Thursday, April 4, 2024

A direct love speech from Isabel Berg into our shared heart:


- My Man, let's together open the sky...
- Have desire to fly...
- You do know that sometimes...
- Within love rhymes...
- Vision our together soul...
- Always vicious and bold...
- Enter I inside our cave...
- Being you in the middle of a clean shave...
- Go several years back in time...
- Clearly know I that your heart is mine...
- In Copenhagen little mermaid lies...
- By the sea where there's our eyes...
- Enter we its main street...
- Christian Andersen we do greet...
- Think we again...
- Within our shared name...
- Being myself your teacher of lore...
- There's no possible game...
- Don't feel ourselves a bore...
- Share with me more than one dream...
- Reality makes me spin...
- Necklace that wear I...
- Pagan within our inner sigh...
- With you viciously...
- There's our chemistry...
- Sometimes I really don't know...
- Words do grow...
- Play we not at any art show...
- Feelings of ours do glow...
- Into stone age...
- There's our together pace...
- Runes meaning we chase...
- Know that it's you...
- Felt your kiss out of the blue...
- People say that things and emotions change...
- Attitude is more than some quick range...
- Codfish swimming by the sea...
- Vikings with their own land...
- Just you and me...
- There's the sweetest band...
- To feel reborn times 1...
- Staring with you at the sun...
- Hold thy right hand...
- Body of mine does bend...
- Thinking on what words to say...
- Clock ticks April not May...
- Rosenborg castle makes us fall...
- Within our love's call...
- Moving our bed from its former place...
- Arms of yours that me embrace...
- Pillows makes me feel...
- Thy one tree hill...
- Feeling your kiss in my eyes...
- Heart of mine do sighs...
- Pagan soul again...
- When I share more than your name...
- Do know that I'm Isabel...
- Being thy unique belle...
- Sometimes I do think...
- Nothing is complex...
- That thy pen carries magical ink...
- No mess...
- When I'm around you...
- Universe feels like something completely new...
- Atlantis, land of the fallen men...
- Oceans don't have a map, but they carry a plan...
- Holding myself into you...
- Kissing your necklace for true...
- You know...
- It's in everything that you do...
- Us at concert's front row...
- Magic does pop...
- World doesn't stop...
- Entering we today thy birth city..
- When you call me more than pretty...
- Feel myself real sweety...
- There's more than one smile inside my heart..
- Face and lips again start...
- Without depart...
- Going way back...
- Into Big Bang as a candy pack...
- Love when you tell me that under a rainbow...
- There's our emotional feeling that does glow...
- Believe me that I try...
- Learning Portuguese ain't a lie...
- Know that people do say...
- And I really don't care...
- We're not at May...
- Do know that I love you everywhere...

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A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

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