Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Sequential love story/arts project - Part four - International artists


A fabulous panel of John Constantine's Hellblazer comic book series drawn by British artist John Ridgeway along a Portuguese saying 

Me, Mascara, Laura and Hélia inside a love story

Artwork by Portuguese artist Miguel Rocha along a panel with Heilung band and La Fura Dela Baus theater group 

A pic of Count Saint Germain and another one signed by English actress Barbara Steele from Fellini's masterpiece movie "8 and an half" 

Me, Alyana and Daria inside a love story, Wong Kar Wai's "Fallen Angels" movie stills, "Last look" book signed by Charles Burns, "The Seed Carriers" theater play by British performer Stephen Mottram, movie stills of "Vinzent" by German director Ayassi and "Europa" by Danish director Lars Von Trier 

Issue 74 of Neil Gaiman's Sandman drawn by American artist Jon J.Muth (and that made me want to have my first kitty as a pet named Jacky), Poster for La Fura Dels Baus theater play "Faust 3.0" that I've seen in 1998 

Me, Rachel, Daria, Hélia, Mascara and Ellistesky inside a t story 

Comic strip sketch page developed and written by me with art by Italian artist Rolando Cicatelli featuring myself and Elena Pavlenka, artwork based on a simple woman by Portuguese artist Miguel Rocha

Fabulous comic book page featuring The Invisibles written by Scottish writer Grant Morrison and drawn by American artist Phil Jimenez

Me, Daria and Hélia inside a love story, artworks by my friend and German artist Lars Henkel who works with me in between art projects since 2012 

Artwork by German artist Lars Henkel and another artwork based on Tarkovsky's movie "Mirror" 

Artworks and comic book pages by my friend and German artist Lars Henkel 

Pic of English singer David Bowie by my friend and Brazilian artist Alex Korolkovas, artwork by Italian artist Luca Pozza as a tribute to John Constantine's Hellblazer that I'm organising with several international artists, artwork based on Wolverine comic book character by American artist Bill Sienkiewicz with whom I've worked in an arts project with more than 100 international artists worldwide in an exhibition organized and curated by me.

Issue 74 of Neil Gaiman's Sandman painted by American artist Jon J.Muth, movie still from Wong Kar Wai's movies "Fallen Angels" and "2046", along a still from "Faust 3.0" performance by La Fura Dels Baus that I saw in 1998

Artwork by my friend and German artist Lars Henkel, a movie still from Wong Kar Wai's movie "2046

Me, Hélia, Lana and Elena inside a love story

A comic book page by my friend and German artist Lars Henkel, an artwork based on Elektra comic book character by American artist Bill Sienkiewicz

A picture of my friend Svetlana Zombierella Nagaeva, me, Laura, Janina, Daria and Hélia inside a love story

In a village where Napoleon learnt as a young cadet, Pic of English singer David Bowie by my friend and Brazilian artist Alex Korolkovas

Performance still of "Faust 3.0" by La Fura Dels Baus, books by Portuguese artist Pedro Nora

Passport of English singer David Bowie, comic book page by my friend and German artist Lars Henkel

Me, Hélia, Janina, Laura and Lana inside a love story

Artwork based on a woman by my friend and Serbian artist Branko Djukic, artwork based on English singer David Bowie by Belgium artist Christophe Swijsen who worked inside several art projects curated and organized by me from 2015 to present time 

Me, Daria, Sandra, Laura, Elena, Lana and Hélia inside a love story

Original drawings by Czech writer Franz Kafka, drawing based on Portuguese writer Fernando Pessoa

Me, Daria and Hélia inside a love story

Artwork by my friend and Swedish artist Max Andersson with whom I've worked with several international artists from2016 till present time, made him an interview to this same blogue, organized and curated a solo exhibition for him in 2018 and helped publishing his complete short stories in English language, Turkish artist Ihre Maktas artwork for Zombierella's project with several international artists organized and curated by me based on my friend Svetlana Zombierella Nagaeva

Me, Daria, The Wild Enigma, Rachel, Natasha and Hélia inside a love story along books by German artist Micha Hirt

Artwork by American director David Lynch, movie still from Fellini's masterpiece movie "8 and an half "

Me, Hélia and Svetlana inside a love story

American artist Charles Burns drawing, me and Laura inside a love story

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