Saturday, November 7, 2020

A circunstantial speech from my love Isabel to me

- My love, be light...
- No stage fright...
- We shine during the night...
- Not being totally bright...
- Today being the day...
- That we seeds lay...
- My Man, whatever the world say...
- We aren't in May...
- That bridge being your mother...
- You never stutter...
- That river being your father...
- Never straying further...
- Counting sheep...
- Waiting for our vessel ship...
- There're times and you know...
- That I watch our fruit from the land grow...
- No contest art tonight...
- No Coca-Cola lite...
- Just being skin deep...
- Coffee is made...
- Even when we sleep...
- Our spirit's awake...
- Watching mirror's shade...
- No reason to state...
- Time never fade...
- Colloquially start...
- Words without art...
- Let me think...
- Love being your own ink...
- That written paper...
- Being shapier...
- Drugs we don't take...
- Booze ain't our milkshake...
- Cigarettes you smoke...
- Sometimes stylish joke...
- From now and then...
- I do poke...
- You're my Man...
- Sacred veil in us...
- Roam with thy pen...
- No loss...
- Together inside our bus...
- Turning blonde again...
- You're the one to blame...
- Being quite sane...
- We love our inner game...
- Using our synced brain...
- My heart tolls for you...
- This is true...
- Lynch's colours sequence scheme...
- Not inside a David movie's dream...
- Dreaming Siamese...
- Klimt, Gustav's The Kiss...
- Understanding Chinese...
- Being your Miss...
- Munch's The Scream...
- Not the colour green...
- Mucha's beautiful spring...
- Inside our shared ring...
- Gogh's Starry Night...
- Vincent without a sigh...
- Spiritual fire...
- Fuel engine...
- Observing a pyre...
- Deep mean...
- Von Trier's Riget...
- We listen to the sound of cricket...
- It's the way we live our together life...
- Butter bread slice...
- Picasso was cool...
- Being also a fool...
- Not Goya though...
- We kiss and show...
- Michael Angelo's Chapel Sistine...
- Da Vinci's Manpower mean...
- Maiakovski was simply a lighter...
- Observing Cromagnon...
- Deleuze as an anti oedipus fighter...
- A simple carved stone...
- We're Australopithecus fetuses...
- Going stone age back...
- Knowing that our blood merge in our veins...
- Inside our own melody whispered track...
- Nothing stains...
- Fur animal clothes...
- We aren't gods...
- No jokes...
- Being less important than frogs...
- I never knew that I had a galaxy inside me...
- Being this something else free...
- Cells inside a living being always are in a continuous moment of death and birth...
- Quantic science myrth...
- Love we're...
- Everything that we choose...
- Never far...
- Knowing what to use...
- It's that sparkle fraction...
- I'm not only your perfect muse...
- When we both say "action"...
- Dostoievsky's shame...
- Artaud's identity...
- Gogol's being lame...
- Mueller's entity...
- We're inside Campbell's soup Warhol's cans...
- Thinking about who sang...
- You and me...
- No snake attack...
- First tree...
- Not inside the dark...
- Fruit to be...
- Stylish garden...
- No sea...
- Shakespeare's den...
- Milton lost inside himself...
- This doesn't matter...
- Ovid's bookshelf...
- A simple feather...
- You once told me that Gaston Bachelard's told you everything...
- When you were a kid inside a dream...
- Being a normal Norse land settler...
- In the land of Thor...
- Odin father...
- Nevermore...
- Moving further...
- Loki cutting Sif's hair...
- Tricked by a bear...
- Freya's necklace by the floor...
- Knocking at heaven's door...
- There's stuff that I don't know...
- People say that everything do glow...
- Different kind of consciousness in you...
- People that lived in a submerged city blue...
- Water being everywhere...
- Spanish frontier...
- Different language barrier...
- Not living there a deer...
- What to do?
- No colour blue...
- Going back again?
- Darwin's shaking in pain?
- When Cook ventured Australia...
- Portuguese arrived there first...
- No paraphernalia...
- Being just...
- Arigato's Japan...
- Portuguese do say "please", my Man...
- Viking's boats U.S.A. arrived...
- Settlers with pride...
- Drank wine...
- No poetry...
- Lost comunication...
- No rhyme...
- Scorched nation...
- From dust to ashes...
- With eyelashes...
- From bone to flesh...
- No mesh...
- When I grab your heart...
- Frequency waves...
- The hills move start...
- Listening to the sound of whales...
- So comunication always was all...
- We're simple living beings climbing our individual inner wall...
- Hands having forever chalk...
- Different living creatures who only talk...
- Entering in another planet...
- Phasys magnet...
- K. Dick's science/fiction/religion chip...
- His own particular trip...
- Stonehenge allign...
- Outside a rhyme...
- Industrial revolution came...
- Bloody shame...
- Love you my Man...
- Not being Jane...
- You're clearly no Tarzan...
- Not even a simple Dane...
- There's our feelings telepathy...
- No lethargy...
- You and me being more than simple cosmic energy...
- I know that we married are...
- Twilight souls together roaming far...
- Our tyger's symmetry...
- Blake marvelling the sea...
- No Pandora's box...
- Wolf you are not...
- I'm also no fox...
- No tied knot...
- My love, don't know...
- There's a bow...
- Arrow isn't inside the snow...
- Hot we always are...
- When we both stare at a different alligned star...
- Loving you is being also me for true...
- Whatever can we do?
- Inside simple words sympathy...
- You found me and I found you...
- We're what we both always will be...
- Inside a verse...
- Where some merged alphabet letters...
- Both wandering the universe...
- Are comunication feathers...
- Feelings while knowing our ancestry...
- Is once again loving you being loved in return by thee...
- Everything in it's right place...
- Cosmos ain't a shoelace...
- Inside a kiss or embrace...
- Venus is...
- Nature's bliss...
- Mars always free...
- Ancient time world history...
- Sun having with Moon fun...
- When we're together alone...
- I love you and you know...
- Simply flesh and bone...
- Love me forever inside a kiss and I'll tell you...
- Life will never be a simple/single-parade/charade freakshow...
- What it's to be your everlasting belle new...


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