Sunday, June 7, 2020

A short fable to thewildenigma who I've a bound with.

You tell me this:
- Serpents hiss...
- Bliss...
- Shed truth...
- Habits are youth...
- What can I say?
- We've a bound every single day...
- Food I make to you...
- No words at stake being true...
- Structural maze...
- Our own embrace...
- Energy comes not from bones...
- It belongs in stones...
- Vast Cosmos is you and me...
- Bounded free...

- Spirituality...
- Quality...
- No dwell...
- Angel's spell...
- Being bellle...
- Enigma is you and me...
- Wild is our tree...
- No sweat...
- We've a hat...
- Love birds, you know?
- We're our own blow...
- My hand...
- No end...
- My hair...
- Our atmosphere...

- German roots...
- Bearing fruits...
- Weirdo to be...
- You and me...
- Galaxy...
- Join me...
 I was staring at you with a pencil shedding a skin... Knewing what you mean...

- Tantra...
- Mantra...
- Dots linked...
- No blink...
- You're intelligent and pretty...
- Quite neaty...
- Our embrace...
- Human race...
- Collect the dice...
- Fish cooked with rice...
- Bread to spare...
- Our energy is the shadow of a bear...
- Whatever...
- Whenever...
- There's that minute....
- Our spirits collide...
- Inside a wild ride...
- With pride...
- Sparrow to see...
- Arrow at the sea...
- Tidal waves...
- Shaves...
- No theater play...
- We've our inner bay...
- No heaven or hell...
- Pagan to be...
- Bell...
- You and me...
- Mountain...
- Well...
- Fountain...
- Spell...
- United we stand...
- I'm your Man...
- Grab a pen...
- Delighted by your mind...
- To your body being kind...
- There's a water glass...
- We're class...
- No red...
- Robin's belly...
- Bed...
- Bread and jelly...
- Heart...
- Our start...
- Colours pop in...
- Pop out...
- No shout...
- Humming bird...
- No sword...
- Salt ain't malte...

You stare into my eyes...
 No lies...
 Telling me this:
- Out of the blue you're...
- Not a star...
- Never far...
- To you...
- To me...
- We're a tiny rock...
- Moving amok...
- Roll...
- Our hearts toll...
- No fall...
- Not staring at a wall...
- You know me, Man...
- I'm part of the beauty of your pen...
- 30...
- Deep into the green..
- No smoke...
- Mirror poke...

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