Thursday, March 2, 2023

A direct love speech from Tanya to my liquid heart


- Man, it's spring time... 

- Earth stands fine... 

- River Loire at France... 

- Still has some chance... 

- Mask wear I with glance... 

- Us inside a dance.... 

- Pagan we must be.. 

- Forging energy... 

- Lunar electricity... 

- Within the verb "to be"... 

- Feeling lazy calm... 

- Reading thy hand's palm... 

- Bizarre ancestry... 

- Lost geometry... 

- Clothes to forget... 

- Fur ain't got no act... 

- Carved in stone.. 

- Druids being left alone... 

- Remember I... 

- 2001, space odyssey... 

- Kubrick defying odds.. 

- Mad Max acting furiously... 

- Land without gods... 

- There's no band... 

- Ravens pave our land... 

- Sailing boats made of wood... 

- Feeding our mood... 

- Sometimes feel I a bit lost... 

- Cities are kinda just... 

- Bloody hate superheroine being... 

- Astrology makes me feel inside a lousy movie's scene.. 

- Tell me not... 

- Kind of forgot... 

- Stage art's shot... 

- Harvesting again... 

- Not feeling myself lame... 

- Stars as our guide... 

- Like a 9 mm movies slide... 

- Several times fire does... 

- Echo inside us... 

- Harbouring a dragons fleet... 

- Flowers we must always keep... 

- Wine definitely not... 

- Ale is ancient distillery... 

- Romans gladiators machinery... 

- Blood and sweat in the arena caught... 

- Eagles empire... 

- No vessel blood lyre... 

- Do know... 

- Tongues always are a show... 

- Dialectically do glow... 

- Makes me sleepy feel... 

- Never by you slow... 

- By delight's forest hill... 

- Remembering the crusaders army... 

- Distributing God's word... 

- Truly uncanny... 

- Upon a sword... 

- Grab I a normal hair pin... 

- Where streets have mean... 

- Hair suddenly does become... 

- Medusa's harmony zone.. 

- Amnesia that track me does give... 

- No shirt's sleeve... 

- There's our deed... 

- Pigeons to feed.. 

- Bergman does depict... 

- Movies inside no ship..

- You, me and bear... 

- Inside a triple double dare..

- Do know that we do care... 

- Festivals without room... 

- Wake me up never soon..

- Near Stonehenge..

- Factual stance... 

- Like Cleopatra suddenly don't I understand... 

- God's master plan... 

- Where Moses did jam... 

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