Friday, February 3, 2023

A direct love speech from Anna to our shared heart


- My Man, love of mine...

- Whisper me again...

- Time's fine...

- 2009...

- Nekrosius "The Idiot" say...

- São João does pay...

- 2008...

- Never we being late...

- "Buchinger’s Boot Marionettes"...

- Among Lisbon cats...

- 2004...

-Teca's "Mahabharata"...

- Loving you more...

- Not some ghost sonata...

- "Schicklgruber" in Porto does play not today...

- By the sofa me and you...

- Caring only about what's new...

- Album photos browsing...

- Memories do not...

- Feel myself hot...

- By the beach counting...

- Car that does speed...

- Without need...

- Looking at everywhere...

- Where house forms air...

- Do know that not inside some pray...

- You make me say...

- 2022 did start...

- Grab I thy heart...

- Definitely it was 2007...

- Yours and my heaven...

- House with shade...

- Kitchen doesn't fade...

- Cards without spade...

- Lights by the façade...

- Playing tennis along...

- Not caring about the bloody phone...

- Inside the pool...

- Drive me as a fool...

- More than my name...

- Keep me cool...

- Sugar me tame...

- Flowers me you give must...

- Don't pretend...

- Be more than just...

- World of ours doesn't end...

- By the door...

- Number 4...

- Inside our room...

- Levitate me into the moon...

- Do know that it is...

- Let me fall inside your kiss...

- Surely beat won't fail...

- 2016...

- Huge smithereen...

- Coffee and cream...

- Into the green...

- Books to produce...

- Exhibition artworks to choose...

- Too much things inside your head...

- Naked body does state....

- Pages by the bed...

- Keep me awake...

- Hold legs of mine...

- Care not about a rhyme...

- Know that it's also long hair...

- Wanting you everywhere...

- By Alcântara-Mar in 1993...

- Upholding reality...

- No fantasy.. 

- Enter into me...

- Love when I'm part of thee...

- Share no cherry...

- Make me merry...

- Amelie Poulain never does say:

"Surprise me anyway" 

- By 2005...

- Different take...

- No "Corpse Bride"...

- Dance with me awake...

- Make bodies shake...

- Not only legacy...

- Always being we...

- By the sea...

- Love's plenty...

- Cuddle me...

- Release we both energy...

- No need for poetry...

- Deep inside me...

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A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...