Friday, October 16, 2020

A love monologue from my belle Isabel to me

You tell me this:
- Today I've dreamt with you...
- You were cooking me something new...
- I knew then...
- That I should awake you from our inner den...
- Our marriage should be held without any loose end...
- You always are like this...
- Invincible I am being your Miss...
- Truth be told...
- Covid lockdown is not being bold...
- How will we teach?
- Will our love be at ease?
- Whatever my Man...
- Don't drive me far...
- We'll watch a movie can-can...
- I'll share with you my last Mars bar...
- We know that Venus ain't a star...
- Joyful truth...
- Never feel blue...
- Don't bring Sonic Youth...
- No friend Goo...
- Love the t-shirt that you wear...
- Long for a La Fura Dels Baus theater play atmosphere...
- Sometimes we're there...
- Other's here...
- Some people say that you act like Bergman...
- Using your own deadly pen...
- Other say...
- That Ozymandias is at bay...
- No sparrow I am...
- Never know my love...
- No glam...
- No dove...
- Know that you ain't Swedish...
- That you love goldfish...
- I was born simply Danish...
- Being a teacher inside our kiss...
- They say that Bela Lugosi's Dead...
- I only know that we lay on our bed....
- Sometimes you're a mystery...
- Even to me...
- Know that you love honey bee...
- My blue eyes at you stare...
- You're always in your position Double Dare...
- Let's go deep...
- Portuguese ship...
- Salty treat...
- Have you combed your hair today?
- Are you thinking about our written play?
- There was a pic of me...
- Roaming inside your wallet for free...
- State of art...
- We hate a sudden depart...
- I'm wearing your favourite coat of mine...
- Knowing that we're just fine...
- U.S.A ain't your land...
- Know that inside you ain't no bang...
- The sound of our love drum...
- When you're coming home...
- My hand has a ring...
- Whatever time will bring...
- Till the fat lady sing...
- I know that we're a machine...
- I'm your shield maiden spleen...
- I know about your strength...
- Your mind and heart's length...
- When I'm fancying my sport...
- You tell me...
- That there's a port...
- While I'm suddenly thee...
- 2046...
- Movie picks...
- Today we glow...
- I've arrow and bow...
- Our mind's telepathy...
- There's a role...
- Our heart's empathy...
- No foul...
- Worshipping sympathy...
- Man cat...
- I'm your woman sweat...
- Not small...
- Observing how you simply stare at our house hall...
- It's true that I do love you...
- My hands holding my head is something new...
- There was a day...
- You picked a pic of me as a little child...
- No play...
- Being you also a child wild...
- The wind did pray...
- Knew that you were sailing then...
- Into my direction...
- Memories style fashion....
- Not being inside your own den...
- To understand you, my love...
- Is like listening to a flood...
- By your side marriage pagan have...
- Is not a simple heart stab...
- Headphones in your ears...
- Music embracing your animal instinct deer's...
- Were we go again...
- No Yin or Yang...
- You're what I am...
- Through the looking glass...
- More than a sudden bang...
- We're inside our inner pass...
- During the night...
- I'm delighted with your sight...
- You always kiss my head so sweet...
- My heart suddenly again beat...
- Not an origin thing...
- It's not because you descendant Atlantis being...
- Not only on spring...
- We're together sight seeing...
- It's not only a love bound...
- Metaphor...
- "look at what I've found"
- Forever more...
- Knowing that you enter my heart...
- Just like a bard...
- Always love your style...
- Not only for a little while...
- My fingertips are in your lips...
- Being your identity Miss...
- You're M.
- No spam...
- I'm I...
- No lie...
- Now I've my grandmother role to make...
- Being always yours for the take...
- My Man, it's like being a black swan...
- While having fun...
- Not a Phoenix with its ashes...
- Without eye lashes...
- You walk through all my life...
- More than a cake's slice...
- Know that you uncle grandfather are...
- Maybe you have a child not knowing where you're...
- Don't know my love...
- Maybe she has a child...
- Not riding any of your life's curve...
- Maybe you're a grandfather being wild...
- But I know you...
- No white hair...
- Being true...
- That you don't paint it new...
- I know that you're preparing our meal stew...
- Long for my teeth to be on your neck...
- Not being a vampire, but love to check...
- My hair being red...
- Not a simple shed....
- Never teach math...
- You know me...
- This ain't our path...
- Intelligent you're...
- Not being born on a star...
- My Man, world history is...
- We inside our kiss...
- Politics make us sleep...
- We ain't no sheep...
- Counting bodies deep...
- While sailing a vessel war ship...
- Deeper we must go...
- Not where the wild things grow...
- Sudden storm blow...
- Not a simple show...
- You've my hand...
- Being your masterpiece without end...
- We're not Messiah...
- Neither supermen...
- Being water and fire...
- We do what we can...
- A comet's among stars so high...
- When I stare at you, I never sigh...
- No rush...
- Inside the bush...
- No push....
- Jumping into your back...
- Listening to a marvellous track...
- When we walk...
- We dance inside our small talk...
- Never stink...
- We're filled with ink...
- You know...
- No front row...
- We're what we're...
- Dancing long never far...
- You open people's mind...
- Some are kind...
- There's also your charm...
- No false alarm...
- Even when we're in the farm...
- Stone age we stand...
- Not listening to a band..
- Searching for the magical wand...
- My Man, open the gate...
- Never soon...
- Never late...
- There's sun and moon...
- It ain't noon...
- Coming down...
- I'm wearing the crown...
- How can people understand us?
- Looking at their phones waiting for the bus...
- Millions of living species in planet earth...
- Dying and giving birth...
- Mother nature call...
- We're by The Fall...
- I know that my heart is by you...
- Your soul is me being something else new...
- A bit tired today I am...
- We're not at Greystoke....
- Me Jane, you Tarzan...
- Not a joke....
- Calling you home...
- Never alone...
- You enter inside every single aspect of me...
- There's our bike...
- Where we used to be...
- Turn off the mike...
- Love your hair being spike.
- Once again...
- Kiss me...
- You're my Man...
- We belong to earth, water, fire, air and sea...

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