Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Exhibition and testimonies by international artists about cats at Boémia Caffee in Porto

Dear friends this is a video made with testimonies by international well known artists all over the world because of the love that they have because of their cats and also because of the love that I have for my kitty Ilvie that I've lost recently and my other kitties from the past Jacky, Maya, Nuala and Pimpolha to share the love that we all have for our kitties and pets. I've gathered several testimonies from international artists and I recite them in this video, in it I also try to share a bit of my soul and my city - Porto with all of you. 
When I was thinking on this exhibition I was constantly thinking on my kittie Ilvie and a movie by Wong Kar Wai named "2046" and listening to Lhasa de Sela songs which I've used to illustrate this same video. 
 Later I'll make another one showing the exhibition.
This video is spoken in spanish with english subtitles, in order for you to see the subtitles you must activate them on this youtube video settings. So you click in the bottom right at "CC" and you can select at "Settings" the english language.
Footage and editing by Duarte Aguiar
Many thanks to all of your awesome support and your amazing words, feelings and art skills. 

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