Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Um discurso curto directo da minha alma gémea Hélia para o nosso coração


- Dá-me a tua mão...

- Somos mais que uma terna paixão...

- Vamos vaguear pela rua...

- Observar a lua...

- Apanhar um comboio para Tua...

- Esquecer o mundo que existe no presente...

- Cheio de gente doente...

- Beija-me no nosso instante...

- Sei que sou o teu diamante...

- Conhecer como te conheço...

- No início víamos cinema no Terço..

- Leva-me ao Fantasporto...

- Vamos ver um vivo-morto...

- Esquecer o Donbass, a Rússia ou a Ucrânia...

- Relembrar a rainha Estefânia...

- Nosso eterno acto...

- Facto...

- Com tacto...

- Quero o teu casaco negro no meu corpo...

- Aquecer abrigo Porto...

- Preparas Sushi comigo?

- Equilíbrio no nosso partilhado umbigo...

- Corta um pedaço de camarão...

- Nos teus lábios, o meu coração...

- Massa a cozer...

- Nosso anoitecer...

- Rua da Alegria..

- Eu e tu, todo o dia...

- Meu pensamento...

- Vislumbrar o nosso momento...

- Bailar contigo enquanto visto as tuas calças...

- Ganga sem alças...

- Saber que o teu corpo esguio...

- É o meu único fio...

- Doces por todo o lado...

- Sem fado...

- Nossa casa...

- Abraça...

- Enlaça...

- Com graça...

- Vinho do Porto na nossa Taça...

- Sinto todos os poros do meu/teu corpo a vibrar...

- E sei...

- Sou tua rainha...

- Tu, meu rei...

- Na cidade da taÍnha...

- Barco que passa no Douro nunca nos esquece...

- Algo mais importante que uma qualquer messe...

- Sinto as tuas mãos no meu cabelo que ao sol reluz...

- Meu/teu ponto cruz...

- Sei que sabes como sou... 

- Que onde estás, também estou...

- Nosso imenso charme...

- Sem partilhar um coração de arame...

- És o meu satélite neste planeta... 

- Sei que sou mais que a tua chama-cometa...

- Teu abraço na minha cintura...

- Permanente loucura...

- Numa extasiante ternura...

- Sei que todos os dias penso isto em voz alta:.

"O nosso sentimento dura e dura sem possível cura" 

- Penso nas nossas férias na ilha de Malta...

- Saber que sei o que sempre irei saber...

- És meu, desde o amanhecer até ao anoitecer...

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Um discurso directo da minha alma gémea Hélia pós dia de São Valentim


- Este ano foste bom para mim...

- Meu mundo sem fim...

- Ao passear contigo de mão dada...

- Sem contos de fada...

- Tua/minha carta...

- Múltiplo mapa...

- Chegando ao restaurante...

- Trataste-me como um polido diamante...

- Gostei...

- Amei...

- És meu e também o sei...

- Retiraste o casaco dos meus ombros com suavidade...

- No centro da nossa cidade...

- Estava um ramo de flores na mesa...

- Continha isto escrito:

"A memória da certeza é a nossa eterna beleza"

- Notei que era a tua letra escrevinhada...

- Perguntei-te:

"Onde anda o meu beijo com sabor a queijo?"

- Despenteei o teu cabelo com destreza...

- Sem pensar na sobremesa...

"Bacalhau com todos ou assado frango?"

- Perguntaste-me...

- Nossa música entoava na sala...

- Agarraste-me com agilidade...

- Dançamos um tango...

- Sem fragilidade...

- Voltamos a sentarmo-nos à mesa...

- Ambos unidos no nosso olhar...

- Sempre a amar...

- Comemos frango assado...

- Perto do museu do prado...

- O meu vestido negro bailava...

- De cetim tudo manobrava...

- Como todos os dias chamaste-me de princesa...

- Inundaste-me de beleza...

- Num sinónimo de certeza...

- Teu estilo sempre casual...

- Nunca vulgar ou surreal...

- Bebemos um bom vinho...

- Sem sabor a pinho...

- Molotov como sobremesa...

- Sendo eu outra vez a tua princesa...

- Descemos Miragaia...

- Casas pequeninas...

- Sem faia...

- Golumbrinas...

- Agarrei a tua mão esquerda com firmeza...

- Junto ao rio Douro com toda a certeza...

- Fomos à ribeira...

- Bebemos um Bailey's com gelo... 

- Sempre á tua beira...

- Esquecendo um flagelo...

- Ribeira Negra nosso sentimento... 

- Júlio Resende com arte... 

- Nosso momento...

- Quando nada parte...

- Falei-te no valor da vida...

- Dos nossos sentimentos...

- Nada perdida.

- Sem lamentos...

- Agarras-te a minha face.

- Nosso eterno beijo num enlace..

- O mundo parou de repente.

- Nosso tempo presente.

- O meu vestido preto a dançar contigo.

- Nosso uno umbigo...

- Perguntei-te isto:

"Irás me amar para sempre?"

"Nunca estarás ausente?"

- Respondes-me isto: 

"Serás sempre a minha princesa"

"Toda a minha certeza com destreza"

A solid direct love dialogue with Monali Roy and me during our Valentine's day


- Love of my life...

- Cake's slice...

- Thee I kiss...

- Being thy miss...

- Sometimes can't understand...

- We both bend...

- Inside the prettiest train station in the world...

- Thee behold...

- It's the city where you were born...

- Outside any storm...

- Kissing thy hips...

- Tongues as float ships....

- My flag...

- Thy rag...

- Want to forever love you...

- Infinitely great and true...

- How you penetrate me...

- Like sailing our mutual sea...

- Always happy with you...

- Don't feel blue...

- Inside my heart there's something new...

- Thinking on you several times...

- Outside rhymes...

- Love, you know that I'm shy...

- Never do I lie...

- With you outside any cage...

- Not turning our love's page...

- Know that sometimes I do complicate...

- While arriving late...

- Touch me again...

- Don't wanna feel pain...

- Kiss my eyes...

- Tears never sighs...

- Feeling happy with you...

- Totally love you...

- Can't describe...

- In you I've utmost pride...

- Give you my left hand...

- Picturing no end...

- Eternally yours...

- Memories are a must...

- Don't wanna lose you...

- True...

- Pinkish blouse...

- Rocking our house...

- Let's come again...

- Streets do have our name...

- Europe's small...

- With you I'm tall...

- Give me some kind of heaven...

- Counting till 7...

- Don't know...

- Again do we glow...

- Major flow...

- No winter's snow...

- Bowie's on your heart...

- Joyfully start...

- There's choice...

- Forget James Joyce...

- Again...

- My sugar cane...

- Don't wanna feel lame...

- Neither tame...

- Inside my heart...

- Never playing a part...

- Tell me that I'm pretty...

- Am thy sweetie...

- Not some kind of belle...

- Inside a silly spell...

- Love feel I...

- Don't wanna sigh...

- Silence ain't a rock...

- Twisted shock...

- By your side...

- Taking care of your health...

- Not only a simple ride...

- Thy jeans with no belt...

- Stylish forever...

- Together we shiver...

- Want to stare again...

- Kissing you with no shame...

- Spiralling out...

- Love's inner shout...

- My love, my Man...

- No fantasy...

- Or entropy...

- Thy pen...

- Describing you and me...

- Waiting for our train...

- Not in vain...

- Be my candy sweet...

- Delightful greet...

- My black hair again in your face...

- Dancing with you as a spade's ace...

- It's how you love daughter and me...

- Our eternal energy...

- All the time...

- My love, my prime...

- Sleeping in your shoulder...

- Feel a lot bolder...

- You know that sometimes I lose myself on movies by Bergman...

- With no pen...

- You...

- Always something new...

- Chilli's true...

- In thy mind...

- Ray's kind...

- I'm telling you this one more time: 

"Be mine" 

"No lemon nor lime" 

"More than fine" 

"Just like a star" 

"Knowing that I want to spend all my life with you" 

"Never far"

"Give me a ring" 

"Touching our star" 

"Thy fiancée I am" 

"Not near Sing-Sing

"Feel pure glam" 

"Forever dance with me" 

"My love, my Man

"Lust and energy" 

"Again tell me"

"That I'm thy only sea"

"Daughter has pride on you" 

"Cool's not feeling blue"

- I do again hold your hand...

- Not listening to a band...

- Tell you this:

"Love's way more than a kiss" 

"Number six"

"Again and again" 

"Spiralling out"

"Never lame"

"Our together shout" 

"Cake's by the table"

"Being able" 

"From our garden brought you a rose"

"Thought on writing in prose" 

"But you know that I'm always direct" 

"No dialect" 

"Intelligence is more than an act" 

"Feelings must be always fact"

"Never must I ignore"

"You're my seashore" 

"Kissing thy lips forever more" 

"Feeling thy breath on my neck" 

"Together we never go back"

"It's how I love you" 

"Defining true"

"My body and soul" 

"Near you, no cold" 

"And inside my heart" 

"Do know that can't I play a part"

"Let's roam the world together" 

"You, me and daughter forever"

"Just please cook something for me" 

"With or without curry"

"Do know that you always feel me" 

"With love from thy Valentine" 

"Outside any kind of rhyme"

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Sequential love story/arts project - Part Six - International artists


There's me and Daria Kovaleva (who I love) sharing a classic book from American writer John Steinbeck named "of mice and men" published in 1937 along artworks by American artist storyteller Charles Burns (who Nirvana's band lead singer Kurt Kobain loved as can be seen in the pic above). 
There's also L and me inside our perfect love story.

There're sketch pages of a story developed and written by me with graphic art by Ukrainian artist Igger Bigger featuring myself with Daria Kovaleva (who I love) along Svetlana Zombierella Nagaeva with whom I created an arts project based on love with help by more than 50 international artists.

When I'm a bit bored I always write love stories to women who I love such as Lana, Hélia, Camila, Hélia, Natasha, Alyanna, Elena, Helena, Terhi and Elena (again), Monali, to Ukrainian group theater The Dakh Daughters either when I'm staring at some artworks by some artists who I worked with such as American artist Charles Burns artworks, Spanish artist Sonia Pulido and Portuguese artist Silvia Freire or rewatching movies by Lithuanian director Sharunas Bartas.

In my free time, I always gather my memories to be used inside my autobiography with atmosphere of Wong Kar Wai's movies, Theater plays by Catalan band La Fura Dels Baus, staring at American designer David Carson artwork for iconic Ray Gun magazine or rereading fascinating "The Invisibles" saga by Scottish writer Grant Morrison, never forgetting to love Daria Kovaleva, Alyanna, Elena, Janina, Svetlana Zombierella Nagaeva or Hélia.

Loving Hélia and L inside Wong Kar Wai's movies atmosphere, Grant Morrison "The Invisibles

There's an artwork by my friend and German artist Lars Henkel that I love and who I work with along a speech by chinese actress Faye Wong in "2046" masterpiece movie.

There's a mesmerizing still from Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi in masterpiece movie "The Grandmaster" by Wong Kar Wai 

Sequential love story/arts project - Part five - International artists


Still from Indian movie director Satyajit Ray from his movie "Days and nights in the forest" from 1970 along a vintage movie phoster from masterpiece movie "In the mood for love" directed by Chinese director Wong Kar Wai 

There's me and Daria Kovaleva along Janina Bartras sharing artworks by Japanese photographer Junya Watanabe who I work with inside art projects.

There're all the books that I read by American artist Paul Pope who I worked with while I'm sharing love with Sandra, Elena, Rachel or Monali while gathering some memories by masterpiece movie "Paris, Texas" by German director Wim Wenders along Wong Kar Wai's ones.

Sharing love with Daria Kovaleva and Nastya while staring at some artworks of artists that I worked with like American artist Charles Burns, Canadian artist Stan Wany and Polish artist Nikodem Cabala.

Always inspired inside narratives or art projects by Portuguese writer Fernando Pessoa, British artist Aleister Crowley, Czech writer Franz Kafka, never being lost in Indian director Satyajit Ray's movies while loving Monali.

Loving Hélia while gathering my memories of all La Fura Dels Baus plays that I've seen, being always inspired in Portuguese tiles that decorate the prettiest city in the world and also thinking on Chinese actress Michele Reis and her Portuguese DNA.

Sometimes I choose to get lost with Daria, Hélia, Rachel, Mascara, Ellistesky or Helena, others I don't and gather my memories of five comic book issues named "Ashes" published from Caliber Press in 1990, "Bone Saw" anthology published by Tundra in 1993 and "From Inside" graphic novel also published by Tundra in that same year and that became an animation movoe in 2008 all featuring artworks by American artist John Bergin and also stare at Ray Gun magazines with design by Dave Carson.

Loving Daria all the time, I also gather my memories of Japanese artists Kazuo Koike and Goseki Kojima masterpiece "Lone Wolf and Cub" that ran from 1970 to 1976 or on movie "Vampyr" released in 1932 being directed by Carl Dreyer.

Loving Lana and Daria, sometimes I focus my memories on Negative Burn comic book anthology that ran from 1993 to 1997 published by Caliber Press, on Tales from the edge that ran from 1993 to 1999 published by Vanguard comics or Xenozoic tales from American artist Mark Schulz that ran from 1987 to 1996 being published by Kitchen Sink Press.

Deep inside my memories also is Arthur magazine that I read from 2002 to 2014 being it published as a free newspaper by Jay Babcock, while thinking on Dodgem Logic magazine that ran from 2010 to 2011 being it edited by British writer guru Alan Moore, who also provided artworks along John Colthard for Arthur, being him also the writer/performer for his fascinating issues for his autobiography named "Birth Caul" that started as a CD in 1995, being published in comic book form in 2000 by Topshelf or for "Snakes and ladders" that started as comic book form in 2001 being also published by Topshelf along a later CD performance by Moore himself in 2003

Inside my memories there're books published by Belgium publisher Fremok along filmography and bibliography of the best movies director ever that's Portuguese and that's named João César Monteiro while I'm loving Daria do remember meeting Portuguese artist Pedro Nora in 2010 and that's one of the best artists/designers in Portugal.

Memories of the books that I've read from French publisher Amok, first books by Belgium publisher Freon, early book editions by Italian artist Lorenzo Mattotti and from German artist Anke Feuchtenberger (that I personally met in 2004), graphic novel "Ibicus" by French artist Pascal Rabaté with a clear influence in my work of Portuguese director João César Monteiro with his movies and his message to Portuguese media.

Memories of extraordinady book anthology "Nosotros somos los muertos" that ran from 1995 to 2007 and that was edited by Spanish artist Max, "El ojo clinico" that ran from 1996 to 1997 being published by Luca, "Mano" that ran from 1996 to 2003 and tjat was published by Coconino Press, early books from Italian publisher Canícola, early books by German artist Anke Feuchtenberger, antology "it's dark in London" edited by Argentine artist Oscar Zarate in 1996, Rubber blanket self anthology published from 1991 to 1993 for American artist David Mazzuchelli's artworks, "Big Numbers" by Alan Moore published in 1990 by Tundra 

Memories of books by Belgium publisher Fremok, of Portuguese book anthology Quadrado that ran from 1993 to 2017, books published by Salão Lisboa/Bedeteca, Círculo de abuso, Polvo and an awesome book by German artist Jutta Bauer.

Compilation of the best TV series that I ever watched while sharing love with Hélia.

Compilation of Animal Man issues book covers that were written by British writer Jamie Delano and to whom I've made an interview in this same blogue

Compilation of  Sandman issues book covers that were written by British writer Neil Gaiman that I've personally met in 2004 and that were designed by English artist Dave McKean with whom I've worked with inside an international arts project with several international worldwide known artists from 2015 to 2018 

Compilation of comics and magazines book covers such as Sandman: Overture written by English writer Neil Gaiman, Doom Patrol by Scottish writer Grant Morrison, Kingdom of the Wicked written by English writer Ian Edginton and Revolver comic book magazines featuring masterpiece "Rogan Gosh" written by English writer Peter Milligan and "Dan Dare" by Scottish writer Grant Morrison while I'm sharing love with Daria Kovaleva and Hélia

Compilation of Sandman Mystery Theatre comic book issues covers that were written by American  writers Matt Wagner and Stephen T. Seagle being this comic book series one of the best ever made.

Compilation of comic book issues book covers such as "Watchmen" written by  English writer Alan Moore with art by English artist Dave Gibbons (who I personally met in 2003), "V for Vendetta" written by English writer Alan Moore with art by English artist David Lloyd (who I personally met in 2014, made an interview to him in this same blogue, helped publishing "V for Vendetta" Portuguese book edition in 2016 and 
with whom I've worked with inside and with whom I've worked with inside an international arts project with several international worldwide known artists from 2015 to 2018, "From Hell" written by English writer Alan Moore with art by Scottish artist Eddie Campbell (being this one of the best comic book series ever), High Caliber written by American writer Gary Reed (who I also made an interview in this same blogue), Prince Valiant masterpiece series by American artist Hal Foster (to whom I've curated an exhibition in Porto during an international arts festival that I've organised in 2012 named Mab) and RayGun magazine designed by American artist David Carson 

Compilation of some of my favourite comic book series such as "From Hell" that were written by British writer Alan Moore, "Palooka Ville" by Canadian artist Seth, "Optic Nerve" by American artist Adrian Tomine and to books by American artist Paul Pope with whom I've worked with inside an international arts project with several international worldwide known artists from 2015 to 2018

Compilation of iconic comic book anthology Blab (created by American artist Monte Beauchamp) and Zero Zero comic book anthology and that featured stories and artworks by American artists Gilbert Hernandez and French artist Walter Minus (with whom I've worked with inside an international arts project with several international worldwide known artists from 2015 to 2018), including also known artists such as American artists Daniel Clowes, Charles Burns, Chris Ware, Jaime Hernandez, Gary Panter and Swedish artist Max Andersson (who I've made an interview, curated and organised an arts exhibition for him in Portugal in 2018 while helping him publishing his complete stories in U.S.A

Memories of me and some books by Portuguese writer Fernando Pessoa along an artwork by Bolivian artist Alejandro Amenabar who worked with me on art projects/exhibitions "Daria Inside an Aria", "Didi Wray inside a love story every single day"Zombierella, Tributes to Hugo Pratt's Corto Maltese's fashion character,  along more than 60 international artists featuring my friends and fascinating women Svetlana Zombierella Nagaeva, Daria Kovaleva and Didi Wray while I'm sharing love with Monali

Pages of Catalunyan theatre play"Manes" performed by La Fura Dela Baus along a tribute artwork by Argentine artist Carlos Dearmas based on John Constantine's Hellblazer character for an arts project that I'm developing with several international artists with whom I've worked with inside several international arts project with several international worldwide known artists from 2015 to 2018

Artwork by Portuguese artist Pedro Nora for a comic book based on João César Monteiro movie "Vai e vem" along an artwork of a tiger by Croatian artist Danijel Zezelj with whom I've worked with inside several international arts project with several international worldwide known artists from 2015 to 2018, made an interview in this same blogue and helped publishing one book by him in Portugal and another one in Croatia.

A DVD cover of Federico Fellini's masterpiece "La Dolce Vita" along an artwork based on American director David Lynch by my friend and Serbian artist Branko Djukic with whom I've worked with inside several international arts project with several international worldwide known artists from 2015 to 2018

Artwork based on American director David Lynch by American artist Bill Sienkiewicz and another one by Argentine artist Carlos Dearmas based on a woman and with whom I've worked with inside several international arts project with several international worldwide known artists from 2015 to 2018

Artworks by my friends and extraordinary artists Lars Henkel from Germany and Svetlana Seferovic from Serbia along an  with whom I've worked with inside several international arts project with several international worldwide known artists from 2015 to 2018

American musician Michael Gira from The Swans fame and Thurston Moore from Sonic Youth who I've met in Porto in 2002 and 2012

Page of "V for Vendetta" written by English writer Alan Moore and illustrated by English artist David Lloyd along a theater play that I saw based on "In The Penal Colony" by Czech writer Franz Kafka performed by Portuguese Theater company Visões Úteis in 1998. 

Theater plays that I saw based on books by Portuguese writer Al Berto in 1999 and based on English writer David Hare's books performed by Portuguese Theater company Visões Úteis in 2010 while I was developing a live exhibition with Portuguese artists in Porto. 

Theater plays that I saw based on Italian writer Tonino Guerra's book "abandoned places" published in 1999 from 2000 and "Metamorphosis" by Czech writer Franz Kafka performed in 1998 by Portuguese theater company Visões Úteis

Theater plays that I saw based on "The verdict" by Czech writer Franz Kafka in 1999 and another one based on "Notes from the Underground" book by Russian writer Dostoiévski performed by Theater company Visões Úteis in 1995. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Sequential love story/arts project - Part four - International artists


A fabulous panel of John Constantine's Hellblazer comic book series drawn by British artist John Ridgeway along a Portuguese saying 

Me, Mascara, Laura and Hélia inside a love story

Artwork by Portuguese artist Miguel Rocha along a panel with Heilung band and La Fura Dela Baus theater group 

A pic of Count Saint Germain and another one signed by English actress Barbara Steele from Fellini's masterpiece movie "8 and an half" 

Me, Alyana and Daria inside a love story, Wong Kar Wai's "Fallen Angels" movie stills, "Last look" book signed by Charles Burns, "The Seed Carriers" theater play by British performer Stephen Mottram, movie stills of "Vinzent" by German director Ayassi and "Europa" by Danish director Lars Von Trier 

Issue 74 of Neil Gaiman's Sandman drawn by American artist Jon J.Muth (and that made me want to have my first kitty as a pet named Jacky), Poster for La Fura Dels Baus theater play "Faust 3.0" that I've seen in 1998 

Me, Rachel, Daria, Hélia, Mascara and Ellistesky inside a t story 

Comic strip sketch page developed and written by me with art by Italian artist Rolando Cicatelli featuring myself and Elena Pavlenka, artwork based on a simple woman by Portuguese artist Miguel Rocha

Fabulous comic book page featuring The Invisibles written by Scottish writer Grant Morrison and drawn by American artist Phil Jimenez

Me, Daria and Hélia inside a love story, artworks by my friend and German artist Lars Henkel who works with me in between art projects since 2012 

Artwork by German artist Lars Henkel and another artwork based on Tarkovsky's movie "Mirror" 

Artworks and comic book pages by my friend and German artist Lars Henkel 

Pic of English singer David Bowie by my friend and Brazilian artist Alex Korolkovas, artwork by Italian artist Luca Pozza as a tribute to John Constantine's Hellblazer that I'm organising with several international artists, artwork based on Wolverine comic book character by American artist Bill Sienkiewicz with whom I've worked in an arts project with more than 100 international artists worldwide in an exhibition organized and curated by me.

Issue 74 of Neil Gaiman's Sandman painted by American artist Jon J.Muth, movie still from Wong Kar Wai's movies "Fallen Angels" and "2046", along a still from "Faust 3.0" performance by La Fura Dels Baus that I saw in 1998

Artwork by my friend and German artist Lars Henkel, a movie still from Wong Kar Wai's movie "2046

Me, Hélia, Lana and Elena inside a love story

A comic book page by my friend and German artist Lars Henkel, an artwork based on Elektra comic book character by American artist Bill Sienkiewicz

A picture of my friend Svetlana Zombierella Nagaeva, me, Laura, Janina, Daria and Hélia inside a love story

In a village where Napoleon learnt as a young cadet, Pic of English singer David Bowie by my friend and Brazilian artist Alex Korolkovas

Performance still of "Faust 3.0" by La Fura Dels Baus, books by Portuguese artist Pedro Nora

Passport of English singer David Bowie, comic book page by my friend and German artist Lars Henkel

Me, Hélia, Janina, Laura and Lana inside a love story

Artwork based on a woman by my friend and Serbian artist Branko Djukic, artwork based on English singer David Bowie by Belgium artist Christophe Swijsen who worked inside several art projects curated and organized by me from 2015 to present time 

Me, Daria, Sandra, Laura, Elena, Lana and Hélia inside a love story

Original drawings by Czech writer Franz Kafka, drawing based on Portuguese writer Fernando Pessoa

Me, Daria and Hélia inside a love story

Artwork by my friend and Swedish artist Max Andersson with whom I've worked with several international artists from2016 till present time, made him an interview to this same blogue, organized and curated a solo exhibition for him in 2018 and helped publishing his complete short stories in English language, Turkish artist Ihre Maktas artwork for Zombierella's project with several international artists organized and curated by me based on my friend Svetlana Zombierella Nagaeva

Me, Daria, The Wild Enigma, Rachel, Natasha and Hélia inside a love story along books by German artist Micha Hirt

Artwork by American director David Lynch, movie still from Fellini's masterpiece movie "8 and an half "

Me, Hélia and Svetlana inside a love story

American artist Charles Burns drawing, me and Laura inside a love story

A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...