Tuesday, June 30, 2020

A love poem to my soulmate Isabel Berg inside a direct speech

- Hey babe, what's going on?
- Are we gonna have some fun?
- There's our home...
- You and me alone...
You stare at me wearing my hat while caressing our cat...
 This you say to me:
- Love, you know me...
- Joy inside thee...
- Danish...
- Codfish...
- Portuguese...
- Yes...
- Please...
- Love you to the shore...
- You and me forever more...
- You told me that I'm your masterpiece...
- That we aren't out of reach...
- Papa don't preach...
- I'm a mother and you know...
- Love to listen to how the wind blow...
- Trumpets...
- They say...
- Second wave of Covid...
- We must have a wild ride...
- Pen...
- Man...
- In and out...
- No shout...
- Percy Shelly...
- Our own belly...
- Ozymandias...
- Pancreas...
- No disquiet...
- We're our own wild riot...
- I'm wearing your chemise...
- Trying to observe the geeze...
- Blonde hair love...
- Not being a dove...
- Wings...
- Whatever the world brings...
- Tool...
- Being cool...
- You're always like this...
- Where's my sugary kiss?
- I'm going to kill you Man...
- There's Fawkes being a Guy...
- He tells no lie...
- No Winston smoke...
- We must poke...
- Don't spread the seed...
- You know that I do need...
- Viking eye stare...
- Why're you wresting with a bear?
- Battle axe...
- No excess...
- Shield maiden fire...
- You know that I love you without wire...
- Facebook is a crook...
- Instagram is glam...
- Tinder is in what we don't think at all...
- We've nature's call...
- Stone Age...
- Our embrace...
- Don't mess my head, my Man...
- I do what I can...
- There's the big bang...
- You brought me a flower?
- So sweet...
- There's rush hour...
- Candlelight...
- So bright...
- Insight...
- Our night...
- Delight...
- Look at what I've found...
- Round and round...
- A Perfect Circle...
- No rain purple...
- Love you and you know...
- There...
- Where the wild things grow...

A short love poem to Victoria

- Man, there's the mask...
- Our task...
- Youtube...
- Into the groove...
- Loving you...
- Out of the blue...
- Shades of grey...
- We aren't in May...
- In Vienna we play...
- What to do?
- I'm a fool for you...
- There's the card, you know?
- Major blow...
- Tomcat...
- I'm not a brat...
- Wearing your favourite shirt of mine...
- There's some kind of rhyme...
- Poetry...
- You and me...
- Your beautiful brunette...
- Remember when we first met?
- Crocodile's street...
- Trick or treat...
- Wide awake...
- We're in shape...
- Never know...
- Major Tom...
- Was a time bomb...
- There's Fawkes Guy...
- With you I lie...
- I'm wearing your jeans...
- No Eros or Psyche...
- Time flower...
- During The Devil's Hour...
- Disquiet Book...
- You know what to cook...
- There's our look...
- Captain Hook...
- No Peter Pan...
- You're Yin...
- I'm Yang...
- Brunette...
- No brat...
- I'm wearing your hat...
- Cup of tea...
- You and me...
- Fingers say...
- Flowers day...
- Romance...
- Our hidden seance...
- Candle bright...
- In us there's light...
- Insight...
- We never fight...
- That's right...
- We must watch Cinderella...
- You know that I'm your Bela...
- King Volcano taught us all...
- Nature's call...
- No wall...
- Corridor...
- By the floor...
- There's your pen...
- We're where we stand...
- There's my hand...
- Riot's fan...
- We're not a machine...
- Never lived inside a dream...
- You're mine...
- There's time...
- No rhyme...
- Gallore...
- By the floor...
- Lure...
- To endure...
- Heart, soul and mind...
- Being kind...
- Caress...
- My green dress...
- No mess...
- Gave you a bubblegum...
- Let's have fun...
- A cup of tea...
- Biscuit from a tree...
- You and me...
- They say that the world is coming to an end...
- That's not true...
- You know that I love you... 
 I stare at the beauty of you...
Reply you this:
- A photoshoot...
- Our root...
- I know that you'll shave my hair...
- Cookies are elsewhere...
- Truth be told...
- We're worth more than gold...

A fable to Ellisetsky and Mascara inside a love triangle.

- Hey...
- Where're my sunglasses?
- I'll ride out...
- No classes...
- No shout...
Said this to Elli 
You stared at me...
Knowing that I was in love by your sister for free...
You drag me out and told me this:
- Don't label me...
- Join me...
- Sioux to be...
- You, me and the sea...
- Pagan son...
- Let's have fun...
- Have your sunglasses by the table...
- Be able...
- The statue has a mask...
- Pure class...
- Sometimes I love you...
- It's true...
- It depends on the time...
- You give me a period rhyme..
- To here knows when, Man...
- My sister wants to marry thee...
- What will we do with our love by the sea?
I started smoking a cigarette...
In it I gazed your silhouette...
- Man, come on...
- There's my videoclip...
- Let's greet...
- Better than Michel...
- You know that I'm your belle...
- Better than Gondry...
- My sis told me that you're the sea...
- Spirit and soul...
- With us you're bold...
- Moscow...
- Blow...
- Undertow...
- There's something in the air....
- Our laced legs are everywhere...
- What can I do?
- You know me and I know you...
- What can I say?
- My sis tells me that you don't pray...
- Don't be undead...
- There's our bed...
- Ghoul...
- It was a foul...
- Have you seen it?
- Horrible match...
- Soccer play...
- You and my sis are a bit lost in May...
- Combed my hair for you today...
- The devil must pay...
- Statue's lace...
- Our embrace...
- Don't be nasty or mean...
- There's our ice-scream...
- Golden hair on your jeans...
- By all means...
- Coffee awake...
- You're inside our lake...
- Snake...
- Bait...
- Shark attack...
- Don't be a brat...
- Siberia?
- Come on...
- Let's have fun...
I'm inside our bounded trance...
There was Elli's glance...
- Man, what the fuck?
- Where's goo goo muck?
- There's goo...
- Me and you...
- No golden hair...
- Our atmosphere...
- We're always in sync...
- Legs twine...
- What belongs to you...
- Is also mine...
- Brother in law?
- I'm in awe...
- You once told me that you loved my eyes...
- Knew then that bees are like flies...
- Sugar candy...
- Freehandy...
- Instagram's shot...
- We're hot...

Um poema sensual para a Mónica

Estavamos a observar um relógio...
As horas passavam e não passavam...
Era o período do não afecto...
As pessoas a olharem para o tecto...
Disseste-me isto:
- Reamar...
- Viver...
- Sem sonhar...

Eu fico pasmado a olhar para ti quando me dás um beijo com sabor a queijo...
Pensei para mim mesmo:
- Porque é que a essência do tempo...
- Para os portugueses é um lamento?

Tu voltas a sorrir para mim...
Num qualquer jardim de jasmim...
Dizes-me isto:
- Contigo dançar...
- Sem parar...
- Remar...
- Redes sociais são anti naturais...

Eu envio-te um beijo na tua direção com a minha mão direita que vem do interior do meu coração...
Tu mencionas-me isto:
- O meu casaco não é opaco...
- A tua camisola tem um desenho duma mulher bela...

- É a Cinderella?
Eu fico sem saber o que te responder, pois sinto o teu coração a bater sem tremer...
Voltas a dizer-me:
- Sabor a laranja...
- O nosso mundo é uma toranja...
- Escrever é o nosso ser e saber...
- Talvez o devir caminhe com o verbo ir...

O teu sorriso grandioso deixa-me um pouco nervoso...
Escutamos uma música a tocar...
A mesma absorve o ar...
Frases fazem eco na casa...
- Contigo até ao fim do mundo...
- Profundo...
- Para quê falar?
- A emoção anda sempre a voar...
- Ideias...
- Sem onomatopeias...

Vais-me dizendo isto ao meu ouvido esquerdo numa dança que soa a eternidade com identidade:
- Tudo o que somos...
- Risos fantabulásticos..
- Tudo o que fomos...
- O nosso coração com elásticos...
- O meu cabelo dourado...
- Nada desnaturado...
- O teu cabelo despenteado...
- Sem um único fado...
- Sempre foste simples e natural...
- Dizem que és sobrenatural...
- Alto e delgado...
- Sem pensar no museu do Prado...

- Gosto como danças comigo...
- Gosto do teu e do meu umbigo ..
- Sei lá eu...

- Deulofeu...
- O meu caminho é fazer renascer o pinho...
- Tu encostado a uma árvore...
- Eu a abraçar-te com cabeça, tronco e membros...
- Com crescendos...
- Sem innuendos...
- A observar como me levas até ao céu...
- Com um simples véu...
- Dizem que dizem...
- Falam que falam...
- Fico aborrecida...
- Pois contigo nunca estou perdida...
- Contigo até ao fim do mundo?
- Foi o que me sussurraste ao meu ouvido direito?
- Sei lá, deixaste-me sem jeito...

De repente trajavas a minha camisola sem gola...
Eu trajava o teu casaco num movimento com tempo...
Dizia-te isto:
- Sem lamento...
- Sem contratempo...

Tu voltavas a olhar para mim e de repente os teus olhos tornaram-se num mundo sem fim.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Uma fábula para a minha alma gémea Hélia

Vou-te dizendo
- Tempo...
- Sem lamento...
- O ar estava irrespirável...
- Talvez fosse do sável...
- Entre máscara e máscara...
- Tentava apanhar oxigénio...
- Tempo de vírus...
- Não de hidrogénio...
- Memória visual...
- Algo natural...
- Sabor matinal...
- Nada neutral...
- O teu cabelo doirado...
- Sem um fado...
- Nada irado...
- São João...
- Falam do milhão...
- Sem saber falam....
- Um gato num chinelo...
- Café com sabor a caramelo...
Tu ficas a olhar para mim...
Num dispositivo digital...
O ser natural dá-te a mão...
Dizes-me isto:
- O nosso coração...
- Difusa e confusa gente...
- Tornam o sol nascente no poente...
- Incrível canção...
- Dá-me a tua mão...
- Vamos dançar sem parar...
- Sem sonhar...
- Remar...
- Dois metros perdidos...
- 200 centimetros esquecidos...
- E o tempo que passa...
- A argamassa...
- Momento...
- Outra vez...
- Anda lá..
- De vez...
- Sobrinhas...
- Primas...
- Realidade sem rimas...
- Olfacto e tacto...
- Que sei eu de facto?
- Somos um acto...
- Nada episódico...
- Nada melancólico...
- Hoje estás parvo?
- Sem fardo?
 Eu fico a observar os teus olhos...
Não penso em nada...
Visto Prada...
A minha alma é a tua calma...
De repente sem eu contar...
Dizes-me isto:
- Sem treta..
- Letra...
- As minhas calças esfiapadas...
- As tuas rasgadas...
- Momentos...
- Movimentos...
- Cruzados...
- Sem jogo de dados...
- Comunicas com mulheres de todas as idades?
- Comigo vagueias entre cidades?
Sem saber o que te responder...
Fico a entoar o lazer...
O prazer...
Sem oração...
Pois se nada existe...
Não há São João...
Respondes-me isto:
Sardinha viva...
- Crescida...
- Salada polvilhada...
- Sem contos de fada...
- Comigo...
- Sem umbigo...
- Um figo...
- Caminhar...
- Passear...
- Amar...
- Tu sabes como sou...
- Para onde tu vais eu vou...
- Num dispositivo digital...
- Tu normal e natural...
- Nada animal...
- Desigual...
- A nossa genialidade...
- É a nossa cidade...

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Uma fábula para a minha alma gémea Hélia

- Onde estamos?
- X...
- Para onde vamos?
- Giz... 
Perguntas-me isto enquanto percorremos minutos dentro de horas sem demoras... 
Observo os teus olhos sem vislumbrar uma estátua de sal, pois és natural...
- Sei que nada sei...
- Opus Dei...
- Sonhar...
- O coração a lavrar...
- O vento um som a entoar..
- Com estilo...
- Simplicidade...
- Sem rastilho...
- Idade...
- Sem cruz...
- Com luz...
Passa por nós a rua...
Ela está nua...
Vai-nos dizendo isto:
- Pombinhos...
- Nada sozinhos...
- Para quê?
- Sem desdém...
- Para quem?
- Nunca além...
Ficamos ambos a olhar um para o outro...
Os nossos corações batem em ventos animais sempre iguais...
 O teu cabelo tomba na minha camisa lisa...
Penso para mim isto:
- Cansaço...
- A minha sobrinha...
- Abraço...
- A tua sobrinha...
- Um laço...
- Tempo nutre o tempo...
Tu vais soltando na minha direção palavras do teu interior:
- Cor...
- Indolor...
- Amor...
- Flor...
- Conheces a minha mente...
- Tempo presente...
- Vamos ver o sol nascente...
- Hoje o espelho está ao poente...
- Santa Catarina nada esquecida...
- Um comboio sem partida...
- Carruagem...
- Precisamos de aragem...
- Vagão...
- Impossivel ser aqui o teu vulcão...
- As tuas calças esfiapadas...
- Desnudadas...
- O teu cabelo penteado pelo vento...
- Os meus dedos são o teu pente...
- A nossa nascente...
Penso para mim mesmo:
- Uma rotunda...
- Nada imunda...
- É demencial...
- Nada igual...
- Uma estação...
- O verão...
Agarro no teu corpo nada morto...
Não és um zombie num porto...
Falas-me de xadrez...
- 1...
- 2...
- 3...
Eu respondo-te:
- Entre rei e dama...
- A mais valia é a chama..
- Entre peças de dominó...
- O vácuo é o pó...
- Será que o mundo irá parar?
- Será que o universo irá deixar de girar?
- Gosto de ti...
- A vida nos sorri...
- Nunca pensas que pensas...
- Ação é a tua reação...
- Fotografia é magia...
- Palavras são energia..
- Quebrar-te o coração?
- Inverosímil...
- Ele está na minha mão...
Sem respostas para te dar...
Acabo por pensar em nós quando a vida é a nossa voz..
- A natureza...
- A nossa verdadeira beleza...

Monday, June 15, 2020

Info John Constantine's Hellblazer and Corto Maltese project - International artists

DC comic book publisher with John Constantine's Hellblazer logo with design by British artist Dave Mckean

Sometimes all it needs to trigger something on my mind inside a project with help by international artists is a simple whistle with words like the song below that describes an adiction regarding the occult like John Constantine always had while facing his own demons throughout his entire run.
Below are info about this same song.

American band A perfect circle song "The Noose" first released in 2003 in their album "Thirteen Step" 

Random words with the song's lyrics


"The Noose"

So glad to see you well
Overcome and completely silent now
With heaven's help
You cast your demons out
And not to pull your halo down
Around your neck and tug you off your cloud
But I'm more than just a little curious
How you're planning to go about
Making your amends to the dead
To the dead

Recall the deeds as if
They're all someone else's
Atrocious stories
Now you stand reborn before us all
So glad to see you well

And not to pull your halo down
Around your neck and tug you to the ground
But I'm more than just a little curious
How you're planning to go about
Making your amends to the dead
To the dead

With your halo slipping down
Your halo slipping
Your halo slipping down
Your halo slipping down
Your halo slipping down [repeated]

Your halo slipping down to choke you now

Constantine's a simple man that throughout his life always knew that magic and life's patterns were/are/will be what he'll become in time in different paths as described in the panel below.

Hellblazer Issue 40 written by Jamie Delano and drawn by Dave Mckean 

While I was thinking on this project, I've reminded myself of French poet Rimbaud's masterpiece "Season in Hell" that I've read at the same time while I was reading John that had magic in his Hellblazer during my teenage years.
 Being Constantine a man that spent several "seasons in hell" and always came back, I've found it apropriate to link this project with the before mentioned poet masterpiece because like Jamie Delano who developed this character stated in an exclusive interview to this blogue "all art ever created reflects what we consume and its role in our lives deep inside our subconscious".

French poet Jean Arthur Rimbaud with 17 years old

Born: October 20, 1854, Charleville-Mézières, France
Died: November 10, 1891, Marseille, France

"Chanson de la plus haute tour" first published in june in French magazine La vogue 7-13 in 1886 along his poems "L'eternité" and "Âge d'or

Original title "Chanson de la plus haute Tour"
English translation "Song of the highest tower" first written in May 1871 by the poet.

An excerpt.
In the original French written by the poet.
"A tout asservie, 
Par délicatesse.
J'ai perdu ma vie. 
Ah ! Que le temps vienne. 
Où les coeurs s'éprennent."

An English free translation of it by myself 

"Slave to all things,
Has wasted me.
Ah! Time will come.
Where hearts in love fall..."

This excerpt of the poem above describes a lot of how I always saw John Constantine and his personality.
 I also reminded myself that once again Jamie Delano stated in my interview with him that British actor David Thewlis would be the best actor to portray Constantine in a screen.
 Below's David himself acting as Paul Verlaine that was Rimbaud's mentor in real life in a 1995 movie and info regarding the movie.

British actor David Thewlis as French poet Paul Verlaine and American  actor Leonardo Dicaprio as Jean Arthur Rimbaud in "Total Eclipse" movie released in 1995 directed by Polish director Agnieszka Holland

The art of writing is an hard one, below is a manuscript by Rimbaud himself that showcases how he lusted for "Eternity" like John Constantine and even Corto Maltese who also mentioned him several times in his books with words, thoughts and Rimbaud's quotes by Italian maestro Hugo Pratt also.

Original manuscript written by Rimbaud with his poem "L'eternité"

Constantine's not Corto Maltese but they're two sides of the same coin being males that love the company of females while trying to understand them.
 Below is once again, some info about Mike Leigh's masterpiece "Naked" where its main character talks with pretty ladies, rough men while thinking in past lives or even the future in the exact same way that Corto or Constantine did in their books.

"Naked" masterpiece movie by British director Mike Leigh starring David Thewlis 

A still of the above mentioned movie with "Johnny" talking with a pretty lady

A link where Johnny discusses about the future with a security guard 

An excerpt of their conversation.

"One day you'll realize that you've had not
just one or two past or future existences... but that you were, and are, everybody and everything that has ever been... or will ever be."

During Covid's period, I've comunicated with several women (like I always did in my life) about life in all its aspect, while being really concerned about "my beautiful friend" and her health because she means a lot in my professional and personal life and we both have an unbreakable spiritual bound.
 When I need her, she's always trying to help me like I do to her.
 Talked with a beautiful woman, that's the case of The Wild Enigma (who's in the pics below with me), about how women ressemble mother nature in every aspect.
 That men fight and go to war while protecting them and their own growing seed.
 That we're all energy.
 Where this wonderful blue planet is located the vast cosmos where we live in.
 The tidal waves of the ocean.
 How blue the sky's.
 How the moon embraces it.
 How living beings are simply "time" while traveling from planet to planet being energy as a common flea.
 We instantly achieved our purpose inside a bound, she was Zed's character that appeared in early Jamie Delano's Hellblazer, that harvested the moon while being pagan inside Stonehenge's tapestry source of energy in this world for Millennia.
 Being myself a simple seed carrier male trying to organize a project with tribute artworks by some of the best international artists that I know of, both to Constantine and Hugo Pratt's Corto Maltese while knowing that the first one never was mean, believed in Anarchy and was meant a Magus to be.
 The second one was a doppelganger of him, a lover, a fighter, a mystery man.
 So in my mind Constantine truly is hope to help mankind fight Covid while Corto is its hope in this dark period that we all live in.
 The Wild Enigma is not only a pretty woman, she's a fighter, a mother, that truly knows the main purpose of two sexual genres as energy bounded.
 Below's me and her with myself holding some printed papers with artworks by international artists that I work with and simple pics that will definitely have a purpose on this project that's being developed.

My friend The Wild Enigma who I've a bound with - 01

Rimbaud drawn by French specialist on his oeuvre André Guyaux

A tribute artwork both to Constantine and Corto by Argentine maestro Pablo Búrman, Hellblazer's issue 40 and pics of myself and my babe Elena 

My friend The Wild Enigma who I've a bound with - 02

Me and my friend The Wild Enigma 

My friend The Wild Enigma who I've a bound with - 02

A tribute artwork to Corto and Constantine by Italian maestro Rolando Cicatelli, John Constantine's images by British artist Sean Phillips while talking with Paul Jenkins words inside a duplicity and a pic of myself and my youngest niece Leticia 

My friend The Wild Enigma who I've a bound with - 03

An original page of Swamp Thing's issue 37 with John's first appearance written by Alan Moore and drawn by American artist John Totleben along a tribute artwork to Corto by Serbian artist Branko Djukic 

My friend The Wild Enigma who I've a bound with - 04 

A tribute artwork to Constantine by Mexican artist Gaston Ortiz along a pic by The Wild Enigma  

Tribute artwork to Constantine and Corto through the looking glass by French artist Barthelemy Nobili 

While I was finishing this post a song popped out of my mind named "fight" because of the darkness that we all live in while I was thinking on the origins of the country where I was born as source of energy and matter.
Below is the info of this song just because we must fight when and where "all lives matter" like John Constantine and Corto Maltese always stated in several languages inside their stories, manipulated by writers, being their books published since the early 80's, worldwide distributed, "transported" into TV series and even to cinema as motion pictures

The Cure song "Fight" from their "Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me" released on May 1987

Its lyrics 


Sometimes there's nothing to feel
Sometimes there's nothing to hold
Sometimes there's no time to run away
Sometimes you just feel so old
The times it hurts when you cry
The times it hurts just to breathe
And then it all seems like there's no-one left
And all you want is to sleep

Fight fight fight
Just push it away
Fight fight fight
Just push until it breaks
Fight fight fight
Don't cry at the pain
Fight fight fight
Or watch yourself burn again
Fight fight fight
Don't howl like a dog
Fight fight
Just fill up the sky
Fight fight fight
Fight til you drop
Fight fight fight
And never never
Never stop


So when the hurting starts
And when the nightmares begin
Remember you can fill up the sky
You don't have to give in
You don't have to give in

Never give in
Never give in
Never give in

Many thanks to all international artists that are supporting this and other projects that I'm developing while knowing that there's something "nasty" in the air that we breathe.
Special thanks to my "beautiful friend", to The Wild Enigma and my love Elena  

Saturday, June 13, 2020

A short fable to thewildenigma with whom I've a bound with


You say this to me:
- Ourobouros myth...
- No snake pit...
- Pagan poetry...
- You and me...
- Staring at the sea...
- Electricity...
- Shell...
- Duplicity...
- Spell...
- Energy...
- Being your belle...
- In faerie land...
- We stand...
- Stonehenge...
- Our inner embrace...
- My hair...
- Our sphere...
- The prettiest city in the world?
- Has a bridge...
- A clock that toll...
- Has a river...
- No shiver...
- Cook you fish...
- In a beautiful dish...
- Swim...
- No gym...
- Tattoo...
- No Taboo...
- Me and you...
- Mogwai...
- Life is a slice...
- Not ice...
- Gathering the tide...
- Knowing that I'm your pride...
- No storm...
- We're reborn...
- Your hands touch my fingertips...
- No hips...
- Energy with your pen...
- You know that you're...
- A seed's Man...
- Where there's love...
- There's a dove...
- No vampire...
- No barbed wire...
- There's Covid...
- Doesn't matter...
- We've our pride...
- Not a dream...
- Reality...
- Not a pin...
- Entity...
- What to do?
- Just me and you?
I stare at your dress...
Flowers not made to impress...
Not playing chess...
Tell you this:
- Here we stand...
- No storm at end...
- You've a child...
- He's not wild...
- The beauty of you...
- Is being true...
- Always something new...
- Your voice is a chimera in my mind...
- Being kind...
- No whisper to tell...
- No tale with a spell...
- You're a faerie bell...
- In you I've pride...
- Wild ride...
- There's a star...
- Not far...
- We're inside a car...
- Diesel gas...
- No task...
- No mask...
- Heart and soul...
- Our gold...
- Truth the told...
- We'll never grow old...
- Metamorphosis...
- Isn't psychosis...
- Anarchy...
- You and me...
- Entropy...
- We're weirdo to be...
- Whatever...
- Your eyes...
- Whenever...
- No lies...
- Stonehenge's cold...
- Light's old...
- Your fingertips touching an artwork...
- A boat that float...
- Identity...
- Entity...
- Enigma is a tree...
- Running slowly between you and me...
- There's our boundary...
- Greenland...
- Not a bang...
- Deutsch schreiben...
- Wo muss uns bleiben?
- Naked to be...
- Hugging a tree...
- You and me...

A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...