Thursday, December 3, 2020

A short whisper from Natalya Pashkovskaya to my left ear:


- Mountain top...
- We do rock...
- Your arms caressing me...
- Angels guided me to thee...
- I know about the lake...
- Let's in heaven dance...
- Brought us a cake...
- No silence...
- It's the blouse...
- Hair on the wind...
- Inside our house...
- They say that we do bind...
- I'm your gal...
- There's the snow...
- We travel by The Fall...
- Storm show...
- Cooked you fried potatoes and chicken meat...
- Your hair is always mine...
- I'm always neat...
- Without any rhyme...
- Never do mess my head...
- We're a blow shed...
- Let's make fire...
- In our bed...
- You're higher...
- Carry me in your back...
- Know that for you this ain't sweat...
- Ukraine ain't a play game...
- Don't put it like that...
- Europe's to blame...
- You're more skilled than a simple cat...
- There's the mirror so bright...
- Light by you..
- When we sleep in each other's arms in the night...
- Me, being to you true...
- That vessel boat...
- No joke...
- Wore your coat...
- No poke...
- I know why I love you...
- Every single day you're something new...

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