Sunday, July 21, 2019

English poems to Mascara, Alice, Sue, Didi and you - compilation

I never know anything at all in life, but I sure know that I love to write poems to my female friends.
 Below is a compilation of them with some videos with their bands.

A John Doe 

I know that I search for light with insight...
Alice asks me this:
- Hey Man, are you lost inside a kiss?
 I never search at night for a delight...
 I can't never answer Sue about what's new...
 Alice talks me about a rabbit inside a tale...
 I don't know if I put my clock inside a snail...
 Sue tells me this:
- Hey Man, search for your belle inside a spell...
 I know that I trust Alice because I know that she loves snakes near small lakes...
 Without knowing what to answer Sue, I always keep my promises due...
 Alice asks me this:
- Hey Man, where's your pen?
 I quickly observe Sue and she doesn't tell me a thing because she knows that I always appear out of the blue...
 Alice tells me about youth...
 Sue tells me about fruit...
 Alice tells me about Sonic
 Sue tells me that I'm bionic...
 I know that I'm at a bridge roaming free with my bride to be..
 Sue asks me this:
- Hey Man, when's going to be your glorious day?
 Alice suddenly answers her that in fact it was in may...
 Sue was a flower by the hour....
 Alice was a sparkle of light in the night...
 I remember that I was lost in cities...
 Sue was telling me this:
- Look for your rainbow...
- I know that it has gold in that glow...
 Alice was telling me this:
- Hey Man, you'll never grow old...
 I was looking to both of them in the body of a woman...
 I wasn't looking for her soul in some bowl...
 In fact, I wasn't looking for any kind of act...
 I was being guided by stars when Sue told me this:
- Man, you've got scars...
 I've looked at Sue and gave her a kiss out of the blue...
 She didn't knew what to say to me because Alice was near the sea where we used to be...
 I was scared at first about some lust...
 But the sky was bright and the evening was full of light...
 Alice asked me this in the eyes of a dove:
- Hey Man...?
- Yes you...
- Are you in wonderland where the sea and earth end?
 I didn't knew what to answer her because I was near Dasha (and maybe she was Natasha)...
 But I gave her a flower by the hour...
 Alice was cooking me something to eat...
 Sue was thinking on where would we meet...
 I quickly knew that it was a marvellous treat...
 I've told Alice this:
- I'm always inside the morning bliss...
 Sue was also asking me if I was inside a kiss...
  I knew that Sue wasn't me....
  I knew that Alice was free...
 I've said this to both:
- There are delights in your eyes...
- There's a treasure in your soul without lies...
 The three of us were eating inside a meeting...
 I know that my hair was a mess...
 I know that Alice had an astonishing dress...
 I know that Sue wasn't made to impress...
 After dinner we were inside a dream eating ice-cream when suddenly Alice said this:
- Let's wait for when the moon is bright...
 Sue was telling me this:
- Hey Man, be a gentleman and be with me like I was a princess in the night...

I remember that I was somewhere near you...
You asked me this:
- Hey Man, are you on our house that moves just like the ocean?
 I was without pen or pencil...
 I was quite sure that you were on our bed with time to spare...
 I was chilling out a bit without a shout because you always put me a bit tired when you ask me for more and more in our shore...
 Your eyes were gazing at me and I didn't knew where else could I be...
 You told me this:
- Come here by my side, we haven't quite finished what we started two hours ago...
 I didn't knew if it was the wind who blow...
 Maybe you were sugaring my mind being kind...
 Your body was in our space and I knew that it was mine to embrace...
 You told me this:
- You're the devil Man, even without a pen...
 I was your own shadow then and our bodies didn't end...
 There was a dove that was telling me this:
- Be with her inside a kiss...
- Watch a groovy movie...
 I didn't understood if it was the dove that was talking then or if it was love...
 I remember that we both didn't had cigarettes, so we were eating chips when I've sensed your lips...
 My hands were caressing your body as if it was a simple page of a book without a hook...
 Your hands were taking my clothes off and I knew that my used jeans suddenly had some means...
 You were wearing green while telling me this:
- Hey Man, I'm Sue, do you understand what I mean?
 I stood still trying to have my breathe again while pumping water into my brain...
 You were caressing my shirt and asking me this:
 - Hey Man, can we spare some time with hours that don't chime?
 I knew that I was with you inside our room.
 I've noticed pillows everywhere in our time sphere...
 Blankets were all over the place and I couldn't find your lingerie lace...
 You were in panic then while saying this to me:
- Man, do whatever you can...
 It seemed like a volcano was about to explode in our fun house where we couldn't spot Mickey Mouse...
 I was kissing you then as a man...
 You didn't asked me about my pen...
 Maybe another orgasm was pumping everywhere...
 Your face had a beautiful smile....
 We were listening to Sonic Youth's "Massage the history" for free...
 You were telling me about an antenna that was in our roof that was almost bulletproff...
 Neighbours weren't complaining then when we were shouting with open windows while the wind was passing by in a sigh...
 I remember that you were still in our bed with time to spare...
 I asked this to myself then:
- What must I make to put this woman body happy without being bratty?
 I know that our hair was a mess, I remember seeing lots of it near our game chess...
 You were telling me this:
- Just one more...
- In and out by the shore...
- Never forget that our treasure's in pleasure...
 I was in a state of shock thinking about if I should bring any kind of lock...
 Your legs were floating in the air without despair...
 Delight was here and there in our sight that was bright while being a delight...
 You told me this:
- Hey Man, don't be red, come meet me again in our bed...
 I remember that I wasn't tired then...
 Thought that I should always give more love to you than I do to a dove...
 News were passing on some screen and we didn't cared about them because we were instered in our inner being...
 You were telling me this:
- In five minutes, I'll have another bliss...
- Come on give me a kiss...
 I know that I ran amok and without being once again in a state of shock, I put my key deep inside your lock

Philip Jeffries

03 - (inside a simple story with love)
I'm in some street where our memories gather in a tiny box.
 You tell me this:
- Hey Man, I love you.
- You're strong as an ox...
My hair is turning white and you tell me this:
- Hey Man, think of it as simple light...
 I look inside your soul and I know that your heart isn't inside a bowl...
 You ask me lots of questions like this:
- Man, are we outside or inside?
- Are we in a dream when we scream?
- Can you please buy me an ice-cream?
 I can't never say "no" to you and can't actually answer your questions out of the blue...
 So I say this to you:
 "Love is a whale that walks as a snail..."
 You tell me about a serpent's kiss...
 You tell me about an astonishing bliss...
 I remember that we're somewhere elsewhere...
 We're listening to old songs with gongs...
 You tell me this:
 - Hey Man, bring me to a garden of delight with an insight...
 Suddenly I'm being hunted by a freak, but I tell him that everything's okay because you're going to make my day...
 You hug me while looking to both of my shoulders where you want to sleep as a treat...
 I tell you this:
- I'm not a dream king inside a spin...
- I'll always be with you (even if it pops something new)...
 You tell me this:
- Hey man, I'm Sue...
 I look into your wonderful eyes that put me inside some glass with class...
 You ask me this:
- Will you always love me out of the blue while we hold ourselves deeply to the truth?
 Our bodies move inside a groove...
 (In and out without a shout...)
 You whisper words in my right ear:
- Balance...
- Romance...
- Leisure...
- Pleasure...
 I stare at your face and our bodies are actually merged in a race...
 - Maybe this is only me and you being true in a world of blue...
 (I think on this thought inside my heart for a start)...
 An Helicon starts echoing inside our bodies making sounds that will be more than pounds...
 You ask me this:
- Hey Manuel, are you within a spell?
 I don't have an answer for this, so I provide you with a kiss...
 We continue in our labour with our bodies being in and out without a shout...
 Your fingers touch my second skin (knowing us both that we're Young Gods on a boat)...
 You tell me this:
- Maybe being zombie is a solid act inside a fact...
 I don't know what to tell you because your red dress isn't a mess...
 My hair is simply socialite and you tell me that it doesn't bite...
 Your left hand is turning pages of a book towards a curious end...
I ask you this:
- Hey Alice, where's the malice?
 You smile to me with your hair touching my lips...
 I start to feel myself as a simple book shelf...
 You show me your neck and a tattoo that isn't a taboo...
 We start to listen to "two rights make one wrong"...
 We're lost in the movies inside a song...
 Your mouth shouts this to me:
 - KAPOW...
 I ask you if it was a somehow a blow sent by an arrow with a bow...
 Your skin is soft...
 Our clothes are in some spot...
 You tell me this:
- Hey Man, no wi-fi...
 I answer you this:
- We always have a glide...
 " Scotland's shame" echo in our united spirits without being lame...
 We see the phrase below in our room (even inside a tea spoon)
 "Do what thou whilst"
 I think this towards myself:
"Maybe it was Crowley and his folly..."
 We're searching stars with no scars and we don't do math on our path...
 You wear my shirt while looking to a magazine (or was it a fanzine?).
 A song named "batcat" is everywhere inside our room without a theater act...
 You suddenly shout...
 We start to feel ourselves red in a bed...
 You tell me this:
- It's all a question of lust...
- Be just...
 Your black shirt is somewhere laid in the couch...
 I think on how our sweat was real net...
 - In and out...
 You tell me this now without a shout...
 I hold your left hand next to my right one (knowing that we're more than skin and bone).
 You smile continuously to me after we're free...
 Songs without gongs are on our playlist that isn't a risk...
 You tell me this softly:
- Hey Man, I'm going to be a bit tired without a wire...
 I tell you to pause a bit where angels meet...
 I observe the room full of papers everywhere and I start to think this to myself:
- Are we inside a space where doesn't exist human race?
 You start to breathe normally once again...
 I start to not feel any pain...
 You repeat the same words to me as if they were some kind of swords:
- In and out...
- A serpent's kiss in a morning bliss...
 I look once again to you and how you move thinking this to me:
- Breathing in and out without a shout...
 You ask me this:
 - Hey Man, do you want to express yourself again with a kiss?
 I don't know which words to use because you're Sue and you're new...
 Words are fleeting my brain when I also think that you're Alice without disdain...
 I stand still and you're resting quiet as being in a inner riot...
 - IN AND OUT (you shout)...
 I search for bread and orange juice for a second truce...
 Our clothes suddenly moved and we didn't have to care about a naked lunch with some bunch...
 You were inside me and I was inside thee and magic was flowing free...

They say that I'm in love...
They say that it's a feeling carried by a dove...
They say that I kiss thee in a dream house...
They say that I can't feel you...
They say lots of things that I don't understand when you're inside my hand...
I ask them this:
- What do you say?
- That the right verb is to pray?
Suddenly there's hot in our room and you tell me this:
- Hey Man, they say whatever they want...
- I've you and your magic wand...
We were listening to something inside a night shift and you asked me this:
- Where are we, Man?
- Do you want to be in our bed with time to spare?
 Words were inside your mouth:
- Lust...
- Desire...
- Wire...
- Just...
- Sex...
- Mess...
I was really messed up then because I was listening to Dead can Dance and you told me that this was more than a simple romance...
My fragile arms were holding you tight and I remember that I saw light...
 I was smoking a cigarette...
 You were telling me something about the fucking internet...
 Your lips whispered this:
- Daria...
- Dasha...
- Aria...
- Natasha...
I wasn't understanding a thing because there was streaming a movie in the wall named "The man with x-ray eyes".
 You were telling me this:
- Man, pen(etrate) my body...
- Be more than my buddy...
 I remember that we were on a beach without any kind of reach...
 I was wearing simple blue shorts and you were only with a bikini...
 The sun was hot...
 You told me that it was not...
 You were telling me that we should protect ourselves because of book shelves...
 I was mirroring your eyes...
 I remember that I saw our reflection on the wall (or was it in our house hall?)
 You told me this:
- I sense your fingers somewhere...
 I was inside a trip where our souls meet...
 Perfume was all over the place and we were suddenly in a race...
 You were humming something with your mouth closed...
 Sounds were increasing inside my ears...
 Your breasts were in movement like a clock with no lock...
 I could only see beyond the magic of the sea...
 I wasn't a sailor or even a tailor...
 Your head was in movement when I've told you about a band that was named Swallow and that had an album curiously named Blow...
 I could see all the colors deep down inside a rainbow...
 You didn't act...
 You didn't react...
 Your hair was in my legs...
 I could swear that we were in some street where people meet...
 I was thinking on these sentences:
- Peek a boo...
- Out of you...
- Into the blue...
 Your eyes were open wide...
 I remember that you carried the prettiest smile for a while...
 Nihilism was on my head...
 You put this feeling out of me with a cookie...
 You told me that I wasn't a rookie...
 Our bodies were in synch and your lips weren't mean...
 I didn't knew what to do when you told me:
- Be a knight at sight...
 I was in some spiritual shift...
 You were staring at an artwork that I had on my left arm.
 I told you this:
- It's only a scar...
 You asked me:
- Was it inside a bar?
I didn't knew what to answer you for truth because my mind was inside you while you were being kind...
 A music named "cascade" was being spread in our bed and you told me about a willow that was in our shared pillow...
 Blank pages were being filled and thrilled...
 I think that we were in a Masquerade ball after this and that you were carrying a flower by the hour.
 I've asked you this:
- Is it a rose?
- Is it an orchid?
 You told me to be kind with images and to give you more than a poem for us to think about near our kitchen sink...
 I was looking at a copy of a book named "from hell"...
 You told me this:
- Man, never forget about your belle that put you inside her spell...

Second John 

A poem to Didi Wray
I don't know where I am...
My muse tells me that I believe in the great god pan...
 I'm scared of what she says to me, because she knows that I love she...
 Inside a song she whispers this to me:
- Hey Man, you're my love where we choose to be...
 I don't know what to say to her since we actually passed may with her by my side in a slide...
 She's wearing a Ramones t-shirt and I look into her hair that's thrown into the air...
 She tells me this:
- Hey Man, we're a happening and we aren't napping...
 I only know that I'm writing something to her and she continuously asks me this:
- Hey Man, where's my kiss?
- Hey Man, are you writing to me in that old log where we stand by the fog?
 I don't answer her and she becomes quite mad with me...
 Her look can't even be described in a book...
 I feel afraid while being caught in her web and she tells me this:
 - Hey Man, don't be a vampire without wire...
 - I'm yours to be even if we don't hug a tree...
 I understand what she says to me because she's eyes without lies...
 Her t-shirt has Radio written on it...
 Her arms are on her hips and she talks me about her lips...
 I really don't know what to say more to her since she's always with me by some shore...
 She pauses...
 She looks me in my eyes...
 (I don't know what she's going to say because we aren't in May).
 She holds me tight and brings me towards her inner light...
 She doesn't whisper words to me now, she shouts at me in a row:
 I sense my heart beating and beating...
 I quickly look at her and she's eating...
 I tell her this:
 - Hey love, we're inside written letters without characters...
 - Hey love, you sing for me inside a pin...
 - Hey love, I know that you love stars, will you  also see my scars?
 She's a bit quiet now and our hearts is are at a normal pace along with human race...
 She tells me about ice (or was it dice?)...
 I'm never confused when she wears my favorite jeans to our means...
 She tells me about this and that...
 I tell her that our love is a fact...
 She tells to never be amnesiac but to be aphrodisiac...
 I know that she's deep inside me...
 I know that she gives me cigarettes for free...
 I know that she knows that a paper with a pen makes her man...
 I kiss her on her lips and start to move her in a dance with her hips...

Me and Didi 

06) To Mascara
 I was reading an article in a newspaper about soccer in a day when suddenly Mascara appeared by my side and said this to me:
- I'm your baby and you belong to me.
I didn't knew at the time where we were, I've thought that we were by the sea.
 She told me about her cat and how she always would be more than a fact.
 I didn't knew what to tell her when her hair was covering my face and my eyes were being shut down while listening to her soft voice as a simple choice...
 She told me this:
 - You're my Man where a tree stand...
 - You're my kiss in a morning bliss...
 - You're the clothes that I wear when we're in our bed...
 I was totally shocked with Mascara's feelings towards me while searching for a pillow near a willow...
 Mascara was hugging my neck putting it into a wreck...
 She continued telling me this:
- You owe me a cherry pie in red square...
- You owe a private dinner by candlelight now that the sky's bright...
 We were both listening to words that came from a song:
- Hey babe, take a walk on the wild side...
 Mascara was wearing my t-shirt and her long blonde hair was all around my body and my hands were breaking comands...
 Mascara continued telling me:
- Be with me...
- I want to be with thee...
 She told me about how the sun was pure for fun...
 She even told me about our favorite mirror in her cave where we could actually see ourselves through the looking glass with class...
 She's a girl with a mask and she actually is a woman with a task...
 She always stands by my side and with eyes without any lies she continues to tell me this:
- We'll have an ice-cream inside our dream...
- I'll wear your pants till the last hour where  everything ends...
 She tells me this:
- I love you out of the blue...
- Be by my side in Asia and I'll always be singing to you about what's new...
 I know that I hugged Mascara's head near our bed, she was a delight at day light...
 I know that we looked at a watch and minutes and hours weren't rushing through the door when we were by the floor...
 She told me...
 Mascara told me...
 A blonde girl told me...
 A Russian girl told me...

Me and Mascara

Mascara 02

Mascara 03

Mascara 04

Mascara 05

A written love story to someone out of the blue..
She told me that she didn't lived in Russia...
She told that she was in Prussia...
She told me about a song from The Cramps...
She said:
- Oh, it feels so good...
She told me that she didn't understood Twin Peaks at all because she prefered swimming by a waterfall...
She told me about a garden and a smile for a while.
I was listening a tune with her that began with:
- Woo ee ah ah!
I wasn't understanding what she was saying while her feet were on the air without despair...
She told me this:
- Maybe I'll give you a kiss...
She told me about collages and how the sun was fun in the run...
I've told her:
- You better duck, when I show up, the goo goo muck...
She had gin tonic on her lips and drops of water on her hips...
She told me that she was driving while riding...
She told me that she was on a forest searching for the big bad wolf for proof...
She told me that she couldn't talk with me while riding (or was she driving?)...
She told me that she wasn't a latin in white satin...
She told me that she loved pencils, pens and men.
I wasn't clearly understanding her then...
She told me about an hot coffee by her house without her blouse...
She told me about paper in line if I was real kind...
She told me that she would polish her nails with her e-mails...
She told me that she was going to always stand by the floor begging for more...

Pics of me, MascaraDidi Wray and David Lynch's Twin Peaks character Philip Jeffries interpreted by David Bowie.
Songs by Scottish band Mogwai, American band The Gory Alices (where both Sue and Alice perform), The Cramps, Argentine musician Didi Wray, and Russian band Leopard Bonaparte (where Mascara perform)

Below is a scene of the magnificient American movie "Bell, book and candle" from 1958, directed by Richard Quine and starring James Stewart and Kim Novak 

Special thanks to all special women that understand my position in a thing called life and that I know that love my poems and personality that always begins with a blank page

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