Wednesday, September 25, 2019

A poem to Sherrilyn Nelson because she's Bela


A poem to Sherrilynn Nelson
I was telling you something about a sailor without a boat.
 You asked me this:
- Hey Man, does he have a coat?
 I was surprised because out of nowhere I've entered inside a control freak at its peak...
 You were telling me this:
- I'm a bomb, listen to my song...
I was here...
I was there...
You were everywhere...
You appeared out of nowhere...
Your painted lips...
Moved my hips...
You asked me this: 
- Will you dance with me inside a trance?
 I didn't knew what to say to you because my boots were walking alone and I wasn't with a phone...
 You screamed this to me:
 I was actually scared because at that frozen moment, I knew that our meeting wouldn't not be a cake slice...
 Your eyes were telling me something about a surprise...
 I've thought this to myself:
- She'll kill me for sure...
- My bones will be dust all over the atmosphere...
 I was trying to be positive then when you told me this:
- Act like a Man...
 I remember that we were both watching a groovy movie and I've asked you this:
- Will you be sweet and kind with your mind?
 You were shouting this to me:
 I grabbed a cigarette...
 Forgot about everything and I wasn't being mean...
 You told me this:
- Come see a tree with me...
 I wasn't scared this time because you were wearing a t-shirt that had written this:
"The world's a bliss"
Your long hair was all over the place and cats were talking about the human race.
 You asked me this:
- Hey Man, will you be a sweet and buy me some treat?
 I looked inside my pockets and found 2 USD...
 I knew at that time that a riot will pop in and that you would scream...
 I put some earphones because of the sound that a bomb would make without me having money for a simple slice of cake.
 You were sweet then...
 You came to me and whispered this on my left ear:
- I know that you're thin...
- I know that you understand what I mean...
 On my right ear you whipered this to me:
- Come on Man, let's roam the whole world for free... 
- I know you and you know me...

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