Tuesday, February 7, 2023

A direct love speech from Mascara to our shared heart


- My Man, love of mine...

- Special say....

- Earth is a tiny dime...

- Loving you every single day...

- Not only thy flavor...

- Land does stand...

- Being us braver...

- Picture that does move...

- Snow harbouring our mood...

- Troubled world we must beware...

- Not staring at elsewhere...

- Play no band...

- By Nippon's land...

- Together we can...

- Display Shazam...

- Into Shamballa...

- No Buddhist myth...

- Listening us to Calla...

- Call me sweet..

- Years that we together back go...

- Thy major love..

- Where storms never show...

- Carrying more than one glove...

- Let's spin around..

- By the Carrousel...

- Ronin gong's sound...

- When you call me belle...

- Inside do know that we don't die...

- Soulmates never are shy....

- Towards eternity...

- Being thy only sweety...

- Most of the times we do remember...

- Snow's December...

- By Kyoto do we spin...

- Not inside a dream...

- Visiting Shinjuku...

- Not caring about Seppuku...

- Kobe always does stand...

- Island to island...

- Ocean reaches our hand...

- Caress we simple sand...

- Kiss me once not...

- Passion is never spent...

- Feel you hot...

- Time's bent...

- Box to use...

- Orchids to blow...

- Poison bruise...

- Wild west show...

- Inside me and inside you...

- Something true...

- Forget we fashion...

- No morning cushion...

- Star that never does fade...

- Eyes of mine being thy shade...

- Do know that Estafeta loves also thee...

- Where there's truth...

- There's energy...

- Concert merged in youth...

- Trying to thanks say...

- Paper planes do play...

- Unzip my jeans...

- Boots lost its means...

- Snow puts us inside a can of sardines...

- Tuna fish...

- Mayonnaise wish...

- Light's breach...

- Always be the one...

- Children's Sun...

- Saturn does travel way...

- Moon's having fun...

- Arigato we do say...

- There's our visage...

- Shadow's mirage...

- Always create...

- Never do we state...

- Option bait...

- Time to wait...

- Not coming that late...

- You know...

- Without you...

- True...

- World doesn't flow...

- Melt inside me...

- Release an inner vacancy...

- Feed our reality...

- When I'm forever within thee...

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