Wednesday, December 1, 2021

A soft speech from little Camila to me


- Man in the North...

- Told you about Marsik...

- He's so sweet...

- Cat from 2018...

- Not inside a dream...

- Mum told me about a bridge...

- No stitch...

- 3 years old...

- Story not untold...

- During the cold...

- Remember that I drew it to you...

- Without colour blue...

- Sympathy...

- Tenderly sweetly...

- Sis told me that he was like you...

- Always something new...

- Today tasted snow...

- Where the wild wind glow...

- Not inside any show...

- Mum and her black hair...

- Is our abundant atmosphere...

- Then out of nowhere...

- We were playing football everywhere...

- Your nieces are pretty...

- Soft and sweety...

- Cat entered your hat...

- For a quick nap...

- No chit or chat...

- Stared I at the cloud...

- You weren't talking loud...

- Forming an origami paperwork...

- Without a knife or a fork...

- Gave Marsik food...

- Felt totally good...

- Into your bliss heart...

- There was no depart...

- Looked at dragon from right...

- Curious sight...

- Left dragon did glide...

- Into a snowy slide...

- At Kiev's streets main...

- There was Ukraine's gain...

- Noticed a peekaboo...

- It was you...

- Penning something completely new...

- With your hands imitating Sun and Moon...

- Always fun, being soon...

- Sis told me about how you did saw the sea...

- Your own primal entity...

- Then cat again...

- Outside any game...

- Told me about 475...

- No major hive...

- Thought this to myself:

"Man's at my bookshelf"

- Mum did whispered me your words one by one...

- It was utterly fun...

- Then I scored a goal...

- Net did fall...

- Couldn't understand...

- Behind it was a musical band...

- Quickly remember this that you told me:

"Not earth, but brilliant sea" 

"You're synonym of poetry" 

"Ukraine fierce will be" 

"No bigotry" 

- My cat was scratching the door...

- Quickly visioned I number 4...

- Mum did feed him...

- He wasn't mean...

- Cuddly and fun...

- He's my sun...

- Arrived I at the kitchen's fridge...

- He did ate lots of cheese...

- Maybe he was Portuguese...

- Like you...

- Not saying please...

- Completely true...

- At school...

- Felt I cool...

- Marsik isn't my tool...

- Played tennis with you and mum...

- Having tons of fun...

- Sis was a bit jealous of our time...

- There was no reason to rhyme...

- Your voice was in my head:

"Little Camila future does start"

"Not inside a piece of art"

"But where's the heart" 

"Mum will make of you" 

"Someone pure and new" 

- Stared I again at the sky...

- Dragons were flying real high...

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