Sunday, October 11, 2020

A love dialogue with my belle Isabel and me


You say this to me:
- My Man, we weren't voodoo child...
- We were and always will be wild...
- The time's now...
- All we've is worth while...
- Front row...
- Getting old...
- Not getting cold...
- We're kindred spirits in the air...
- Love our love atmosphere...
- Holding a peace dove...
- You know that you're my love...
- No craft...
- Put me not inside a draft...
- Rage Against The Machine?
- It's our love scream...
- Is it always like this, my Man?
- Love how you kiss me and caress me with your pen...
- Present tense...
- Twice mother...
- Our romance...
- Never further...
- Our dance...
- They say...
- That every single day...
- Our united souls are at bay...
- I only know...
- That life ain't a show...
- You're no preacher...
- Just like me...
- You're a teacher...
- Inside thee...
- Our tangled hearts never bleed...
- There's our need...
- No soul to feed...
- We're each other's seed...
- Don't know what I thought...
- So I asked this to myself:
" I'm Danish and he's Portuguese, so why not?"
- Was gazing at your stare...
- Real young and not fighting a bear...
- Our love lair...
- There were words then inside a whisper...
- It was crisper...
- I remember the wings of that dove...
- Felt you there at the time...
- You being my love...
- No reason and no rhyme...
- Poetry in motion...
- Our love potion...
- Listened to our song...
- Bob Smith was not a bomb...
- What I know is that helding you inside my arms...
- Has its charms...
- You create...
- No hate...
- Our love's never at stake...
- There's our lake...
- I remember you telling me this:
"There's no God, people only love a flood"
- A six billion living beings inside a kiss...
- From inside our united chest...
- Oxygen being our love nest...
- My Man, you know me...
- Love to sail our sea...
- Gulls flying high...
- Inside a seastorm sigh...
- Nature puts us high...
- I know, my Man...
- There's your loose pen...
- Memories...
- Slice of life...
- No ice...
- We were small then living inside trees...
- Reality fact...
- You and me inside a bold act...
- My head doesn't spin...
- Today I'm Yang...
- You're Yin...
- No bang...
- We're more than a dream...
- Our united brain sync...
- No link...
- The wings that fly...
- You and me living no lie...
- There'll always be...
- Inside the world...
- You and me...
- Depicting lore stories untold...
- Reality check...
- In Atlantis you were born...
- What the heck?
- Were you not staring at a storm?
- Your words are inside my heart, soul, body and head...
- When with you I lie in our bed...
- You watch me sleep...
- No trick or treat...
- Millions of years like this...
- Amoeba being a simple bliss...
- We've always had our own style...
- Even us being child...
- Knotting the dots...
- Fish and sprots...
- With you always by my side...
- The world is merely a simple ride...
- Tall as you're...
- Smaller than thee while knowing that I was born from the belly of a star...
- Never away...
- Never far...
- With you night and day...
- There's a veiled guardian of our together life...
- Love when you cook me codfish with rice...
- Like being sugary spice...
- Tidy and nice...
- Organized you're...
- My Man, born in a lost land, not in a star...
- Both of us child blonde...
- With our spirituality...
- Hating James Bond...
- Our merged entity...
- Portugal will play...
- France...
- Today...
- No nuance...
- My Man, fearless we're...
- Not distant...
- Not far...
- Loving you Sunday...
- Is like every single day...
- I know how you flood me with a single kiss...
- Total bliss...
- You told me this one day:
"A muse's never old even if it's cold"...
- There's our coffeeshop where we play...
- Merged together...
- Lands of ever...
- Crossing oceans of sand...
- With our tied hands...
- My heart always beats for you...
- You're always something new...
- Popping out of the blue...
- What can I say to you, my Man?
- Daniel isn't in a lions den...
- I know that pagan we're...
- I know that artists love you...
- Not as much as me...
- The Bible is a book of lies printed in blue...
- Your artistical main achievement is...
- To be with me by the sea...
- Our genesis...
- Is you being me while I'm your miss...
- Our synced lips...
- Our DNA...
- Our synced hips...
- Our own reality bay...
- Sometimes you tell me about the Green God of forest green...
- Our inner spleen...
- There was Baudelaire...
- Lost in his own peculiar atmosphere...
- A translator being a writer...
- Not a French fighter...
- Why do I love you?
- Are you asking me this for true?
- With you in my life, the world's always new...

I observe how you are/were and will be while telling you this inside our bliss-kiss:
- How beautiful you always are...
- Never away...
- Never far...
- In the land of may...
- Born from a star...
- We're sun and moon merged while crossing a fascinating street...
- No riot to do...
- Where we meet...
- Always new...
- You and me...
- For free...
- You held/hold my heart with your hands...
- No wings...
- No short amends...
- No puppet strings...
- Just you and me...
- Joy ride...
- Inside our own love pride...
- Love you and you know...
- That our feelings ain't a freak show...

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