Saturday, October 31, 2020

A love monologue from Lana to me

- My Man, it's the melody...

- You and me...

- Adam and Eve...

- In our shirt's sleeve...

- Remember when I met you...

- Stylish being true...

- I knew then...

- Our Paradise was at hand...

- Inside our dance...

- Leipzig's trance...

- It's Halloween...

- Let's go scream...

- We're real...

- Not a dream...

- We each other feel...

- There's our story told...

- You keep me warm in the cold..

- There's our room light..

- Never still..

- Always bright..

- No darkness on the hill..

- Visible we're...

- Love when you grab for me a star...

- There's our kitten...

- Not being Britain...

- Feed me please...

- Know that you're Portuguese...

- My lips kiss your eyes...

- You know that this ain't no lies...

- My red hair...

- Our atmosphere...

- Tree snake...

- Hell ain't awake...

- There's our lake...

- My heart being yours for a start...

- Searched for you all my life...

- Never played with you dice...

- When we love make..

- We eat a marvellous cake...

- You know me, my Man...

- Don't Google drive...

- Love your street pen...

- Let's again ride...

- We're something new...

- Me and you..

- When you kiss my lips...

- Grabbing my hips...

- My teeth bite you...

- We never feel blue...

- I know that German you talk...

- You always give me your hand when we together walk...

- The rest is us...

- Not Hieronymous Bosch...

- Your presence...

- My essence...

- I don't care how much cash you have...

- Love when our skin shed...

- Apple being red...

- Juicy taste we're...

- Our together hours never far...

- Me and you on our car...

- Steeply chase...

- Our human embrace...

- How can I not love you?

-You've charisma being true...

- Love how you hold my hair...

- We've an orgasm without despair...

- Pillow shake...

- Sheets brake...

- Being for you Eve again...

- You're Adam without pain...

- There's butter and bread...

- When we're inside our bed...

- I don't care...

- Together we're stronger than a bear...

- During the night...

- Our perfect insight...

- Bodies fusion be...

- Us by the sea...

- I sang for you a song...

- A flute was my bomb...

- Let's go back again my Man...

- Six in a row...

- We do what we can...

- No show...

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