A saying
 | The Wild Enigma
Me and The Wild Enigma share a bound either with nature and knowledge of living being only some source of energy that will transform, mutate giving way to a different cosmic energy in this vast cosmos that we share with millions of living beings. |
 | Poster for Blanca Nieves movie from 2012 directed by Spanish director Pablo Berger and starring Spanish Actress Maribel Verdú along an artwork based on Fight Club masterpiece movie by American artist Greg Ruth
Last month I've watched a movie based on "Snow White" and while forming images in motion inside my mind, they immediately merged with the memories that I've when I first watched "Fight Club." The past never haunts me but I know that everything that's done in a pure way is the perfect art form being made with love. |
 | Elena Pavlenka - 01
Elena's a different woman, I know that I love her, not only because of her looks or how funny she's but because she firmly grabs every fraction of time inside her, never hiding her past while enjoying her present. |
 | American band Tool CD "10.000 days" from 2006 along Hellblazer covers and pics with me, Elena, Eshley, Ellistky, Mascara and Monica
What do American band Tool has to do with Hellblazer's character? They discovered that maths lived in life itself and memories without any tricks. John Constantine already knew about this when he was created in the early 80's by British writer Alan Moore. In my opinion women resemble a lot nature, so I always have inspiration while being with them, smiling and not thinking on time as some sort of pill capsule among them. I really enjoy every single second with presence of the women that are on the above picture just like peeling layers of other worlds, other thoughts, other imagery colliding with our own memories.
 | Invicta - 01
I was real lucky to be born on the prettiest city in the all world while communicating either with women or men on it, knowing that the bridge and the river in the above picture are actually my mother and father in an absolute perfect union. |
 | Daria Kovaleva - 01
I could (and am) writing a book dedicated to Daria. How can I describe her? As a pretty face? Daria knows well what life really is. She knows that I love her and sometimes she stares at me a bit awkwardly. When she does this, I know that we're both inside an Aria. |
 | Frame of the animation masterpiece "Crocodile Street" from 1986 directed by American directors Quay Brothers, another one from "Cowboys" animation series masterpiece directed by British director Phil Mulloy from 1991 along an artwork by Japanese artist Jungraphy and another one by British artist Aleister Crowley, a pic of him and Portuguese writer Fernando Pessoa and pics of Daria Kovaleva that's a woman that I love
Daria isn't me thinking on Fernando Pessoa and Crowley's meeting in Lisbon where Aleister supposedly commited suicide. We weren't lost at all while talking personally with Phil Mulloy on 2006 in an animation movies festival or when we entered one of its room to watch Petrov's masterpiece animation movie "My Love". We both know that she's not a simple pic still by Japanese artist Jungraphy.
 | Two pictures by German photographer Elena Von Unverwerth, Nadya and Daria
Nadya is different from Daria. She's less "dark" or "goth", she loves color a lot and when I don't understand her, she immediately smiles at me while creating a masterpiece painting with her own hands. Daria is more action packed while she tries to solve mysteries with me.
 | Frame of "Europa" masterpiece movie by Danish director Lars Von Trier from 1991 along other astonishing movies directed by João Cesar Monteiro named "recordações da casa amarela" from 1989 and "vai e vem" from 2003
In my life motion picture movies were not only something to watch and forget. They're like books in movement forging their way to create moments while describing a story or even mankind's world history.
 | Just Me - 01
Inside my mind, body and soul, I always believe in opening gates at who I am and what I'll always be by merging past in the present in a tiny little box.
 | Elena Pavlenka - 02
I've already mentioned before what Elena's and I know that she's part of me while I'm also part of her. Feelings last long than memories either with past or present mixed on them and both me and her know this.
 | An artwork by American artist Caitlyn McCarthy along a page of Neil Gaiman's The Sandman saga
Sometimes I don't know what art really is. What I do know is that we always must be something new. In my opinion life's movement, feelings, merged memories, a puzzle without logic.
 | Daria along two artworks created for me by Portuguese artists Pedro Brito and Miguel Rocha
Daria's fun. Sometimes she smiles at me, other times she gets mad at me because in her own words "you're Portuguese and you never say please". We always were, always will be like this. I know that Daria ain't my deadly kiss. |
 | Ragged Robin character as a woman coming from the future in Grant Morrison's masterpiece "The Invisibles"
Ragged Robin came from the future while having an affair with King Mob at Grant Morrison's "The Invisibles" saga. It was one of the main character's memory inside a time machine that in my opinion triggered Grant to create her.
 | Nadya
I've mentioned before that Nadya is and will always be energy for free. She always smiles and the world ain't a memory at all. She's like a comet coming from the sky really high.
 | Just Me - 02 |
This is only me listening to Tool trying to act cool. |
 | Elisa Bela Italian fashion model
Elisa's fashion. She's passion. She loves cats as much as I do. She's a model and she's never blue for true. I always smile with there when we lost ourselves in our own atmosphere.
 | Invicta - 02 |
And then there's the prettiest city in the world again in an Argentine screen always inside a dream.
 | Monica - 01
Monica and me go back. We were wild children. Being adults now we know that our memories of our together past are simple figments of who we turned to be. She's one of the purest souls that I've ever met and when I'm energy free, I know that she tells what we're and used to be.
 | Hellblazer character tribute by Spanish artist Javier Guerrero
And John Constantine talks with its hosts being ghosts.
 | A thought
 | Lana
Lana's what all women should be. She's a proud mother. She's funny. What I know is that when I'm with her my mind shuts down and my spirit's free roaming with her wherever she wants to be.
 | British actress Barbara Steel along Italian actor Marcelo Mastroianni in 1963 masterpiece movie "8 and an half" directed by Federico Fellini
I remember than when I've first watched the above movie, I was fascinated not by all women and their role on it. Barbara Steel in my opinion was the light that guided Guido into being a bit more bright.
 | Mónica - 02
Today is Mónica's birthday. She loves the past while telling me:
- Come what may.
 | Just Me - 03
This is once again me trying to vision light for free. |
 | Pics of Me and Daria, an Aleister Crowley tarot card, a saying by him carved in stone in Portugal, a frame of masterpiece Russian animation "My Love" by Aleksander Petrov and a tribute to Hugo Pratt's fashion character Corto Maltese by Serbian artist Branko Djukic
Me and Daria aren't sailors. We are never lost in movies as weaving tailors. Daria is my love Aria while being more than a card inside a tarot deck dard. Me and Mascara
Mascara is different from all women mentioned before. She's love. She's fun. She creates movement imagery. She has my heart as her private gun.
A quote by Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla performed by The Thin White in American movie masterpiece "The Prestige" from 2006 by American director Chris Nolan
And then, there's Tesla. Faster than light gave mankind his own insight.
Below are pictures references that illustrate the moment while I was writing this post, that isn't memories based, but life in random movement inside a spiral with no shout, outside of a box, knowing that I ain't no fox.
American artists: Greg Ruth, Caitlin Mccarthy, Jon J.Muth Portuguese artists: Miguel Rocha and Pedro Brito Serbian artist Branko Djukic Spanish artist Javier Guerrero References Movies: Fight Club by David Fincher, Blanca Nieves by Pablo Berger, 8 and an half by Federico Fellini , Crocodiles street by Quay Brothers, Cowboys by Phil Mulloy, My Love by Aleksandr Petrov, Europa by Lars Von Trier, "Recordações Da Casa Amarela", "Vai e Vem" by João César Monteiro and The Prestige by Chris Nolan Books: Grant Morrison's The Invisibles, Neil Gaiman's The Sandman, Hellblazer Women: Daria, Elena, Mónica, Nadya, The Wild Enigma, Mascara, Ellistsky, Elisa Bela, Lana, Eshley Music : Tool Writers: Fernando Pessoa and Aleister Crowley Many thanks to all international artists who support some of my ideas. Special thanks to all women who belong inside my heart.
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