, do you want me to be your smile for a while? 
I don't know what to say, since she knows that I love her more than a single day...
 We're listening to a song named "sugar your mind" while she stares in awe with sudden movements of living creatures that asks her something about love:
- Hey, do you need our caress without a mess?
Rachel is somewhere out there...
Rachel is one of the world's prettiest stars in this world by far...

Rachel and her love for animals 
I look at her and her extraordinary face leaves me somewhere near our dream place...
She doesn't talk...
She walks...
She has the world's prettiest lips and always create movement with her hips...

Heart and soul for you 

She always tells me this:
- Be yourself inside a morning bliss...
- Put your words deep down inside a kiss...
- In a forest tree, you know that I'll never haunt thee...
- I'm your faerie story when you search for our inner glory...

Rachel and a kitty

I gaze at her while she caresses a kitty...
The kitty's words hammer my thoughts like they were more than simple dots:
- Be free...
- Be with me...
- Be with us near the sea...
I don't know what to say to it because deep in my mind, I knew that the kitty was being kind...
I travel along the road, looking for a chocolate bar and common chips to eat as a treat...

Me and a kitty
She tells me this: 
- I'm the creature confessor...
- I'm your professor...
- Do you want to dance with me while we're in a club anti animal cruelty?

Rachel and love 

I answer her this:
- Yes...
- Let's not make a mess...

In love 

 I observe my favorite picture of her near a kitty that ressembles one that was stolen from me some years ago.
 She stares and stares...
In her eyes beauty lies...
In her body tattoos aren't taboos...
Her soul's everywhere with time to spare...
The kitty asks me this:
- Will you be lost forever in the world of never? 

My favorite Rachel's pic with a kitty

I don't know what to do when she asks me this out of the blue:
- Hey Man, are you in love by me for true? 

There's love inside words

I don't know which words to express when I see her wearing her morning dress...
I think loud...
I never think while being inside a cloud...
I answer this to her near the sea:
- Hey you, I'll always love you even if you wear the blue...

Loving Rachel 

She holds me...
She tells me about where we'll be...
She tells me that she's my belle inside aa simple spell...
She tells me that she'll always be my morning bell...

Not thinking 

I usually don't think...
Neither do I drink...
She doesn't tell me about ships that sink...
She tells me about her own heart's ink...

Mother Nature 

She tells me this: 
- Mother earth gives us nature...
- Mother nature will always be mature...
- Never be a dream inside a scream...
- Don't search for what's new when I'm here for you...

Me and a kitty

Words pop on my mind:

- Fruit...

- Juice...
- Orange...
- Lemon...
- Sermon...
The kitty that I'm holding asks me this: 
- She's you and me where we used to be.
- Do you want to be with her forever and ever where growing forests appear while we're near? 
I don't know what to answer it while I'm staring at her hair without despair...

Live and love 

She tells me random words while looking at me:
- Paper...
- Scissor...
- Stone...
- Bone...

Never shuffle words with images 

I'm by her side...
 Searching for her pictures...
Listening to her creatures...
We're not super-heroes in a mountain...
We're human living beings near a fountain...

Loving a living being 

She watches every move I make...
She sees magic near a lake...
She's flowers in the hour...
She's never sour...
She's who we want to be...
She'll always be her and me...

Just be whoever you want to be

She's gold in my heart...
She's all silver in the world for a start...
She's a shout in the park...
She's never inside an act...
She's me...
Maybe she's the sea...

There's not a bat inside a hat 

Gothic isn't a fashion statement in her looks...
Sometimes she tells me about books...
Pagan poetry is our raw power by the hour...
She's not a hat...
She's not a bat...
She's not a cat...

Be you out of the blue 

There're times when I carry her backpack...
There're times when we ask this to ourselves: 
- What the heck? 

Stare, live, love, dream 

She's love inside a dove...
She's a dream without a scream...
She's a sight in the night...
She's life in several slices...

Me and a character cat 

I don't know what to do or say when she's with me near a bay...
She whispers this to me: 
- I'm your midsummer night dream...
- I share nature with you...
- Faerieland will always be on my hand...

Rachel as a faerie 

They say that love is blind...
She says that she's always kind...


She asks me this:
- Hey Man, do you wanna go with me to a road to nowhere in our own hemisphere? 
Her blue eyes are a reflection of her soul...
She's a treasure in our private leisure...

Eyes with no lies 

I think this to myself:
- No words...
- Let's play the drums...
- We'll always be creatures flying high when the night is bright...

Be with me near the sea 

There's a white kitty in our hands...
We're listening to "the bends"
You tell me this:
- Everything's out of place inside human race...

Rachel with a white kitty 

She tells me that she loves me...
She tells me that we'll always be deep down inside our sea...
She tells me that memories are more than simple souvenirs of a balance dance deep down inside a trance...

Me and my kitties that were stolen by me 

A squirrel is approaching Rachel's hand and while eating from it, a sentence's comes from its voice:
- Always be together without any kind of noise...

 A squirrel 

To Rachel with love 

The end...? 

A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...