Monday, September 21, 2020

A short dialogue from my belle Isabel to me.


You tell me this:
- My Man...
- Tell me everything...
- Drive your pen...
- We don't live inside a dream...
- Surrealistic...
- Our marriage without a stick...
- Come on...
- Carry me in your arm...
- Let's have fun...
- Safe from harm...
- You love me...
- I know...
- Honey to be...
- I love you...
- Our inner glow...
- What's new?
- Our world is pure...
- Mature...
- Summer's gone...
- We're alone...
- Just you and me at home...

- TV has a blur in between off and on...
- Use the remote sun...
- I want from you a son...
- Danish flag...
- Portugal's born...
- Quick shag...
- It's foundation castle isn't burn...
- I'm your shadow...
- Mellow...
- Orange dress...
- Don't you dare with it play chess...
- Holy grail?
- What do you say?
- Inside a human nail?
- During the day?
- Let's descend the stairs...
- No bears...
- You're my warrior for truth...
- I'm your inner youth...
- I know Man...
- You write letters the best that you can..
- No jealousy...
- Inside me...
- Atlantean coil...
- Inside paper tin foil...
- I'm Celtic and you know...
- Love pagan snow...
- Our life ain't a show...
- Cooked you boiled fish...
- You cleaned the dish...
- Being Danish is...
- Being Portuguese...
- I'm your belle...
- Blonde hair inside your spell...
- Feeling good...
- There's our mood...
- Lips meet your hips...
- Sugary ice...
- It's real nice...
- In the flat field...
- I'm your woman shield...
- Tell the bastards to watch less TV...
- To stare at you and me...
- Don't you dare...
- I do care...
- There's glass...
- We've class...
- Showered shampooed hair...
- We're everywhere...
- Loved seeing you today at my class...
- Through the looking glass...
- You shouted this to all:
"Love you Isabel, kiss and tell"
- I was really blushing...
- You were there gushing...
- I know that I love you...
- Green is a sort of blue...
- Me and you...
- Forever...
- And ever...
- I know that I'm your masterpiece...
- We always were at ease...
- Rest a bit on my lap...
- Your mind's overloaded without a good nap...
- I'll prepare you Danish cookies and tea for a quick snack...
- Don't be a brat...
- Be with me...

- Bela Lugosi is a bat...
- We always are what we used to be...
- Roaming the sea...
- Need your coat...
- It's our love boat...
- There's a coffee where we used to be...
- I was then being thee...
- Our personalities stand...
- Without any loose end...
- When you sleep...
- I with you trick and treat...
- Listen to your playlist...
- Makes me use my iron fist...
- Our melody...
- Pretty we're...
- Pure energy
- Inside me...
- By far...
- Your father always was a river...
- We do shiver...
- Your mother always was a bridge...
- We use our fridge...
- Your brothers bastards are...
- Not born from a star...
- But you always walk...
- You do talk...
- Never cry...
(This is surely a lie)...
- Boys aren't toys...
- Prodigal son...
- No alarm...
- As a child you were blonde like me...
- Your pics delight a common bee...
- I'll not mention any writers or artists with you...
- What for?
- Nothing new...
- Prefer our shore...

I stare at the beauty of you...
Your ain't blue...
Answer you:
- You are Dane...
- Nothing to blame...
- No game...
- No shame...
- When I touch your hands...
- It's when the magic bends...
- You know love...
- Magic purple ain't...
- We real must it paint...
- You're my queen...
- Inside our inner spleen...
- Strawberry...
- Merry...
- Prepared you bread with jelly...
- I always think on your belly...
- Your silhouette is cool...
- No tool...
- There's being...
- Human thing...
- When we breath in and out...
- The world suddenly silences itself with our shout...

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