Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Sequential love story/arts project - Part 82 - International artists


Janina Barabas 

With Anna along Portuguese DVD edition Hana-Bi directed by Japanese director Takeshi Kitano 

Portuguese DVD edition of "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" directed by Italian director Sergio Leone

Portuguese DVD edition "Tokyo Godfathers" directed by Japanese director Satoshi Kon 

Along Janina 

Phenomenal video with Ksenia 

Along Ksenia and Portuguese DVD edition of "life aquatic" directed by American director Wes Anderson 

Comic book adaptation of masterpiece movie "Dracula" by American director Francis Ford Coppolla by American artist Mike Mignola 

Portuguese DVD edition of "Looper" directed by American director Rian Johnson 

Portuguese DVD editions of movies "Stalker", "The Mirror", "Solaris" and "Nostalgia" directed by Russian director Andrei Tarkovski 

Phenomenal video with Zhu 

Phenomenal video with Zhu - part - 02 

Portuguese DVD edition of "Volver" directed by Spanish director Pedro Almodovar 

Portuguese DVD edition of "Trust" directed by American director Hal Hartley 

Scene from masterpiece movie "2046" by Chinese director Wong Kar Wai 

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