Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Inside a direct and simple love narrative

Most times in life simplicity is the key while working wide world with international artists and women being also a part of me.
Below are random sentences after pictures based on love 

Artwork by Italian maestro Rolando Cicatelli based on my love Elena and me along "V and Evey" characters, Portuguese writer Fernando Pessoa, some inspired background by Austrian artist Gustav Klimt masterpiece "The Kiss", a quote and a sentence that I wrote


There's an artwork where "V and Evey" stand by Portuguese writer's Fernando Pessoa's pen...

There's a window still not being at the top of a hill...

Lana - 01

There's Lana bewitching me for free...

Terhi Ekebom - "The Gals"

There are Finnish artist Terhi Ekebom "The Gals" being themselves in book shelves...

Daria - 01

There's Daria Kovaleva loving me while counting till three...

There's a last cigarette burning bright...

There's no light without insight...

The Wild Enigma

There's a woman that I love named The Wild Enigma not being a stigma...

There's a book without a hook... 

Elena - 01

There's my love Helen of Troy being my joy...

There's a flower caught by the hour...

There's an artistic masterpiece in the city that I was born outside a storm...

Lana - 02

There's Lana again loving me with no pain...

Artwork by Finnish artist Terhi Ekebom

There're some fish being stylish...

Daria - 02

There's Daria Kovaleva telling me that she loves me more than a vintage car...

There's "trick or treat" when we meet...

There's the world being small outside a house hall...

Artwork by Bolivian artist Sergio Alejandro Aguilera - 01

There's TV humming to thee...

Elena - 02

There's Elena being my blonde bombshell bomb outside a storm...


There's an art school being cool...


There's a treasure cave without a single slave...

Artwork by Bolivian artist Sergio Alejandro Aguilera - 02

There's another galaxy where we can be...

Daria Kovaleva 

There's Daria telling me that I'm her heart for a start...


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