Friday, December 31, 2021

A direct speech from Lana Nizhegorodskaya to me


- Come on my Man...

- Till the year's end...

- Xmas was sweet...

- Me and you real deep...

- Don't forget...

- Love's fact...

- Give me your hand...

- Together we're a kaleidoscopic band...

- My fingers combing your hair...

- Everywhere...

- We must dance...

- Life ain't only romance...

- Inside my heart...

- Where we both start...

- It is how you touch me...

- Our mutual energy...

- Kissing your lips...

- Moving my hips...

- You always tell me this:

"We're a serpent's hiss"

- Baking bread...

- Cookies are by the bed...

- It is our room...

- Never too soon...

- Rock and pop...

- We're totally top...

- My red dress...

- Thy jeans, no mess...

- Belt that ties...

- No sighs...

- Moaning to you...

- True...

- Way more than fire...

- No desperate pyre...

- Our love's flame...

- Being thy dame...

- My fingernails on your body...

- Scratching golly...

- No tragedy...

- We're more than simpathy...

- Leipzig's still awake...

- Porto has a fabulous shape...

- Need to an apple eat...

- Delicious treat...

- Painted eyebrows...

- Inside vowels...

- Hold me again...

- Inside our love's plane...

- World is mad...

- Need you deeply inside me...

- By the bed...

- Fulfiling more than fantasy...

- You must...

- Be just...

- I'll drive the car...

- Showcasing our love star...

- Daughter told me...

- That together we're synergy...

- Love, lost the key...

- Closed door...

- We must be...

- Even more...

- Don't wanna know...

- About any freakish show...

- Let's create magic...

- Nothing tragic...

- Caress me like you always do...

- Just me and you...

- Biting your fingertip...

- No need to grip...

- We're shadow and light...

- Beloved sight...

- Need your help, my love...

- Am no dove...

- Press play...

- Louder today...

- My hair pins...

- Don't need any scenes...

- Knock me again...

- Feel myself not tame...

- Orgasmic feel...

- No need for us to chill...

- Volcano's awake...

- Let's shiver and shake...

- Kiss my eyes...

- Tongue blisterly sighs...

- Vampire being...

- Flying cream...

- Jack Daniel's on the house...

- Port wine's on my green blouse..

- Position spoon..

- No doom..

- Again, thy snake..

- Makes me endlessly shake...

A short direct speech from Monali Roy to our shared heart


- My Man, yellow is...
- Give me a bloody kiss...
- Always you tell me that we both have glam...
- With you by my side we're more than a simple bang...

- But you know me my love...
- Never do know...
- Inside our alcove...
- About a dual show...
- Daughter also loves you...
- It's how you provides us everything new...

- Thy anniversary was merry...
- Ate cake with jelly...
- We're arriving 2022...
- Just me and you...
- No need to feel blue...
- Want you to move me again...
- Feel a bit lame...
- Put me in your lap...
- No need to chat...

- Rivers never run dry...
- Vision I them with my left eye...
- There's the prettiest city in the world...
- Don't make me stare at any wall...
- Wear I...
(No lie)
- Dress greenish...
- Our mutual wish...
- Just don't make me fall...
- There's our mutual call...

- My black hair on your face...
- Being my true ace...
- Put me again...
- Real sane...
- No need for entropy...
- Just you and me...
- No rent's free...
- Must cook us codfish...
- There's plenty of cheese...

- Daughter will take care of dessert sweet...
- Real neat...
- Let's not sleep thinking on the moon...
- Way too soon...
- Fertile soil...
- No coil...
- Press play...
- Love song's day...
- Into our atmosphere...
- Contraction...
- Everywhere...
- Deep action...

- Our perpetual passion...
- To love you...
- Every single day new...
- Always reading myself...
- Like a rare book from our shelf...
- Embrace me...
- Purest energy...
- Don't act like James Bond...
- He's a character at some pond...

- Bridge's script...
- No snakes pitt...
- Be my vicious thing...
- No need for any scene...
- Of course that you're what you're...
- Never away, nor far...
- My heart that suddenly beats...
- No need for sugary treats...
- Love me sweets...
- Give me your right hand...
- We're not a dystopical end...
- CODE QR...
- Know that I can...
- Human bar...
- Love you as my only Man...
- Truth be told...
- No cold...
- Don't think...
- Flow myself with thy ink...
- Just tell me that you'll love me towards eternity...
- Way more than any simple sea...
- To be ourselves real...
- Utmost feel...
- Our endless hill...
- No need to chill...

- Fingertip me...
- Into duplicity...
- By you prettier I am...
- Do know that we're more than a simple bang can...

- Russia will talk...
- America'll go for a walk...
- India'll inhale chalk...
- Asia'll be Punkish rock...
- Oceania'll be in shock...
- Europe'll go amok...
- Africa'll be a simple dock...
- Life's what it's...
- Just give me another glamorous kiss...

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

A loud love speech from my blonde bombshell Mascara to our ensemble heart

- Sweet love of mine...

- Delight's fine...

- Don't call me sweet... 

- We go way deep...

- Into thy arms...

- Caressing our mutual charms...

- Truth be told...

- Life has heart and soul...

- Just give me...

- Piece of anatomy... 

- Hell's Heaven...

- Let's count till 7...

- My charming Man... 

- Noir(ish) pen...

- Outside any mystery...

- Collide I into thee...

- Rome's free...

- Gladiator's zone... 

- Loving you to the bone... 

- People can't understand... 

- Our purest slam glam... 

- Fridge's ice-cream... 

- Innuendo's dream... 

- Outside reality's scene... 

- By our room... 

- Never late, nor soon... 

- Touching the sky... 

- Where we both lie... 

- Instantly our hearts beat... 

- Lured by a Xmas treat... 

- Candies do flow...

- No show...

- Simplicity is...

- Us inside our kiss... 

- Don't forget... 

- Thy only blonde bombshell I am... 

- Estafeta's our pet...

- Mythology's inside a simple can... 

- Sister sometimes to us is mad... 

- Eating our daily bread... 

- But what can I do?

- You know that I love you... 

- James Bond did shake... 

- Never has a break... 

- Only some movie, babe... 

- We're each other's slave... 

- Always me like this... 

- Wear I thy chemise... 

- Feel total bliss... 

- Thy heart's Portuguese... 

- Whenever or wherever... 

- Doesn't matter... 

- Hold I thy hand right... 

- Uptight... 

- Spinning my head... 

- By our bed... 

- Lips synced together... 

- Jacket's leather... 

- Not a synonym... 

- Label our pin... 

- You know what I mean... 

- Fields into oblivion... 

- Our dominion... 

- Cherish me tame..

- Pure lovely membrane... 

- Don't feel shame... 

- We're more than an human game...

- Not nurturing the day...

- There's our say...

"Marriage ain't a dull play"

- Grab me gently...

- Softly...

- Echo in me...

- No poetry...

- Towards eternity...

- Laser some beams...

- While a young bird sings...

- Thy brown hair...

- Like a spiral's sphere...

- Way more than a sailor...

- Not a bloody tailor...

- Enchanting reality...

- When I'm you and you me...

- Forgot to bake...

- Sugary cake...

- Don't you dare...

- Stopping our atmosphere...

- Trees give...

- Everything...

- World does bring...

- Me Queen and you King...

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

A soft speech from Janina Barabas to me


- Not gloomy I am...

- Inside your pen...

- Delighted to see...

- Where you'll take me...

- Silence does endure...

- Morning air's pure...

- Let's dance...

- No trance...

- From window to door...

- Paganism is by the floor...

- Noticed thy chemise... 

- At ease...

- Being Portuguese... 

- Castle's asleep...

- Moving us real deep...

- Wolves eyes... 

- Are 69 sighs...

- No human glance... 

- Sudden romance...

- Nosferatu dwells...

- In Transylvania's spells...

- Like Red Riding Hood...

- Felt in the mood...

- Open I your heart...

- Peel a start...

- Not playing a part...

- You tell me:

"Poets gather humility for free"

- Don't know what to think...

- Being lost in thy ink...

- Ripped I pages from a book...

- With my look...

- Didn't forgot...

- Thy sailor's knot...

- Body did move...

- If only I could...

- Notice by you sand...

- Touch it with my left hand...

- Nephilim did grab some path...

- Simple melody...

- Light ain't dark...

- Our everlasting sea...

- From Aeon to Aeon...

- At home...

- Inside Russia's mother... 

- Walk we further...

- Thin White Duke sang...

- Nathan Adler's bang...

- Pessoa disquiet was...

- By the early bus...

- Mother nature does bring...

- A stunning scene...

- By the Red Square...

- Lay myself bare...

- Not inside a show...

- But at Moscow...

- Footstep upon footstep...

- Visioning a second's gap...

- Inside our mind...

- We're kind...

- Crowley did told...

- That Talilah is gold... 

- Mirror's inside a tree...

- Humming at you and me...

- Xmas' winter bird..

- Carries no sword...

- Water by my face...

- Inside our eternal gaze...

- Tell you this:

"Let's count till 6"

- Body's suddenly awoke...

- No joke...

- Horsemen four...

- Wanted more...

- Pirates swept aside...

- Knifes at their mouths with pride...

- Like Khan's sons...

- Carrying no guns...

- Wore thy t-shirt...

- Faith was giving birth...

- By the church shadow's gone...

- My blonde hair was alone...

- Kiss I the sky...

- Our fangs do sigh...

- Bela Lugosi's in Hungary...

- No jeopardy...

- His chubby cheeks...

- At undead's peaks...

- Time to blame...

- Human game...

- Sharing with you bread...

- Letting Ourobouros' skin shed...

Monday, December 20, 2021

Something sweet told to me by my soul mate Hélia

- It's almost Xmas time...

- Hazelnuts and port wine...

- Let's do it fine...

- Cake must be our goldmine...

- Snow doesn't shine...

- Again and again...

- Being thy dame...

- When the world is tame...

- Don't need fame...

- Outside any game...

- Never feel lame..

- The prettiest city in the world...

- Broadcasting images that ain't small...

- Press play...

- During day...

- Rain's storm...

- Endemoniada as our love song...

- Towards the bright sky...

- Feel myself high...

- More than a simple dance...

- Not exiting our romance...

- Just call me sweet...

- Again deep...

- Like a rhythm foretold...

- Never cold...

- By the sea...

- Rose's purity...

- My golden hair...

- Everywhere...

- Come candle glass...

- Inside a pass...

- Rudolph does say...

- That world's our bay...

- Cat says "Whatever..."

- Land of ever...

- Single match...

- Embroidery's patch...

- Thy coat...

- More than a love boat...

- Don't act like Superman...

- Have I Lois Lane's glam...

- Clark Kent's spam..

- Sweet coffeeshop...

- Love's shot..

- To whisper and behold..

- Heart's inner toll...

- Opening the door...

- Not counting till 4...

- By the table codfish... 

- Smashed potatoes ain't a wish...

- Again the song...

- Blasted love bomb...

- Read me a book...

- There's our look...

- When we know what to cook...

- Lightning bolt...

- Myriads inside a lamp bulb...

- Aeons and Aeons we live on...

- Where the trees forlorn...

- Let's move again...

- Where the streets have no name...

- Forgetting the moon...

- Never late, nor soon...

- Present time does dwell...

- Acronym's spell...

- H's letter...

- Venus in leather...

- Mars inside a feather...

- It is where we both were born...

- Inside a vicious stone...

- Atlantean fact...

- Our together act...

- Just tell me..

- That I'm also thee...

- Pages that turn...

- Candle again burn...

- Souls church echo again...

- Where cats are tame...

- Our fascination street...

- Us greet...

- Let's cloud walk...

- No need to talk..

- Just be "you"...

- Always something new...

- Simple man...

- My sweet pen...

- Looking back...

- Time inside our backpack...

- In the cuisine...

- No mystery's seen...

A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...