Saturday, October 31, 2020

A love monologue from Lana to me

- My Man, it's the melody...

- You and me...

- Adam and Eve...

- In our shirt's sleeve...

- Remember when I met you...

- Stylish being true...

- I knew then...

- Our Paradise was at hand...

- Inside our dance...

- Leipzig's trance...

- It's Halloween...

- Let's go scream...

- We're real...

- Not a dream...

- We each other feel...

- There's our story told...

- You keep me warm in the cold..

- There's our room light..

- Never still..

- Always bright..

- No darkness on the hill..

- Visible we're...

- Love when you grab for me a star...

- There's our kitten...

- Not being Britain...

- Feed me please...

- Know that you're Portuguese...

- My lips kiss your eyes...

- You know that this ain't no lies...

- My red hair...

- Our atmosphere...

- Tree snake...

- Hell ain't awake...

- There's our lake...

- My heart being yours for a start...

- Searched for you all my life...

- Never played with you dice...

- When we love make..

- We eat a marvellous cake...

- You know me, my Man...

- Don't Google drive...

- Love your street pen...

- Let's again ride...

- We're something new...

- Me and you..

- When you kiss my lips...

- Grabbing my hips...

- My teeth bite you...

- We never feel blue...

- I know that German you talk...

- You always give me your hand when we together walk...

- The rest is us...

- Not Hieronymous Bosch...

- Your presence...

- My essence...

- I don't care how much cash you have...

- Love when our skin shed...

- Apple being red...

- Juicy taste we're...

- Our together hours never far...

- Me and you on our car...

- Steeply chase...

- Our human embrace...

- How can I not love you?

-You've charisma being true...

- Love how you hold my hair...

- We've an orgasm without despair...

- Pillow shake...

- Sheets brake...

- Being for you Eve again...

- You're Adam without pain...

- There's butter and bread...

- When we're inside our bed...

- I don't care...

- Together we're stronger than a bear...

- During the night...

- Our perfect insight...

- Bodies fusion be...

- Us by the sea...

- I sang for you a song...

- A flute was my bomb...

- Let's go back again my Man...

- Six in a row...

- We do what we can...

- No show...

Thursday, October 29, 2020

An eulogy from my soulmate Isabel to me

- My Man, simplicity be...
- Your energy is me...
- Whatever you write...
- Brings to our together life light...
- You always act inside an insight...
- Day in, Day out...
- Us being bright...
- Our love shout...
- All narrators that ever lived in this world...
- Are a major toll...
- Don't wear your space suit...
- Cooked you a meal with fruit...
- Be my fire...
- Light the wire...
- Let speeches alone...
- Hate when you're by the phone...
- Batteries are empty shells...
- Lithium rings no bells...
- You know...
- You really know...
- Wearing your hat...
- Not being a brat...
- Love when you stare at me...
- I'm your delightful honey bee...
- No thought stream...
- Bought us ice-cream...
- Strawberry without jelly...
- There's me and you...
- Always being new...
- Sometimes jealous I am...
- Knowing that you're my Man...
- Eulogy figure of speech...
- We're each others morning breeze...
- Got you the sweetest drop...
- Come inside...
- No donut...
- You're my heart, soul and mind...
- Towards me always being kind...
- The necklace that you gave me is every single day on my neck...
- Our pentagonal tarot card deck...
- Grapes, oranges and apples...
- Deep inside our words grapples...
- It's cold today...
- We're not in May...
- Flatter our say...
- No Yin or Yang...
- We come from the Big Bang...
- Stone age we're...
- Inside our love cabin mirroring a star...
- You once told me this:
"All fiction's real and reality's a mountain hill"
"Noah's ark is a tale within an hourglass without class"
"Fear will always be mankind supreme evil's symmetry"
- Shouting at you...
- I real knew...
- That you're forming our own perfect circle for true...
- It's our love nest, my Man...
- Not ramblings lost inside a pen...
- I'm proud of you...
- Always stylish for me...
- Our stream river...
- Never shiver...
- Let world mysteries be...
- Whatever people want to see...
- Being your masterpiece...
- Keeps me at ease...
- Planet blue ain't dying...
- Politicians are lying...
- A global pandemy is our hands helding together forever near the sea...
- Sometimes you tell me things...
- In between my finger rings...
- Gentleman you're...
- Colloquially never far...
- Our guided voice...
- We've our choice...
- Eros let it be...
- Zeus opens the sea...
- Bacchus tells us about gulls...
- Canned sardines are hidden calls...
- You know that I don't care about the presidency of U.S.A.
- Liars and thieves at bay...
- Russia's the same...
- Just tell me that you love me...
- They all play a lousy game...
- It's easy to see...
- No mystery...
- Secrets are in our coat...
- As our love boat...
- You let me driven be into your spell...
- Hourglass sand...
- Know that I'm your belle...
- Grab my hand...
- Ask me to be your bride...
- I'll always be pride in our together life's ride...
- The peak of our family...
- Is you and me...
- Whatever we'll need...
- Comes from our love seed...
- Not any common feed...
- When I arrive at our home alone...
- The first thing that I do...
- Is gathering my feelings with you...
- Always stare at a written paper with words formed by your pen...
- Inside our love's den...
- You do confuse every living being...
- Love you as my Man...

- With the simplest thing...
- Inside your trance without a scream...
- Without spirals at all...
- You're always my call...
- During my class...
- I remember our previous moment pass...
- All days are like this...
- Nurturing in my eyes your morning kiss...
- Never inside any project art...
- Being always your engine start...
- Know that your shadow is tall...
- We both form a whole...
- Truth be told...
- Together we're not cold...
- Love you when you're bold...
- Sometimes I punch bags...
- Having in my hands simple rags...
- I throw salt on the floor...
- You taught me this...
- Felt you opening our door...
- As a ritual Portuguese respect for ancestry...
- My Man, our tiles...
- Forming our house files...
- Love you and you know...
- Pope Francis mind's a freakshow...
- Can't quite frankly stand...
- Why mankind does bend...
- Knowing that we both do what we can...
- Mother's with babies from their sudden deceased love affairs?
- Is this a new law?
- I'm not on that hemisphere...
- It's totally meaningless raw...
- Put our song in loop on my hears today, my Man...
- Like you told me, I actually listened to the Big Bang...
- Mutated fish...
- Inside our kiss...
- To be Danish...
- Sometimes I miss...
- To be Portuguese...
- Maybe bliss...
- Learning to cut a slice cheese...
- Onion peel...
- Vegetables growing where we stand still...
- Don't forget our Ourobouros ring...
- Till the fat lady sing...
- Come on my Man...
- I'm your candlelight...
- Not a siren spam...
- We're what we always were during the night...
- Our presence ain't a storm...
- You told me that every single minute we're "newborn"...
- Just tell me that you only love me...
- We'll open a vast sea...
- I'll be your wife...
- Without a knife...
- You'll be my husband...
- True love and you know...
- Our never ending brand...
- Love being with you front row...


Um solilóquio da minha alma gémea Hélia para mim


Dizes-me isto:

- É uma chama que nos assoma...

- Não é uma qualquer retoma...

- É uma memória...

- O nosso momento de glória...

- Momento de perto...

- No oásis do nosso deserto...

- És a água que lava a minha face...

- Sem um desenlace...

- Sabendo que sou eu...

- O teu fogo de Prometeu...

- É algo florido...

- Diria até colorido...

- Amar os nossos animais de estimação...

- Com alma e coração...

- O tempo da tartaruga...

- Sem uma única ruga...

- O tempo não nos fustiga...

- Contigo sem andar á deriva...

- O nosso círculo perfeito...

- De qualquer jeito...

- O coração que bate no nosso peito...

- Viver, rir e crescer...

- Saber voltar a nascer...

- Entre pedaços de cristal...

- Somos algo natural...

- Com açucar e sal...

- Sei como somos...

- Com ou sem chapéu...

- Adoras o meu véu...

- Por vezes ao respirar...

- Olhamos para o céu...

- Imersos no verbo "amar"...

- Sempre a despontar...

- Dia e noite sem cessar...

- E o jogo de futebol?

- E o nosso farol?

- E o nosso lazer?

- Imiscuido no nosso prazer?

- E a solução que grita na nossa una mão?

- Contigo aparecer...

- Dentro de ti amanhecer...

- Memória de elefante...

- Num dos círculos de Dante...

- Uma descida...

- O meu cabelo nos teus braços...

- Uma subida...

- Os nossos laços...

- O nosso uno corpo com energia...

- Momentos de magia...

- Evitar o tóxico...

- Algo lógico...

- Sei que as tuas respostas são de imediato...

- Num acto sem artefacto...

- E as pirâmides do Egipto?

- Tu e eu no nosso grito...

- E o papiro que porto na minha mala?

- É mais sonolento que um koala...

- Mandrágora como planta...

- Fertilizado por nós numa anta...

- Sim...

- Já sei...

- Infinito jardim...

- Não à Opus Dei...

- A não existência de Deus...

- É termos o nosso amor...

- Talvez Zeus...

- Nossa maravilhosa cor...

- Numa esfinge desconhecida...

- Sou a tua chegada...

- Ambos de mão dada...

- Por ti sinto-me amada...

- Aconchegada...

- Nada parada...

- Movimento de corpo...

- Vindo do nada...

- Tudo vivo...

- Nada morto...

- Colhemos de uma árvore um figo...

- A nossa união...

- Algo mais que mera paixão...

- Sabendo eu que ambos somos uma única nação...

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Information arts projects/events - international artists

I remember people telling me since I was a child that it was difficult to be an international writer/artist while organizing arts events worldwide with some of the best international contemporary artists that I know of without a thing called money or budget.
 So, I lived my life till my 38 years old working in some shitty jobs (but being always a pro with the enterprises that I've worked on profiting tons with my blood, sweat and tears).
 Eight years ago, I bumped into a stone in a common street and thought on contradicting all this by organizing worldwide art festivals/events, making interviews to several international artists, creating and organizing excellent book collections (that were on my mind's eye) and seeing them published worldwide while writing several books.
 At present time deep inside Covid period, I was listening to the song "simultaneous by American band Puscifer from their album "Money Shot" released in 2015 and ideas started to form on my mind concerning all projects that I've worked, am working or will work with the best international artists that  I know  of. it was impossible doing what I had/have inside my mind/feelings/emotions wrong, just because I love to write while reading several pages at once, not fearing the return to reading the same page again.
 At present time we live in a strange mankind's world period where what counts more in life is the money that you've or the image that you pass to people. 
 What I do know regarding myself is that I was always humble and passionate being lucky to be born in the prettiest city in the world, 
while respecting nature and most human beings opinion through a simple thing called communication. Simultaneously my mind sometimes dwells from reason to imagination while clearly knowing that I'm a tiny cog in a vast cosmos that we all share with billions of living species.
I also know that  memories are real important in human beings consciousness in order to be inspired to do what they love.
 This is only a quick message/hello to all people and artists (that follow my work as a simple writer), to tell you all once again that I'm real organized clearly knowing that I'm only one guy and that I don't forget that most times in order to produce/create inspired work in arts takes years because writing and communicating with people in several languages is real hard when you also have a life to live.



What I know right now is that I put blood, sweat and tears doing something that I love to do in arts with help by some of the best international artists that I know of and will continue to do it.
In this written post, I've registered some sparkle random memories of a fraction of the work that I've done, am doing or will do in or outside the box, being sure that I've a good memory while also knowing that sometimes it can be a bit "tricky" because I'm a human being and not a machine.
Being the melody of the before mentioned song still inside my soul, heart, mind and spirit, I do hope above all that my friends are healthy during this mankind's shitty period, hoping that whoever reads this post,  enjoy it a bit either by actually reading it, visioning its images or listening/watching to the rhythm of "simultaneous" song's tune pace.



An astronaut having a drink

Astonishing artwork based on myself and Elena by Ucranian artist Igger Bigger

A Portuguese saying 

Ongoing art projects/exhibitions/books with help by international artists
Zombie Girl By The Fall - started at the end of 2017 - Finished exhibition 2018 - Finishing its narrative/art concept starring Svetlana Zombierella Nagaeva
Mascara Girl Inside A Callstarted on 2018 - Finishing its art concept starring Mascara
Daria Inside An Aria - started on 2018 - Finishing its art concept and narrative starring Daria Kovaleva
Didi Wray Lost In A Love Story Every Single Day - started on 2018 - Finishing its art concept starring Didi Wray
Bela's Alive - started on 2019 - Finishing its art concept and narrative  - tribute to Bela Lugosi and my first wife
Tributes to Hugo Pratt's fashion character Corto Maltese and John Constantine - started on 2018 - Finishing its art concept
My own autobiography - started on 2017 - Finishing its art concept
Werewolves and the gals - Started on 2020 - Trying to turn it on an arts event on 2021 featuring Dominique Goblet, Terhi Ekebom and me
A TV series project created by me - Started on 2020 - Thinking on finishing it on 2024

List of international artists organized in alphabetical order by their birth country that illustrate this post and that worked/are working with me me and more than 150 international artists when I'm in between art project s 
Carlos Dearmas (worked in several world wide exhibitions with more than than 100 international artists with me since 2015 and that can be read in several posts in this blogue)
Pablo Burman (worked in several world wide exhibitions with more than than 100 international artists with me since 2015 and that can be read in several posts in this blogue)

Dominique Goblet (participated in an arts festival organized by me in 2012 and will say "present" to another arts event that I'm planning for next year with Finnish artist Terhi Ekebom)
Sergio Alejandro Aguilera (collaborated with me and more than 70 international artists inside world wide exhibitions since 2019)
Alex Korolkovas (Worked with me and more than 100 international artists in tributes to Valentina by Crepax in several world wide exhibitions from 2015 to 2018)

Drazen Kojnan (sometimes keeps me awake during the day with his stunning artworks)
Miljenko Simic (Worked with me and more than 50 international artists in tributes to Corto Maltese by Hugo Pratt from 2020)

Terhi Ekebom (collaborated with me and more than 70 international artists inside world wide exhibitions since 2015 while being my beautiful friend and will say "present" to another arts event that I'm planning for next year with Belgium artist Dominique Goblet)

An artwork by Finnish artist Terhi Ekebom

 Lars Henkel (participated in an arts festival organized by me in 2012)
Giorgio Pratolongo (Worked with me along more than 50 international artists in world exhibitions since 2020)
Luca Pozza (Worked with me along more than 50 international artists in world exhibitions since 2019)
Rolando Cicatelli (worked in several world wide exhibitions with more than than 100 international artists with me since 2018 and that can be read in several posts in this blogue)
Salvatore Galati (worked in several world wide exhibitions with more than than 100 international artists with me since 2019 and that can be read in several posts in this blogue)

John Kurokawa (worked in several world wide exhibitions with more than than 100 international artists with me since 2015 and that can be read in several posts in this blogue)

Branko Djukic (worked in several world wide exhibitions with more than than 100 international artists with me since 2018 and that can be read in several posts in this blogue)
Milivoj Vukjevic (worked in several world wide exhibitions with more than than 100 international artists with me since 2019 and that can be read in several posts in this blogue)

Igger Bigger (Worked with me along more than 80 international artists since 2020)

Alan Moore (His wife Melinda Gebbie participated in an arts festival organized by me in 2012 and I'm sure that he drank Portuguese wine with lots of work from me)
Dave McKean (Worked with me and more than 100 international artists in tributes to Valentina by Crepax in several world wide exhibitions from 2015 to 2018)
Eddie Campbell (signed and sketched me several "From Hell" magazines)
Grant Morrison (invited him for an arts festival  in 2015)
Neil Gaiman (Met him personally in an arts festival in 2004 and he paid me a coffee because I was too sleepy during the day for a chit chat)
Paul Jenkins (made an interview to him that will be published in this blogue soon)
Sean Phillips (met him at an arts festival in 2006, drew me John Constantine.Nice bloke)

Bill Koeb (worked in several world wide exhibitions with more than than 100 international artists with me since 2015 and that can be read in several posts in this blogue)
Greg Ruth (Made an exclusive interview to him in 2014 that can be read in this blogue)
Jon J. Muth (drew the best The Sandman issue)
Marc Hempel (drew the best The Sandman story arc)
Phil Jimenez (invited him for an arts festival  in 2015)
Steven Bissette (drew the perfect John Constantine)

Several times, I don't think at all.
knowing myself that it's better being like this but I know that I love to show how I see the world while not hiding something from its own history inside a planet blue.
For this simple written post used the references below with how I see them in short sentences inside brackets on each.

Babylon Berlin TV series (A Tv series set on the groovy 20's in Berlin's "la belle époque" with clear references to a post first world war and with its reminiscences of Bauhaus art school and Kurt Weill's songs)
Fyodor Dostoyevsky (a quote that I love)
Andrei Tarkovsky "Mirror" from 1975 (a movie about a writer that depicts 70's Russia's life)
 Fritz Lang "Die Niebelungen" from 1924/1925 (a movie based on an epic book gathering German ancestry mythology and myths) 
David Fincher "Fight Club " from 1999 based on the book with same name published in 1995 by American writer Chuck Palahniuk (where life suddenly isn't what you've but who you're in society)
Luc Besson "Leon, The Professional"  from 1994 (a simple guy fighting corrupt people while trying to have hope on a young woman that could change the world in the future with her legacy from his memories)
Wim Wenders "Wings of Desire" from 1987 (depicting how angels could observe us and feeling in love with human beings fleeting life time) 
Pablo Berger"Blanca Nieves" (a different and fascinating take on Snow u's tale shot in glorious black and white)
João Cesar Monteiro's movies from 1969 to 2003 (a fascinating director that portrayed Portuguese soul throughout time while depicting the importance of art, culture and the role of women in society while being source of light)

Grant Morrison's "The Invisibles" from 1994 to 2000 (love the series that gave me this sentence/idea "how would the world become if suddenly time had warp lapses and a revolution inside our minds was forming therein) 
Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell "From Hell" from 1989 to 1990 (Victorian times in Britain inspired on Jack the ripper containing world history mythology)
Hellblazer from 1985 to 2015 (where a simple guy dwells with real and inner demons of every single being in the world stating nature's and world history importance in society) 
and Corto Maltese from 1967 to 2020 (where a simple daydreamer dwells mostly with his love adventures along world history never settling himself in a single place)
comic book characters
Neil Gaiman's The Sandman from 1988 to 2015 (what if an entity powerful than gods and that on every living being in planet earth should be something different and new?)
Radiohead "Kid A" from 2000 (what if the rulers of society was kidding with us and we didn't knew nothing about it?)
and "Amnesiac" from 2001 (what if suddenly we as simple individuals were turning ourselves into amnesic zombies?)
Bryan Ferry & his orchestra (Sometimes men and artists must go back to a history period being influenced by its atmosphere like Bryan's example that reminds of Kurt Weill's songs and messages)
The Thin White Duke (Popped into this world as Major Tom, changed, mutated himself more times than a chameleon and left this planet as a Black Star)
Nature (Is everything that any living being in this planet has, knowing myself that most human beings seem to forget it)
Invicta (simply the prettiest city in the world wide world having an intense magic presence) 

Sometimes I write fables, poems and love stories in several languages to several women either in social networks or in real life, be them fashion models, artists or simple women who I love, just because I truly believe in the power of women throughout mankind's world history and that they resemble nature a lot.
Below are some of the women's names to whom I write to with love and devotion while being in between art projects with some of the best contemporary international artists that I know of

Mónica, Terhi Ekebom, Elena, Daria Kovaleva, Isabel, Nadya, Helena Espvall, Severija, Victoria, Sandra, Meret Becker,  Hélia, EshleyEllitskyVika CostaKatya Kulizhka, Dominique Goblet, Barbara Nogueira, The Wild Enigma

Many thanks to all international artists that support some of my ideas
Special thanks to all people that I love in this thing called life.
Below are pics with captions telling a sort of random narrative


Just myself

Nadya inside Dostoyevsky's quote

Daria inside an Aria 

Me and Swedish musician Helena Espvall

My beautiful friend and Finnish artist Terhi Ekebom among shadows and light

Dwelling on my memories with two huge art books by British artist Dave McKean published by Allen Spiegel on the 90's along a fascinating dialogue in 1975 masterpiece movie "Mirror" by Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky 

A fascinating artwork by Croatian artist Drazen Kojnan based on a bat's tale 

A mural painting featuring "The Gals" by Terhi Ekebom

Terhi painting "The Gals" while I'm in between arts projects inside my mind with international artists

An astonishing artwork by American artist Bill Koeb that was going to be published in a Lovecraft's adaptation by American artist Steven Bissette

A French word/feeling

Lithuanian actress/singer Severija on the fascinanting Babylon Berlin TV series

Daria fascinated by masterpiece movie "Die Niebelungen" from 1925 directed by Fritz Lang based on a book published in 1200

A page from Neil Gaiman's The 
 saga from issue 74 with artwork by Jon J. Muth (where Morpheus becomes something new and someone else) along an artwork by Stephen Bissette featuring John Constantine aka Hellbazer that was created by him and English writer Alan Moore in their Swamp Thing run 

Nadya on the river

An artwork with a clear message by Phil Jimenez starring Ragged Robin's character from Grant Morrison's excelsior saga "Invisibles"

Elena and me

Morpheus and Death seen by Argentine artist Carlos Dearmas

Being simple 

Grant Morrison's 
 saga "The Invisibles"

Inside Mónica's kiss

Me, Elena and artworks by German artist Lars Henkel featuring German singer Meret Becker (who's part of Babylon Berlin TV series soundtrack)

A tribute to Hugo Pratt's fashion character Corto Maltese by Croatian artist Miljenko Simic along a cover for Grant Morrison's "The Invisibles"

Tying a shoe lace

A way of life

Victoria and me along Radiohead's cds art covers, an artwork based on Thom Yorke by Italian artist Salvatore GalatiSandra, an artwork by Italian maestro Federico Fellini, some Hellblazer's book covers and limited/signed mind blowing "From Hell" graphic novel by Alan Moore and Eddie 

Isabel, Elena and me along stills from Babylon Berlin TV series and artworks for Bryan Ferry & his orchestra songs for its soundtrack

An artwork based on myself and Monica by Italian artist Rolando Cicatelli

An artwork based on The Sandman, Ragged Robin and myself as an "Invisible" by Italian artist Rolando Cicatelli along an artwork based on Grant Morrison with a quote by himself 

An artwork based on main character "The Narrator" from masterpiece movie Fight Club 
 American artist Greg Ruth along a poster for Spanish movie "Blanca Nieves" from 2012 directed by Pablo Berger

An artwork by American artist Greg Ruth based on character Marla Singer from Fight Club masterpiece movie directed by David Fincher 


British artist Dave McKean "The tip of my tongue" book published in 1995 by Allen Spiegel in huge size along a fascinating book by Portuguese movies director João César Monteiro along an artwork based on me by Japanese artist John Kurokawa

Nadya, Isabel, Hélia and Terhi along a Babylon Berlin book cover by German writer Volker Kutscher and an artwork based on women by Bolivian artist Sergio Alejandro Aguilera 

Inside Mónica's smile

Isabel, Eshley, Ellitsky, Vika Costa, Katya Kulizhka along "the man who fell to earth", an artwork based on werewolves by Belgium artist Dominique Goblet, " The Gals" by Finnish artist Terhi Ekebom and myself

An artwork based on John Constantine and Corto Maltese by Italian artist Luca Pozza along another artwork based on Rasputine, John, Corto and myself by Serbian artist Milivoj Vukjevic 

An artwork by American artist Greg Ruth based on character Tyler Durden from Fight Club masterpiece movie directed by David Fincher 


Astonishing artwork based on Babylon Berlin TV series main character Charlotte

Isabel staring at me

Brazilian model Barbara Nogueira wearing a tribute photography based on Valentina by Guido Crepax as herself shot by Brazilian photographer Alex Korolkovas along an artwork based on myself by Italian artist Salvatore Galati

Mónica's fabulous eyes

An artwork based on Belgium artist Dominique Goblet, Finnish artist Terhi Ekebom and myself by Argentine artist Pablo   along a Neil Gaiman's The Sandman story arc named "The Kindly Ones" with art by American artist Marc Hempel

Daria in an Hamlet juxtapose

The Wild Enigma, Elena, Vika Costa, Ellistsky and me

Elena staring at gas baloons

An artwork with a woman smoking by Serbian artist Branko Djukic and a question 

The Thin White Duke along an artwork based on myself and my niece Luzia by Argentine artist Pablo Burman 

Me, myself and I

Finnish artist Terhi Ekebom that has the prettiest soul that I've ever met

Artwork based on Daria   and me by Italian artist Rolando Cicatelli

 A fascinating dialogue written by Peter Handke in "wings of desire" hypnotic movie directed by Wim Wenders along a powerful one on Paul Jenkins and Sean Phillips Hellblazer run

Mathilda and Simba street artwork

An artwork based on John Constantine by Italian artist Giorgio Pratolongo along Elena and myself

  Elena Walking 

Artwork by Serbian artist Milivoj Vukjevic based on myself and Terhi Ekebom among characters The SandmanKing Mob and Ragged Robin with a "hidden message" 


A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...