Sunday, October 11, 2020

A short funny dialogue between Helena and me.


You tell me this:
- There's some white noise in my brain...
- The world's in pain...
- Abel is murdering Cain in vain...
- There're Supermen...
- Not Donald Duck...
- They've no pen...
- Running amok...
- Melania's woman wonder...
- Being plunder...
- I've been planning to ask you something Man...
- But you're always busy inside journey's with simple women that love you and your pen...
- So tell me please...
- Where's that brand of Portuguese cheese?
- Don't be mean...
- I'll play you a song...
- Even in the green...
- Not an atomic bomb...
- Feel a bit tired and confused...
- You make me feel real amused...
- I really don't know...
- I believe that there's a show...
- Update...
- Bring with you grape...
- There's the Great God Pan...
- Maybe he has a plan...
- There's Francis Pope...
- Maybe he's a joke...
- Never know...
- Only know where the wind does blow...
- The lust for power and economy...
- Hey Man, when will we be actually free?
- Process database...
- There's you without shoegaze...
- Houses everywhere...
- The atmosphere...
- Tiny village elsewhere...
- Smoke in your face...
- We're all human race...
- I'll be by your side...
- Inside a ride...
- I know that you appreciate how I am...
- A simple Swedish musician not fancying glam...
- My songs sometimes are inside your mind...
- Being with it kind...
- Don't be like that...
- Wear a hat...
- Illuminati they're...
- Freemasonry gazing at a simple star...
- Sometimes you're lazy...
- Being hazy...
- There's some white hair in you...
- Saw it and it's true...
- We're getting a bit old...
- Being bold...
- Six billion people controlled...
- Sheltering food as gold...
- We're a tiny part of a living species inside a planet blue...
- This is true...
- Let's go to another galaxy...
- I'll share cosmic dust with thee...
- For free...
- You know that Swedish I am...
- The blonde land...
- With a famous band...
- They tell me to go right...
- I had a sight...
- They tell me to go left...
- I don't even suggest...
- You know how things are...
- Being near or far...
- I know that stylish we're...
- The Green is there...
- The devil's everywhere...
- I don't know...
- Sunday glow...
- Portugal vs France today...
- Paris will be a real tiny bay...
- I'm cheering for them...
- I do what I can...
- Switch on the TV...
- It's almost free...
- But once again Man...
- Forget your pen...
- Just tell me where the cheese is...
- Can you answer me this please?

I'm staring at the geese...
Knowing that I was born Portuguese...
Answer you this:

- Helena, what can I do?
- The cheese is only for you?
- Ok...
- Come what may...
- You know that house hall...
- No rats by the wall...
- Inside a drawer you'll find a handwritten paper with my words...
- The brand is named "swords"...
- I'm your friend...
- Doing what I can...

You tell me again:
- Man, there's the bus...
- Fuss...
- Metro...
- Vintage retro...
- The bloody train...
- Today's no rain...
- You're sweet...
- I'll never forget this...
- Neither treat nor trick...
- Knowing myself that serpents do hiss...

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