Dizes-me isto:- Hey...- Na mais bela cidade do mundo...- Sempre a fundo...- Recordaste da ponte?- Também é uma fonte...- Uma melodia faz vibrar...- A energia positiva que paira no ar...- Um rio junto ao mar...- Talvez...- Sempre de vez...- As mãos que Deus fez e refez...- O sonho é a realidade...- Na nossa cidade...- Nunca vaidade...- Amor verdadeiro...- Não interessa um qualquer idioma estrangeiro...- Ambos unidos...- Nunca feridos...- Ambos erguidos...- Nunca vencidos...Respondo-te isto:- Sem vertigens vou ao teu encontro...- Sem loucura sei que és doçura...- Café...- Sempre de pé...- Luz sem cruz...- Agarro a tua mão...- Somos uma nação...- Ligados ao coração...- Com emoção e paixão...- És a minha sereia encantada...- Nada perdida em contos de fada...- O teu cabelo no meu casaco...- Nada é opaco...- Saber...- Crescer...- O amanhecer...- O anoitecer...- Perto de ti...- O mundo sorri...- Nunca talvez...- Nem duas, nem três...- Escuto o nosso coração a bater...- Sentimos a terra a tremer...- O metro faz com que pensemos no nosso prazer...- Ser um...- 2001...- Duzentos papéis...- 2046...- Na tua escuridão me perco...- O nosso pequeno beco...- A observar muralhas fernandinas...- Assemelham-se a concertinas...- Estamos sempre bem...- Não vibramos com a vida de ninguém...Tu olhas para mim enquanto observamos a lua nua e crua...Respondes-me isto:- A nossa rua...- Sem segredo...- Sem medo...- Sem mistério...- O nosso hemisfério...- Vamos dançar até cair...- Sem pensar no devir...- És a razão da minha existência...- Sem demência...- Com essência...- Os pardais voam entre nós numa ponte com dois tabuleiros...- Não nos falam de pinheiros...- Com cabeça...- A sua beleza...- A sua certeza...- Sem pensar...- Devagar...- Ficamos sem ar...- Anda ter comigo...- O mundo é o nosso umbigo...- Sonho...- Nada medonho...- Tu e eu...- Nada de estórias...- Memórias...- Saltar para as tuas cavalitas...- Mesmo quando palavras do teu corpo debitas...- És o meu tigre...- Hibrido...- Felino/canino...- O nosso amor é genuino...
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Uma história de amor para a minha alma gémea Hélia
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Short info inside a draft about Constantine and Covid - C/C project with help by international artists
There's Covid time inside a rhyme...
There's love in the wings of a dove...
I know that I always try to put a bit of my life in my work because that's how I always was...
I also know that some of my skills are gathering emotions towards people or living beings who I love and share this astonishing blue planet with...
All my memories are intact as a pure fact...
Working on a character that's driven by demons with help by international artists as John Constantine is, it's not an easy task because he doesn't wear any mask.
John's a simple guy and within my mind, I had several beers with him while we both talked about the most hedious, terrible and even the most mesmerizing aspects in this thing named life that every living being has.
I know that I've learned a lot with Constantine without any dream...
Hellblazer is a coat that carries flames inside a boat...
There's a cab without a tab...
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Ellen Von Unwerth's masks Love is not pride inside a ride... Love is not a mask with a task... |
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Love is fire in flame...
No shame...
No game...
Nobody to blame...
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Elena, Constantine and "l'adoration de la terre" |
Once again, me and Elena don't have any pain because we both have a brain...
there's John again...
No disdain...
A love moment...
No train in vain...
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My youngest niece |
What can I say about my youngest niece that I've never told before?
That I'll always love her as my youngest niece being her Portuguese?
Her sweet dreams after Covid will pass aren't going to be screams at all...
Know her since she was a tiny baby and she never stared at a wall...
She's my joy...
Part of my own blood...
She'll always be my flood...
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Nadya A painter paints... No sweat if it's a bat... Nadya's a treasure... Every single thing that she does comes from her heart with pleasure... |
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Two of my nieces My nieces are princesses and not a piece of chess... They are the future to behold... Be the weather hot or cold... |
Covid makes us wonder about the true purpose of art...
Maybe we as human beings must give it a new start?
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My friend and Finnish artist Terhi Ekebom working |
Reality kicks...
Dreams aren't bricks...
Terhi is the prettiest soul that I've ever met...
She's not a brat...
Being her a fighter makes the world brighter...
Nature as endurance...
No beat séance...
Body resistance...
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Proud of my youngest niece |
Once again my youngest niece dreaming of Maori to be...
Near the sacred sea...
Her oldest uncle as a fabric tailor...
Not being a fashion sailor...
Many thanks to all international artists who support several of my projects that're and will continue to be developed with hard work in different countries all over this little planet inside a vast cosmos while I try to make a project new with Constantine not being mean...
Special thanks to my soulmate Elena, to Nadya, to all my nieces and nephews and to Terhi just because we all believe that we must adore this planet blue for true...
Below is Jamie Delano that developed Hellblazer character talking a bit about John while being in 2018 at Barcelona-Spain
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Um discurso curto directo numa cábula para a minha alma gémea Hélia
Dizes-me isto:
- Tu sempre...
- Nunca ausente...
- Meu corpo está dormente...
- Estado presente...
- Sem génio...
- Açúcar...
- Preciso do teu oxigénio...
- Rebuçado...
- Nunca fado...
- Anda comigo...
- Percorremos o nosso umbigo...
- É um figo...
- Porto de abrigo...
- Espantalhos...
- Galhos...
- Talvez...
- Anda...
- Na varanda...
- Ar...
- Remar...
- Amar...
- Sem sonhar...
Eu observo o teu sorriso sem pensar...
Sangue do meu sangue está numa fotografia...
Inclusive numa autobiografia...
Inclusive numa autobiografia...
Olhas para mim e dizes-me isto:
- Erotismo...
- Sensação...
- Taoismo...
- Paixão...
- Tantrismo...
- Emoção...
Corremos de mão dada pela praia...
A areia entra no nosso corpo...
Nada está morto...
- Igreja...
- Cereja...
- No teu vestido cinzento...
- Não existe tempo...
- Existe mais que um lamento...
- Não existe lamento...
Olhas com atenção na minha direção...
O teu cabelo de ouro bate na minha face como um besouro...
Procuramos um tesouro...
Voltas a dar-me a tua mão.
Dizes-me isto:
- Tu e eu somos mais que uma nação...
- Emoção...
- Amor...
- Paixão...
- Cor...
- Casar...
- Sem sonhar...
A direct speech inside a dialogue to my babe Mascara + Daria/ Corto/Constantine tribute project - International artis
Mascara sometimes provides me coffee and rum...
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Me and Mascara |
- Man, come on...
- What the fuck?
- A K?
- Bloody May?
- Once again?
- Maybe yes...
- Your left hand on my chest...
- What the fuck?
- A K?
- Bloody May?
- Once again?
- Maybe yes...
- Your left hand on my chest...
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Mascara - 01 |
- Maybe no...
- Your right hand goes wherever it want...
- Wand...
- Your right hand goes wherever it want...
- Wand...
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Movie tickets - Part 1 |
- Outside of the dark...
- We glow...
- No park...
- We glow...
- No park...
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Cake |
- Mask...
- No task...
- Forbidden tree...
- You and me...
- You and me...
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Tribute to Hellblazer by Italian Lorenzo Scipioni |
- Carry me on your shoulders...
- Need to buy bread...
- Nothing to spare...
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Mascara - 02 |
- Label king...
- Make me dream inside our scream...
- Make me dream inside our scream...
- Coffee...
- Hookah...
- Toffee...
- Hookah...
- Toffee...
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Daria Kovaleva |
- Don't hammer my mind...
- To you I'm always kind...
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With friends |
- Sweat when we meet...
- Trick or treat...
- You're so sweet...
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Movie tickets - Part 2 |
- What to do?
- It's only me and you...
- I'm more than your doll...
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Printed artworks by Canadian artist Dave Cooper and Argentine artist Patricia Breccia |
- You're my nature call...
- Not staring at a wall...
- Not staring at a wall...
- Being me and you without a fall...
I caress your blonde hair inside our inner atmosphere...
You hum a bit...
There's a treat...
You being neat...
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Mascara - 03 |
Tell you this:
- Love girl...
- You're joy...
- No toy...
- Your feet are our treat...
- So sweet...
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Mascara - 04 |
- Geeze sang this:
- "murder her with a kiss"...
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French actress Laetitia Casta seen by Ellen Von Unwerth lens |
- Bliss...
- Moscow...
- Low...
- Five in a row...
- Body in a corset...
- We're set...
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John Willie's Bizarre book |
You mess my hair...
There's our bed...
You're a bit mad...
I'm not at all sad...
There's our bed...
You're a bit mad...
I'm not at all sad...
You tell me this:
- You're always like this...
- My host...
- Kiss...
- No ghost...
- Religion dandy...
- You're free handy...
- You're always like this...
- My host...
- Kiss...
- No ghost...
- Religion dandy...
- You're free handy...
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Mascara - 05 |
- Body cream...
- No dream...
- Eros and Psyche...
- I'll be your insight into my inner self...
- No shelf...
- No dream...
- Eros and Psyche...
- I'll be your insight into my inner self...
- No shelf...
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Artwork based on myself by Belgium artist Christophe Swijsen - 01 |
- Eraser rubber...
- Trembling hands...
- Short amends...
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Mascara - 06 |
- Our bodies suddenly bend...
- No loose end...
- TV...
- You and me...
- Where's cherry, mon chéri?
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Artwork based on myself by Belgium artist Christophe Swijsen - 02 |
- Wear your clothes...
- What to do?
- I can be naked with you...
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Daria and Nadya |
- Flower...
- Hour...
- Not sour...
- Want more...
- River boat...
- Making out with your coat...
- River boat...
- Making out with your coat...
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Movie tickets - Part 3 |
- It's a date...
- Promenade...
- No bait...
- Promenade...
- No bait...
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- Harlequin...
- We're real...
- Not a dream...
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Covid |
Not knowing what we were going to do, I told you that I was going to marry thee near the sea...
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Me and Belgium artist Dominique Goblet at Saint Petersburg's Russia |
You tell me about our house performance with romance...
I answer you this:
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Hugo Pratt's fashion character Corto Maltese in theater |
- We're more than a scream in Moscow eating ice-scream...
Many thanks to all international artists that always supported several of my exhibitions, book collections or projects exhibited and distributed all over the world and that can be read/seen in this blogue in previous posts for the past four years such as:
Tributes to Valentina created by Italian maestro Guido Crepax
Cats as pets
Life and Death
Tributes to Argentine maestro Alberto Breccia
My own Autobiography
A Zombie Girl staring at a wall
Mascara Girl inside a Call
Didi Wray lost inside a love story every single day
Poems dedicated to fashion models
Tributes to Hugo Pratt's fashion character Corto Maltese
Tributes to Hellblazer character
Special thanks to Svetlana,Mascara, Daria, Didi, all extraordinary women that I've met/meet or will met, Nadya, Elena and Hélia (my soulmates) and to my five kitties stolen from me whose names are: Jacky, Nuala, Maya, Pimpolha, Ilvie (who will haunt my dreams and nightmares until I die) from two evil women from my past life.
A love poem to my babe Sue McEnnis
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Banksky and Sue |
- There's the sea...
- You and me...
- A song by John Murphy...
- In The House...
- Green blouse...
- In A Heartbeat...
- You're So Sweet...
- Iguana ain't a peeled banana...
- Love goes back...
- We're a pack...
- Carry you on my shoulders...
- Nothing can hold us...
- Covid?
- Let's ride...
- Love you with pride...
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Sue - 02 |
- Holy ghost...
- Is not a host...
- Bansky is looking at the sky so high...
- The sun is fun...
- Not a gun...
- Your sunglasses in my eyes...
- No lies...
- U.S.
- Just a mess...
- Nils Frahm is on our playlist...
- Saying that life ain't a priest...
- Saviour to be...
- No Messiah near the sea...
- Your hair is my atmosphere...
- You still carry my jeans...
- By all means...
- No rock...
- Roll...
- No shock...
- Our goal...
- Marriage at hand...
- No loose end...
- Yes...
- Playing chess...
- Your smile's on my face...
- Human embrace...
- A Pogues song...
- Bong...
- If I should fall from grace with god...
- Love our dog...
- Happy...
- Someone...
- Snacky...
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Sue - 03 |
- Fun...
- Be...
- That...
- Knee...
- There's our hat...
- I absolutely love you...
- We aren't neither absolute beginners...
- Nor sinners...
- Love you for a long time...
- All years and days...
- Smile at your funny little ways...
You answer me this:
- Know your heart...
- It's mine from a early start...
- You're no character at all...
- There's our wild call...
- When I wake up in the morning...
- Your body is by my side...
- Without a single slide...
- Our love is...
- Bliss...
- You're the measure of my dreams...
- Even when we listen people screams...
- The world is a vampire...
- We've our own bound wire...
- I suppose I show...
- Whatever inside me glow...
- Planet blue...
- Nature's green...
- Your gaze shoe...
- Such a spleen...
- Love you from dusk till dawn...
- No pawn...
- You're my chosen one...
- Always in the sun...
- Time...
- Bells chime...
- Read Shakespeare...
- No spear...
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Sue - 04 |
- In you I count the stars...
- Not closed bars...
- You always are a child to my heart...
- Perfect from the start...
- Lover in my bed...
- Put flowers inside my head...
- A written page...
- New stone age...
- No crashed cars...
- Only chocolate bars...
- I know that you love me to the moon and back...
- Sometimes Jesus says: "What the heck?"
- I'm your gal...
- Don't forget mayonnaise...
- I know...
- I'm American...
- You're Portuguese...
- To me you do say please...
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