Saturday, July 6, 2019

Daria inside an Aria being Bela - Project - International artists - Part 04 - Poems

I remember that I was at a free fall....
Dasha was telling me this:
- Hey man, can I be your shield wall?
Dasha was staring at me and her cellphone had a life of its own like it was in the space unknown.
She told me about identity (or was it an entity?) and that in Paradise where streets are full of ice, everything's nice...
Dasha was dancing...
Dasha was enhancing...
Dasha was in some sort of trance when she told me this: 
- Hey man, do you want to be my partner in a dance? 

Dasha in a cellphone 

I was meticulously observing her pretty eyes...
Her perfume was everywhere...
Inside my clothes while I was taking notes...
She caught me in a spider web...
I knew then that I was a simple blind bat acting like a cat...

Me without a cellphone 

Dasha told me that she never wore a hat ...
I assumed that this was a fact...
I was stripped and chilled down to the bone...
Dasha had bought some sugar and spice to make a dinner for the two of us that wasn't ice being it quite nice ...
She was wearing a mask while doing this task...

Black and white - Dasha 

Dasha was Lois Lane at this single moment...

We were observing white knights in Saint Petersburg...
Bread was on the table...
Rice and fishes were in our dishes...
She told me this:
- Hey man, I need your hand listening to my heart for a start...
My hand was echoing the beat of her heart without any solid art... 
 She told me about Lois Lane inside a magazine cover...
 I was telling her about "the idiot" in Saint Petersburg when she was being a cook...
 She was helding it while with her gentle fingers she was turning its pages...
 Her mouth was in awe when we both were eating in the floor...
 The paper mag was wet without internet...e
 Her body moved over and over...
 My body was sweat because I was a simple bat...

First panel 

was telling me this:

- Do not make me die damned!
 I was observing her face that was more pure than all human race...
 Dasha was telling me about her walk at the hermitage (or was it some kind of mirage?)
 We were both trapped in a hot spot where we didn't knew what to unlock...

Second panel 

Dasha was telling me about action inside her own reflection...
I was sensing her long hair dabbling into a tree's bed...
 Dasha observed the sea as a character roaming free...
 I was thinking on my family then inside a quick spam...

Third panel

We were looking at our clothes and Dasha was swaping them with me because she told me that boats roam free...
 We were actually gazing at the stars...
 Dasha's epiphany was my most precious gift in some evening shift...

Fourth panel 
Dasha didn't came from hell, she sure was a belle in a spell...
Her body moved when we ate with only our bare hands to make amends.
Dasha was telling me this:
- No forks ..
- No knifes...
- No spoons...
- No loons...
After we both ate, she was telling me that the universe was late...
She was Lois Lane and I was only a man with a pen...
She put her evening dress without making a mess...
She told me this: 
- Hey man, come walk the streets with me...
- You know that inside ourselves you and me will always observe the sea...

Images that illustrated this poet 

First panel
Portuguese Poster to Theater play "the idiots" based on Russian writer Dostoievsky's book.
Artworks by Pedro Correa 
Pics of Dasha and me 
Mr Loverman artwork
Dasha as Lois Lane with this monologue on a cover: 
- Get out of my magazine, superman! I'm leaving Metropolis to start a new life...
One that doesn't include you!
A comic strip that both me and Dasha love with this monologue: 
- Men in these soap opera strips are so helpless!
We girls end up doing all the work!
He can be off for days having fun with his go-kart, but I have to put an appearance every day!

Second Panel 
Pics of Dasha and me 
A bookstore in Lyon - France
Mascara girl's pic as a tribute to movie "Bell, book and candle" directed by Richard Quine and starring James Stewart and Kim Novak 
Dasha's letter to Lois Lane
An artwork by American artist Raymond Petitbon with a thought by a damsel:
- Do not make me die damned!

Third Panel
Pic of me with a XXI century woman 
Hellblazer character drawn by British artist Simon Bisley
Hugo Pratt Corto Maltese's character in open spaces 
A photograph by Japanese photographer Jungraphy 
My nieces Letícia, Luzia and Isaura 
My nephew Emídio and my brother Pedro
Tv series Westworld monologue by Dolores Abernathy's character with this monologue: 
- Do you know who love's staring at their own reflection? Everybody 

Fourth Panel 
Dasha's pic 
Artworks based on myself by my youngest niece Letícia
My niece Luzia 
My youngest niece Letícia and her best friend Sissi.
From Hell comic book covers by Scottish artist Eddie Campbell

Many thanks to all international artists that are working with me and Dasha on this project. 
 You're the best 

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