Monday, April 29, 2024

Sequential love story/arts project - Part 84 - International artists

Ksenia Martynova 

Video at Miramar's Chapel with Madredeus song "Ao Longe o Mar

Elena, Grant Morrison by Cameron Stewart, David Lynch's "Lost Highway" movie poster, Spanish DVD edition "Fantasia" and Portuguese DVD edition of "Wallace & Gromit

Listening to Alexandra

Ksenia along ZhuZhu along Portuguese DVD edition of "Cube" masterpiece movie 

Video featuring Janina - part - 01 

Along Janina 

Video featuring Ksenia - part 01 

Along Janina 

Thought by Lebanese American writer Khalil Gibran 

Along Alexandra and Janina

Video and play written, directed and performed by Ksenia Martynova

Along Yana 

Performance by Zhanna Kovaleva pianist 

Along Yana and Yana Ruppel

Video featuring Janina - part - 02

Along Yana and a booklet from masterpiece movie "2046" by Chinese director Wong Kar Wai 

Video featuring Janina - part - 03

Along Yana 

Performance by Spanish theater company La Fura Dels Faus for play Obs 

Along Janina, Irina and Yana Ruppel

Video featuring Janina - part - 04

Along Yana and Yana Ruppel 

Video featuring Janina - part - 05

Along Yana 

Phenomenal video by Yana - part - 01 

Artwork by Latvian artist Julia Soboleva 

Play adapted by "our mutual friend" by English writer Charles Dickens

Along Yana 

Performance by American dancer Samantha 

Along Alexandra 

Scene featuring Chinese actor Tony Leung for masterpiece movie "In The Mood For Love" directed by Chinese director Wong Kar Wai 

Along Yana 

Along Yana 

Scene of fabulous movie "In The Mood For Love" directed by Chinese director Wong Kar Wai 

Along Yana 

With Ksenia Martynova along Portuguese DVD edition "let the right one in" by Tomas Alfredson

Phenomenal video by Yana - part - 02

Along Yana 

Along Yana 

Along Irina and Yana 

Phenomenal video by Yana - part - 03

Along Yana 

Phenomenal video by Yana - part - 04

Along Helena Lee Way 

Along Yana and Yana Ruppel 

Along Yana 

Along Yana 

Along Yana and Yana Ruppel 

Along Laura 

Along Yana 

Phenomenal video by Yana - part - 05

Along Yana and Ksenia 

Along Yana 

Ksenia Martynova along pics from Wing Shya blocs for Wong Kar Wai movies "Chungking Express", "Fallen Angels" and "Days of Being Wild

Artwork by Latvian artist Julia Soboleva 

Along Janina and Portuguese DVD edition of masterpiece movie "Nights of Cabiria" by Italian director Federico Fellini 

Phenomenal video by Yana - part - 06

Along Yana 

Along Janina and Yana 

Along Yana 

Along Janina 

Phenomenal video by Yana - part - 07 and 08

Along Laura 

Along Helena Lee Way 

Artwork by American artist Charles Burns 

Along Ksenia Martynova

Along Janina, DVD Portuguese edition "Bitter Moon" directed by Polish director Roman Polanski and Portuguese VHS edition of Twin Peaks pilot 

Along Janina 

Along Yana with Grant Morrison's The Invisibles and my favourite book by Chilean writer Alejandro Jodorowski 

Along Yana 

Along Anna and a VHS tape of "Aliens" by Ridley Scott

Along Yana 

Phenomenal video by Yana - part - 09 

Along Irina 

Along Yana 

Along Janina and DVD's edition of masterpiece movies "Hellraiser" by American director Clive Barker and "Plan 9 from outer space" by American director Ed Wood 

Along Mascara 

Along Ksenia and Yana with a Betamax tape of "Videodrome" by Canadian director David Cronenberg  

Along Yana

Phenomenal video by Yana - Part 10

Along Yana 

Along Yana 

With Batman 

Phenomenal video by Yana - part - 11

Along Yana 

Along Yana 

Along Helena and Yana 

Along Yana 

"2046" sequel to masterpiece movie "In The Mood For Love" directed by Chinese director Wong Kar Wai 

Along Yana 

Along Katie 

Along Janina and Ksenia with a Portuguese DVD edition of "Kill Bill" directed by Quentin Tarantino 

Along Janina and Alexandra 

Along Yana 

Along  Janina along pics from Wing Shya blocs for Wong Kar Wai movies "Days of Being Wild", "Fallen Angels" and "Chungking Express

Along Ksenia Martynova

Along Yana 

Along Yana 

Along Yana

Video featuring Ksenia - part - 02

Along Ksenia and masterpiece book "The Invisibles" by Grant Morrison 

Mascara along pics from Wing Shya blocs for Wong Kar Wai movie "Chungking Express"   

Ksenia Martynova along Portuguese DVD edition of "Le fabuleux destin d'Amelie" directed by French director Jean Pierre Jeunet 

Janina Barabas and Twin Peaks TV series ads

Along Ksenia and portuguese edition VHS tape by masterpiece movie "Eyes Wide Shut" directed by Stanley Kubrick and "The Usual Suspects" by Bryan Singer

Yana along pics from Wing Shya blocs for Wong Kar Wai movies "Chungking Express" and "Fallen Angels

Along Ksenia Martynova 

Along Ksenia

Scene from masterpiece movie "The cook, the thief, the wife and her lover" directed by English director Peter Greenaway

Yana along pics from Wing Shya blocs for Wong Kar Wai movie "days of being wild" and Portuguese dvd edition of "3 iron" by South Korean director Kim Ki Duk 

Along Janina and Ksenia and Portuguese DVD edition of "Days of Being Wild" directed by Chinese director Wong Kar Wai and third dvd instalment of Portuguese edition of "Wickie, the viking"

Along Janina 

"2046" sequel to masterpiece movie "In The Mood For Love" directed by Chinese director Wong Kar Wai - part 02 

Janina Barabas along Spanish DVD edition of "Highlander

Scene from masterpiece movie "Mirror" by Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky 

Along Polina portuguese edition VHS tape by masterpiece movie "The Usual Suspects" by Bryan Singer and American edition of "12 Monkeys" by Terry Gilliam 

Along Amber 

Phenomenal video by Yana - part - 12 

Along Ksenia Martynova 

Along Ksenia and Janina with DVD Portuguese edition "lost in translation" directed by Sofia Coppola 

Phenomenonal video by Helena Lee Way 

Along ZhuZhu and portuguese edition VHS tape by masterpiece movie "Sword in the stone" and Portuguese DVD edition "Bad Guy" by South Korean director Kim Ki Duk

Phenomenal video by Janina - part - 06 

Along Katie with Portuguese DVD edition "Saw" II and "Kill Bill" 2 directed by American director Quentin Tarantino 


Phenomenal video by Yana - part 13

Along Alexandra with Portuguese edition of VHS tapes "Moulin Rouge" directed by Australian Baz Luhrmann  and "American Beauty" by American director Sam Mendes 

Scene from Breaking Bad TV series episode Ozymandias

Along Alexandra and Mascara with Portuguese DVD edition "As Tears Go By" by Chinese director Wong Kar Wai and second dvd instalment of Portuguese edition of "Wickiethe viking"

Scene from theater play "Idiots" by Lithuanian director Eimuntas Nekrosius adapted from masterpiece book "The Idiot" by Russian writer Dostoievsky 

Along Alexandra with a Portuguese VHS edition tape of "Lion King" 

Along ZhuZhu 

Along Mascara and Portuguese DVD edition of "The Bow" by South Korean director Kim Ki Duk 

Giger's exhibition in Barcelona 

Along ZhuZhu and Janina with Portuguese DVD edition "Batman Begins" directed by American director Christopher Nolan 

Along Mascara 

Along Yana 

Along Alexandra 

Along Ksenia with a Portuguese DVD edition of "Pulp Fiction" by American director Quentin Tarantino

Janina Barabas 

Along Anna and Portuguese DVD edition "The Isle" directed by South Korean director Kim Ki Duk 

Phenomenal video by Ksenia - 03

Along Janina 

Along Ksenia Martynova

Along Ksenia Martynova

Along ZhuZhu

Along Anna 

Ksenia Martynova

Along Alexandra 

Along Janina with Arthur magazine featuring British writer Alan Moore and British DVD "Talking With Gods" featuring Grant Morrison 

Along ZhuZhu

Phenomenal video by Ksenia - 04

Along Irina and Portuguese DVD editions of "Lost Highway" and "Fire Walk With Me" directed by American director David Lynch 

Along Daria 

Along Helena e Irina 

Along Daria 

Along Anna

Phenomenal video by Amber 

Along Helena and Janina with Portuguese DVD edition "Dark Knight Returns" directed by American director Christopher Nolan, "Eros" and "Ashes of time" directed by Chinese director Wong Kar Wai and "Amarcord" by Italian artist Federico Fellini

Along Alexandra

Along Ksenia Martynova

Along Ksenia Martynova with Portuguese DVD edition "Mulholland Drive" directed by American director David Lynch and "match point" directed by American director Woody Allen 

Scene from Tim Burton masterpiece movie "Batman Returns" featuring Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman 

Ksenia Martynova along Portuguese DVD edition "Seven" by American director David Fincher 

Along Ksenia 

Along Laura 

Along Ana and Portuguese DVD edition of "Elephant Man" directed by American director David Lynch and British DVD edition of "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring" directed by South Korean Director Kim Ki Duk 

Along Alexandra

Along Janina 

Along Laura and Portuguese DVD edition "a tale of two sisters" directed by South Korean director Kim Jee Woon

Along Irina and Janina with a Portuguese DVD edition of "The Man Who Wasn't There" directed by American directors Cohen Bros 

Fabulous video by Ksenia - part - 05 

Along Janina and DVD editions of animated Batman TV series 

Along Ksenia 

Along Helena 

Along Alexandra 

Along Anna 

Along Anna and Portuguese DVD edition of "Inland Empire" directed by American director David Lynch 

Along Janina Barabas 

Along Astrid with Portuguese DVD edition of "Pieta" directed by South Korean director Kim Ki Duk and "howl's moving castle" directed by Japanese director Hayao Miyazaki 

Along Janina, Alexandra and Ksenia Martynova with Portuguese DVD edition of "Underground" directed by Serbian director Emir Kusturica 

Along Helena 

Along Polina and Portuguese DVD edition of "Adress Unknown" by South Korean director Kim Ki Duk  

Along Anna 

Along Alexandra and Portuguese DVD edition of "Game of Thrones" TV series and "21 grams" directed by Mexican director Alejandro Iñarritu 

Video featuring Janina - part - 08

Along Mascara and Portuguese DVD editions of "leon, the professional" directed by French director Luc Besson and "The Piano" directed by New Zealand director Jane Campion 

Along Ksenia Martynova

Along ZhuZhu

Along Katie and Helena with "Infernal Affairs" by Hong Kong directors Andrew Lau and Alan Mak, "The Aviator" by American director Martin Scorcese" and short movies by Portuguese directors "João Pedro Rodrigues" and "João Rui Da Mata

Along Janina  

Along Ksenia 

Video featuring Janina - part - 09 

Along Olga 

Video featuring Janina - part - 10

Along Mascara 


Along Ksenia 

Along Elena 

Along ZhuZhu

A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...