Monday, October 16, 2017

Sticker in a road - Only lovers left alive

Since I was a child I never knew how to write love stories...
How can a person describe a feeling with simple words?
How can someone put a love letter in a bottle and leave it randomly in some vast ocean?
Only lovers left alive is about a woman and a man...
Only lovers left alive is about everything and nothing at the same time...
Only lovers left alive is simply about life and a feeling in it...

"Sticker in a road"

I'm lost in a crossroad, it's raining cats and dogs and I clearly don't know where I am...

I'm on a road and I see a woman coming towards me telling me that I'm a puzzle with twenty five years.
 She smiles at me while saying:
- Will you join me for a beer in a bar in this same road?
I don't know what to answer since sparrows are whispering to me about a storm...
She continues talking with me:
- I've a Jack Daniels bottle in my car and some cigarettes...
The woman tells me:
- Have you seen me?

I look left and right, I smoke a cigarette and I think that a dream is an ice cream...
I answer her:
- Will you let me back in after the storm passes?
- Will I be able to smoke in your car?
- Will I be able to drink a bit of Jack Daniels inside it?
- I'm cold and I'll surely need sugar and honey after drinking and smoking.

The woman tells me about the virtues of a man like me that's widely known in the city where I was born and she tells me that she saw me on the news with lots of drawings based on myself by international artists and that my name is all over the world wide web with written articles about my work and who I am in several languages.
 I tell her that I'm only a simple guy that was born in Porto, that loves to communicate with people while showing my emotions and admiring artworks and that's all.
 She talks with me about soccer and how much she loves this sport.
 She also tells me that eyes are more than simple lies.
 I don't know what to tell her since I'm being burned by a cigarette that I'm smoking while she's talking to me.
  She asks me:
 - Do you comb your hair?
 I answer her:
- I don't remember combing it for twenty five years...
She continues telling me about present times, past times and thoughts about the future and I get a bit confused...
She asks me this:
- Have you ever lost any love?
- Who do you love most in life?
I try to reply her questions by telling her that I believe in "no lost love" and that I love my nephews, nieces and my kitty Ilvie because I know that she's alive and I'm not being able to see her and this hurts deep inside me.

She stares at me and tells me that with all its ups and downs, we live in a wonderful life...
I listen to flying sparrows while she's telling me this...
I watch the road ahead of us a bit scared...
I don't talk...
I don't think...
I only listen to my heart beating and beating...

She talks with me about flowers...
She tells me that she loves origami as an hobby...
I tell her that I believe in the power of words with feelings...
She tells me about how she feels her heart and soul fleeing her body lots of times while she's dreaming...
She tells me about her past...
I ask her:
- Will you help?
She asks me:
- With what?
I answer her:
- With everything...
She tells me: 
- I'll break your heart...
I tell her:
- Your past is not my concern...
While driving the road where we are in, we laugh, I smoke cigarettes, she tells me that she's tired and that I also am tired and we continue laughing and laughing until the break of dawn...
I tell her that I do feel her and that I'll show her the world in my eyes being her devotee...

To be continued


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