Saturday, May 6, 2023

A direct love speech from Janina to our shared heart

- My Man, tell me true...
- Vlad Tepes character ain't new...
- Know you that want I not...
- Money only is residual shot...
- Wanna feel us everlastingly hot...
- Throughout Saint Petersburg...
- Dostoievsky staring at a flying bird...
- Me and you at the bar...
- Close, never that far...
- Like that Wenders movie...
- Dancing we at the bar...
- Scene being groovie...
- Bodies of ours do mix...
- Counting not only till 6...
- Parading us at the Hermitage...
- Museum makes us crash...
- Fine arts us galore...
- Rolling us together by the floor...
- Into Romania...
- Heritage of mine Transylvania...
- Fangs of mine in thy neck...
- Blow me back...
- Always are we...
- Complete pack...
- Where there's water, there's reality...
- Again make me feel...
- Not some modern cheap deal...
- But thy top hill...
- Kiss eyebrows of me...
- No fantasy...
- Bowie us does tell...
- Always inside our spell...
- Everlastingly...
- Being thy belle...
- Lack of poetry...
- Deep inside me...
- Remember I...
- Valentina's series don't lie...
- Crepax does sigh...
- Being not only me thy muse...
- We're always what we choose...
- Tell me again...
- Fingers of yours are to blame...
- Trusting our flame...
- Moscow hate I...
- Throughout Porto we both lie...
- Not only inside the room...
- Kamasutra is more than position spoon...
- Fly me to the moon...
- Magically...
- Only you and me...
- Thin White Duke does say: 
"We're more than a solo day"
- Stare I at you...
- Continuosly true...
- Wave upon wave...
- Kissing thy modern shave...
- Do believe...
- That religion won't achieve...
- Knees do I bend...
- Position stand...
- Nathan Adler us does move...
- Like it should...
- If only Philip Jeffries could...
- In between lips of mine...
- Fangs of yours are also fine...
- At core main...
- Plot's song plain...
- Thy hands my body move...
- Clearly inside our proper mood...
- Always to you do I say: 
"Loving you ain't only today" 
- Sugar and cream...
- World's scenario as a dream...
- Stage does spin...
- With or without cherry ice-cream...
- Do know that it's our way...
- Acting without shadows play...

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A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...